path: root/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver')
6 files changed, 1000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..413be99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::DBI;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use Carp;
+use CGI::Session::Driver;
+@CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::ISA = ( "CGI::Session::Driver" );
+$CGI::Session::Driver::DBI::VERSION = "4.20";
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( defined $self->{Handle} ) {
+ if (ref $self->{Handle} eq 'CODE') {
+ $self->{Handle} = $self->{Handle}->();
+ }
+ else {
+ # We assume the handle is working, and there is nothing to do.
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->{Handle} = DBI->connect(
+ $self->{DataSource}, $self->{User}, $self->{Password},
+ { RaiseError=>1, PrintError=>1, AutoCommit=>1 }
+ );
+ unless ( $self->{Handle} ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "init(): couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr );
+ }
+ $self->{_disconnect} = 1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# A setter/accessor method for the table name, defaulting to 'sessions'
+sub table_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref( $self ) || $self;
+ if ( (@_ == 0) && ref($self) && ($self->{TableName}) ) {
+ return $self->{TableName};
+ }
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if ( @_ ) {
+ my $new_name = shift;
+ $self->{TableName} = $new_name;
+ ${ $class . "::TABLE_NAME" } = $new_name;
+ }
+ unless (defined $self->{TableName}) {
+ $self->{TableName} = "sessions";
+ }
+ return $self->{TableName};
+sub retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ croak "retrieve(): usage error" unless $sid;
+ my $dbh = $self->{Handle};
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT a_session FROM " . $self->table_name . " WHERE id=?", undef, 3);
+ unless ( $sth ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): DBI->prepare failed with error message " . $dbh->errstr );
+ }
+ $sth->execute( $sid ) or return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): \$sth->execute failed with error message " . $sth->errstr);
+ my ($row) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
+ return 0 unless $row;
+ return $row;
+sub store {
+# die;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ croak "store(): usage error" unless $sid && $datastr;
+ my $dbh = $self->{Handle};
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT id FROM " . $self->table_name . " WHERE id=?", undef, 3);
+ unless ( defined $sth ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "store(): \$dbh->prepare failed with message " . $sth->errstr );
+ }
+ $sth->execute( $sid ) or return $self->set_error( "store(): \$sth->execute failed with message " . $sth->errstr );
+ my $action_sth;
+ if ( $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ $action_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("UPDATE " . $self->table_name . " SET a_session=? WHERE id=?", undef, 3);
+ } else {
+ $action_sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT INTO " . $self->table_name . " (a_session, id) VALUES(?, ?)", undef, 3);
+ }
+ unless ( defined $action_sth ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "store(): \$dbh->prepare failed with message " . $dbh->errstr );
+ }
+ $action_sth->execute($datastr, $sid)
+ or return $self->set_error( "store(): \$action_sth->execute failed " . $action_sth->errstr );
+ return 1;
+sub remove {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ croak "remove(): usage error" unless $sid;
+ my $rc = $self->{Handle}->do( 'DELETE FROM '. $self->table_name .' WHERE id= ?',{},$sid );
+ unless ( $rc ) {
+ croak "remove(): \$dbh->do failed!";
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{Handle}->{AutoCommit} ) {
+ $self->{Handle}->commit;
+ }
+ if ( $self->{_disconnect} ) {
+ $self->{Handle}->disconnect;
+ }
+sub traverse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($coderef) = @_;
+ unless ( $coderef && ref( $coderef ) && (ref $coderef eq 'CODE') ) {
+ croak "traverse(): usage error";
+ }
+ my $tablename = $self->table_name();
+ my $sth = $self->{Handle}->prepare_cached("SELECT id FROM $tablename", undef, 3)
+ or return $self->set_error("traverse(): couldn't prepare SQL statement. " . $self->{Handle}->errstr);
+ $sth->execute() or return $self->set_error("traverse(): couldn't execute statement $sth->{Statement}. " . $sth->errstr);
+ while ( my ($sid) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ $coderef->($sid);
+ }
+ return 1;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::DBI - Base class for native DBI-related CGI::Session drivers
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ require CGI::Session::Driver::DBI;
+ @ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI );
+In most cases you can create a new DBI-driven CGI::Session driver by simply creating an empty driver file that inherits from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI. That's exactly what L<sqlite|CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite> does. The only reason why this class doesn't suit for a valid driver is its name isn't in lowercase. I'm serious!
