/* * pacman-conf.c - parse pacman configuration files * * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Pacman Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "conf.h" #include "util.h" const char *myname = "pacman-conf", *myver = "1.0.0"; alpm_list_t *directives = NULL; char sep = '\n', *repo_name = NULL; const char *config_file = NULL; int repo_list = 0, verbose = 0; static void cleanup(void) { alpm_list_free(directives); config_free(config); } static void usage(int ret) { FILE *stream = (ret ? stderr : stdout); fputs(_("pacman-conf - query pacman's configuration file\n"), stream); fputs(_("usage: pacman-conf [options] [...]\n"), stream); fputs(_(" pacman-conf (--repo-list|--help|--version)\n"), stream); fputs(_("options:\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -c, --config= set an alternate configuration file\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -R, --rootdir= set an alternate installation root\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -r, --repo= query options for a specific repo\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -v, --verbose always show directive names\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -l, --repo-list list configured repositories\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -h, --help display this help information\n"), stream); fputs(_(" -V, --version display version information\n"), stream); cleanup(); exit(ret); } static void parse_opts(int argc, char **argv) { int c; config_file = CONFFILE; const char *short_opts = "c:hlR:r:Vv"; struct option long_opts[] = { { "config" , required_argument , NULL , 'c' }, { "rootdir" , required_argument , NULL , 'R' }, { "repo" , required_argument , NULL , 'r' }, { "repo-list" , no_argument , NULL , 'l' }, { "verbose" , no_argument , NULL , 'v' }, { "help" , no_argument , NULL , 'h' }, { "version" , no_argument , NULL , 'V' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts, long_opts, NULL)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'c': config_file = optarg; break; case 'R': if ((config->rootdir = strdup(optarg)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("error setting rootdir '%s': out of memory\n"), optarg); cleanup(); exit(1); } break; case 'l': repo_list = 1; break; case 'r': repo_name = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'h': usage(0); break; case 'V': printf("%s v%s\n", myname, myver); cleanup(); exit(0); break; case '?': default: usage(1); break; } } if(parseconfigfile(config_file) != 0 || setdefaults(config) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("error parsing '%s'\n"), config_file); cleanup(); exit(1); } } static void list_repos(void) { alpm_list_t *r; for(r = config->repos; r; r = r->next) { config_repo_t *repo = r->data; if(!repo_name || strcmp(repo->name, repo_name) == 0) { printf("%s%c", repo->name, sep); } } } static void show_bool(const char *directive, short unsigned int val) { if(val) { printf("%s%c", directive, sep); } } static void show_str(const char *directive, const char *val) { if(!val) { return; } if(verbose) { printf("%s = ", directive); } printf("%s%c", val, sep); } static void show_int(const char *directive, unsigned int val) { if (verbose) { printf("%s = ", directive); } printf("%u%c", val, sep); } static void show_list_str(const char *directive, alpm_list_t *list) { alpm_list_t *i; for(i = list; i; i = i->next) { show_str(directive, i->data); } } static void show_cleanmethod(const char *directive, unsigned int method) { if(method & PM_CLEAN_KEEPINST) { show_str(directive, "KeepInstalled"); } if(method & PM_CLEAN_KEEPCUR) { show_str(directive, "KeepCurrent"); } } static void show_siglevel(const char *directive, alpm_siglevel_t level, int pkgonly) { if(level == ALPM_SIG_USE_DEFAULT) { return; } if(level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE) { if(level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE_OPTIONAL) { show_str(directive, "PackageOptional"); } else { show_str(directive, "PackageRequired"); } if(level & ALPM_SIG_PACKAGE_UNKNOWN_OK) { show_str(directive, "PackageTrustAll"); } else { show_str(directive, "PackageTrustedOnly"); } } else { show_str(directive, "PackageNever"); } if(pkgonly) { return; } if(level & ALPM_SIG_DATABASE) { if(level & ALPM_SIG_DATABASE_OPTIONAL) { show_str(directive, "DatabaseOptional"); } else { show_str(directive, "DatabaseRequired"); } if(level & ALPM_SIG_DATABASE_UNKNOWN_OK) { show_str(directive, "DatabaseTrustAll"); } else { show_str(directive, "DatabaseTrustedOnly"); } } else { show_str(directive, "DatabaseNever"); } } static void show_usage(const char *directive, int usage) { if(usage == ALPM_DB_USAGE_ALL) { show_str(directive, "All"); } else { if(usage & ALPM_DB_USAGE_SYNC) { show_str(directive, "Sync"); } if(usage & ALPM_DB_USAGE_SEARCH) { show_str(directive, "Search"); } if(usage & ALPM_DB_USAGE_INSTALL) { show_str(directive, "Install"); } if(usage & ALPM_DB_USAGE_UPGRADE) { show_str(directive, "Upgrade"); } } } static void dump_repo(config_repo_t *repo) { show_usage("Usage", repo->usage); show_siglevel("SigLevel", repo->siglevel, 0); show_list_str("Server", repo->servers); } static void dump_config(void) { alpm_list_t *i; printf("[options]%c", sep); show_str("RootDir", config->rootdir); show_str("DBPath", config->dbpath); show_list_str("CacheDir", config->cachedirs); show_list_str("HookDir", config->hookdirs); show_str("GPGDir", config->gpgdir); show_str("LogFile", config->logfile); show_list_str("HoldPkg", config->holdpkg); show_list_str("IgnorePkg", config->ignorepkg); show_list_str("IgnoreGroup", config->ignoregrp); show_list_str("NoUpgrade", config->noupgrade); show_list_str("NoExtract", config->noextract); show_str("Architecture", config->arch); show_str("XferCommand", config->xfercommand); show_bool("UseSyslog", config->usesyslog); show_bool("Color", config->color); show_bool("TotalDownload", config->totaldownload); show_bool("CheckSpace", config->checkspace); show_bool("VerbosePkgLists", config->verbosepkglists); show_bool("DisableDownloadTimeout", config->disable_dl_timeout); show_bool("ILoveCandy", config->chomp); show_bool("NoProgressBar", config->noprogressbar); show_int("ParallelDownloads", config->parallel_downloads); show_cleanmethod("CleanMethod", config->cleanmethod); show_siglevel("SigLevel", config->siglevel, 