### -*- mode: Perl -*- ###################################################################### ### SNMP Request/Response Handling ###################################################################### ### Copyright (c) 1995-2008, Simon Leinen. ### ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it under the ### "Artistic License 2.0" included in this distribution ### (file "Artistic"). ###################################################################### ### The abstract class SNMP_Session defines objects that can be used ### to communicate with SNMP entities. It has methods to send ### requests to and receive responses from an agent. ### ### Two instantiable subclasses are defined: ### SNMPv1_Session implements SNMPv1 (RFC 1157) functionality ### SNMPv2c_Session implements community-based SNMPv2. ###################################################################### ### Created by: Simon Leinen ### ### Contributions and fixes by: ### ### Matthew Trunnell ### Tobias Oetiker ### Heine Peters ### Daniel L. Needles ### Mike Mitchell ### Clinton Wong ### Alan Nichols ### Mike McCauley ### Andrew W. Elble ### Brett T Warden : pretty UInteger32 ### Michael Deegan ### Sergio Macedo ### Jakob Ilves (/IlvJa) : PDU capture ### Valerio Bontempi : IPv6 support ### Lorenzo Colitti : IPv6 support ### Philippe Simonet : Export avoid... ### Luc Pauwels : use_16bit_request_ids ### Andrew Cornford-Matheson : inform ### Gerry Dalton : strict subs bug ### Mike Fischer : pass MSG_DONTWAIT to recv() ###################################################################### package SNMP_Session; require 5.002; use strict; use Exporter; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION @EXPORT $errmsg $suppress_warnings $default_avoid_negative_request_ids $default_use_16bit_request_ids); use Socket; use BER '1.05'; use Carp; sub map_table ($$$ ); sub map_table_4 ($$$$); sub map_table_start_end ($$$$$$); sub index_compare ($$); sub oid_diff ($$); $VERSION = '1.12'; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(errmsg suppress_warnings index_compare oid_diff recycle_socket ipv6available); my $default_debug = 0; ### Default initial timeout (in seconds) waiting for a response PDU ### after a request is sent. Note that when a request is retried, the ### timeout is increased by BACKOFF (see below). ### my $default_timeout = 2.0; ### Default number of attempts to get a reply for an SNMP request. If ### no response is received after TIMEOUT seconds, the request is ### resent and a new response awaited with a longer timeout (see the ### documentation on BACKOFF below). The "retries" value should be at ### least 1, because the first attempt counts, too (the name "retries" ### is confusing, sorry for that). ### my $default_retries = 5; ### Default backoff factor for SNMP_Session objects. This factor is ### used to increase the TIMEOUT every time an SNMP request is ### retried. ### my $default_backoff = 1.0; ### Default value for maxRepetitions. This specifies how many table ### rows are requested in getBulk requests. Used when walking tables ### using getBulk (only available in SNMPv2(c) and later). If this is ### too small, then a table walk will need unnecessarily many ### request/response exchanges. If it is too big, the agent may ### compute many variables after the end of the table. It is ### recommended to set this explicitly for each table walk by using ### map_table_4(). ### my $default_max_repetitions = 12; ### Default value for "avoid_negative_request_ids". ### ### Set this to non-zero if you have agents that have trouble with ### negative request IDs, and don't forget to complain to your agent ### vendor. According to the spec (RFC 1905), the request-id is an ### Integer32, i.e. its range is from -(2^31) to (2^31)-1. However, ### some agents erroneously encode the response ID as an unsigned, ### which prevents this code from matching such responses to requests. ### $SNMP_Session::default_avoid_negative_request_ids = 0; ### Default value for "use_16bit_request_ids". ### ### Set this to non-zero if you have agents