+=head2 NOTES
+CGI::Session::Driver::DBI defines init() method, which makes DBI handle available for drivers in I<Handle> - object attribute regardless of what C<\%dsn_args> were used in creating session object. Should your driver require non-standard initialization you have to re-define init() method in your F<.pm> file, but make sure to set 'Handle' - object attribute to database handle (returned by DBI->connect(...)) if you wish to inherit any of the methods from CGI::Session::Driver::DBI.
+=head1 STORAGE
+Before you can use any DBI-based session drivers you need to make sure compatible database table is created for CGI::Session to work with. Following command will produce minimal requirements in most SQL databases:
+ CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ a_session TEXT NOT NULL
+ );
+Your session table can define additional columns, but the above two are required. Name of the session table is expected to be I<sessions> by default. You may use a different name if you wish. To do this you have to pass I<TableName> as part of your C< \%dsn_args >:
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", undef, {TableName=>'my_sessions'});
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:mysql", undef, {
+ TableName=>'my_sessions',
+ DataSource=>'dbi:mysql:shopping_cart'});
+Following driver arguments are supported:
+=over 4
+=item DataSource
+First argument to be passed to L<DBI|DBI>->L<connect()|DBI/connect()>. If the driver makes
+the database connection itself, it will also explicitly disconnect from the database when
+the driver object is DESTROYed.
+=item User
+User privileged to connect to the database defined in C<DataSource>.
+=item Password
+Password of the I<User> privileged to connect to the database defined in C<DataSource>
+=item Handle
+An existing L<DBI> database handle object. The handle can be created on demand
+by providing a code reference as a argument, such as C<<sub{DBI->connect}>>.
+This way, the database connection is only created if it actually needed. This can be useful
+when combined with a framework plugin like L<CGI::Application::Plugin::Session>, which creates
+a CGI::Session object on demand as well.
+C<Handle> will override all the above arguments, if any present.
+=item TableName
+Name of the table session data will be stored in.
+For support and licensing information see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edfe8d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::db_file;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use DB_File;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Basename;
+use CGI::Session::Driver;
+use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock );
+use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $FILE_NAME $UMask $NO_FOLLOW );
+@ISA = ( "CGI::Session::Driver" );
+$VERSION = "4.20";
+$FILE_NAME = "cgisess.db";
+$UMask = 0660;
+$NO_FOLLOW = eval { O_NOFOLLOW } || 0;
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{FileName} ||= $CGI::Session::Driver::db_file::FILE_NAME;
+ unless ( $self->{Directory} ) {
+ $self->{Directory} = dirname( $self->{FileName} );
+ $self->{Directory} = File::Spec->tmpdir() if $self->{Directory} eq '.' && substr($self->{FileName},0,1) ne '.';
+ $self->{FileName} = basename( $self->{FileName} );
+ }
+ unless ( -d $self->{Directory} ) {
+ require File::Path;
+ File::Path::mkpath($self->{Directory}) or return $self->set_error("init(): couldn't mkpath: $!");
+ }
+ $self->{UMask} = $CGI::Session::Driver::db_file::UMask unless exists $self->{UMask};
+ return 1;
+sub retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ croak "retrieve(): usage error" unless $sid;
+ return 0 unless -f $self->_db_file;
+ my ($dbhash, $unlock) = $self->_tie_db_file(O_RDONLY) or return;
