# -*- perl -*- package Smokeping; use strict; use CGI; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64); use SNMP_util; use SNMP_Session; use POSIX; use Config::Grammar; use RRDs; use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); use Sys::Hostname; use Smokeping::Colorspace; use Smokeping::Master; use Smokeping::Slave; use Smokeping::RRDhelpers; use Smokeping::Graphs; setlogsock('unix') if grep /^ $^O $/xo, ("linux", "openbsd", "freebsd", "netbsd"); # make sure we do not end up with , in odd places where one would expect a '.' # we set the environment variable so that our 'kids' get the benefit too $ENV{LC_NUMERIC}='C'; if (POSIX::setlocale(&POSIX::LC_NUMERIC,"") ne "C") { die("Resetting LC_NUMERIC failed - try removing LC_ALL from the environment"); } use File::Basename; use Smokeping::Examples; use Smokeping::RRDtools; # globale persistent variables for speedy use vars qw($cfg $probes $VERSION $havegetaddrinfo $cgimode); $VERSION="2.002002"; # we want opts everywhere my %opt; BEGIN { $havegetaddrinfo = 0; eval 'use Socket6'; $havegetaddrinfo = 1 unless $@; } my $DEFAULTPRIORITY = 'info'; # default syslog priority my $logging = 0; # keeps track of whether we have a logging method enabled sub find_libdir { # find the directory where the probe and matcher modules are located # by looking for 'Smokeping/probes/FPing.pm' in @INC # # yes, this is ugly. Suggestions welcome. for (@INC) { -f "$_/Smokeping/probes/FPing.pm" or next; return $_; } return undef; } sub do_log(@); sub load_probe($$$$); sub dummyCGI::param { return wantarray ? () : ""; } sub load_probes ($){ my $cfg = shift; my %prbs; foreach my $probe (keys %{$cfg->{Probes}}) { my @subprobes = grep { ref $cfg->{Probes}{$probe}{$_} eq 'HASH' } keys %{$cfg->{Probes}{$probe}}; if (@subprobes) { my $modname = $probe; for my $subprobe (@subprobes) { $prbs{$subprobe} = load_probe($modname, $cfg->{Probes}{$probe}{$subprobe},$cfg, $subprobe); } } else { $prbs{$probe} = load_probe($probe, $cfg->{Probes}{$probe},$cfg, $probe); } } return \%prbs; }; sub load_probe ($$$$) { my $modname = shift; my $properties = shift; my $cfg = shift; my $name = shift; $name = $modname unless defined $name; # just in case, make sure we have the module loaded. unless # we are running as slave, this will already be the case # after reading the config file eval 'require Smokeping::probes::'.$modname; die "$@\n" if $@; my $rv; eval '$rv = Smokeping::probes::'.$modname.'->new( $properties,$cfg,$name);'; die "$@\n" if $@; die "Failed to load Probe $name (module $modname)\n" unless defined $rv; return $rv; } sub snmpget_ident ($) { my $host = shift; $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 10; # be silent my @get = snmpget("${host}::1:1:1", qw(sysContact sysName sysLocation)); return undef unless @get; my $answer = join "/", grep { defined } @get; $answer =~ s/\s+//g; return $answer; } sub cgiurl { my ($q, $cfg) = @_; my %url_of = ( absolute => $cfg->{General}{cgiurl}, relative => q{}, original => $q->script_name, ); my $linkstyle = $cfg->{General}->{linkstyle}; die('unknown value for $cfg->{General}->{linkstyle}: ' . $linkstyle ) unless exists $url_of{$linkstyle}; return $url_of{$linkstyle}; } sub lnk ($$) { my ($q, $path) = @_; if ($q->isa('dummyCGI')) { return $path . ".html"; } else { return cgiurl($q, $cfg) . "?target=" . $path; } } sub dyndir ($) { my $cfg = shift; return $cfg->{General}{dyndir} || $cfg->{General}{datadir}; } sub update_dynaddr ($$){ my $cfg = shift; my $q = shift; my @target = split /\./, $q->param('target'); my $secret = md5_base64($q->param('secret')); my $address = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}; my $targetptr = $cfg->{Targets}; foreach my $step (@target){ return "Error: Unknown target $step" unless defined $targetptr->{$step}; $targetptr = $targetptr->{$step}; }; return "Error: Invalid target or secret" unless defined $targetptr->{host} and $targetptr->{host} eq "DYNAMIC/${secret}"; my $file = dyndir($cfg); for (0..$#target-1) { $file .= "/" . $target[$_]; ( -d $file ) || mkdir $file, 0755; } $file.= "/" . $target[-1]; my $prevaddress = "?"; my $snmp = snmpget_ident $address; if (-r "$file.adr" and not -z "$file.adr"){ open(D, "<$file.adr") or return "Error opening $file.adr: $!\n"; chomp($prevaddress = ); close D; } if ( $prevaddress ne $address){ open(D, ">$file.adr.new") or return "Error writing $file.adr.new: $!"; print D $address,"\n"; close D; rename "$file.adr.new","$file.adr"; } if ( $snmp ) { open (D, ">$file.snmp.new") or return "Error writing $file.snmp.new: $!"; print D $snmp,"\n"; close D; rename "$file.snmp.new", "$file.snmp"; } elsif ( -f "$file.snmp") { unlink "$file.snmp" }; } sub sendmail ($$$){ my $from = shift; my $to = shift; $to = $1 if $to =~ /<(.*?)>/; my $body = shift; if ($cfg->{General}{mailhost} and my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new([split /\s*,\s*/, $cfg->{General}{mailhost}],Timeout=>5) ){ $smtp->mail($from); $smtp->to(split(/\s*,\s*/, $to)); $smtp->data(); $smtp->datasend($body); $smtp->dataend(); $smtp->quit; } elsif ($cfg->{General}{sendmail} or -x "/usr/lib/sendmail"){ open (M, "|-") || exec (($cfg->{General}{sendmail} || "/usr/lib/sendmail"),"-f",$from,$to); print M $body; close M; } else { warn "ERROR: not sending mail to $to, as all methodes failed\n"; } } sub sendsnpp ($$){ my $to = shift; my $msg = shift; if ($cfg->{General}{snpphost} and my $snpp = Net::SNPP->new($cfg->{General}{snpphost}, Timeout => 60)){ $snpp->send( Pager => $to, Message => $msg) || do_debuglog("ERROR - ". $snpp->message); $snpp->quit; } else { warn "ERROR: not sending page to $to, as all SNPP setup failed\n"; } } sub min ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; return $a < $b ? $a : $b; } sub init_alerts ($){ my $cfg = shift; foreach my $al (keys %{$cfg->{Alerts}}) { my $x = $cfg->{Alerts}{$al}; next unless ref $x eq 'HASH'; if ($x->{type} eq 'matcher'){ $x->{pattern} =~ /(\S+)\((.+)\)/ or die "ERROR: Alert $al pattern entry '$_' is invalid\n"; my $matcher = $1; my $arg = $2; die "ERROR: matcher $matcher: all matchers start with a capital letter since version 2.0\n" unless $matcher =~ /^[A-Z]/; eval 'require Smokeping::matchers::'.$matcher; die "Matcher '$matcher' could not be loaded: $@\n" if $@; my $hand; eval "\$hand = Smokeping::matchers::$matcher->new($arg)"; die "ERROR: Matcher '$matcher' could not be instantiated\nwith arguments $arg:\n$@\n" if $@; $x->{minlength} = $hand->Length; $x->{maxlength} = $x->{minlength}; $x->{sub} = sub { $hand->Test(shift) } ; } else { my $sub_front = <{$x->{type}}; for(1){ SUB my $sub; my $sub_back = " return 1;\n }\n return 0;\n}\n"; my @ops = split /\s*,\s*/, $x->{pattern}; $x->{minlength} = scalar grep /^[!=><]/, @ops; $x->{maxlength} = $x->{minlength}; my $multis = scalar grep /^[*]/, @ops; my $it = ""; for(1..$multis){ my $ind = " " x ($_-1); my $extra = ""; for (1..$_-1) { $extra .= "-\$i$_"; } $sub .= <{maxlength}; my $incr = 0; for (@ops) { my $extra = ""; $it = " " x $multis; for(1..$multis){ $extra .= "-\$i$_"; }; /^(==|!=|<|>|<=|>=|\*)(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|U|S|\d*\*)(%?)$/ or die "ERROR: Alert $al pattern entry '$_' is invalid\n"; my $op = $1; my $value = $2; my $perc = $3; if ($op eq '*') { if ($value =~ /^([1-9]\d*)\*$/) { $value = $1; $x->{maxlength} += $value; $sub_front .= " my \$imax$multis = min(\@\$y - $x->{minlength}, $value);\n"; $sub_back .= "\n"; $sub .= <= min(\$maxlength$extra,\$imax$multis); FOR $multis--; next; } else { die "ERROR: multi-match operator * must be followed by Number* in Alert $al definition\n"; } } elsif ($value eq 'U') { if ($op eq '==') { $sub .= "$it next if defined \$y->[$i$extra];\n"; } elsif ($op eq '!=') { $sub .= "$it next unless defined \$y->[$i$extra];\n"; } else { die "ERROR: invalid operator $op in connection U in Alert $al definition\n"; } } elsif ($value eq 'S') { if ($op eq '==') { $sub .= "$it next unless defined \$y->[$i$extra] and \$y->[$i$extra] eq 'S';\n"; } else { die "ERROR: S is only valid with == operator in Alert $al definition\n"; } } elsif ($value eq '*') { if ($op ne '==') { die "ERROR: operator $op makes no sense with * in Alert $al definition\n"; } # do nothing else ... } else { if ( $x->{type} eq 'loss') { die "ERROR: loss should be specified in % (alert $al pattern)\n" unless $perc eq "%"; } elsif ( $x->{type} eq 'rtt' ) { $value /= 1000; } else { die "ERROR: unknown alert type $x->{type}\n"; } $sub .= <[$i$extra] $it and \$y->[$i$extra] =~ /^\\d/ $it and \$y->[$i$extra] $op $value; IF } $i++; } $sub_front .= "$it my \$minlength = $x->{minlength};\n"; $sub_front .= "$it my \$maxlength = $x->{maxlength};\n"; $sub_front .= "$it next if scalar \@\$y < \$minlength ;\n"; do_debuglog(<{pattern} $sub_front$sub$sub_back COMP $x->{sub} = eval ( $sub_front.$sub.