that use 16bit request IDs, ### and don't forget to complain to your agent vendor. ### $SNMP_Session::default_use_16bit_request_ids = 0; ### Whether all SNMP_Session objects should share a single UDP socket. ### $SNMP_Session::recycle_socket = 0; ### IPv6 initialization code: check that IPv6 libraries are available, ### and if so load them. ### We store the length of an IPv6 socket address structure in the class ### so we can determine if a socket address is IPv4 or IPv6 just by checking ### its length. The proper way to do this would be to use sockaddr_family(), ### but this function is only available in recent versions of Socket.pm. my $ipv6_addr_len; ### Flags to be passed to recv() when non-blocking behavior is ### desired. On most POSIX-like systems this will be set to ### MSG_DONTWAIT, on other systems we leave it at zero. ### my $dont_wait_flags; BEGIN { $ipv6_addr_len = undef; $SNMP_Session::ipv6available = 0; $dont_wait_flags = 0; if (eval {local $SIG{__DIE__};require Socket6;} && eval {local $SIG{__DIE__};require IO::Socket::INET6; IO::Socket::INET6->VERSION("1.26");}) { import Socket6; $ipv6_addr_len = length(pack_sockaddr_in6(161, inet_pton(AF_INET6(), "::1"))); $SNMP_Session::ipv6available = 1; } eval 'local $SIG{__DIE__};local $SIG{__WARN__};$dont_wait_flags = MSG_DONTWAIT();'; } my $the_socket; $SNMP_Session::errmsg = ''; $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 0; sub get_request { 0 | context_flag () }; sub getnext_request { 1 | context_flag () }; sub get_response { 2 | context_flag () }; sub set_request { 3 | context_flag () }; sub trap_request { 4 | context_flag () }; sub getbulk_request { 5 | context_flag () }; sub inform_request { 6 | context_flag () }; sub trap2_request { 7 | context_flag () }; sub standard_udp_port { 161 }; sub open { return SNMPv1_Session::open (@_); } sub timeout { $_[0]->{timeout} } sub retries { $_[0]->{retries} } sub backoff { $_[0]->{backoff} } sub set_timeout { my ($session, $timeout) = @_; croak ("timeout ($timeout) must be a positive number") unless $timeout > 0.0; $session->{'timeout'} = $timeout; } sub set_retries { my ($session, $retries) = @_; croak ("retries ($retries) must be a non-negative integer") unless $retries == int ($retries) && $retries >= 0; $session->{'retries'} = $retries; } sub set_backoff { my ($session, $backoff) = @_; croak ("backoff ($backoff) must be a number >= 1.0") unless $backoff == int ($backoff) && $backoff >= 1.0; $session->{'backoff'} = $backoff; } sub encode_request_3 ($$$@) { my($this, $reqtype, $encoded_oids_or_pairs, $i1, $i2) = @_; my($request); local($_); $this->{request_id} = ($this->{request_id} == 0x7fffffff) ? -0x80000000 : $this->{request_id}+1; $this->{request_id} += 0x80000000 if ($this->{avoid_negative_request_ids} && $this->{request_id} < 0); $this->{request_id} &= 0x0000ffff if ($this->{use_16bit_request_ids}); foreach $_ (@{$encoded_oids_or_pairs}) { if (ref ($_) eq 'ARRAY') { $_ = &encode_sequence ($_->[0], $_->[1]) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding pair"); } else { $_ = &encode_sequence ($_, encode_null()) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding value/null pair"); } } $request = encode_tagged_sequence ($reqtype, encode_int ($this->{request_id}), defined $i1 ? encode_int ($i1) : encode_int_0 (), defined $i2 ? encode_int ($i2) : encode_int_0 (), encode_sequence (@{$encoded_oids_or_pairs})) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding request PDU"); return $this->wrap_request ($request); } sub encode_get_request { my($this, @oids) = @_; return encode_request_3 ($this, get_request, \@oids); } sub encode_getnext_request { my($this, @oids) = @_; return encode_request_3 ($this, getnext_request, \@oids); } sub encode_getbulk_request { my($this, $non_repeaters, $max_repetitions, @oids) = @_; return encode_request_3 ($this, getbulk_request, \@oids, $non_repeaters, $max_repetitions); } sub encode_set_request { my($this, @encoded_pairs) = @_; return encode_request_3 ($this, set_request, \@encoded_pairs); } sub encode_trap_request ($$$$$$@) { my($this, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, @pairs) = @_; my($request); local($_); foreach $_ (@pairs) { if (ref ($_) eq 'ARRAY') { $_ = &encode_sequence ($_->[0], $_->[1]) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding pair"); } else { $_ = &encode_sequence ($_, encode_null()) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding value/null pair"); } } $request = encode_tagged_sequence (trap_request, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, encode_sequence (@pairs)) || return $this->ber_error ("encoding trap PDU"); return $this->wrap_request ($request); } sub encode_v2_trap_request ($@) { my($this, @pairs) = @_; return encode_request_3($this, trap2_request, \@pairs); } sub decode_get_response { my($this, $response) = @_; my @rest; @{$this->{'unwrapped'}}; } sub decode_trap_request ($$) { my ($this, $trap) = @_; my ($snmp_version, $community, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, $request_id, $error_status, $error_index, $bindings); ($snmp_version, $community, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($trap, "%{%i%s%*{%O%A%i%i%u%{%@", trap_request); if (!defined $snmp_version) { ($snmp_version, $community, $request_id, $error_status, $error_index, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($trap, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%{%@", trap2_request); if (!defined $snmp_version) { ($snmp_version, $community,$request_id, $error_status, $error_index, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($trap, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%{%@", inform_request); } return $this->error_return ("v2 trap/inform request contained errorStatus/errorIndex " .$error_status."/".$error_index) if defined $error_status && defined $error_index && ($error_status != 0 || $error_index != 0); } if (!defined $snmp_version) { return $this->error_return ("BER error decoding trap:\n ".$BER::errmsg); } return ($community, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, $bindings); } sub wait_for_response { my($this) = shift; my($timeout) = shift || 10.0; my($rin,$win,$ein) = ('','',''); my($rout,$wout,$eout); vec($rin,$this->sockfileno,1) = 1; select($rout=$rin,$wout=$win,$eout=$ein,$timeout); } sub get_request_response ($@) { my($this, @oids) = @_; return $this->request_response_5 ($this->encode_get_request (@oids), get_response, \@oids, 1); } sub set_request_response ($@) { my($this, @pairs) = @_; return $this->request_response_5 ($this->encode_set_request (@pairs), get_response, \@pairs, 1); } sub getnext_request_response ($@) { my($this,@oids) = @_; return $this->request_response_5 ($this->encode_getnext_request (@oids), get_response, \@oids, 1); } sub getbulk_request_response ($$$@) { my($this,$non_repeaters,$max_repetitions,@oids) = @_; return $this->request_response_5 ($this->encode_getbulk_request ($non_repeaters,$max_repetitions,@oids), get_response, \@oids, 1); } sub trap_request_send ($$$$$$@) { my($this, $ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, @pairs) = @_; my($req); $req = $this->encode_trap_request ($ent, $agent, $gen, $spec, $dt, @pairs); ## Encoding may have returned an error. return undef unless defined $req; $this->send_query($req) || return $this->error ("send_trap: $!"); return 1; } sub v2_trap_request_send ($$$@) { my($this, $trap_oid, $dt, @pairs) = @_; my @sysUptime_OID = ( 1,3,6,1,2,1,1,3 ); my @snmpTrapOID_OID = ( 1,3,6,1,6,3,1,1,4,1 ); my($req); unshift @pairs, [encode_oid (@snmpTrapOID_OID,0), encode_oid (@{$trap_oid})]; unshift @pairs, [encode_oid (@sysUptime_OID,0), encode_timeticks ($dt)]; $req = $this->encode_v2_trap_request (@pairs); ## Encoding may have returned an error. return undef unless defined $req; $this->send_query($req) || return $this->error ("send_trap: $!"); return 1; } sub request_response_5 ($$$$$) { my ($this, $req, $response_tag, $oids, $errorp) = @_; my $retries = $this->retries; my $timeout = $this->timeout; my ($nfound, $timeleft); ## Encoding may have returned an error. return undef unless defined $req; $timeleft = $timeout; while ($retries > 0) { $this->send_query ($req) || return $this->error ("send_query: $!"); # IlvJa # Add request pdu to capture_buffer push @{$this->{'capture_buffer'}}, $req if (defined $this->{'capture_buffer'} and ref $this->{'capture_buffer'} eq 'ARRAY'); # wait_for_response: ($nfound, $timeleft) = $this->wait_for_response($timeleft); if ($nfound > 0) { my($response_length); $response_length = $this->receive_response_3 ($response_tag, $oids, $errorp, 1); if ($response_length) { # IlvJa # Add response pdu to capture_buffer push (@{$this->{'capture_buffer'}}, substr($this->{'pdu_buffer'}, 0, $response_length) ) if (defined $this->{'capture_buffer'} and ref $this->{'capture_buffer'} eq 'ARRAY'); # return $response_length; } elsif (defined ($response_length)) { goto wait_for_response; # A response has been received, but for a different # request ID or from a different IP address. } else { return undef; } } else { ## No response received - retry --$retries; $timeout *= $this->backoff; $timeleft = $timeout; } } # IlvJa # Add empty packet to capture_buffer push @{$this->{'capture_buffer'}}, "" if (defined $this->{'capture_buffer'} and ref $this->{'capture_buffer'} eq 'ARRAY'); # $this->error ("no response received"); } sub map_table ($$$) { my ($session, $columns, $mapfn) = @_; return $session->map_table_4 ($columns, $mapfn, $session->default_max_repetitions ()); } sub map_table_4 ($$$$) { my ($session, $columns, $mapfn, $max_repetitions) = @_; return $session->map_table_start_end ($columns, $mapfn, "", undef, $max_repetitions); } sub map_table_start_end ($$$$$$) { my ($session, $columns, $mapfn, $start, $end, $max_repetitions) = @_; my @encoded_oids; my $call_counter = 0; my $base_index = $start; do { foreach (@encoded_oids = @{$columns}) { $_=encode_oid (@{$_},split '\.',$base_index) || return $session->ber_error ("encoding OID $base_index"); } if ($session->getnext_request_response (@encoded_oids)) { my $response = $session->pdu_buffer; my ($bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($response); my $smallest_index = undef; my @collected_values = (); my @bases = @{$columns}; while ($bindings ne '') { my ($binding, $oid, $value); my $base = shift @bases; ($binding, $bindings) = decode_sequence ($bindings); ($oid, $value) = decode_by_template ($binding, "%O%@"); my $out_index; $out_index = &oid_diff ($base, $oid); my $cmp; if (!defined $smallest_index || ($cmp = index_compare ($out_index,$smallest_index)) == -1) { $smallest_index = $out_index; grep ($_=undef, @collected_values); push @collected_values, $value; } elsif ($cmp == 1) { push @collected_values, undef; } else { push @collected_values, $value; } } (++$call_counter, &$mapfn ($smallest_index, @collected_values)) if defined $smallest_index; $base_index = $smallest_index; } else { return undef; } } while (defined $base_index && (!defined $end || index_compare ($base_index, $end) < 0)); $call_counter; } sub index_compare ($$) { my ($i1, $i2) = @_; $i1 = '' unless defined $i1; $i2 = '' unless defined $i2; if ($i1 eq '') { return $i2 eq '' ? 0 : 1; } elsif ($i2 eq '') { return 1; } elsif (!$i1) { return $i2 eq '' ? 1 : !$i2 ? 0 : 1; } elsif (!$i2) { return -1; } else { my ($f1,$r1) = split('\.',$i1,2); my ($f2,$r2) = split('\.',$i2,2); if ($f1 < $f2) { return -1; } elsif ($f1 > $f2) { return 1; } else { return index_compare ($r1,$r2); } } } sub oid_diff ($$) { my($base, $full) = @_; my $base_dotnot = join ('.',@{$base}); my $full_dotnot = BER::pretty_oid ($full); return undef unless substr ($full_dotnot, 0, length $base_dotnot) eq $base_dotnot && substr ($full_dotnot, length $base_dotnot, 1) eq '.'; substr ($full_dotnot, length ($base_dotnot)+1); } # Pretty_address returns a human-readable representation of an IPv4 or IPv6 address. sub pretty_address { my($addr) = shift; my($port, $addrunpack, $addrstr); # Disable strict subs to stop old versions of perl from # complaining about AF_INET6 when Socket6 is not available if( (defined $ipv6_addr_len) && (length $addr == $ipv6_addr_len)) { ($port,$addrunpack) = unpack_sockaddr_in6 ($addr); $addrstr = inet_ntop (AF_INET6(), $addrunpack); } else { ($port,$addrunpack) = unpack_sockaddr_in ($addr); $addrstr = inet_ntoa ($addrunpack); } return sprintf ("[%s].