+ my $datastr = $dbhash->{$sid};
+ untie(%$dbhash);
+ $unlock->();
+ return $datastr || 0;
+sub store {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ croak "store(): usage error" unless $sid && $datastr;
+ my ($dbhash, $unlock) = $self->_tie_db_file(O_RDWR, LOCK_EX) or return;
+ $dbhash->{$sid} = $datastr;
+ untie(%$dbhash);
+ $unlock->();
+ return 1;
+sub remove {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ croak "remove(): usage error" unless $sid;
+ my ($dbhash, $unlock) = $self->_tie_db_file(O_RDWR, LOCK_EX) or return;
+ delete $dbhash->{$sid};
+ untie(%$dbhash);
+ $unlock->();
+ return 1;
+sub DESTROY {}
+sub _lock {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($db_file, $lock_type) = @_;
+ croak "_lock(): usage error" unless $db_file;
+ $lock_type ||= LOCK_SH;
+ my $lock_file = $db_file . '.lck';
+ if ( -l $lock_file ) {
+ unlink($lock_file) or
+ die $self->set_error("_lock(): '$lock_file' appears to be a symlink and I can't remove it: $!");
+ }
+ sysopen(LOCKFH, $lock_file, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|$NO_FOLLOW) or die "couldn't create lock file '$lock_file': $!";
+ flock(LOCKFH, $lock_type) or die "couldn't lock '$lock_file': $!";
+ return sub {
+ close(LOCKFH); # && unlink($lock_file); # keep the lock file around
+ 1;
+ };
+sub _tie_db_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($o_mode, $lock_type) = @_;
+ $o_mode ||= O_RDWR|O_CREAT;
+ # DB_File will not touch a file unless it recognizes the format
+ # we can't detect the version of the underlying database without some very heavy checks so the easiest thing is
+ # to disable this for opening of the database
+ # # protect against symlinks
+ # $o_mode |= $NO_FOLLOW;
+ my $db_file = $self->_db_file;
+ my $unlock = $self->_lock($db_file, $lock_type);
+ my %db;
+ my $create = ! -e $db_file;
+ if ( -l $db_file ) {
+ $create = 1;
+ unlink($db_file) or
+ return $self->set_error("_tie_db_file(): '$db_file' appears to be a symlink and I can't remove it: $!");
+ }
+ $o_mode = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL if $create;
+ unless( tie %db, "DB_File", $db_file, $o_mode, $self->{UMask} ){
+ $unlock->();
+ return $self->set_error("_tie_db_file(): couldn't tie '$db_file': $!");
+ }
+ return (\%db, $unlock);
+sub _db_file {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return File::Spec->catfile( $self->{Directory}, $self->{FileName} );
+sub traverse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($coderef) = @_;
+ unless ( $coderef && ref($coderef) && (ref $coderef eq 'CODE') ) {
+ croak "traverse(): usage error";
+ }
+ my ($dbhash, $unlock) = $self->_tie_db_file(O_RDWR, LOCK_SH);
+ unless ( $dbhash ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "traverse(): couldn't get db handle, " . $self->errstr );
+ }
+ while ( my ($sid, undef) = each %$dbhash ) {
+ $coderef->( $sid );
+ }
+ untie(%$dbhash);
+ $unlock->();
+ return 1;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::db_file - CGI::Session driver for BerkeleyDB using DB_File
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:db_file", $sid);
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:db_file", $sid, {FileName=>'/tmp/cgisessions.db'});
+B<db_file> stores session data in BerkelyDB file using L<DB_File|DB_File> - Perl module. All sessions will be stored
+in a single file, specified in I<FileName> driver argument as in the above example. If I<FileName> isn't given,
+defaults to F</tmp/cgisess.db>, or its equivalent on a non-UNIX system.
+If the directory hierarchy leading to the file does not exist, will be created for you.
+This module takes a B<UMask> option which will be used if DB_File has to create the database file for you. By default
+the umask is 0660.