$sub_back ); die "ERROR: compiling alert pattern $al ($x->{pattern}): $@\n" if $@; } } } sub check_filter ($$) { my $cfg = shift; my $name = shift; # remove the path prefix when filtering and make sure the path again starts with / my $prefix = $cfg->{General}{datadir}; $name =~ s|^${prefix}/*|/|; # if there is a filter do neither schedule these nor make rrds if ($opt{filter} && scalar @{$opt{filter}}){ my $ok = 0; for (@{$opt{filter}}){ /^\!(.+)$/ && do { my $rx = $1; $name !~ /^$rx/ && do{ $ok = 1}; next; }; /^(.+)$/ && do { my $rx = $1; $name =~ /^$rx/ && do {$ok = 1}; next; }; } return $ok; }; return 1; } sub add_targets ($$$$); sub add_targets ($$$$){ my $cfg = shift; my $probes = shift; my $tree = shift; my $name = shift; die "Error: Invalid Probe: $tree->{probe}" unless defined $probes->{$tree->{probe}}; my $probeobj = $probes->{$tree->{probe}}; foreach my $prop (keys %{$tree}) { if (ref $tree->{$prop} eq 'HASH'){ add_targets $cfg, $probes, $tree->{$prop}, "$name/$prop"; } if ($prop eq 'host' and check_filter($cfg,$name) and $tree->{$prop} !~ m|^/| ) { if($tree->{host} =~ /^DYNAMIC/) { $probeobj->add($tree,$name); } else { $probeobj->add($tree,$tree->{host}); } } } } sub init_target_tree ($$$$); # predeclare recursive subs sub init_target_tree ($$$$) { my $cfg = shift; my $probes = shift; my $tree = shift; my $name = shift; die "Error: Invalid Probe: $tree->{probe}" unless defined $probes->{$tree->{probe}}; my $probeobj = $probes->{$tree->{probe}}; if ($tree->{alerts}){ die "ERROR: no Alerts section\n" unless exists $cfg->{Alerts}; $tree->{alerts} = [ split(/\s*,\s*/, $tree->{alerts}) ] unless ref $tree->{alerts} eq 'ARRAY'; $tree->{fetchlength} = 0; foreach my $al (@{$tree->{alerts}}) { die "ERROR: alert $al ($name) is not defined\n" unless defined $cfg->{Alerts}{$al}; $tree->{fetchlength} = $cfg->{Alerts}{$al}{maxlength} if $tree->{fetchlength} < $cfg->{Alerts}{$al}{maxlength}; } }; # fill in menu and title if missing $tree->{menu} ||= $tree->{host} || "unknown"; $tree->{title} ||= $tree->{host} || "unknown"; foreach my $prop (keys %{$tree}) { if (ref $tree->{$prop} eq 'HASH'){ if (not -d $name and not $cgimode) { mkdir $name, 0755 or die "ERROR: mkdir $name: $!\n"; }; init_target_tree $cfg, $probes, $tree->{$prop}, "$name/$prop"; } if ($prop eq 'host' and check_filter($cfg,$name) and $tree->{$prop} !~ m|^/|) { # print "init $name\n"; my $step = $probeobj->step(); # we have to do the add before calling the _pings method, it won't work otherwise my $pings = $probeobj->_pings($tree); my @slaves = (""); if ($tree->{slaves}){ push @slaves, split /\s+/, $tree->{slaves}; }; for my $slave (@slaves){ my $s = $slave ? "~".$slave : ""; my @create = ($name.$s.".rrd", "--start",(time-1),"--step",$step, "DS:uptime:GAUGE:".(2*$step).":0:U", "DS:loss:GAUGE:".(2*$step).":0:".$pings, "DS:median:GAUGE:".(2*$step).":0:180", (map { "DS:ping${_}:GAUGE:".(2*$step).":0:180" } 1..$pings), (map { "RRA:".(join ":", @{$_}) } @{$cfg->{Database}{_table}} )); if (not -f $name.$s.".rrd"){ unless ($cgimode) { do_debuglog("Calling RRDs::create(@create)"); RRDs::create(@create); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); do_log "RRDs::create ERROR: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; } } else { shift @create; # remove the filename my ($fatal, $comparison) = Smokeping::RRDtools::compare($name.$s.".rrd", \@create); die("Error: RRD parameter mismatch ('$comparison'). You must delete $name$s.rrd or fix the configuration parameters.\n") if $fatal; warn("Warning: RRD parameter mismatch('$comparison'). Continuing anyway.\n") if $comparison and not $fatal; Smokeping::RRDtools::tuneds($name.$s.".rrd", \@create); } } } } }; sub enable_dynamic($$$$); sub enable_dynamic($$$$){ my $cfg = shift; my $cfgfile = $cfg->{__cfgfile}; my $tree = shift; my $path = shift; my $email = ($tree->{email} || shift); my $print; die "ERROR: smokemail property in $cfgfile not specified\n" unless defined $cfg->{General}{smokemail}; die "ERROR: cgiurl property in $cfgfile not specified\n" unless defined $cfg->{General}{cgiurl}; if (defined $tree->{host} and $tree->{host} eq 'DYNAMIC' ) { if ( not defined $email ) { warn "WARNING: No email address defined for $path\n"; } else { my $usepath = $path; $usepath =~ s/\.$//; my $secret = int(rand 1000000); my $md5 = md5_base64($secret); open C, "<$cfgfile" or die "ERROR: Reading $cfgfile: $!\n"; open G, ">$cfgfile.new" or die "ERROR: Writing $cfgfile.new: $!\n"; my $section ; my @goal = split /\./, $usepath; my $indent = "+"; my $done; while (){ $done && do { print G; next }; /^\s*\Q*** Targets ***\E\s*$/ && do{$section = 'match'}; @goal && $section && /^\s*\Q${indent}\E\s*\Q$goal[0]\E/ && do { $indent .= "+"; shift @goal; }; (not @goal) && /^\s*host\s*=\s*DYNAMIC$/ && do { print G "host = DYNAMIC/$md5\n"; $done = 1; next; }; print G; } close G; rename "$cfgfile.new", $cfgfile; close C; my $body; open SMOKE, $cfg->{General}{smokemail} or die "ERROR: can't read $cfg->{General}{smokemail}: $!\n"; while (){ s/<##PATH##>/$usepath/ig; s/<##SECRET##>/$secret/ig; s/<##URL##>/$cfg->{General}{cgiurl}/; s/<##FROM##>/$cfg->{General}{contact}/; s/<##OWNER##>/$cfg->{General}{owner}/; s/<##TO##>/$email/; $body .= $_; } close SMOKE; my $mail; print STDERR "Sending smoke-agent for $usepath to $email ... "; sendmail $cfg->{General}{contact},$email,$body; print STDERR "DONE\n"; } } foreach my $prop ( keys %{$tree}) { enable_dynamic $cfg, $tree->{$prop},"$path$prop.",$email if ref $tree->{$prop} eq 'HASH'; } }; sub get_tree($$){ my $cfg = shift; my $open = shift; my $tree = $cfg->{Targets}; for (@{$open}){ $tree = $tree->{$_}; } return $tree; } sub target_menu($$$;$); sub target_menu($$$;$){ my $tree = shift; my $open = shift; my $path = shift; my $suffix = shift || ''; my $print; my $current = shift @{$open} || ""; my @hashes; foreach my $prop (sort { $tree->{$a}{_order} <=> $tree->{$b}{_order}} grep { ref $tree->{$_} eq 'HASH' } keys %{$tree}) { push @hashes, $prop; } return "" unless @hashes; $print .= "\n"; for (@hashes) { my $class; if ($_ eq $current ){ if ( @$open ) { $class = 'menuopen'; } else { $class = 'menuactive'; } } else { $class = 'menuitem'; }; my $menu = $tree->{$_}{menu}; $menu =~ s/ / /g; my $menuadd =""; $menuadd = " " x (20 - length($menu)) if length($menu) < 20; $print .= "\n"; if ($_ eq $current){ my $prline = target_menu $tree->{$_}, $open, "$path$_.", $suffix; $print .= "" if $prline; } } $print .= "
 - $menu$menuadd
\n"; return $print; }; sub fill_template ($$;$){ my $template = shift; my $subst = shift; my $data = shift; if ($template){ my $line = $/; undef $/; open I, $template or return undef; $data = ; close I; $/ = $line; } foreach my $tag (keys %{$subst}) { $data =~ s/<##${tag}##>/$subst->{$tag}/g; } return $data; } sub exp2seconds ($) { my $x = shift; $x =~/(\d+)m/ && return $1*60; $x =~/(\d+)h/ && return $1*60*60; $x =~/(\d+)d/ && return $1*60*60*24; $x =~/(\d+)w/ && return $1*60*60*24*7; $x =~/(\d+)y/ && return $1*60*60*24*365; return $x; } sub calc_stddev { my $rrd = shift; my $id = shift; my $pings = shift; my @G = map {("DEF:pin${id}p${_}=${rrd}:ping${_}:AVERAGE","CDEF:p${id}p${_}=pin${id}p${_},UN,0,pin${id}p${_},IF")} 1..$pings; push @G, "CDEF:pings${id}="."$pings,p${id}p1,UN,".join(",",map {"p${id}p$_,UN,+"} 2..$pings).",-"; push @G, "CDEF:m${id}="."p${id}p1,".join(",",map {"p${id}p$_,+"} 2..$pings).",pings${id},/"; push @G, "CDEF:sdev${id}=p${id}p1,m${id},-,DUP,*,".join(",",map {"p${id}p$_,m${id},-,DUP,*,+"} 2..$pings).",pings${id},/,SQRT"; return @G; } sub brighten_webcolor { my $web = shift; my @rgb = Smokeping::Colorspace::web_to_rgb($web); my @hsl = Smokeping::Colorspace::rgb_to_hsl(@rgb); $hsl[2] = (1 - $hsl[2]) * (2/3) + $hsl[2]; @rgb = Smokeping::Colorspace::hsl_to_rgb(@hsl); return Smokeping::Colorspace::rgb_to_web(@rgb); } sub get_overview ($$$$){ my $cfg = shift; my $q = shift; my $tree = shift; my $open = shift; my $dir = ""; my $page =""; for (@$open) { $dir .= "/$_"; mkdir $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir, 0755 unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir; die "ERROR: creating $cfg->{General}{imgcache}$dir: $!\n" unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir; } my $date = $cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{strftime} ? POSIX::strftime($cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{strftime}, localtime(time)) : scalar localtime(time); if ( $RRDs::VERSION >= 1.199908 ){ $date =~ s|:|\\:|g; } foreach my $prop (sort {$tree->{$a}{_order} <=> $tree->{$b}{_order}} grep { ref $tree->{$_} eq 'HASH' and defined $tree->{$_}{host}} keys %$tree) { my @slaves = (""); if ($tree->{$prop}{host} =~ m|^/|){ # multi host syntax @slaves = split /\s+/, $tree->{$prop}{host}; } elsif ($tree->{$prop}{slaves}){ push @slaves, split /\s+/,$tree->{$prop}{slaves}; } my @G; #Graph 'script' my $max = $cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{max_rtt} || "100000"; my $probe = $probes->{$tree->{$prop}{probe}}; my $pings = $probe->_pings($tree->{$prop}); my $i = 0; my @colors = split /\s+/, $cfg->{Presentation}{multihost}{colors}; for my $slave (@slaves){ $i++; my $rrd; my $medc; my $label; if ($slave =~ m|^/|){ # multihost entry $rrd = $cfg->{General}{datadir}.'