%d", $addrstr, $port); } sub version { $VERSION; } sub error_return ($$) { my ($this,$message) = @_; $SNMP_Session::errmsg = $message; unless ($SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings) { $message =~ s/^/ /mg; carp ("Error:\n".$message."\n"); } return undef; } sub error ($$) { my ($this,$message) = @_; my $session = $this->to_string; $SNMP_Session::errmsg = $message."\n".$session; unless ($SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings) { $session =~ s/^/ /mg; $message =~ s/^/ /mg; carp ("SNMP Error:\n".$SNMP_Session::errmsg."\n"); } return undef; } sub ber_error ($$) { my ($this,$type) = @_; my ($errmsg) = $BER::errmsg; $errmsg =~ s/^/ /mg; return $this->error ("$type:\n$errmsg"); } package SNMPv1_Session; use strict qw(vars subs); # see above use vars qw(@ISA); use SNMP_Session; use Socket; use BER; use IO::Socket; use Carp; BEGIN { if($SNMP_Session::ipv6available) { import IO::Socket::INET6; import Socket6; } } @ISA = qw(SNMP_Session); sub snmp_version { 0 } # Supports both IPv4 and IPv6. # Numeric IPv6 addresses must be passed between square brackets [] sub open { my($this, $remote_hostname,$community,$port, $max_pdu_len,$local_port,$max_repetitions, $local_hostname,$ipv4only) = @_; my($remote_addr,$socket,$sockfamily); $ipv4only = 1 unless defined $ipv4only; $sockfamily = AF_INET; $community = 'public' unless defined $community; $port = SNMP_Session::standard_udp_port unless defined $port; $max_pdu_len = 8000 unless defined $max_pdu_len; $max_repetitions = $default_max_repetitions unless defined $max_repetitions; if ($ipv4only || ! $SNMP_Session::ipv6available) { # IPv4-only code, uses only Socket and INET calls if (defined $remote_hostname) { $remote_addr = inet_aton ($remote_hostname) or return $this->error_return ("can't resolve \"$remote_hostname\" to IP address"); } if ($SNMP_Session::recycle_socket && defined $the_socket) { $socket = $the_socket; } else { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 17, Type => SOCK_DGRAM, LocalAddr => $local_hostname, LocalPort => $local_port) || return $this->error_return ("creating socket: $!"); $the_socket = $socket if $SNMP_Session::recycle_socket; } $remote_addr = pack_sockaddr_in ($port, $remote_addr) if defined $remote_addr; } else { # IPv6-capable code. Will use IPv6 or IPv4 depending on the address. # Uses Socket6 and INET6 calls. # If it's a numeric IPv6 addresses, remove square brackets if ($remote_hostname =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/) { $remote_hostname = $1; } my (@res, $socktype_tmp, $proto_tmp, $canonname_tmp); @res = getaddrinfo($remote_hostname, $port, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM); ($sockfamily, $socktype_tmp, $proto_tmp, $remote_addr, $canonname_tmp) = @res; if (scalar(@res) < 5) { return $this->error_return ("can't resolve \"$remote_hostname\" to IPv6 address"); } if ($SNMP_Session::recycle_socket && defined $the_socket) { $socket = $the_socket; } elsif ($sockfamily == AF_INET) { $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 17, Type => SOCK_DGRAM, LocalAddr => $local_hostname, LocalPort => $local_port) || return $this->error_return ("creating socket: $!"); } else { $socket = IO::Socket::INET6->new(Proto => 17, Type => SOCK_DGRAM, LocalAddr => $local_hostname, LocalPort => $local_port) || return $this->error_return ("creating socket: $!"); $the_socket = $socket if $SNMP_Session::recycle_socket; } } bless { 'sock' => $socket, 'sockfileno' => fileno ($socket), 'community' => $community, 'remote_hostname' => $remote_hostname, 'remote_addr' => $remote_addr, 'sockfamily' => $sockfamily, 'max_pdu_len' => $max_pdu_len, 'pdu_buffer' => '\0' x $max_pdu_len, 'request_id' => (int (rand 0x10000) << 16) + int (rand 0x10000) - 0x80000000, 'timeout' => $default_timeout, 'retries' => $default_retries, 'backoff' => $default_backoff, 'debug' => $default_debug, 'error_status' => 0, 'error_index' => 0, 