+For support and licensing information see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f25dfea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::file;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use File::Spec;
+use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock :mode );
+use CGI::Session::Driver;
+use vars qw( $FileName $NoFlock $UMask $NO_FOLLOW );
+ # keep historical behavior
+ no strict 'refs';
+ *FileName = \$CGI::Session::File::FileName;
+@CGI::Session::Driver::file::ISA = ( "CGI::Session::Driver" );
+$CGI::Session::Driver::file::VERSION = "4.20";
+$FileName = "cgisess_%s";
+$NoFlock = 0;
+$UMask = 0660;
+$NO_FOLLOW = eval { O_NOFOLLOW } || 0;
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{Directory} ||= File::Spec->tmpdir();
+ unless ( -d $self->{Directory} ) {
+ require File::Path;
+ unless ( File::Path::mkpath($self->{Directory}) ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "init(): couldn't create directory path: $!" );
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{NoFlock} = $NoFlock unless exists $self->{NoFlock};
+ $self->{UMask} = $UMask unless exists $self->{UMask};
+ return 1;
+sub _file {
+ my ($self,$sid) = @_;
+ return File::Spec->catfile($self->{Directory}, sprintf( $FileName, $sid ));
+sub retrieve {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ my $path = $self->_file($sid);
+ return 0 unless -e $path;
+ # make certain our filehandle goes away when we fall out of scope
+ local *FH;
+ if (-l $path) {
+ unlink($path) or
+ return $self->set_error("retrieve(): '$path' appears to be a symlink and I couldn't remove it: $!");
+ return 0; # we deleted this so we have no hope of getting back anything
+ }
+ sysopen(FH, $path, O_RDONLY | $NO_FOLLOW ) || return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): couldn't open '$path': $!" );
+ $self->{NoFlock} || flock(FH, LOCK_SH) or return $self->set_error( "retrieve(): couldn't lock '$path': $!" );
+ my $rv = "";
+ while ( <FH> ) {
+ $rv .= $_;
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ return $rv;
+sub store {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ my $path = $self->_file($sid);
+ # make certain our filehandle goes away when we fall out of scope
+ local *FH;
+ my $mode = O_WRONLY|$NO_FOLLOW;
+ # kill symlinks when we spot them
+ if (-l $path) {
+ unlink($path) or
+ return $self->set_error("store(): '$path' appears to be a symlink and I couldn't remove it: $!");
+ }
+ $mode = O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL unless -e $path;
+ sysopen(FH, $path, $mode, $self->{UMask}) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't open '$path': $!" );
+ # sanity check to make certain we're still ok
+ if (-l $path) {
+ return $self->set_error("store(): '$path' is a symlink, check for malicious processes");
+ }
+ # prevent race condition (RT#17949)
+ $self->{NoFlock} || flock(FH, LOCK_EX) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't lock '$path': $!" );
+ truncate(FH, 0) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't truncate '$path': $!" );
+ print FH $datastr;
+ close(FH) or return $self->set_error( "store(): couldn't close '$path': $!" );
+ return 1;
+sub remove {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid) = @_;
+ my $directory = $self->{Directory};
+ my $file = sprintf( $FileName, $sid );
+ my $path = File::Spec->catfile($directory, $file);
+ unlink($path) or return $self->set_error( "remove(): couldn't unlink '$path': $!" );
+ return 1;
+sub traverse {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($coderef) = @_;
+ unless ( $coderef && ref($coderef) && (ref $coderef eq 'CODE') ) {
+ croak "traverse(): usage error";
+ }
+ opendir( DIRHANDLE, $self->{Directory} )
+ or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): couldn't open $self->{Directory}, " . $! );
+ my $filename_pattern = $FileName;
+ $filename_pattern =~ s/\./\\./g;
+ $filename_pattern =~ s/\%s/(\.\+)/g;
+ while ( my $filename = readdir(DIRHANDLE) ) {
+ next if $filename =~ m/^\.\.?$/;
+ my $full_path = File::Spec->catfile($self->{Directory}, $filename);
+ my $mode = (stat($full_path))[2]
+ or return $self->set_error( "traverse(): stat failed for $full_path: " . $! );
+ next if S_ISDIR($mode);
+ if ( $filename =~ /^$filename_pattern$/ ) {
+ $coderef->($1);
+ }
+ }
+ closedir( DIRHANDLE );
+ return 1;
+sub DESTROY {
+ my $self = shift;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::file - Default CGI::Session driver
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $s = new CGI::Session();
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:file", $sid);
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:file", $sid, {Directory=>'/tmp'});
+When CGI::Session object is created without explicitly setting I<driver>, I<file> will be assumed.
