path: root/lib/Smokeping/probes/
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diff --git a/lib/Smokeping/probes/ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
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index 0000000..fca2a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Smokeping/probes/
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+package Smokeping::probes::FPing;
+=head1 301 Moved Permanently
+This is a Smokeping probe module. Please use the command
+C<smokeping -man Smokeping::probes::FPing>
+to view the documentation or the command
+C<smokeping -makepod Smokeping::probes::FPing>
+to generate the POD document.
+use strict;
+use base qw(Smokeping::probes::base);
+use IPC::Open3;
+use Symbol;
+use Carp;
+sub pod_hash {
+ return {
+ name => <<DOC,
+Smokeping::probes::FPing - FPing Probe for SmokePing
+ description => <<DOC,
+Integrates FPing as a probe into smokeping. The variable B<binary> must
+point to your copy of the FPing program. If it is not installed on
+your system yet, you can get it from
+The (optional) B<packetsize> option lets you configure the packetsize for the pings sent.
+The FPing manpage has the following to say on this topic:
+Number of bytes of ping data to send. The minimum size (normally 12) allows
+room for the data that fping needs to do its work (sequence number,
+timestamp). The reported received data size includes the IP header
+(normally 20 bytes) and ICMP header (8 bytes), so the minimum total size is
+40 bytes. Default is 56, as in ping. Maximum is the theoretical maximum IP
+datagram size (64K), though most systems limit this to a smaller,
+system-dependent number.
+ authors => <<'DOC',
+Tobias Oetiker <>
+ }
+sub new($$$)
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
+ # no need for this if we run as a cgi
+ unless ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) {
+ my $binary = join(" ", $self->binary);
+ my $testhost = $self->testhost;
+ my $return = `$binary -C 1 $testhost 2>&1`;
+ croak "ERROR: fping ('$binary -C 1 $testhost') could not be run: $return"
+ if $return =~ m/not found/;
+ croak "ERROR: FPing must be installed setuid root or it will not work\n"
+ if $return =~ m/only.+root/;
+ if ($return =~ m/bytes, ([0-9.]+)\sms\s+.*\n.*\n.*:\s+([0-9.]+)/ and $1 > 0){
+ $self->{pingfactor} = 1000 * $2/$1;
+ print "### fping seems to report in ", $1/$2, " milliseconds\n";
+ } else {
+ $self->{pingfactor} = 1000; # Gives us a good-guess default
+ print "### assuming you are using an fping copy reporting in milliseconds\n";
+ }
+ };
+ return $self;
+sub ProbeDesc($){
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bytes = $self->{properties}{packetsize}||56;
+ return "ICMP Echo Pings ($bytes Bytes)";
+# derived class (ie. RemoteFPing) can override this
+sub binary {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{properties}{binary};
+# derived class (ie. FPing6) can override this
+sub testhost {
+ return "localhost";
+sub ping ($){
+ my $self = shift;
+ # do NOT call superclass ... the ping method MUST be overwriten
+ my %upd;
+ my $inh = gensym;
+ my $outh = gensym;
+ my $errh = gensym;
+ # pinging nothing is pointless
+ return unless @{$self->addresses};
+ my @bytes = () ;
+ push @bytes, "-b$self->{properties}{packetsize}" if $self->{properties}{packetsize};
+ my @timeout = ();
+ push @timeout, "-t" . int(1000 * $self->{properties}{timeout}) if $self->{properties}{timeout};
+ my @cmd = (
+ $self->binary, @bytes,
+ '-C', $self->pings, '-q','-B1','-r1',
+ '-i' . $self->{properties}{mindelay},
+ @timeout,
+ @{$self->addresses});
+ $self->do_debug("Executing @cmd");
+ my $pid = open3($inh,$outh,$errh, @cmd);
+ $self->{rtts}={};
+ while (<$errh>){
+ chomp;
+ next unless /^\S+\s+:\s+[\d\.]/; #filter out error messages from fping
+ my @times = split /\s+/;
+ my $ip = shift @times;
+ next unless ':' eq shift @times; #drop the colon
+ @times = map {sprintf "%.10e", $_ / $self->{pingfactor}} sort {$a <=> $b} grep /^\d/, @times;
+ map { $self->{rtts}{$_} = [@times] } @{$self->{addrlookup}{$ip}} ;
+ }
+ waitpid $pid,0;
+ close $inh;
+ close $outh;
+ close $errh;
+sub probevars {
+ my $class = shift;
+ return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::probevars, {
+ _mandatory => [ 'binary' ],
+ binary => {
+ _sub => sub {
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ return "ERROR: FPing 'binary' does not point to an executable"
+ unless -f $val and -x _;
+ return undef;
+ },
+ _doc => "The location of your fping binary.",
+ _example => '/usr/bin/fping',
+ },
+ packetsize => {
+ _re => '\d+',
+ _example => 5000,
+ _sub => sub {
+ my ($val) = @_;
+ return "ERROR: FPing packetsize must be between 12 and 64000"
+ if ( $val < 12 or $val > 64000 );
+ return undef;
+ },
+ _doc => "The ping packet size (in the range of 12-64000 bytes).",
+ },
+ timeout => {
+ _re => '(\d*\.)?\d+',
+ _example => 1.5,
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The fping "-t" parameter, but in (possibly fractional) seconds rather than
+milliseconds, for consistency with other Smokeping probes. From fping(1):
+Initial target timeout. In the default mode, this is the amount of time that
+ping waits for a response to its first request. Successive timeouts are multiplied by the backoff factor.
+ },
+ mindelay => {
+ _re => '(\d*\.)?\d+',
+ _example => 1,
+ _default => 10,
+ _doc => <<DOC,
+The fping "-i" parameter. From fping(1):
+The minimum amount of time (in milliseconds) between sending a ping packet to any target.
+ },
+ });