0); show_siglevel("LocalFileSigLevel", config->localfilesiglevel, 1); show_siglevel("RemoteFileSigLevel", config->remotefilesiglevel, 1); for(i = config->repos; i; i = i->next) { config_repo_t *repo = i->data; printf("[%s]%c", repo->name, sep); dump_repo(repo); } } static int list_repo_directives(void) { int ret = 0; alpm_list_t *i; config_repo_t *repo = NULL; for(i = config->repos; i; i = i->next) { if(strcmp(repo_name, ((config_repo_t*) i->data)->name) == 0) { repo = i->data; break; } } if(!repo) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: repo '%s' not configured\n"), repo_name); return 1; } if(!directives) { dump_repo(repo); return 0; } for(i = directives; i; i = i->next) { if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Server") == 0) { show_list_str("Server", repo->servers); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "SigLevel") == 0) { show_siglevel("SigLevel", repo->siglevel, 0); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Usage") == 0) { show_usage("Usage", repo->usage); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Include") == 0) { fprintf(stderr,_("warning: '%s' directives cannot be queried\n"), "Include"); ret = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, _("warning: unknown directive '%s'\n"), (char*) i->data); ret = 1; } } return ret; } static int list_directives(void) { int ret = 0; alpm_list_t *i; if(!directives) { dump_config(); return 0; } for(i = directives; i; i = i->next) { if(strcasecmp(i->data, "RootDir") == 0) { show_str("RootDir", config->rootdir); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "DBPath") == 0) { show_str("DBPath", config->dbpath); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "CacheDir") == 0) { show_list_str("CacheDir", config->cachedirs); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "HookDir") == 0) { show_list_str("HookDir", config->hookdirs); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "GPGDir") == 0) { show_str("GPGDir", config->gpgdir); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "LogFile") == 0) { show_str("LogFile", config->logfile); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "HoldPkg") == 0) { show_list_str("HoldPkg", config->holdpkg); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "IgnorePkg") == 0) { show_list_str("IgnorePkg", config->ignorepkg); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "IgnoreGroup") == 0) { show_list_str("IgnoreGroup", config->ignoregrp); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "NoUpgrade") == 0) { show_list_str("NoUpgrade", config->noupgrade); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "NoExtract") == 0) { show_list_str("NoExtract", config->noextract); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Architecture") == 0) { show_str("Architecture", config->arch); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "XferCommand") == 0) { show_str("XferCommand", config->xfercommand); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "UseSyslog") == 0) { show_bool("UseSyslog", config->usesyslog); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Color") == 0) { show_bool("Color", config->color); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "TotalDownload") == 0) { show_bool("TotalDownload", config->totaldownload); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "CheckSpace") == 0) { show_bool("CheckSpace", config->checkspace); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "VerbosePkgLists") == 0) { show_bool("VerbosePkgLists", config->verbosepkglists); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "DisableDownloadTimeout") == 0) { show_bool("DisableDownloadTimeout", config->disable_dl_timeout); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "ILoveCandy") == 0) { show_bool("ILoveCandy", config->chomp); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "NoProgressBar") == 0) { show_bool("NoProgressBar", config->noprogressbar); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "ParallelDownloads") == 0) { show_int("ParallelDownloads", config->parallel_downloads); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "CleanMethod") == 0) { show_cleanmethod("CleanMethod", config->cleanmethod); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "SigLevel") == 0) { show_siglevel("SigLevel", config->siglevel, 0); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "LocalFileSigLevel") == 0) { show_siglevel("LocalFileSigLevel", config->localfilesiglevel, 1); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "RemoteFileSigLevel") == 0) { show_siglevel("RemoteFileSigLevel", config->remotefilesiglevel, 1); } else if(strcasecmp(i->data, "Include") == 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("warning: '%s' directives cannot be queried\n"), "Include"); ret = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, _("warning: unknown directive '%s'\n"), (char*) i->data); ret = 1; } } return ret; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret = 0; if(!(config = config_new())) { /* config_new prints the appropriate error message */ return 1; } parse_opts(argc, argv); if(!config) { ret = 1; goto cleanup; } /* i18n init */ #if defined(ENABLE_NLS) bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); #endif for(; optind < argc; optind++) { directives = alpm_list_add(directives, argv[optind]); } if(alpm_list_count(directives) != 1) { verbose = 1; } if(repo_list) { if(directives) { fprintf(stderr, _("error: directives may not be specified with %s\n"), "--repo-list"); ret = 1; goto cleanup; } list_repos(); } else if(repo_name) { ret = list_repo_directives(); } else { ret = list_directives(); } cleanup: cleanup(); return ret; } /* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 noet: */