///// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 syntax=asciidoc noet spell spelllang=en_us: ///// vercmp(8) ========= Name ---- vercmp - version comparsion utility Synopsis -------- 'vercmp' <version1> <version2> Description ----------- 'vercmp' is used to determine the relationship between two given version numbers. It outputs values as follows: * < 0 : if ver1 < ver2 * = 0 : if ver1 == ver2 * > 0 : if ver1 > ver2 Version comparsion operates as follows: Alphanumeric: 1.0a < 1.0alpha < 1.0b < 1.0beta < 1.0p < 1.0pre < 1.0rc < 1.0 Numeric: 1 < 1.0 < 1.1 < 1.1.1 < 1.2 < 2.0 < 3.0.0 Additionally, version strings can have an 'epoch' value defined that will overrule any version comparison (unless the epoch values are equal). This is specified in an `epoch:version-rel` format. For example, `2:1.0-1` is always greater than `1:3.6-1`. Options ------- *-h, \--help*:: Display syntax for the given operation. If no operation was supplied then the general syntax is shown. Examples -------- $ vercmp 1 2 -1 $ vercmp 2 1 1 $ vercmp 2.0-1 1.7-6 1 $ vercmp 2.0 2.0-13 0 $ vercmp 4.34 1:001 -1 Configuration ------------- There is none. See Also -------- linkman:pacman[8], linkman:makepkg[8], linkman:libalpm[3] include::footer.txt[]