/'.$slave.".rrd"; $medc = shift @colors; my @tree_path = split /\//,$slave; shift @tree_path; my ($host,$real_slave) = split /~/, $tree_path[-1]; #/ $tree_path[-1]= $host; my $tree = get_tree($cfg,\@tree_path); $label = $tree->{menu}; if ($real_slave){ $label .= "<". $cfg->{Slaves}{$real_slave}{display_name}; } $label = sprintf("%-20s",$label); push @colors, $medc; } else { my $s = $slave ? "~".$slave : ""; $rrd = $cfg->{General}{datadir}.$dir.'/'.$prop.$s.'.rrd'; $medc = $slave ? $cfg->{Slaves}{$slave}{color} : ($cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{median_color} || shift @colors); if ($#slaves > 0){ $label = sprintf("%-25s","median RTT from ".($slave ? $cfg->{Slaves}{$slave}{display_name} : $cfg->{General}{display_name} || hostname)); } else { $label = "med RTT" } }; my $sdc = $medc; $sdc =~ s/^(......).*/${1}30/; push @G, "DEF:median$i=${rrd}:median:AVERAGE", "DEF:loss$i=${rrd}:loss:AVERAGE", "CDEF:ploss$i=loss$i,$pings,/,100,*", "CDEF:dm$i=median$i,0,$max,LIMIT", calc_stddev($rrd,$i,$pings), "CDEF:dmlow$i=dm$i,sdev$i,2,/,-", "CDEF:s2d$i=sdev$i", # "CDEF:dm2=median,1.5,*,0,$max,LIMIT", # "LINE1:dm2", # this is for kicking things down a bit "AREA:dmlow$i", "AREA:s2d${i}#${sdc}::STACK", "LINE1:dm$i#${medc}:${label}", "VDEF:avmed$i=median$i,AVERAGE", "VDEF:avsd$i=sdev$i,AVERAGE", "CDEF:msr$i=median$i,POP,avmed$i,avsd$i,/", "VDEF:avmsr$i=msr$i,AVERAGE", "GPRINT:avmed$i:%5.1lf %ss av md ", "GPRINT:ploss$i:AVERAGE:%5.1lf %% av ls", "GPRINT:avsd$i:%5.1lf %ss av sd", "GPRINT:avmsr$i:%5.1lf %s am/as\\l"; } my $ProbeUnit = $probe->ProbeUnit(); my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph ($cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir."/${prop}_mini.png", # '--lazy', '--start','-'.exp2seconds($cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{range}), '--title',$tree->{$prop}{title}, '--height',$cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{height}, '--width',$cfg->{Presentation}{overview}{width}, '--vertical-label', $ProbeUnit, '--imgformat','PNG', '--alt-autoscale-max', '--alt-y-grid', '--rigid', '--lower-limit','0', @G, "COMMENT:$date\\r"); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); $page .= "
"; if (defined $ERROR) { $page .= "ERROR: $ERROR
", map {"'$_'"} @G); } else { $page.="". "{General}{imgurl}.$dir."/${prop}_mini.png\">"; } $page .="
" } return $page; } sub findmax ($$) { my $cfg = shift; my $rrd = shift; # my $pings = "ping".int($cfg->{Database}{pings}/1.1); my %maxmedian; my @maxmedian; for (@{$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{_table}}) { my ($desc,$start) = @{$_}; $start = exp2seconds($start); my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph ("dummy", '--start', -$start, '--end','-'.int($start / $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{width}), "DEF:maxping=${rrd}:median:AVERAGE", 'PRINT:maxping:MAX:%le' ); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); do_log $ERROR if $ERROR; my $val = $graphret->[0]; $val = 0 if $val =~ /nan/i; $maxmedian{$start} = $val; push @maxmedian, $val; } my $med = (sort @maxmedian)[int(($#maxmedian) / 2 )]; my $max = 0.000001; foreach my $x ( keys %maxmedian ){ if ( not defined $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{unison_tolerance} or ( $maxmedian{$x} <= $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{unison_tolerance} * $med and $maxmedian{$x} >= $med / $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{unison_tolerance}) ){ $max = $maxmedian{$x} unless $maxmedian{$x} < $max; $maxmedian{$x} = undef; }; } foreach my $x ( keys %maxmedian ){ if (defined $maxmedian{$x}) { $maxmedian{$x} *= 1.2; } else { $maxmedian{$x} = $max * 1.2; } $maxmedian{$x} = $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{max_rtt} if $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{max_rtt} and $maxmedian{$x} > $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{max_rtt} }; return \%maxmedian; } sub smokecol ($) { my $count = shift; return [] unless $count > 2; my $half = $count/2; my @items; my $itop=$count; my $ibot=1; for (; $itop > $ibot; $itop--,$ibot++){ my $color = int(190/$half * ($half-$ibot))+50; push @items, "CDEF:smoke${ibot}=cp${ibot},UN,UNKN,cp${itop},cp${ibot},-,IF"; push @items, "AREA:cp${ibot}"; push @items, "STACK:smoke${ibot}#".(sprintf("%02x",$color) x 3); }; return \@items; } sub parse_datetime($){ my $in = shift; for ($in){ /^(\d+)$/ && do { my $value = $1; $value = time if $value > 2**32; return $value}; /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})(?:\s+(\d{1,2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?\s*$/ && return POSIX::mktime($6||0,$5||0,$4||0,$3,$2-1,$1-1900,0,0,-1); /([ -:a-z0-9]+)/ && return $1; }; } sub get_detail ($$$$;$){ # when drawing the detail page there are three modes for doing it # a) 's' classic with several static graphs on the page # b) 'n' navigator mode with one graph. below the graph one can specify the end time # and the length of the graph. # c) 'c' chart mode, one graph with a link to it's full page # d) 'a' ajax mode, generate image based on given url and dump in on stdout # my $cfg = shift; my $q = shift; my $tree = shift; my $open = shift; my $mode = shift || $q->param('displaymode') || 's'; if ($tree->{host} and $tree->{host} =~ m|^/|){ return Smokeping::Graphs::get_multi_detail($cfg,$q,$tree,$open,$mode); } my @slaves = (""); if ($tree->{slaves} and $mode eq 's'){ push @slaves, split /\s+/,$tree->{slaves}; }; return "" unless $tree->{host}; my @dirs = @{$open}; my $file = $mode eq 'c' ? (split(/~/, pop @dirs))[0] : pop @dirs; my $dir = ""; return "
ERROR: ".(join ".", @dirs)." has no probe defined
" unless $tree->{probe}; return "
ERROR: ".(join ".", @dirs)." $tree->{probe} is not known
" unless $cfg->{__probes}{$tree->{probe}}; my $probe = $cfg->{__probes}{$tree->{probe}}; my $ProbeDesc = $probe->ProbeDesc(); my $ProbeUnit = $probe->ProbeUnit(); my $pings = $probe->_pings($tree); my $step = $probe->step(); my $page; return "
ERROR: unknown displaymode $mode
" unless $mode =~ /^[snca]$/; for (@dirs) { $dir .= "/$_"; mkdir $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir, 0755 unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir; die "ERROR: creating $cfg->{General}{imgcache}$dir: $!\n" unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}.$dir; } my $base_rrd = $cfg->{General}{datadir}.$dir."/${file}"; my $imgbase; my $imghref; my $max = {}; my @tasks; my %lastheight; if ($mode eq 's'){ # in nav mode there is only one graph, so the height calculation # is not necessary. $imgbase = $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/".(join "/", @dirs)."/${file}"; $imghref = $cfg->{General}{imgurl}."/".(join "/", @dirs)."/${file}"; @tasks = @{$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{_table}}; for my $slave (@slaves){ my $s = $slave ? "~$slave" : ""; if (open (HG,"<${imgbase}.maxheight$s")){ while (){ chomp; my @l = split / /; $lastheight{$s}{$l[0]} = $l[1]; } close HG; } $max->{$s} = findmax $cfg, $base_rrd.$s.".rrd"; if (open (HG,">${imgbase}.maxheight$s")){ foreach my $size (keys %{$max->{$s}}){ print HG "$s $max->{$s}{$size}\n"; } close HG; } } } elsif ($mode eq 'n' or $mode eq 'a') { my $slave = (split(/~/, $open->[-1]))[1]; my $name = $slave ? " as seen from ". $cfg->{Slaves}{$slave}{display_name} : ""; mkdir $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__navcache",0755 unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__navcache"; # remove old images after one hour my $pattern = $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__navcache/*.png"; for (glob $pattern){ unlink $_ if time - (stat $_)[9] > 3600; } if ($mode eq 'n') { $imgbase =$cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__navcache/".time()."$$"; $imghref =$cfg->{General}{imgurl}."/__navcache/".time()."$$"; } else { my $serial = int(rand(2000)); $imgbase =$cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__navcache/".$serial; $imghref =$cfg->{General}{imgurl}."/__navcache/".$serial; } @tasks = (["Navigator Graph".$name, parse_datetime($q->param('start')),parse_datetime($q->param('end'))]); my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph ("dummy", '--start', $tasks[0][1], '--end',$tasks[0][2], "DEF:maxping=${base_rrd}.rrd:median:AVERAGE", 'PRINT:maxping:MAX:%le' ); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); return "
RRDtool did not understand your input: $ERROR.