+I<file> - driver will store session data in plain files, where each session will be stored in a separate
+Naming conventions of session files are defined by C<$CGI::Session::Driver::file::FileName> global variable.
+Default value of this variable is I<cgisess_%s>, where %s will be replaced with respective session ID. Should
+you wish to set your own FileName template, do so before requesting for session object:
+ $CGI::Session::Driver::file::FileName = "%s.dat";
+ $s = new CGI::Session();
+For backwards compatibility with 3.x, you can also use the variable name
+C<$CGI::Session::File::FileName>, which will override the one above.
+If you wish to specify a session directory, use the B<Directory> option, which denotes location of the directory
+where session ids are to be kept. If B<Directory> is not set, defaults to whatever File::Spec->tmpdir() returns.
+So all the three lines in the SYNOPSIS section of this manual produce the same result on a UNIX machine.
+If specified B<Directory> does not exist, all necessary directory hierarchy will be created.
+By default, sessions are created with a umask of 0660. If you wish to change the umask for a session, pass
+a B<UMask> option with an octal representation of the umask you would like for said session.
+=head1 NOTES
+If your OS doesn't support flock, you should understand the risks of going without locking the session files. Since
+sessions tend to be used in environments where race conditions may occur due to concurrent access of files by
+different processes, locking tends to be seen as a good and very necessary thing. If you still want to use this
+driver but don't want flock, set C<$CGI::Session::Driver::file::NoFlock> to 1 or pass C<< NoFlock => 1 >> and this
+driver will operate without locks.
+For support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d7aaf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::mysql;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use CGI::Session::Driver::DBI;
+@CGI::Session::Driver::mysql::ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI );
+$CGI::Session::Driver::mysql::VERSION = "4.20";
+sub _mk_dsnstr {
+ my ($class, $dsn) = @_;
+ unless ( $class && $dsn && ref($dsn) && (ref($dsn) eq 'HASH')) {
+ croak "_mk_dsnstr(): usage error";
+ }
+ my $dsnstr = $dsn->{DataSource};
+ if ( $dsn->{Socket} ) {
+ $dsnstr .= sprintf(";mysql_socket=%s", $dsn->{Socket});
+ }
+ if ( $dsn->{Host} ) {
+ $dsnstr .= sprintf(";host=%s", $dsn->{Host});
+ }
+ if ( $dsn->{Port} ) {
+ $dsnstr .= sprintf(";port=%s", $dsn->{Port});
+ }
+ return $dsnstr;
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if ( $self->{DataSource} && ($self->{DataSource} !~ /^dbi:mysql/i) ) {
+ $self->{DataSource} = "dbi:mysql:database=" . $self->{DataSource};
+ }
+ if ( $self->{Socket} && $self->{DataSource} ) {
+ $self->{DataSource} .= ';mysql_socket=' . $self->{Socket};
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::init();
+sub store {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ croak "store(): usage error" unless $sid && $datastr;
+ my $dbh = $self->{Handle};
+ $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO " . $self->table_name . " (id, a_session) VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $sid, $datastr)
+ or return $self->set_error( "store(): \$dbh->do failed " . $dbh->errstr );
+ return 1;
+# If the table name hasn't been defined yet, check this location for 3.x compatibility
+sub table_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless (defined $self->{TableName}) {
+ $self->{TableName} = $CGI::Session::MySQL::TABLE_NAME;
+ }
+ return $self->SUPER::table_name(@_);
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::mysql - CGI::Session driver for MySQL database
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid);
+ $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:test',
+ User => 'sherzodr',
+ Password => 'hello' });
+ $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, { Handle => $dbh } );
+B<mysql> stores session records in a MySQL table. For details see L<CGI::Session::Driver::DBI|CGI::Session::Driver::DBI>, its parent class.
