#!/usr/bin/perl -T use warnings; use strict; use v5.10; use autodie; use Data::Dumper; use File::Slurp; use List::Util qw(reduce); use POSIX; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time); use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored); =head1 NAME qos.pl - Show some network QoS statistics =head1 SYNOPSIS qos.pl [interval [history_size]] Options: interval: Set the sampling interval in seconds history_size: Set the number of samples to produce averages with =head1 DESCRIPTION Use with hfsc_shaper.sh. This programm will output QoS metrics. If an interval is set, it will output the metrics roughly once per interval. If a history size N is set, it will display the average traffic per second using N samples. The output can be adjusted in the source code of this script. =cut my $device = "extern0"; my %classes = ( "1:2" => "interactive", "1:3" => "voip", "1:4" => "browsing", "1:5" => "default", "1:6" => "mid-low", "1:7" => "low/data", ); my %bandwidth = ( "up" => 5500, "down" => 97280, ); $bandwidth{"1:2"} = 6*$bandwidth{up}/10; $bandwidth{"1:3"} = 5*$bandwidth{up}/10; $bandwidth{"1:4"} = 1*$bandwidth{up}/10; $bandwidth{"1:5"} = 1*$bandwidth{up}/10; $bandwidth{"1:6"} = 1*$bandwidth{up}/10; $bandwidth{"1:7"} = 1*$bandwidth{up}/20; my %bwthresh = ( warn => 60, crit => 80, ); my %bwcolors = ( ok => "green", warn => "rgb531", crit => "red", ); my $colored_rates = 1; my $show_debug_info = 0; my @display_rows = ( [qw(time space interface-name)], #[qw(1:2 1:5 space total-up-tc)], #[qw(1:3 1:6 space total-up)], #[qw(1:4 1:7 space total-down)], [qw(1:2 1:5)], [qw(1:3 1:6)], [qw(1:4 1:7)], [], [qw(total-up-tc total-up total-down)], ); sub untaint { my $data = shift; my $regex = shift; $data =~ m/^($regex)$/ or die "Failed to untaint: $data"; return $1; } sub format_bytes { my $bytes = shift; my $is_rate = shift; my $boundry = 2048; my $format; my $unit; my @suffix = qw(B KiB MiB GiB TiB); for (@suffix) { $unit = $_; last if (abs($bytes) < $boundry); $bytes /= 1024; } if ($unit eq "B") { $format = "%.0f"; } else { $format = "%.2f"; } if ($is_rate) { return sprintf $format." %-5s", $bytes, $unit."/s"; } else { return sprintf $format." %-3s", $bytes, $unit; } } sub format_rate_color { my $bytes = shift; my $direction = shift; my $format; my $relrate = 0; my $color = $bwcolors{ok}; my $formatted_bytes = format_bytes($bytes, 1); if ($colored_rates) { $relrate = $bytes/128 * 100.00 / $bandwidth{$direction}; if ($relrate >= $bwthresh{crit}) { $color = $bwcolors{crit}; } elsif ($relrate >= $bwthresh{warn}) { $color = $bwcolors{warn}; } else { $color = $bwcolors{ok}; } } return colored( sprintf("%13s", $formatted_bytes), $color); } sub parse_tc_output { my $output = shift; my $timestamp = shift; my $history_values = shift; my $history_size_limit = shift; my $class = undef; my %results = (); for (split /^/, $output) { if (m/^class [a-z]+ (?[^ ]+)/) { $class = $+{class}; } if ($class && defined($classes{$class})) { if (m/ Sent (?[0-9]+) bytes/) { $results{$class} = $+{sent}; if ($history_size_limit > 0) { # keep history of previous values if (!defined($history_values->{$class})) { $history_values->{$class} = []; push @{$history_values->{$class}}, { value => $+{sent}, value_diff => 0, time_diff => 0, time => $timestamp, }; } else { my $last_time = $history_values->{$class}[-1]{time}; my $last_value = $history_values->{$class}[-1]{value}; push @{$history_values->{$class}}, { value => $+{sent}, value_diff => $+{sent} - $last_value, time_diff => $timestamp - $last_time, time => $timestamp, }; } # limit history size if (0+@{$history_values->{$class}} > $history_size_limit) { splice @{$history_values->{$class}}, 0, 1; } } } } if (m/^$/) { $class = undef; } } return \%results; } sub get_interface_speed { my $interface = shift; my $history_size_limit = shift; state $speed_history = {}; my $tx_bytes = read_file("/sys/class/net/$interface/statistics/tx_bytes"); my $rx_bytes = read_file("/sys/class/net/$interface/statistics/rx_bytes"); my $timestamp = time; if (!defined($speed_history->{$interface})) { $speed_history->{$interface} = []; push @{$speed_history->{$interface}}, { rx_value => $rx_bytes, tx_value => $tx_bytes, rx_diff => 0, tx_diff => 0, time => $timestamp, time_diff => 0, }; } else { my $last_time = $speed_history->{$interface}[-1]{time}; my $last_rx = $speed_history->{$interface}[-1]{rx_value}; my $last_tx = $speed_history->{$interface}[-1]{tx_value}; push @{$speed_history->{$interface}}, { rx_value => $rx_bytes, tx_value => $tx_bytes, rx_diff => $rx_bytes - $last_rx, tx_diff => $tx_bytes - $last_tx, time => $timestamp, time_diff => $timestamp - $last_time, }; } # limit history size if (0+@{$speed_history->{$interface}} > $history_size_limit) { splice @{$speed_history->{$interface}}, 0, 1; } my $total_time = reduce {$a + $b->{time_diff}} 0, @{$speed_history->{$interface}}; my $total_rx = reduce {$a + $b->{rx_diff}} 0, @{$speed_history->{$interface}}; my $total_tx = reduce {$a + $b->{tx_diff}} 0, @{$speed_history->{$interface}}; my $rx_speed = 0; my $tx_speed = 0; $rx_speed = $total_rx/$total_time if $total_time != 0; $tx_speed = $total_tx/$total_time if $total_time != 0; return ($rx_speed, $tx_speed); } sub print_output_table { my $results = shift; my $history_values = shift; my $history_size_limit = shift; my $starttime = shift; my $after_tc = shift; my $interval = shift; my $first_run = shift; my $output_buffer = ""; my $global_speed = 0; my ($rx_speed, $tx_speed); if ($history_size_limit > 0) { ($rx_speed, $tx_speed) = get_interface_speed($device, $history_size_limit); } for my $class_id (keys %classes) { if ($history_values->{$class_id}) { my $total_time = reduce {$a + $b->{time_diff}} 0, @{$history_values->{$class_id}}; my $total_value = reduce {$a + $b->{value_diff}} 0, @{$history_values->{$class_id}}; my $speed = 0; $speed = $total_value / $total_time if $total_time != 0; $global_speed += $speed; } } for my $row (@display_rows) { for my $col (@{$row}) { if ($col =~ /^total-.*/) { if ($history_size_limit > 0) { if ($col eq "total-up") { $output_buffer .= sprintf "%s up (tc)", format_rate_color($global_speed, "up"); } elsif ($col eq "total-up-tc") { $output_buffer .= sprintf "%s up (interface)", format_rate_color($tx_speed, "up"); } elsif ($col eq "total-down") { $output_buffer .= sprintf "%s down (interface)", format_rate_color($rx_speed, "down"); } } } elsif ($col eq "space") { $output_buffer .= " "x4; } elsif ($col eq "spaaaaaace") { if ($interval) { $output_buffer .= " "x81; } else { $output_buffer .= " "x14; } } elsif ($col eq "interface-name") { $output_buffer .= $device; } elsif ($col eq "time") { $output_buffer .= POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ", localtime); } else { my $class_id = $col; if (defined($results->{$class_id})) { $output_buffer .= sprintf "%14s (%s): %11s", $classes{$class_id}, $class_id, format_bytes($results->{$class_id}); if ($history_values->{$class_id}) { my $total_time = reduce {$a + $b->{time_diff}} 0, @{$history_values->{$class_id}}; my $total_value = reduce {$a + $b->{value_diff}} 0, @{$history_values->{$class_id}}; my $speed = 0; $speed = $total_value / $total_time if $total_time != 0; $output_buffer .= sprintf " %s", format_rate_color($speed, $class_id); } } } } $output_buffer .= "\n"; } my $runtime = time - $starttime; my $runtime_tc = $after_tc - $starttime; printf "WARNING: processing took %0.4fs, skipping sleep. Consider raising interval!\n", $runtime if $runtime > $interval and $interval > 0; $output_buffer = sprintf "Runtime for this iteration: %0.4fs (tc: %0.4fs = %0.2f%%)\n%s", $runtime, $runtime_tc, $runtime_tc / $runtime * 100, $output_buffer if $show_debug_info; if (!$first_run) { my $newline_count = (split /^/, $output_buffer); # move cursor to start of previous table and clear screen printf "[%dF", $newline_count; } print $output_buffer; } sub main { my $interval = 0; my %history_values = (); my $history_size_limit = 0; my $first_run = 1; if (0+@ARGV >= 1) { $interval = $ARGV[0]; } if (0+@ARGV >= 2) { $history_size_limit = $ARGV[1]; } $ENV{PATH} = untaint($ENV{PATH}, qr(.*)); while (1) { my $starttime = time; my $stats = `tc -s class show dev $device`; my $after_tc = time; my $results = parse_tc_output($stats, $after_tc, \%history_values, $history_size_limit); print_output_table($results, \%history_values, $history_size_limit, $starttime, $after_tc, $interval, $first_run); $first_run = 0; last unless $interval > 0; my $runtime = time - $starttime; sleep($interval - $runtime) unless $runtime > $interval; } } main();