/*++ from bonsai.js ++ urlObj +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ function urlObj(url) { var urlBaseAndParameters; urlBaseAndParameters = url.split("?"); this.urlBase = urlBaseAndParameters[0]; this.urlParameters = urlBaseAndParameters[1].split(/[;&]/); this.getUrlBase = urlObjGetUrlBase; } /*++ from bonsai.js ++ urlObjGetUrlBase +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ function urlObjGetUrlBase() { return this.urlBase; } // example with minimum dimensions var myCropper; var StartEpoch = 0; var EndEpoch = 0; function changeRRDImage(coords,dimensions){ var SelectLeft = Math.min(coords.x1,coords.x2); var SelectRight = Math.max(coords.x1,coords.x2); if (SelectLeft == SelectRight) return; // abort if nothing is selected. var RRDLeft = 67; // difference between left border of RRD image and content var RRDRight = 26; // difference between right border of RRD image and content var RRDImgWidth = $('zoom').getDimensions().width; // Width of the Smokeping RRD Graphik var RRDImgUsable = RRDImgWidth - RRDRight - RRDLeft; var form = $('range_form'); if (StartEpoch == 0) StartEpoch = +$F('epoch_start'); if (EndEpoch == 0) EndEpoch = +$F('epoch_end'); var DivEpoch = EndEpoch - StartEpoch; var Target = $F('target'); // construct Image URL var myURLObj = new urlObj(document.URL); var myURL = myURLObj.getUrlBase(); // Generate Selected Range in Unix Timestamps var NewStartEpoch = Math.floor(StartEpoch + (SelectLeft - RRDLeft) * DivEpoch / RRDImgUsable ); EndEpoch = Math.ceil(StartEpoch + (SelectRight - RRDLeft) * DivEpoch / RRDImgUsable ); StartEpoch = NewStartEpoch; $('zoom').src = myURL + '?displaymode=a;start=' + StartEpoch + ';end=' + EndEpoch + ';target=' + Target; myCropper.setParams(); }; Event.observe( window, 'load', function() { myCropper = new Cropper.Img( 'zoom', { minHeight: $('zoom').getDimensions().height, maxHeight: $('zoom').getDimensions().height, onEndCrop: changeRRDImage } ) } );