///// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 syntax=asciidoc noet: ///// See the Arch Linux website at http://www.archlinux.org[] for more current information on the distribution and the pacman family of tools, and http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards[] for recommendations on packaging standards. Bugs ---- Bugs? You must be kidding, there are no bugs in this software. But if we happen to be wrong, send us an email with as much detail as possible to mailto:pacman-dev@archlinux.org[]. Authors ------- * Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux.org> * Aurelien Foret <aurelien@archlinux.org> * Aaron Griffin <aaron@archlinux.org> * Dan McGee <dan@archlinux.org> See the 'AUTHORS' file for additional contributors.