" if $ERROR; my $val = $graphret->[0]; $val = 1 if $val =~ /nan/i; $max->{''} = { $tasks[0][1] => $val * 1.5 }; } else { # chart mode mkdir $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__chartscache",0755 unless -d $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__chartscache"; # remove old images after one hour my $pattern = $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__chartscache/*.png"; for (glob $pattern){ unlink $_ if time - (stat $_)[9] > 3600; } my $desc = join "/",@{$open}; @tasks = ([$desc , 3600]); $imgbase = $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/__chartscache/".(join ".", @dirs).".${file}"; $imghref = $cfg->{General}{imgurl}."/__chartscache/".(join ".", @dirs).".${file}"; my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph ("dummy", '--start', time()-3600, '--end', time(), "DEF:maxping=${base_rrd}.rrd:median:AVERAGE", 'PRINT:maxping:MAX:%le' ); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); return "
RRDtool did not understand your input: $ERROR.
" if $ERROR; my $val = $graphret->[0]; $val = 1 if $val =~ /nan/i; $max->{''} = { $tasks[0][1] => $val * 1.5 }; } my $smoke = $pings >= 3 ? smokecol $pings : [ 'COMMENT:(Not enough pings to draw any smoke.)\s', 'COMMENT:\s' ]; # one \s doesn't seem to be enough my @upargs; my @upsmoke; my %lc; my %lcback; if ( defined $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_colors}{_table} ) { for (@{$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_colors}{_table}}) { my ($num,$col,$txt) = @{$_}; $lc{$num} = [ $txt, "#".$col ]; } } else { my $p = $pings; %lc = (0 => ['0', '#26ff00'], 1 => ["1/$p", '#00b8ff'], 2 => ["2/$p", '#0059ff'], 3 => ["3/$p", '#5e00ff'], 4 => ["4/$p", '#7e00ff'], int($p/2) => [int($p/2)."/$p", '#dd00ff'], $p-1 => [($p-1)."/$p", '#ff0000'], ); }; # determine a more 'pastel' version of the ping colours; this is # used for the optional loss background colouring foreach my $key (keys %lc) { if ($key == 0) { $lcback{$key} = ""; next; } my $web = $lc{$key}[1]; my @rgb = Smokeping::Colorspace::web_to_rgb($web); my @hsl = Smokeping::Colorspace::rgb_to_hsl(@rgb); $hsl[2] = (1 - $hsl[2]) * (2/3) + $hsl[2]; @rgb = Smokeping::Colorspace::hsl_to_rgb(@hsl); $web = Smokeping::Colorspace::rgb_to_web(@rgb); $lcback{$key} = $web; } my %upt; if ( defined $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{uptime_colors}{_table} ) { for (@{$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{uptime_colors}{_table}}) { my ($num,$col,$txt) = @{$_}; $upt{$num} = [ $txt, "#".$col]; } } else { %upt = (3600 => ['<1h', '#FFD3D3'], 2*3600 => ['<2h', '#FFE4C7'], 6*3600 => ['<6h', '#FFF9BA'], 12*3600 => ['<12h','#F3FFC0'], 24*3600 => ['<1d', '#E1FFCC'], 7*24*3600 => ['<1w', '#BBFFCB'], 30*24*3600 => ['<1m', '#BAFFF5'], '1e100' => ['>1m', '#DAECFF'] ); } my $BS = ''; if ( $RRDs::VERSION >= 1.199908 ){ $ProbeDesc =~ s|:|\\:|g; $BS = '\\'; } for (@tasks) { my ($desc,$start,$end) = @{$_}; my %xs; my %ys; my $sigtime = ($end and $end =~ /^\d+$/) ? $end : time; my $date = $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{strftime} ? POSIX::strftime($cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{strftime}, localtime($sigtime)) : scalar localtime($sigtime); if ( $RRDs::VERSION >= 1.199908 ){ $date =~ s|:|\\:|g; } $end ||= 'last'; $start = exp2seconds($start) if $mode =~ /[s]/; my $startstr = $start =~ /^\d+$/ ? POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime($mode eq 'n' ? $start : time-$start)) : $start; my $endstr = $end =~ /^\d+$/ ? POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",localtime($mode eq 'n' ? $end : time)) : $end; my $realstart = ( $mode =~ /[sc]/ ? '-'.$start : $start); for my $slave (@slaves){ my $s = $slave ? "~$slave" : ""; my $swidth = $max->{$s}{$start} / $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{height}; my $rrd = $base_rrd.$s.".rrd"; my $stddev = Smokeping::RRDhelpers::get_stddev($rrd,'median','AVERAGE',$realstart,$sigtime) || 0; my @median = ("DEF:median=${rrd}:median:AVERAGE", "CDEF:ploss=loss,$pings,/,100,*", "VDEF:avmed=median,AVERAGE", "CDEF:mesd=median,POP,avmed,$stddev,/", 'GPRINT:avmed:median rtt\: %.1lf %ss avg', 'GPRINT:median:MAX:%.1lf %ss max', 'GPRINT:median:MIN:%.1lf %ss min', 'GPRINT:median:LAST:%.1lf %ss now', sprintf('COMMENT:%.1lf ms sd',$stddev*1000.0), 'GPRINT:mesd:AVERAGE:%.1lf %s am/s\l', "LINE1:median#202020" ); push @median, ( "GPRINT:ploss:AVERAGE:packet loss\\: %.2lf %% avg", "GPRINT:ploss:MAX:%.2lf %% max", "GPRINT:ploss:MIN:%.2lf %% min", 'GPRINT:ploss:LAST:%.2lf %% now\l', 'COMMENT:loss color\:' ); my @lossargs = (); my @losssmoke = (); my $last = -1; foreach my $loss (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %lc){ next if $loss >= $pings; my $lvar = $loss; $lvar =~ s/\./d/g ; push @median, ( "CDEF:me$lvar=loss,$last,GT,loss,$loss,LE,*,1,UNKN,IF,median,*", "CDEF:meL$lvar=me$lvar,$swidth,-", "CDEF:meH$lvar=me$lvar,0,*,$swidth,2,*,+", "AREA:meL$lvar", "STACK:meH$lvar$lc{$loss}[1]:$lc{$loss}[0]" # "LINE2:me$lvar$lc{$loss}[1]:$lc{$loss}[0]" ); if ($cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_background} and $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_background} eq 'yes') { push @lossargs, ( "CDEF:lossbg$lvar=loss,$last,GT,loss,$loss,LE,*,INF,UNKN,IF", "AREA:lossbg$lvar$lcback{$loss}", ); push @losssmoke, ( "CDEF:lossbgs$lvar=loss,$last,GT,loss,$loss,LE,*,cp2,UNKN,IF", "AREA:lossbgs$lvar$lcback{$loss}", ); } $last = $loss; } # if we have uptime draw a colorful background or the graph showing the uptime my $cdir=dyndir($cfg)."/".(join "/", @dirs)."/"; if ((not defined $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_background} or $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{loss_background} ne 'yes') && (-f "$cdir/${file}.adr")) { @upsmoke = (); @upargs = ("COMMENT:Link Up${BS}: ", "DEF:uptime=${base_rrd}.rrd:uptime:AVERAGE", "CDEF:duptime=uptime,86400,/", 'GPRINT:duptime:LAST: %0.1lf days ('); my $lastup = 0; foreach my $uptime (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %upt){ push @upargs, ( "CDEF:up$uptime=uptime,$lastup,GE,uptime,$uptime,LE,*,INF,UNKN,IF", "AREA:up$uptime$upt{$uptime}[1]:$upt{$uptime}[0]" ); push @upsmoke, ( "CDEF:ups$uptime=uptime,$lastup,GE,uptime,$uptime,LE,*,cp2,UNKN,IF", "AREA:ups$uptime$upt{$uptime}[1]" ); $lastup=$uptime; } push @upargs, 'COMMENT:)\l'; # map {print "$_
"} @upargs; }; my @log = (); push @log, "--logarithmic" if $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{logarithmic} and $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{logarithmic} eq 'yes'; my @lazy =(); @lazy = ('--lazy') if $mode eq 's' and $lastheight{$s} and $lastheight{$s}{$start} and $lastheight{$s}{$start} == $max->{$s}{$start}; my $timer_start = time(); my $from = $s ? " from $cfg->{Slaves}{$slave}{display_name}": ""; my @task = ("${imgbase}${s}_${end}_${start}.png", @lazy, '--start',$realstart, ($end ne 'last' ? ('--end',$end) : ()), '--height',$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{height}, '--width',,$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{width}, '--title',$desc.$from, '--rigid','--upper-limit', $max->{$s}{$start}, @log, '--lower-limit',(@log ? ($max->{$s}{$start} > 0.01) ? '0.001' : '0.0001' : '0'), '--vertical-label',$ProbeUnit, '--imgformat','PNG', '--color', 'SHADEA#ffffff', '--color', 'SHADEB#ffffff', '--color', 'BACK#ffffff', '--color', 'CANVAS#ffffff', (map {"DEF:ping${_}=${rrd}:ping${_}:AVERAGE"} 1..$pings), (map {"CDEF:cp${_}=ping${_},0,$max->{$s}{$start},LIMIT"} 1..$pings), ("DEF:loss=${rrd}:loss:AVERAGE"), @upargs,# draw the uptime bg color @lossargs, # draw the loss bg color @$smoke, @upsmoke, # draw the rest of the uptime bg color @losssmoke, # draw the rest of the loss bg color @median,'COMMENT: \l', # Gray background for times when no data was collected, so they can # be distinguished from network being down. ( $cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{nodata_color} ? ( 'CDEF:nodata=loss,UN,INF,UNKN,IF', "AREA:nodata#$cfg->{Presentation}{detail}{nodata_color}" ): ()), 'HRULE:0#000000', "COMMENT:probe${BS}: $pings $ProbeDesc every ${step}s", 'COMMENT:end\: '.$date.'\j' ); # do_log ("***** begin task *****
"); # do_log (@task); # do_log ("***** end task *****
"); my $graphret; ($graphret,$xs{$s},$ys{$s}) = RRDs::graph @task; # die "
"; my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); if ($ERROR) { return "
