#!/bin/bash # repo-add : add a package to a given repo database file # # Copyright (c) 2006 Aaron Griffin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. FORCE=0 REPO_DB_FILE="" DB_COMPRESSION="gz" #TODO this is gross DB_CHECKSUMS=(md5) TMP_DIR="" if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo "repo-add /path/to/repo.db.tar.gz [--force] [packages-to-add]" exit 1 fi get_checksum () { case "$(echo "$1" | tr A-Z a-z)" in md5) sum=$(md5sum $2); echo ${sum% *} ;; sha1) sum=$(sha1sum $2); echo ${sum% *} ;; sha256) sum=$(sha256sum $2); echo ${sum% *} ;; sha384) sum=$(sha256sum $2); echo ${sum% *} ;; sha512) sum=$(sha256sum $2); echo ${sum% *} ;; esac } checksum_name () { case "$(echo "$1" | tr A-Z a-z)" in md5) echo "MD5SUM" ;; sha1) echo "SHA1SUM" ;; sha256) echo "SHA256SUM" ;; sha384) echo "SHA384SUM" ;; sha512) echo "SHA512SUM" ;; esac } test_repo_db_file () { if [ -f "$REPO_DB_FILE" ]; then [ "$(tar tf "$REPO_DB_FILE" | grep -c "/desc")" -gt 0 ] || return 1 else true fi } db_write_entry() { pkgfile=$(readlink -f $1) export pkgname="" pkgver="" pkgdesc="" url="" builddate="" packager="" csize="" size="" groups="" depends="" backups="" licenses="" _replaces="" _provides="" _conflicts="" OLDIFS="$IFS" #gross... IFS == new line IFS=' ' for i in $(tar xOf "$pkgfile" .PKGINFO | grep -v "^#" |sed 's|\(\w*\)\s*=\s*\(.*\)|\1="\2"|'); do eval "${i}" case "$i" in group=*) groups="$groups $group" ;; depend=*) depends="$depends $depend" ;; backup=*) backups="$backups $backup" ;; license=*) licenses="$licenses $license" ;; replaces=*) _replaces="$_replaces $replaces" ;; provides=*) _provides="$_provides $provides" ;; conflicts=*) _conflicts="$_conflicts $conflicts" ;; esac done IFS=$OLDIFS csize="$(du -b $pkgfile | cut -f1)" cd $gstmpdir if [ -z "$pkgname" -o -z "$pkgver" ]; then echo " error: invalid package file" return 1 fi if [ ! -d "$pkgname-$pkgver" ]; then [ -e "$pkgname-$pkgver" ] && rm -rf "$pkgname-$pkgver" mkdir "$pkgname-$pkgver" cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" else cd "$pkgname-$pkgver" [ -e desc ] && rm desc [ -e depends ] && rm depends fi # desc echo ":: creating 'desc' db entry" echo -e "%FILENAME%\n$1\n" >> desc echo -e "%NAME%\n$pkgname\n" >>desc echo -e "%VERSION%\n$pkgver\n" >>desc if [ -n "$pkgdesc" ]; then echo -e "%DESC%\n$pkgdesc\n" >>desc fi if [ -n "$groups" ]; then echo "%GROUPS%" >>desc echo $groups | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>desc echo "" >desc fi [ -n $csize ] && echo -e "%CSIZE%\n$csize\n" >>desc #TODO SIZE ? USIZE ? [ -n $size ] && echo -e "%USIZE%\n$size\n" >>desc for chk in ${DB_CHECKSUMS[@]}; do name="$(checksum_name $chk)" echo ":: computing $name checksums" if [ -n "$name" ]; then echo -e "%$name%\n$(get_checksum $chk $pkgfile)\n" >>desc fi done [ -n "$url" ] && echo -e "%URL%\n$url\n" >>desc if [ -n "$licenses" ]; then echo "%LICENSE%" >>desc echo $licenses | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>desc echo "" >>desc fi [ -n "$arch" ] && echo -e "%ARCH%\n$arch\n" >>desc [ -n "$builddate" ] && echo -e "%BUILDDATE%\n$builddate\n" >>desc [ -n "$packager" ] && echo -e "%PACKAGER%\n$packager\n" >>desc if [ -n "$_replaces" ]; then echo "%REPLACES%" >>desc echo $_replaces | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>desc echo "" >>desc fi [ "$FORCE" = "1" ] && echo -e "%FORCE%\n" >>desc # depends echo ":: creating 'depends' db entry" if [ -n "$depends" ]; then echo "%DEPENDS%" >>depends echo $depends | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>depends echo "" >>depends fi if [ -n "$_conflicts" ]; then echo "%CONFLICTS%" >>depends echo $_conflicts | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>depends echo "" >>depends fi if [ -n "$_provides" ]; then echo "%PROVIDES%" >>depends echo $_provides | tr -s ' ' '\n' >>depends echo "" >>depends fi # preserve the modification time touch -r "$pkgfile" desc depends } if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then gstmpdir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/gensync.XXXXXXXXXX) || (\ echo "cannot create temp directory for database building"; \ exit 1) success=0 for arg in $@; do if [ "$arg" == "--force" -o "$arg" == "-f" ]; then FORCE=1 elif [ "x$REPO_DB_FILE" == "x" ]; then REPO_DB_FILE="$(readlink -f $arg)" if ! test_repo_db_file; then echo " repository db file '$REPO_DB_FILE' is not a proper pacman db" exit 1 elif [ -f "$REPO_DB_FILE" ]; then echo ":: extracting database to a temporary location" tar xf "$REPO_DB_FILE" -C "$gstmpdir" fi else if [ -f "$arg" ]; then if ! tar xf "$arg" .PKGINFO 2>&1 >/dev/null; then echo "error: '$arg' is not a package file, skipping" else echo ":: adding package '$arg'" this_dir="$(pwd)" if db_write_entry "$arg"; then success=1 fi cd $this_dir fi else echo "error: package '$arg' not found" fi fi done if [ "$success" = "1" ]; then echo ":: creating updated database file ${REPO_DB_FILE}" cd $gstmpdir if [ -n "$(ls)" ]; then [ -f "${REPO_DB_FILE}.old" ] && rm "${REPO_DB_FILE}.old" [ -f "$REPO_DB_FILE" ] && mv "$REPO_DB_FILE" "${REPO_DB_FILE}.old" case "$DB_COMPRESSION" in gz) tar c * | gzip -9 >$REPO_DB_FILE ;; bz2) tar c * | bzip2 -9 >$REPO_DB_FILE ;; *) echo "warning: no compression set" tar c * >$REPO_DB_FILE;; esac fi else echo ":: no packages modified, nothing to do" fi fi [ -d "$gstmpdir" ] && rm -rf $gstmpdir