AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-08-17onlyexclude .old db filesPierre Schmitz1-1/+1
2010-08-17add [staging] repositoryPierre Schmitz2-6/+9
2010-06-25--partial does not work as expectedPierre Schmitz1-3/+2
2010-06-25make sync more atomicPierre Schmitz1-10/+7
2010-06-22don't run in parallel to reduce cpu/io loadPierre Schmitz1-3/+0
2010-04-14remove lock when script exitsFlorian Pritz1-2/+1
2010-04-12Optimize md5sums.txt creationPierre Schmitz1-15/+35
2010-04-11add a simple and slow integrity checkPierre Schmitz1-0/+33
2010-04-10be a little more verbosePierre Schmitz1-0/+1
2010-04-10initial commitPierre Schmitz5-0/+179