NETCFG(8) ========= NAME ---- netcfg - start/stop/control network profiles SYNOPSIS -------- netcfg [_options_] netcfg *profile* DESCRIPTION ----------- *netcfg* is used to configure and manage network connections via profiles. It has pluggable support for a range of connection types, such as wireless, ethernet, ppp. It is also capable of starting/stopping many to one connections, that is, multiple connections within the same profile, optionally with bonding. It may be run at boot, by enabling the '/etc/rc.d/net-profiles' daemon in '/etc/rc.conf' +DAEMONS+ line. After boot time, it may be used to start profiles, simply by passing only the profile name. When run without options, `netcfg profile` is equivalent to `netcfg -u profile`. OPTIONS ------- *-l, list*:: List all available profiles *current*:: Report currently running profiles *-c, check-iface* _profile_:: Start the specified profile, only if it's interface is not currently up. *-u, up* _profile_:: Start the specified profile *-r, reconnect* _profile_:: Disconnect and reconnect the specified profile *-R, iface-recon* _interface_:: Reconnect profile active on specified interface *-d, down* _profile_:: Stop the specified profile *-D, iface-down* _interface_:: Stop the profile up on the specified interface. *-a, all-down*:: Stop all connected profiles *all-suspend*:: Suspend and store the name of all active profiles. *all-resume*:: Reconnect any profiles that have been suspended. *-v, --version*:: Display version information and exit *-h, --help*:: Display help message and exit CONFIGURATION FILES ------------------- '/etc/conf.d/netcfg':: Parameters for startup. '/etc/network.d/':: User-defined profiles. FILES ----- '/usr/lib/network/connections/':: Currently installed network profile types. '/etc/network.d/examples/':: Example profiles. '/usr/share/doc/netcfg/contrib/':: Inspirational scripts. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES --------------------- +NETCFG_DEBUG+:: Set to 1 to activate debug output. SEE ALSO -------- *netcfg-profiles*(5) on how to configure netcfg. include::footer.txt[]