"; }; } if ($mode eq 'a'){ # ajax mode open my $img, "${imgbase}_${end}_${start}.png" or die "${imgbase}_${end}_${start}.png: $!"; binmode $img; print "Content-Type: image/png\n"; my $data; read($img,$data,(stat($img))[7]); close $img; print "Content-Length: ".length($data)."\n\n"; print $data; unlink "${imgbase}_${end}_${start}.png"; exit; } elsif ($mode eq 'n'){ # navigator mode # $page .= qq|
|; $page .= qq|| ; # $page .= "
"; $page .= $q->start_form(-method=>'GET', -id=>'range_form') . "

Time range: " . $q->hidden(-name=>'epoch_start',-id=>'epoch_start',-default=>$start) . $q->hidden(-name=>'epoch_end',-id=>'epoch_end',-default=>time()) . $q->hidden(-name=>'target',-id=>'target' ) . $q->hidden(-name=>'displaymode',-default=>$mode ) . $q->textfield(-name=>'start',-default=>$startstr) . "  to  ".$q->textfield(-name=>'end',-default=>$endstr) . " " . $q->submit(-name=>'Generate!') . "

" . $q->end_form(); } elsif ($mode eq 's') { # classic mode $startstr =~ s/\s/%20/g; $endstr =~ s/\s/%20/g; for my $slave (@slaves){ my $s = $slave ? "~$slave" : ""; $page .= "
"; # $page .= (time-$timer_start)."
"; # $page .= join " ",map {"'$_'"} @task; $page .= "
"; $page .= ( qq{' . qq{}."" ); #" $page .= "
"; } } else { # chart mode $page .= "
"; my $href= (split /~/, (join ".", @$open))[0]; #/ # the link is 'slave free' $page .= ( qq{} . qq{}."" ); #" $page .= "
"; } } return $page; } sub get_charts ($$$){ my $cfg = shift; my $q = shift; my $open = shift; my $cache = $cfg->{__sortercache}; my $page = "


"; return $page."

Waiting for initial data ...

" unless $cache; my %charts; for my $chart ( keys %{$cfg->{Presentation}{charts}} ) { next unless ref $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart} eq 'HASH'; $charts{$chart} = $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart}{__obj}->SortTree($cache->{$chart}); } if (not defined $open->[1]){ for my $chart ( keys %charts ){ $page .= "


\n"; if (not defined $charts{$chart}[0]){ $page .= "

No targets retured by the sorter.

" } else { my $tree = $cfg->{Targets}; my $chartentry = $charts{$chart}[0]; for (@{$chartentry->{open}}) { my ($host,$slave) = split(/~/, $_); die "ERROR: Section '$host' does not exist.\n" unless exists $tree->{$host}; last unless ref $tree->{$host} eq 'HASH'; $tree = $tree->{$host}; } $page .= get_detail($cfg,$q,$tree,$chartentry->{open},'c'); } } } else { my $chart = $open->[1]; $page = "


\n"; if (not defined $charts{$chart}[0]){ $page .= "

No targets retured by the sorter.

" } else { my $rank =1; for my $chartentry (@{$charts{$chart}}){ my $tree = $cfg->{Targets}; for (@{$chartentry->{open}}) { my ($host,$slave) = split(/~/, $_); die "ERROR: Section '$_' does not exist.\n" unless exists $tree->{$host}; last unless ref $tree->{$host} eq 'HASH'; $tree = $tree->{$host}; } $page .= "

$rank."; $page .= " ".sprintf($cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart}{format},$chartentry->{value}) if ($cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart}{format}); $page .= "

"; $rank++; $page .= get_detail($cfg,$q,$tree,$chartentry->{open},'c'); } } } return $page; } sub load_sortercache($){ my $cfg = shift; my %cache; my $found; for (glob "$cfg->{General}{datadir}/__sortercache/data*.storable"){ # kill old caches ... if ((time - (stat "$_")[9]) > $cfg->{Database}{step}*2){ unlink $_; next; } my $data = Storable::retrieve("$_"); for my $chart (keys %$data){ for my $path (keys %{$data->{$chart}}){ warn "Warning: Duplicate entry $chart/$path in sortercache\n" if defined $cache{$chart}{$path}; $cache{$chart}{$path} = $data->{$chart}{$path} } } $found = 1; } return ( $found ? \%cache : undef ) } sub display_webpage($$){ my $cfg = shift; my $q = shift; my $open_orig = [ split /\./,( $q->param('target') || '')]; my $open = [@$open_orig]; # in this version we get rid of the 'slave' part if there is any my ($host,$slave); if (0 < @$open){ ($host,$slave) = split(/~/, $open->[-1]); $open->[-1] = $host; } my $tree = $cfg->{Targets}; my $targets = $cfg->{Targets}; my $step = $cfg->{__probes}{$targets->{probe}}->step(); # lets see if the charts are opened my $charts = 0; $charts = 1 if defined $cfg->{Presentation}{charts} and $open->[0] and $open->[0] eq '__charts'; if ($charts and ( not defined $cfg->{__sortercache} or $cfg->{__sortercachekeeptime} < time )){ # die "ERROR: Chart $open->[1] does not exit.\n" # unless $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$open->[1]}; $cfg->{__sortercache} = load_sortercache $cfg; $cfg->{__sortercachekeeptime} = time + 60; }; if (not $charts){ for (@$open) { die "ERROR: Section '$_' does not exist (display webpage).\n" unless exists $tree->{$_}; last unless ref $tree->{$_} eq 'HASH'; $tree = $tree->{$_}; } } gen_imgs($cfg); # create logos in imgcache my $readversion = "?"; $VERSION =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/ and $readversion = sprintf("%d.%d.%d",$1,$2,$3); my $menu = $targets; if (defined $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}){ my $order = 1; $targets = { %{$targets}, __charts => { _order => -99, menu => $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{menu}, map { $_ => { menu => $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$_}{menu}, _order => $order++ } } sort grep { ref $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$_} eq 'HASH' } keys %{$cfg->{Presentation}{charts}} } }; } my $page = fill_template ($cfg->{Presentation}{template}, { menu => target_menu( $targets, [@$open], #copy this because it gets changed cgiurl($q, $cfg) ."?target="), title => $charts ? "" : $tree->{title}, remark => $charts ? "" : ($tree->{remark} || ''), overview => $charts ? get_charts($cfg,$q,$open) : get_overview( $cfg,$q,$tree,$open), body => $charts ? "" : get_detail( $cfg,$q,$tree,$open_orig ), target_ip => $charts ? "" : ($tree->{host} || ''), owner => $cfg->{General}{owner}, contact => $cfg->{General}{contact}, author => 'Tobi Oetiker and Niko Tyni', smokeping => 'SmokePing-'.$readversion.'', step => $step, rrdlogo => '', smokelogo => '', } ); print $q->header(-type=>'text/html', -expires=>'+'.($cfg->{Database}{step}).'s', -charset=> ( $cfg->{Presentation}{charset} || 'iso-8859-15'), -Content_length => length($page), ); print $page || "ERROR: Reading page template".$cfg->{Presentation}{template}.""; } # fetch all data. sub run_probes($$) { my $probes = shift; my $justthisprobe = shift; if (defined $justthisprobe) { $probes->{$justthisprobe}->ping(); } else { foreach my $probe (keys %{$probes}) { $probes->{$probe}->ping(); } } } # report probe status sub report_probes($$) { my $probes = shift; my $justthisprobe = shift; if (defined $justthisprobe) { $probes->{$justthisprobe}->report(); } else { foreach my $probe (keys %{$probes}){ $probes->{$probe}->report(); } } } sub load_sorters($){ my $subcfg = shift; foreach my $key ( keys %{$subcfg} ) { my $x = $subcfg->{$key}; next unless ref $x eq 'HASH'; $x->{sorter} =~ /(\S+)\((.+)\)/; my $sorter = $1; my $arg = $2; die "ERROR: sorter $sorter: all sorters start with a capital letter\n" unless $sorter =~ /^[A-Z]/; eval 'require Smokeping::sorters::'.$sorter; die "Sorter '$sorter' could not be loaded: $@\n" if $@; $x->{__obj} = eval "Smokeping::sorters::$sorter->new($arg)"; die "ERROR: sorter $sorter: instantiation with Smokeping::sorters::$sorter->new($arg): $@\n" if $@; } } sub update_sortercache($$$$$){ my $cfg = shift; return unless $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}; my $cache = shift; my $path = shift; my $base = $cfg->{General}{datadir}; $path =~ s/^$base\/?//; my @updates = map {/U/ ? undef : 0.0+$_ } split /:/, shift; my $alert = shift; my %info; $info{uptime} = shift @updates; $info{loss} = shift @updates; $info{median} = shift @updates; $info{alert} = $alert; $info{pings} = \@updates; foreach my $chart ( keys %{$cfg->{Presentation}{charts}} ) { next unless ref $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart} eq 'HASH'; $cache->{$chart}{$path} = $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}{$chart}{__obj}->CalcValue(\%info); } } sub save_sortercache($$$){ my $cfg = shift; my $cache = shift; my $probe = shift; return unless $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}; my $dir = $cfg->{General}{datadir}."/__sortercache"; my $ext = ''; $ext .= $probe if $probe; $ext .