# Copyright (C) 2011 Tobias Oetiker # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign # section 7 DOCS = smokeping_extend.pod smokeping_install.pod smokeping_master_slave.pod smokeping_upgrade.pod # section 5 DOCSCONFIG = smokeping_config.pod smokeping_examples.pod #PM := ../lib/Smokeping.pm ../lib/Smokeping/Examples.pm ../lib/Smokeping/RRDtools.pm EXTRA_DIST = $(DOCS) smokeping_install.txt PODPROBE := $(wildcard ../lib/Smokeping/probes/*.pm) PODMATCH := $(wildcard ../lib/Smokeping/matchers/*.pm) PODSORT := $(wildcard ../lib/Smokeping/sorters/*.pm) DOCSBASE = $(subst .pod,,$(DOCS)) MODBASE = $(subst .pm,,$(subst ../lib/Smokeping/probes/,Smokeping_probes_,$(PODPROBE))) \ $(subst .pm,,$(subst ../lib/Smokeping/matchers/,Smokeping_matchers_,$(PODMATCH))) \ $(subst .pm,,$(subst ../lib/Smokeping/sorters/,Smokeping_sorters_,$(PODSORT))) PROGBASE = smokeping smokeping_cgi tSmoke DOCSCONFIGBASE = smokeping_config smokeping_examples MAN3 = $(addsuffix .3,$(MODBASE)) MAN5 = $(addsuffix .5,$(DOCSCONFIGBASE)) MAN7 = $(addsuffix .7,$(DOCSBASE)) MAN1 = $(addsuffix .1,$(PROGBASE)) POD2MAN = pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center=SmokePing $< # we go to this trouble to ensure that MAKEPOD only uses modules in the installation directory MAKEPOD= PERL5LIB=$(PERL5LIB) $(PERL) -I../thirdparty/lib/perl5 -I../lib -mSmokeping -e 'Smokeping::main()' -- --makepod GENEX= PERL5LIB=$(PERL5LIB) $(PERL) -I../thirdparty/lib/perl5 -I../lib -mSmokeping -e 'Smokeping::main()' -- --gen-examples %.7: %.pod $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 7 > $@ %.5: %.pod $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 5 > $@ Smokeping.3: ../lib/Smokeping.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ Smokeping_Examples.3: ../lib/Smokeping/Examples.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ Smokeping_RRDtools.3: ../lib/Smokeping/RRDtools.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ Smokeping_probes_%.pod: ../lib/Smokeping/probes/%.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKEPOD) Smokeping::probes::$* > $@ Smokeping_probes_%.3: Smokeping_probes_%.pod $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ Smokeping_matchers_%.3: ../lib/Smokeping/matchers/%.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ Smokeping_sorters_%.3: ../lib/Smokeping/sorters/%.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@ smokeping.1: ../bin/smokeping $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@ smokeping_cgi.1: ../bin/smokeping_cgi $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@ tSmoke.1: ../bin/tSmoke $(AM_V_GEN)$(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@ smokeping_config.pod: ../lib/Smokeping.pm $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKEPOD) > $@ smokeping_examples.pod: ../lib/Smokeping/Examples.pm ../etc/config.dist $(AM_V_GEN)$(MKDIR) -p examples $(AM_V_GEN)$(GENEX) .1.txt .3.txt .5.txt .7.txt: $(AM_V_GEN)GROFF_NO_SGR=1 @NROFF@ -man -Tlp $< > $@ CLEANFILES = *.[1357] smokeping_examples.pod smokeping_config.pod examples/* iman1dir = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man1 iman1_DATA = $(MAN1) iman3dir = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man3 iman3_DATA = $(MAN3) iman5dir = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man5 iman5_DATA = $(MAN5) iman7dir = $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/man7 iman7_DATA = $(MAN7) EXAMPLES := $(wildcard examples/config.*) etcdir = $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/examples etc_DATA = $(EXAMPLES)