'default_max_repetitions' => $max_repetitions, 'use_getbulk' => 1, 'lenient_source_address_matching' => 1, 'lenient_source_port_matching' => 1, 'avoid_negative_request_ids' => $SNMP_Session::default_avoid_negative_request_ids, 'use_16bit_request_ids' => $SNMP_Session::default_use_16bit_request_ids, 'capture_buffer' => undef, }; } sub open_trap_session (@) { my ($this, $port) = @_; $port = 162 unless defined $port; return $this->open (undef, "", 161, undef, $port); } sub sock { $_[0]->{sock} } sub sockfileno { $_[0]->{sockfileno} } sub remote_addr { $_[0]->{remote_addr} } sub pdu_buffer { $_[0]->{pdu_buffer} } sub max_pdu_len { $_[0]->{max_pdu_len} } sub default_max_repetitions { defined $_[1] ? $_[0]->{default_max_repetitions} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{default_max_repetitions} } sub debug { defined $_[1] ? $_[0]->{debug} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{debug} } sub close { my($this) = shift; ## Avoid closing the socket if it may be shared with other session ## objects. if (! defined $the_socket || $this->sock ne $the_socket) { close ($this->sock) || $this->error ("close: $!"); } } sub wrap_request { my($this) = shift; my($request) = shift; encode_sequence (encode_int ($this->snmp_version), encode_string ($this->{community}), $request) || return $this->ber_error ("wrapping up request PDU"); } my @error_status_code = qw(noError tooBig noSuchName badValue readOnly genErr noAccess wrongType wrongLength wrongEncoding wrongValue noCreation inconsistentValue resourceUnavailable commitFailed undoFailed authorizationError notWritable inconsistentName); sub unwrap_response_5b { my ($this,$response,$tag,$oids,$errorp) = @_; my ($community,$request_id,@rest,$snmpver); ($snmpver,$community,$request_id, $this->{error_status}, $this->{error_index}, @rest) = decode_by_template ($response, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%{%@", $tag); return $this->ber_error ("Error decoding response PDU") unless defined $snmpver; return $this->error ("Received SNMP response with unknown snmp-version field $snmpver") unless $snmpver == $this->snmp_version; if ($this->{error_status} != 0) { if ($errorp) { my ($oid, $errmsg); $errmsg = $error_status_code[$this->{error_status}] || $this->{error_status}; $oid = $oids->[$this->{error_index}-1] if $this->{error_index} > 0 && $this->{error_index}-1 <= $#{$oids}; $oid = $oid->[0] if ref($oid) eq 'ARRAY'; return ($community, $request_id, $this->error ("Received SNMP response with error code\n" ." error status: $errmsg\n" ." index ".$this->{error_index} .(defined $oid ? " (OID: ".&BER::pretty_oid($oid).")" : ""))); } else { if ($this->{error_index} == 1) { @rest[$this->{error_index}-1..$this->{error_index}] = (); } } } ($community, $request_id, @rest); } sub send_query ($$) { my ($this,$query) = @_; send ($this->sock,$query,0,$this->remote_addr); } ## Compare two sockaddr_in structures for equality. This is used when ## matching incoming responses with outstanding requests. Previous ## versions of the code simply did a bytewise comparison ("eq") of the ## two sockaddr_in structures, but this didn't work on some systems ## where sockaddr_in contains other elements than just the IP address ## and port number, notably FreeBSD. ## ## We allow for varying degrees of leniency when checking the source ## address. By default we now ignore it altogether, because there are ## agents that don't respond from UDP port 161, and there are agents ## that don't respond from the IP address the query had been sent to. ## ## The address family is stored in the session object. We could use ## sockaddr_family() to determine it from the sockaddr, but this function ## is only available in recent versions of Socket.pm. sub sa_equal_p ($$$) { my ($this, $sa1, $sa2) = @_; my ($p1,$a1,$p2,$a2); # Disable strict subs to stop old versions of perl from # complaining about AF_INET6 when Socket6 is not available if($this->{'sockfamily'} == AF_INET) { # IPv4 addresses ($p1,$a1) = unpack_sockaddr_in ($sa1); ($p2,$a2) = unpack_sockaddr_in ($sa2); } elsif($this->{'sockfamily'} == AF_INET6()) { # IPv6 