= join "",@{$opt{filter}} if @{$opt{filter}}; $ext =~ s/[^-_=0-9a-z]/_/gi; $ext = ".$ext" if $ext; mkdir $dir,0755 unless -d $dir; Storable::store ($cache, "$dir/new$ext"); rename "$dir/new$ext","$dir/data$ext.storable" } sub check_alerts { my $cfg = shift; my $tree = shift; my $pings = shift; my $name = shift; my $prop = shift; my $loss = shift; my $rtt = shift; my $slave = shift; my $gotalert; my $s = ""; if ($slave) { $s = '~'.$slave } if ( $tree->{alerts} ) { my $priority_done; $tree->{'stack'.$s} = {loss=>['S'],rtt=>['S']} unless defined $tree->{'stack'.$s}; my $x = $tree->{'stack'.$s}; $loss = undef if $loss eq 'U'; my $lossprct = $loss * 100 / $pings; $rtt = undef if $rtt eq 'U'; push @{$x->{loss}}, $lossprct; push @{$x->{rtt}}, $rtt; if (scalar @{$x->{loss}} > $tree->{fetchlength}){ shift @{$x->{loss}}; shift @{$x->{rtt}}; } for (sort { ($cfg->{Alerts}{$a}{priority}||0) <=> ($cfg->{Alerts}{$b}{priority}||0)} @{$tree->{alerts}}) { my $alert = $cfg->{Alerts}{$_}; if ( not $alert ) { do_log "WARNING: Empty alert in ".(join ",", @{$tree->{alerts}})." ($name)\n"; next; }; if ( ref $alert->{sub} ne 'CODE' ) { do_log "WARNING: Alert '$_' did not resolve to a Sub Ref. Skipping\n"; next; }; my $prevmatch = $tree->{'prevmatch'.$s}{$_} || 0; # add the current state of an edge triggered alert to the # data passed into a matcher, which allows for somewhat # more intelligent alerting due to state awareness. $x->{prevmatch} = $prevmatch; my $priority = $alert->{priority}; my $match = &{$alert->{sub}}($x) || 0; # Avgratio returns undef $gotalert = $match unless $gotalert; my $edgetrigger = $alert->{edgetrigger} eq 'yes'; my $what; if ($edgetrigger and $prevmatch != $match) { $what = ($prevmatch == 0 ? "was raised" : "was cleared"); } if (not $edgetrigger and $match) { $what = "is active"; } if ($what and (not defined $priority or not defined $priority_done )) { $priority_done = $priority if $priority and not $priority_done; # send something my $from; my $line = "$name/$prop"; my $base = $cfg->{General}{datadir}; $line =~ s|^$base/||; $line =~ s|/host$||; $line =~ s|/|.|g; $line .= "[from $slave]" if $slave; do_log("Alert $_ $what for $line"); my $urlline = $line; $urlline = $cfg->{General}{cgiurl}."?target=".$line; my $loss = "loss: ".join ", ",map {defined $_ ? (/^\d/ ? sprintf "%.0f%%", $_ :$_):"U" } @{$x->{loss}}; my $rtt = "rtt: ".join ", ",map {defined $_ ? (/^\d/ ? sprintf "%.0fms", $_*1000 :$_):"U" } @{$x->{rtt}}; my $time = time; my @stamp = localtime($time); my $stamp = localtime($time); my @to; foreach my $addr (map {$_ ? (split /\s*,\s*/,$_) : ()} $cfg->{Alerts}{to},$tree->{alertee},$alert->{to}){ next unless $addr; if ( $addr =~ /^\|(.+)/) { my $cmd = $1; if ($edgetrigger) { system $cmd,$_,$line,$loss,$rtt,$tree->{host}, ($what =~/raise/); } else { system $cmd,$_,$line,$loss,$rtt,$tree->{host}; } } elsif ( $addr =~ /^snpp:(.+)/ ) { sendsnpp $1, <{comment} $_ $what on $line $loss $rtt SNPPALERT } else { push @to, $addr; } }; if (@to){ my $default_mail = < <##WHAT##> on <##LINE##> <##STAMP##> Alert "<##ALERT##>" <##WHAT##> for <##URL##> Pattern ------- <##PAT##> Data (old --> now) ------------------ <##LOSS##> <##RTT##> Comment ------- <##COMMENT##> DOC my $mail = fill_template($alert->{mailtemplate}, { ALERT => $_, WHAT => $what, LINE => $line, URL => $urlline, STAMP => $stamp, PAT => $alert->{pattern}, LOSS => $loss, RTT => $rtt, COMMENT => $alert->{comment} },$default_mail) || "Subject: smokeping failed to open mailtemplate '$alert->{mailtemplate}'\n\nsee subject\n"; my $rfc2822stamp = strftime("%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", @stamp); my $to = join ",",@to; sendmail $cfg->{Alerts}{from},$to, <{Alerts}{from} Date: $rfc2822stamp $mail ALERT } } else { do_debuglog("Alert \"$_\": no match for target $name\n"); } $tree->{'prevmatch'.$s}{$_} = $match; } } # end alerts return $gotalert; } sub update_rrds($$$$$$); sub update_rrds($$$$$$) { my $cfg = shift; my $probes = shift; my $tree = shift; my $name = shift; my $justthisprobe = shift; # if defined, update only the targets probed by this probe my $sortercache = shift; my $probe = $tree->{probe}; foreach my $prop (keys %{$tree}) { if (ref $tree->{$prop} eq 'HASH'){ update_rrds $cfg, $probes, $tree->{$prop}, $name."/$prop", $justthisprobe, $sortercache; } # if we are looking down a branche where no probe property is set there is no sense # in further exploring it next unless defined $probe; next if defined $justthisprobe and $probe ne $justthisprobe; my $probeobj = $probes->{$probe}; my $pings = $probeobj->_pings($tree); if ($prop eq 'host' and check_filter($cfg,$name) and $tree->{$prop} !~ m|^/|) { # skip multihost my %slave_test; my $slaveupdates; my @updates = ([ "", time, $probeobj->rrdupdate_string($tree) ]); if ($tree->{slaves}){ %slave_test = ( map { $_,1 } split(/\s+/, $tree->{slaves})); $slaveupdates = Smokeping::Master::get_slaveupdates($name); for my $slave (@{$slaveupdates}){ if (not $slave_test{$slave->[0]}){ warn "WARNING: skipping update for $slave->[0] since it is not configured for $name\n"; next; } push @updates, $slave; } } for my $update (sort {$a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @updates){ # make sure we put the updates in chronological order in my $s = $update->[0] ? "~".$update->[0] : ""; if ( $tree->{rawlog} ){ my $file = POSIX::strftime $tree->{rawlog},$update->[1]; if (open LOG,">>$name$s.$file.csv"){ print LOG time,"\t",join("\t",split /:/,$update->[2]),"\n"; close LOG; } else { do_log "Warning: failed to open $name$s.$file for logging: $!\n"; } } my @rrdupdate = ( $name.$s.".rrd", '--template', ( join ":", "uptime", "loss", "median", map { "ping${_}" } 1..$pings ), $update->[1].":".$update->[2] ); do_debuglog("Calling RRDs::update(@rrdupdate)"); RRDs::update ( @rrdupdate ); my $ERROR = RRDs::error(); do_log "RRDs::update ERROR: $ERROR\n" if $ERROR; # check alerts my ($loss,$rtt) = (split /:/, $update->[2])[1,2]; my $gotalert = check_alerts $cfg,$tree,$pings,$name,$prop,$loss,$rtt,$update->[0]; update_sortercache $cfg,$sortercache,$name.$s,$update->[2],$gotalert; } } } } sub _deepcopy { # this handles circular references on consecutive levels, # but breaks if there are any levels in between my $what = shift; return $what unless ref $what; for (ref $what) { /^ARRAY$/ and return [ map { $_ eq $what ? $_ : _deepcopy($_) } @$what ]; /^HASH$/ and return { map { $_ => $what->{$_} eq $what ? $what->{$_} : _deepcopy($what->{$_}) } keys %$what }; /^CODE$/ and return $what; # we don't need to copy the subs } die "Cannot _deepcopy reference type @{[ref $what]}"; } sub get_parser () { # The _dyn() stuff here is quite confusing, so here's a walkthrough: # 1 Probe is defined in the Probes section # 1.1 _dyn is called for the section to add the probe- and target-specific # vars into the grammar for this section and its subsections (subprobes) # 1.2 A _dyn sub is installed for all mandatory target-specific variables so # that they are made non-mandatory in the Targets section if they are # specified here. The %storedtargetvars hash holds this information. # 1.3 If a probe section has any subsections (subprobes) defined, the main # section turns into a template that just offers default values for # the subprobes. Because of this a _dyn sub is installed for subprobe # sections that makes any mandatory variables in the main section non-mandatory. # 1.4 A similar _dyn sub as in 1.2 is installed for the subprobe target-specific # variables as well. # 2 Probe is selected in the Targets section top # 2.1 _dyn is called for the section to add the probe- and target-specific # vars into the grammar for this section and its subsections. Any _default # values for the vars are removed, as they will be propagated from the Probes # section. # 2.2 Another _dyn sub is installed for the 'probe' variable in target subsections # that behaves as 2.1 # 2.3 A _dyn sub is installed for the 'host' variable that makes the mandatory # variables mandatory only in those sections that have a 'host' setting. # 2.4 A _sub sub is installed for the 'probe' variable in target subsections that # bombs out if 'probe' is defined after any variables that depend on the # current 'probe' setting. my $KEYD_RE = '[-_0-9a-zA-Z.]