#!/bin/bash # # strip.sh - Strip debugging symbols from binary files # # Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Pacman Development Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # [[ -n "$LIBMAKEPKG_TIDY_STRIP_SH" ]] && return LIBMAKEPKG_TIDY_STRIP_SH=1 LIBRARY=${LIBRARY:-'@libmakepkgdir@'} source "$LIBRARY/util/message.sh" source "$LIBRARY/util/option.sh" packaging_options+=('strip' 'debug') tidy_modify+=('tidy_strip') build_id() { LANG=C readelf -n "$1" | sed -n '/Build ID/ { s/.*: //p; q; }' } source_files() { LANG=C readelf "$1" --debug-dump 2>/dev/null | \ awk '/DW_AT_name +:/{name=$NF}/DW_AT_comp_dir +:/{{if (name == "") next}{if (name !~ /^[<\/]/) {printf "%s/", $NF}}{print name}}' } strip_file() { local binary=$1; shift if check_option "debug" "y"; then local bid=$(build_id "$binary") # has this file already been stripped if [[ -n "$bid" ]]; then if [[ -f "$dbgdir/.build-id/${bid:0:2}/${bid:2}.debug" ]]; then return fi elif [[ -f "$dbgdir/$binary.debug" ]]; then return fi # copy source files to debug directory local file dest t while IFS= read -r t; do file=${t/${dbgsrcdir}/"$srcdir"} dest="${dbgsrc/"$dbgsrcdir"/}$t" if ! [[ -f $dest ]]; then mkdir -p "${dest%/*}" cp -- "$file" "$dest" fi done < <(source_files "$binary") # copy debug symbols to debug directory mkdir -p "$dbgdir/${binary%/*}" objcopy --only-keep-debug "$binary" "$dbgdir/$binary.debug" local tempfile=$(mktemp "$binary.XXXXXX") objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink="$dbgdir/${binary#/}.debug" "$binary" "$tempfile" cat "$tempfile" > "$binary" rm "$tempfile" # create any needed hardlinks while IFS= read -rd '' file ; do if [[ "${binary}" -ef "${file}" && ! -f "$dbgdir/${file}.debug" ]]; then mkdir -p "$dbgdir/${file%/*}" ln "$dbgdir/${binary}.debug" "$dbgdir/${file}.debug" fi done < <(find . -type f -perm -u+w -print0 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$bid" ]]; then local target mkdir -p "$dbgdir/.build-id/${bid:0:2}" target="../../../../../${binary#./}" target="${target/..\/..\/usr\/lib\/}" target="${target/..\/usr\/}" ln -s "$target" "$dbgdir/.build-id/${bid:0:2}/${bid:2}" target="../../${binary#./}.debug" ln -s "$target" "$dbgdir/.build-id/${bid:0:2}/${bid:2}.debug" fi fi local tempfile=$(mktemp "$binary.XXXXXX") if strip "$@" "$binary" -o "$tempfile"; then cat "$tempfile" > "$binary" fi rm -f "$tempfile" } strip_lto() { local binary=$1; local tempfile=$(mktemp "$binary.XXXXXX") if strip -R .gnu.lto_* -R .gnu.debuglto_* -N __gnu_lto_v1 "$binary" -o "$tempfile"; then cat "$tempfile" > "$binary" fi rm -f "$tempfile" } tidy_strip() { if check_option "strip" "y"; then msg2 "$(gettext "Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...")" # make sure library stripping variables are defined to prevent excess stripping [[ -z ${STRIP_SHARED+x} ]] && STRIP_SHARED="-S" [[ -z ${STRIP_STATIC+x} ]] && STRIP_STATIC="-S" if check_option "debug" "y"; then dbgdir="$pkgdirbase/$pkgbase-@DEBUGSUFFIX@/usr/lib/debug" dbgsrcdir="${DBGSRCDIR:-/usr/src/debug}" dbgsrc="$pkgdirbase/$pkgbase-@DEBUGSUFFIX@$dbgsrcdir" mkdir -p "$dbgdir" "$dbgsrc" fi local binary strip_flags find . -type f -perm -u+w -print0 2>/dev/null | while IFS= read -rd '' binary ; do local STRIPLTO=0 case "$(LC_ALL=C readelf -h "$binary" 2>/dev/null)" in *Type:*'DYN (Shared object file)'*) # Libraries (.so) or Relocatable binaries strip_flags="$STRIP_SHARED";; *Type:*'EXEC (Executable file)'*) # Binaries strip_flags="$STRIP_BINARIES";; *Type:*'REL (Relocatable file)'*) # Libraries (.a) or objects if ar t "$binary" &>/dev/null; then # Libraries (.a) strip_flags="$STRIP_STATIC" STRIPLTO=1 elif [[ $binary = *'.ko' ]]; then # Kernel module strip_flags="$STRIP_SHARED" else continue fi ;; *) continue ;; esac strip_file "$binary" ${strip_flags} (( STRIPLTO )) && strip_lto "$binary" done fi }