addresses ($p1,$a1) = unpack_sockaddr_in6 ($sa1); ($p2,$a2) = unpack_sockaddr_in6 ($sa2); } else { return 0; } use strict "subs"; if (! $this->{'lenient_source_address_matching'}) { return 0 if $a1 ne $a2; } if (! $this->{'lenient_source_port_matching'}) { return 0 if $p1 != $p2; } return 1; } sub receive_response_3 { my ($this, $response_tag, $oids, $errorp, $dont_block_p) = @_; my ($remote_addr); my $flags = 0; $flags = $dont_wait_flags if defined $dont_block_p and $dont_block_p; $remote_addr = recv ($this->sock,$this->{'pdu_buffer'},$this->max_pdu_len,$flags); return $this->error ("receiving response PDU: $!") unless defined $remote_addr; return $this->error ("short (".length $this->{'pdu_buffer'} ." bytes) response PDU") unless length $this->{'pdu_buffer'} > 2; my $response = $this->{'pdu_buffer'}; ## ## Check whether the response came from the address we've sent the ## request to. If this is not the case, we should probably ignore ## it, as it may relate to another request. ## if (defined $this->{'remote_addr'}) { if (! $this->sa_equal_p ($remote_addr, $this->{'remote_addr'})) { if ($this->{'debug'} && !$SNMP_Session::recycle_socket) { carp ("Response came from ".&SNMP_Session::pretty_address($remote_addr) .", not ".&SNMP_Session::pretty_address($this->{'remote_addr'})) unless $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings; } return 0; } } $this->{'last_sender_addr'} = $remote_addr; my ($response_community, $response_id, @unwrapped) = $this->unwrap_response_5b ($response, $response_tag, $oids, $errorp); if ($response_community ne $this->{community} || $response_id ne $this->{request_id}) { if ($this->{'debug'}) { carp ("$response_community != $this->{community}") unless $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings || $response_community eq $this->{community}; carp ("$response_id != $this->{request_id}") unless $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings || $response_id == $this->{request_id}; } return 0; } if (!defined $unwrapped[0]) { $this->{'unwrapped'} = undef; return undef; } $this->{'unwrapped'} = \@unwrapped; return length $this->pdu_buffer; } sub receive_trap { my ($this) = @_; my ($remote_addr, $iaddr, $port, $trap); $remote_addr = recv ($this->sock,$this->{'pdu_buffer'},$this->max_pdu_len,0); return undef unless $remote_addr; if( (defined $ipv6_addr_len) && (length $remote_addr == $ipv6_addr_len)) { ($port,$iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in6($remote_addr); } else { ($port,$iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($remote_addr); } $trap = $this->{'pdu_buffer'}; return ($trap, $iaddr, $port); } sub describe { my($this) = shift; print $this->to_string (),"\n"; } sub to_string { my($this) = shift; my ($class,$prefix); $class = ref($this); $prefix = ' ' x (length ($class) + 2); ($class .(defined $this->{remote_hostname} ? " (remote host: \"".$this->{remote_hostname}."\"" ." ".&SNMP_Session::pretty_address ($this->remote_addr).")" : " (no remote host specified)") ."\n" .$prefix." community: \"".$this->{'community'}."\"\n" .$prefix." request ID: ".$this->{'request_id'}."\n" .$prefix."PDU bufsize: ".$this->{'max_pdu_len'}." bytes\n" .$prefix." timeout: ".$this->{timeout}."s\n" .$prefix." retries: ".$this->{retries}."\n" .$prefix." backoff: ".$this->{backoff}.")"); ## sprintf ("SNMP_Session: %s (size %d timeout %g)", ## &SNMP_Session::pretty_address ($this->remote_addr),$this->max_pdu_len, ## $this->timeout); } ### SNMP Agent support ### contributed by Mike McCauley ### sub receive_request { my ($this) = @_; my ($remote_addr, $iaddr, $port, $request); $remote_addr = recv($this->sock, $this->{'pdu_buffer'}, $this->{'max_pdu_len'}, 0); return undef unless $remote_addr; if( (defined $ipv6_addr_len) && (length $remote_addr == $ipv6_addr_len)) { ($port,$iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in6($remote_addr); } else { ($port,$iaddr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($remote_addr); } $request = $this->{'pdu_buffer'}; return ($request, $iaddr, $port); } sub decode_request { my ($this, $request) = @_; my ($snmp_version, $community, $requestid, $errorstatus, $errorindex, $bindings); ($snmp_version, $community, $requestid, $errorstatus, $errorindex, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($request, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%@", SNMP_Session::get_request); if (defined $snmp_version) { # Its a valid get_request return(SNMP_Session::get_request, $requestid, $bindings, $community); } ($snmp_version, $community, $requestid, $errorstatus, $errorindex, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($request, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%@", SNMP_Session::getnext_request); if (defined $snmp_version) { # Its a valid getnext_request return(SNMP_Session::getnext_request, $requestid, $bindings, $community); } ($snmp_version, $community, $requestid, $errorstatus, $errorindex, $bindings) = decode_by_template ($request, "%{%i%s%*{%i%i%i%@", SNMP_Session::set_request); if (defined $snmp_version) { # Its a valid set_request return(SNMP_Session::set_request, $requestid, $bindings, $community); } # Something wrong with this packet # Decode failed return undef; } package SNMPv2c_Session; use strict qw(vars subs); # see above use vars qw(@ISA); use SNMP_Session; use BER; use Carp; @ISA = qw(SNMPv1_Session); sub snmp_version { 1 } sub open { my $session = SNMPv1_Session::open (@_); return undef unless defined $session; return bless $session; } ## map_table_start_end using get-bulk ## sub map_table_start_end ($$$$$$) { my ($session, $columns, $mapfn, $start, $end, $max_repetitions) = @_; my @encoded_oids; my $call_counter = 0; my $base_index = $start; my $ncols = @{$columns}; my @collected_values = (); if (! $session->{'use_getbulk'}) { return SNMP_Session::map_table_start_end ($session, $columns, $mapfn, $start, $end, $max_repetitions); } $max_repetitions = $session->default_max_repetitions unless defined $max_repetitions; for (;;) { foreach (@encoded_oids = @{$columns}) { $_=encode_oid (@{$_},split '\.',$base_index) || return $session->ber_error ("encoding OID $base_index"); } if ($session->getbulk_request_response (0, $max_repetitions, @encoded_oids)) { my $response = $session->pdu_buffer; my ($bindings) = $session->decode_get_response ($response); my @colstack = (); my $k = 0; my $j; my $min_index = undef; my @bases = @{$columns}; my $n_bindings = 0; my $binding; ## Copy all bindings into the colstack. ## The colstack is a vector of vectors. ## It contains one vector for each "repeater" variable. ## while ($bindings ne '') { ($binding, $bindings) = decode_sequence ($bindings); my ($oid, $value) = decode_by_template ($binding, "%O%@"); push @{$colstack[$k]}, [$oid, $value]; ++$k; $k = 0 if $k >= $ncols; } ## Now collect rows from the column stack: ## ## Iterate through the column stacks to find the smallest ## index, collecting the values for that index in ## @collected_values. ## ## As long as a row can be assembled, the map function is ## called on it and the iteration proceeds. ## $base_index = undef; walk_rows_from_pdu: for (;;) { my $min_index = undef; for ($k = 0; $k < $ncols; ++$k) { $collected_values[$k] = undef; my $pair = $colstack[$k]->[0]; unless (defined $pair) { $min_index = undef; last walk_rows_from_pdu; } my $this_index = SNMP_Session::oid_diff ($columns->[$k], $pair->[0]); if (defined $this_index) { my $cmp = !defined $min_index ? -1 : SNMP_Session::index_compare ($this_index, $min_index); if ($cmp == -1) { for ($j = 0; $j < $k; ++$j) { unshift (@{$colstack[$j]}, [$min_index, $collected_values[$j]]); $collected_values[$j] = undef; } $min_index = $this_index; } if ($cmp <= 0) { $collected_values[$k] = $pair->[1]; shift @{$colstack[$k]}; } } } ($base_index = undef), last if !defined $min_index; last if defined $end and SNMP_Session::index_compare ($min_index, $end) >= 0; &$mapfn ($min_index, @collected_values); ++$call_counter; $base_index = $min_index; } } else { return undef; } last if !defined $base_index; last if defined $end and SNMP_Session::index_compare ($base_index, $end) >= 0; } $call_counter; } 1;