+It's especially important for the MySQL driver that the session ID column be
+defined as a primary key, or at least "unique", like this:
+ CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ a_session TEXT NOT NULL
+ );
+B<mysql> driver supports all the arguments documented in L<CGI::Session::Driver::DBI|CGI::Session::Driver::DBI>. In addition, I<DataSource> argument can optionally leave leading "dbi:mysql:" string out:
+ $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, {DataSource=>'shopping_cart'});
+ # is the same as:
+ $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, {DataSource=>'dbi:mysql:shopping_cart'});
+For backwards compatibility, you can also set the table like this before calling C<new()>. However, it is not recommended because it can cause conflicts in a persistent environment.
+ $CGI::Session::MySQL::TABLE_NAME = 'my_sessions';
+For support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>.
diff --git a/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccfdce5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+# CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql - PostgreSQL driver for CGI::Session
+# Copyright (C) 2002 Cosimo Streppone,
+# This module is based on CGI::Session::Driver::mysql module
+# by Sherzod Ruzmetov, original author of CGI::Session modules
+# and CGI::Session::Driver::mysql driver.
+use strict;
+use Carp "croak";
+use CGI::Session::Driver::DBI;
+use DBD::Pg qw(PG_BYTEA PG_TEXT);
+$CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql::VERSION = '4.20';
+@CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql::ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI );
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ret = $self->SUPER::init(@_);
+ # Translate external ColumnType into internal value. See POD for details.
+ $self->{PgColumnType} ||= (defined $self->{ColumnType} and (lc $self->{ColumnType} eq 'binary'))
+ ;
+ return $ret;
+sub store {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ croak "store(): usage error" unless $sid && $datastr;
+ my $dbh = $self->{Handle};
+ my $type = $self->{PgColumnType};
+ if ($type == PG_TEXT && $datastr =~ tr/\x00//) {
+ croak "Unallowed characters used in session data. Please see CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql ".
+ "for more information about null characters in text columns.";
+ }
+ local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+ eval {
+ # There is a race condition were two clients could run this code concurrently,
+ # and both end up trying to insert. That's why we check for "duplicate" below
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
+ "INSERT INTO " . $self->table_name . " (a_session,id) SELECT ?, ?
+ WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM " . $self->table_name . " WHERE id=? LIMIT 1)");
+ $sth->bind_param(1,$datastr,{ pg_type => $type });
+ $sth->bind_param(2, $sid);
+ $sth->bind_param(3, $sid); # in the SELECT statement
+ my $rv = '';
+ eval { $rv = $sth->execute(); };
+ if ( $rv eq '0E0' or (defined $@ and $@ =~ m/duplicate/i) ) {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE " . $self->table_name . " SET a_session=? WHERE id=?");
+ $sth->bind_param(1,$datastr,{ pg_type => $type });
+ $sth->bind_param(2,$sid);
+ $sth->execute;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Nothing. Our insert has already happened
+ }
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ return $self->set_error( "store(): failed with message: $@ " . $dbh->errstr );
+ }
+ else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::postgresql - PostgreSQL driver for CGI::Session
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use CGI::Session;
+ $session = new CGI::Session("driver:PostgreSQL", undef, {Handle=>$dbh});
+CGI::Session::PostgreSQL is a L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session> driver to store session data in a PostgreSQL table.
+=head1 STORAGE
+Before you can use any DBI-based session drivers you need to make sure compatible database table is created for CGI::Session to work with. Following command will produce minimal requirements in most SQL databases:
+ CREATE TABLE sessions (
+ a_session BYTEA NOT NULL
+ );
+and within your code use:
+ use CGI::Session;
+ $session = new CGI::Session("driver:PostgreSQL", undef, {Handle=>$dbh, ColumnType=>"binary"});
+Please note the I<ColumnType> argument. PostgreSQL's text type has problems when trying to hold a null character. (Known as C<"\0"> in Perl, not to be confused with SQL I<NULL>). If you know there is no chance of ever having a null character in the serialized data, you can leave off the I<ColumnType> attribute. Using a I<BYTEA> column type and C<< ColumnType => 'binary' >> is recommended when using L<Storable|CGI::Session::Serialize::storable> as the serializer or if there's any possibility that a null value will appear in any of the serialized data.
