This patch should avoid duplicated target names in the backend.
1. sync_loadtarget will return with PM_ERR_TRANS_DUP_TARGET when trying to
add a duplicated target
2. sysupgrade never pulls duplicated targets
3. resolvedeps won't pull duplicated targets anymore
A pulled list was introduced in sync_prepare to improve the
pmsyncpkg_t<->pmpkg_t list conversion by making it more direct.
Also replace sync1005 and sync1006 by the sync1008 pactest, which is
similar but more interesting (the provisions are dependencies instead of
explicit targets).
sync1005 didn't work as expected anyway. It was expecting that pacman
failed, and pacman indeed failed, but not for the good reason. It didn't
fail during the preparation step because of conflicting targets, but during
the commit step, because of a md5 error...
And sync1006 didn't pass and was not really worth fixing. We have already
enough failing pactests more important than these two.
sync1008 pass with this patch.
Signed-off-by: Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl.u-szeged.hu>
Signed-off-by: Chantry Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com>