+For more details see L<CGI::Session::Driver::DBI|CGI::Session::Driver::DBI>, parent class.
+Also see L<sqlite driver|CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite>, which exercises different method for dealing with binary data.
+Copyright (C) 2002 Cosimo Streppone. All rights reserved. This library is free software and can be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Cosimo Streppone <>, heavily based on the CGI::Session::MySQL driver by Sherzod Ruzmetov, original author of CGI::Session.
+Matt LeBlanc contributed significant updates for the 4.0 release.
+For additional support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>
diff --git a/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561e9a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qooxdoo/source/perl/CGI/Session/Driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+package CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite;
+# $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use base 'CGI::Session::Driver::DBI';
+use DBI qw(SQL_BLOB);
+use Fcntl;
+$CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite::VERSION = "4.20";
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unless ( $self->{Handle}) {
+ $self->{DataSource} = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $self->{DataSource} unless ( $self->{DataSource} =~ /^dbi:sqlite/i );
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::init() or return;
+ $self->{Handle}->{sqlite_handle_binary_nulls} = 1;
+ return 1;
+sub store {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($sid, $datastr) = @_;
+ return $self->set_error("store(): usage error") unless $sid && $datastr;
+ my $dbh = $self->{Handle};
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM " . $self->table_name . " WHERE id=?");
+ unless ( defined $sth ) {
+ return $self->set_error( "store(): \$sth->prepare failed with message " . $dbh->errstr );
+ }
+ $sth->execute( $sid ) or return $self->set_error( "store(): \$sth->execute failed with message " . $dbh->errstr );
+ if ( $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ __ex_and_ret($dbh,"UPDATE " . $self->table_name . " SET a_session=? WHERE id=?",$datastr,$sid)
+ or return $self->set_error( "store(): serialize to db failed " . $dbh->errstr );
+ } else {
+ __ex_and_ret($dbh,"INSERT INTO " . $self->table_name . " (a_session,id) VALUES(?, ?)",$datastr, $sid)
+ or return $self->set_error( "store(): serialize to db failed " . $dbh->errstr );
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub __ex_and_ret {
+ my ($dbh,$sql,$datastr,$sid) = @_;
+ # fix rt #18183
+ local $@;
+ eval {
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or return 0;
+ $sth->bind_param(1,$datastr,SQL_BLOB) or return 0;
+ $sth->bind_param(2,$sid) or return 0;
+ $sth->execute() or return 0;
+ };
+ return ! $@;
+=head1 NAME
+CGI::Session::Driver::sqlite - CGI::Session driver for SQLite
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", $sid, {DataSource=>'/my/folder/sessions.sqlt'});
+ $s = new CGI::Session("driver:sqlite", $sid, {Handle=>$dbh});
+B<sqlite> driver stores session data in SQLite files using L<DBD::SQLite|DBD::SQLite> DBI driver. More details see L<CGI::Session::Driver::DBI|CGI::Session::Driver::DBI>, its parent class.
+Supported driver arguments are I<DataSource> and I<Handle>. B<At most> only one of these arguments can be set while creating session object.
+I<DataSource> should be in the form of C<dbi:SQLite:dbname=/path/to/db.sqlt>. If C<dbi:SQLite:> is missing it will be prepended for you. If I<Handle> is present it should be database handle (C<$dbh>) returned by L<DBI::connect()|DBI/connect()>.
+As of version 1.7 of this driver, the third argument is B<NOT> optional. Using a default database in the temporary directory is a security risk since anyone on the machine can create and/or read your session data. If you understand these risks and still want the old behavior, you can set the C<DataSource> option to I<'/tmp/sessions.sqlt'>.
+None known.
+For support and licensing see L<CGI::Session|CGI::Session>