+'; my $PROBE_RE = '[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+'; my $e = "="; my %knownprobes; # the probes encountered so far # get a list of available probes for _dyndoc sections my $libdir = find_libdir(); my $probedir = $libdir . "/Smokeping/probes"; my $matcherdir = $libdir . "/Smokeping/matchers"; my $sorterdir = $libdir . "/Smokeping/sorters"; my $probelist; my @matcherlist; my @sorterlist; die("Can't find probe module directory") unless defined $probedir; opendir(D, $probedir) or die("opendir $probedir: $!"); for (readdir D) { next unless s/\.pm$//; next unless /^$PROBE_RE/; $probelist->{$_} = "(See the L for details about each variable.)"; } closedir D; die("Can't find matcher module directory") unless defined $matcherdir; opendir(D, $matcherdir) or die("opendir $matcherdir: $!"); for (sort readdir D) { next unless /[A-Z]/; next unless s/\.pm$//; push @matcherlist, $_; } die("Can't find sorter module directory") unless defined $sorterdir; opendir(D, $sorterdir) or die("opendir $sorterdir: $!"); for (sort readdir D) { next unless /[A-Z]/; next unless s/\.pm$//; push @sorterlist, $_; } # The target-specific vars of each probe # We need to store them to relay information from Probes section to Target section # see 1.2 above my %storedtargetvars; # the part of target section syntax that doesn't depend on the selected probe my $TARGETCOMMON; # predeclare self-referencing structures # the common variables my $TARGETCOMMONVARS = [ qw (probe menu title alerts note email host remark rawlog alertee slaves) ]; $TARGETCOMMON = { _vars => $TARGETCOMMONVARS, _inherited=> [ qw (probe alerts alertee slaves) ], _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], _recursive=> [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], _sub => sub { my $val = shift; return "PROBE_CONF sections are neither needed nor supported any longer. Please see the smokeping_upgrade document." if $val eq 'PROBE_CONF'; return undef; }, "/$KEYD_RE/" => {}, _order => 1, _varlist => 1, _doc => < { _doc => 'Comma separated list of alert names', _re => '([^\s,]+(,[^\s,]+)*)?', _re_error => 'Comma separated list of alert names', }, host => { _doc => <. Is for machines that have a dynamic IP address. These boxes are required to regularly contact the SmokePing server to confirm their IP address. When starting SmokePing with the commandline argument B<--email> it will add a secret password to each of the B host lines and send a script to the owner of each host. This script must be started periodically (cron) on the host in question to let smokeping know where the host is curently located. If the target machine supports SNMP SmokePing will also query the hosts sysContact, sysName and sysLocation properties to make sure it is still the same host. =item 3 A space separated list of 'target-path' entries (multihost target). All targets mentioned in this list will be displayed in one graph. Note that the graph will look different from the normal smokeping graphs. The syntax for multihost targets is as follows: host = /world/town/host1 /world/town2/host33 /world/town2/host1~slave =back DOC _sub => sub { for ( shift ) { m|^DYNAMIC| && return undef; /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/ && return undef; /^[0-9a-f]{0,4}(\:[0-9a-f]{0,4}){0,6}\:[0-9a-f]{0,4}$/i && return undef; m|(?:/$KEYD_RE)+(?:~$KEYD_RE)?(?: (?:/$KEYD_RE)+(?:~$KEYD_RE))*| && return undef; my $addressfound = 0; my @tried; if ($havegetaddrinfo) { my @ai; @ai = getaddrinfo( $_, "" ); unless ($addressfound = scalar(@ai) > 5) { do_debuglog("WARNING: Hostname '$_' does currently not resolve to an IPv6 address\n"); @tried = qw{IPv6}; } } unless ($addressfound) { unless ($addressfound = gethostbyname( $_ )) { do_debuglog("WARNING: Hostname '$_' does currently not resolve to an IPv4 address\n"); push @tried, qw{IPv4}; } } unless ($addressfound) { # do not bomb, as this could be temporary my $tried = join " or ", @tried; warn "WARNING: Hostname '$_' does currently not resolve to an $tried address\n" unless $cgimode; } return undef; } return undef; }, }, email => { _re => '.+\s<\S+@\S+>', _re_error => "use an email address of the form 'First Last '", _doc => < hosts, the address will be used for sending the belowmentioned script. DOC }, note => { _doc => < { _doc => < sub { eval ( "POSIX::strftime('$_[0]', localtime(time))"); return $@ if $@; return undef; }, }, alertee => { _re => '(\|.+|.+@\S+|snpp:)', _re_error => 'the alertee must be an email address here', _doc => < { _re => '[-a-z0-9]+(?:\s+[-a-z0-9]+)*', _re_error => 'slave1 [slave2]', _doc => < { _sub => sub { my $val = shift; my $varlist = shift; return "probe $val missing from the Probes section" unless $knownprobes{$val}; my %commonvars; $commonvars{$_} = 1 for @{$TARGETCOMMONVARS}; delete $commonvars{host}; # see 2.4 above return "probe must be defined before the host or any probe variables" if grep { not exists $commonvars{$_} } @$varlist; return undef; }, _dyn => sub { # this generates the new syntax whenever a new probe is selected # see 2.2 above my ($name, $val, $grammar) = @_; my $targetvars = _deepcopy($storedtargetvars{$val}); my @mandatory = @{$targetvars->{_mandatory}}; delete $targetvars->{_mandatory}; my @targetvars = sort keys %$targetvars; # the default values for targetvars are only used in the Probes section delete $targetvars->{$_}{_default} for @targetvars; # we replace the current grammar altogether %$grammar = ( %{_deepcopy($TARGETCOMMON)}, %$targetvars ); $grammar->{_vars} = [ @{$grammar->{_vars}}, @targetvars ]; # the subsections differ only in that they inherit their vars from here my $g = _deepcopy($grammar); $grammar->{"/$KEYD_RE/"} = $g; push @{$g->{_inherited}}, @targetvars; # this makes the variables mandatory only in those sections # where 'host' is defined. (We must generate this dynamically # as the mandatory list isn't visible earlier.) # see 2.3 above my $mandatorysub = sub { my ($name, $val, $grammar) = @_; $grammar->{_mandatory} = [ @mandatory ]; }; $grammar->{host} = _deepcopy($grammar->{host}); $grammar->{host}{_dyn} = $mandatorysub; $g->{host}{_dyn} = $mandatorysub; }, }, }; my $INTEGER_SUB = { _sub => sub { return "must be an integer >= 1" unless $_[ 0 ] == int( $_[ 0 ] ) and $_[ 0 ] >= 1; return undef; } }; my $DIRCHECK_SUB = { _sub => sub { return "Directory '$_[0]' does not exist" unless -d $_[ 0 ]; return undef; } }; my $FILECHECK_SUB = { _sub => sub { return "File '$_[0]' does not exist" unless -f $_[ 0 ]; return undef; } }; # grammar for the ***Probes*** section my $PROBES = { _doc => < [ "/$PROBE_RE/" ], # this adds the probe-specific variables to the grammar # see 1.1 above _dyn => sub { my ($re, $name, $grammar) = @_; # load the probe module my $class = "Smokeping::probes::$name"; Smokeping::maybe_require $class; # modify the grammar my $probevars = $class->probevars; my $targetvars = $class->targetvars; $storedtargetvars{$name} = $targetvars; my @mandatory = @{$probevars->{_mandatory}}; my @targetvars = sort grep { $_ ne '_mandatory' } keys %$targetvars; for (@targetvars) { next if $_ eq '_mandatory'; delete $probevars->{$_}; } my @probevars = sort grep { $_ ne '_mandatory' } keys %$probevars; $grammar->{_vars} = [ @probevars , @targetvars ]; $grammar->{_mandatory} = [ @mandatory ]; # do it for probe instances in subsections too my $g = $grammar->{"/$KEYD_RE/"}; for (@probevars) { $grammar->{$_} = $probevars->{$_}; %{$g->{$_}} = %{$probevars->{$_}}; # this makes the reference manual a bit less cluttered $g->{$_}{_doc} = 'see above'; delete $g->{$_}{_example}; $grammar->{$_}{_doc} = 'see above'; delete $grammar->{$_}{_example}; } # make any mandatory variable specified here non-mandatory in the Targets section # see 1.2 above my $sub = sub { my ($name, $val, $grammar) = shift; $targetvars->{_mandatory} = [ grep { $_ ne $name } @{$targetvars->{_mandatory}} ]; }; for my $var (@targetvars) { %{$grammar->{$var}} = %{$targetvars->{$var}}; %{$g->{$var}} = %{$targetvars->{$var}}; # this makes the reference manual a bit less cluttered delete $grammar->{$var}{_example}; delete $g->{$var}{_doc}; delete $g->{$var}{_example}; # (note: intentionally overwrite _doc) $grammar->{$var}{_doc} = "(This variable can be overridden target-specifically in the Targets section.)"; $grammar->{$var}{_dyn} = $sub if grep { $_ eq $var } @{$targetvars->{_mandatory}}; } $g->{_vars} = [ @probevars, @targetvars ]; $g->{_inherited} = $g->{_vars}; $g->{_mandatory} = [ @mandatory ]; # the special value "_template" means we don't know yet if # there will be any instances of this probe $knownprobes{$name} = "_template"; $g->{_dyn} = sub { # if there is a subprobe, the top-level section # of this probe turns into a template, and we # need to delete its _mandatory list. # Note that Config::Grammar does mandatory checking # after the whole config tree is read, so we can fiddle # here with "_mandatory" all we want. # see 1.3 above my ($re, $subprobename, $subprobegrammar) = @_; delete $grammar->{_mandatory}; # the parent section doesn't define a valid probe anymore delete $knownprobes{$name} if exists $knownprobes{$name} and $knownprobes{$name} eq '_template'; # this also keeps track of the real module name for each subprobe, # should we ever need it $knownprobes{$subprobename} = $name; my $subtargetvars = _deepcopy($targetvars); $storedtargetvars{$subprobename} = $subtargetvars; # make any mandatory variable specified here non-mandatory in the Targets section # see 1.4 above my $sub = sub { my ($name, $val, $grammar) = shift; $subtargetvars->{_mandatory} = [ grep { $_ ne $name } @{$subtargetvars->{_mandatory}} ]; }; for my $var (@targetvars) { $subprobegrammar->{$var}{_dyn} = $sub if grep { $_ eq $var } @{$subtargetvars->{_mandatory}}; } } }, _dyndoc => $probelist, # all available probes _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], "/$KEYD_RE/" => { _doc => <new ( { _sections => [ qw(General Database Presentation Probes Targets Alerts Slaves) ], _mandatory => [ qw(General Database Presentation Probes Targets) ], General => { _doc => < [ qw(owner imgcache imgurl datadir dyndir pagedir piddir sendmail offset smokemail cgiurl mailhost snpphost contact display_name syslogfacility syslogpriority concurrentprobes changeprocessnames tmail changecgiprogramname linkstyle) ], _mandatory => [ qw(owner imgcache imgurl datadir piddir smokemail cgiurl contact) ], imgcache => { %$DIRCHECK_SUB, _doc => < { _doc => < directory or one relative to the directory where you keep the SmokePing cgi. DOC }, display_name => { _doc => < { %$DIRCHECK_SUB, _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => < sub { require Net::SMTP ||return "ERROR: loading Net::SMTP"; return undef; } }, snpphost => { _doc => < to use a snpp address in any place where you can use a mail address otherwhise. DOC _sub => sub { require Net::SNPP ||return "ERROR: loading Net::SNPP"; return undef; } }, contact => { _re => '\S+@\S+', _re_error => "use an email address of the form 'name\@place.dom'", _doc => < { %$DIRCHECK_SUB, _doc => < { %$DIRCHECK_SUB, _doc => < will be used instead. DOC }, piddir => { %$DIRCHECK_SUB, _doc => < { %$FILECHECK_SUB, _doc => < { %$FILECHECK_SUB, _doc => <##>IB<##E>. There is a sample template included with SmokePing. DOC }, cgiurl => { _re => 'https?://\S+', _re_error => "cgiurl must be a http(s)://.... url", _doc => < { _re => '(?:absolute|relative|original)', _default => 'relative', _re_error => 'linkstyle must be one of "absolute", "relative" or "original"', _doc => <> ${e}item relative Only the parameter part is specified S<\> ${e}item original The way the links were generated before Smokeping version 2.0.4: no hostname, only the path S<\> ${e}back The default is "relative", which hopefully works for everybody. DOC }, syslogfacility => { _re => '\w+', _re_error => "syslogfacility must be alphanumeric", _doc => < { _re => '\w+', _re_error => "syslogpriority must be alphanumeric", _doc => < { _re => '(\d+%|random)', _re_error => "Use offset either in % of operation interval or 'random'", _doc => < { _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _doc => < { _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _doc => < 'yes', }, changecgiprogramname => { _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _doc => < for details. DOC _default => 'yes', }, tmail => { %$FILECHECK_SUB, _doc => < { _vars => [ qw(step pings) ], _mandatory => [ qw(step pings) ], _doc => < { %$INTEGER_SUB, _doc => < seconds to ping your target hosts. If 'concurrent_probes' is set to 'yes' (see above), this variable can be overridden by each probe. Note that the step in the RRD files is fixed when they are originally generated, and if you change the step parameter afterwards, you'll have to delete the old RRD files or somehow convert them. DOC }, pings => { _re => '\d+', _sub => sub { my $val = shift; return "ERROR: The pings value must be at least 3." if $val < 3; return undef; }, _doc => < { _doc => < 4, 0 => { _doc => < '(AVERAGE|MIN|MAX)', _re_error => "Choose a valid consolidation function", }, 1 => { _doc => < sub { return "Xff must be between 0 and 1" unless $_[ 0 ] > 0 and $_[ 0 ] <= 1; return undef; } }, 2 => {%$INTEGER_SUB, _doc => < to consolidate into for each RRA entry. DOC }, 3 => {%$INTEGER_SUB, _doc => < this RRA should have. DOC } } }, Presentation => { _doc => < [ qw(overview detail charts multihost) ], _mandatory => [ qw(overview template detail) ], _vars => [ qw (template charset) ], template => { _doc => <##>IB<##E>. There is a sample template included with SmokePing; use it as the basis for your experiments. Default template contains a pointer to the SmokePing counter and homepage. I would be glad if you would not remove this as it gives me an indication as to how widely used the tool is. DOC _sub => sub { return "template '$_[0]' not readable" unless -r $_[ 0 ]; return undef; } }, charset => { _doc => < { _doc => <10) title = Sorted by Median Roundtrip Time menu = Top Median RTT format = Median RTT %e s DOC _vars => [ qw(menu title) ], _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], _mandatory => [ qw(menu title) ], menu => { _doc => 'Menu entry for the Charts Section.' }, title => { _doc => 'Page title for the Charts Section.' }, "/$KEYD_RE/" => { _vars => [ qw(menu title sorter format) ], _mandatory => [ qw(menu title sorter) ], menu => { _doc => 'Menu entry' }, title => { _doc => 'Page title' }, format => { _doc => 'sprintf format string to format curent value' }, sorter => { _re => '\S+\(\S+\)', _re_error => 'use a sorter call here: Sorter(arg1=>val1,arg2=>val2)', _doc => 'sorter for this charts sections', } } }, overview => { _vars => [ qw(width height range max_rtt median_color strftime) ], _mandatory => [ qw(width height) ], _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => <. Note that if you work with slaves, the slaves medians will be drawn in the slave color in the overview graph. DOC _re => '[0-9a-f]{6}', _re_error => 'use rrggbb for color', }, strftime => { _doc => < sub { eval ( "POSIX::strftime( '$_[0]', localtime(time))" ); return $@ if $@; return undef; }, }, width => { _sub => sub { return "width must be be an integer >= 10" unless $_[ 0 ] >= 10 and int( $_[ 0 ] ) == $_[ 0 ]; return undef; }, _doc => < { _doc => < sub { return "height must be an integer >= 10" unless $_[ 0 ] >= 10 and int( $_[ 0 ] ) == $_[ 0 ]; return undef; }, }, range => { _re => '\d+[smhdwy]', _re_error => "graph range must be a number followed by [smhdwy]", _doc => <econds, Binutes, Bours, Bdays, Beeks, Bears. DOC }, }, detail => { _vars => [ qw(width height loss_background logarithmic unison_tolerance max_rtt strftime nodata_color) ], _sections => [ qw(loss_colors uptime_colors) ], _mandatory => [ qw(width height) ], _table => { _columns => 2, _doc => < { _doc => < parameter of the Overview section. DOC _re => '\d+[smhdwy]', _re_error => "graph age must be a number followed by [smhdwy]", }, 0 => { _doc => < { _doc => < sub { eval ( " POSIX::strftime('$_[0]', localtime(time)) " ); return $@ if $@; return undef; }, }, nodata_color => { _re => '[0-9a-f]{6}', _re_error => "color must be defined with in rrggbb syntax", _doc => "Paint the graph background in a special color when there is no data for this period because smokeping has not been running (#rrggbb)", }, loss_background => { _doc => 'should the graphs be shown with a background showing loss data for emphasis (yes/no)', _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _doc => "If this option is enabled, uptime data is no longer displayed in the graph background.", }, logarithmic => { _doc => 'should the graphs be shown in a logarithmic scale (yes/no)', _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", }, unison_tolerance => { _doc => "if a graph is more than this factor of the median 'max' it drops out of the unison scaling algorithm. A factor of two would mean that any graph with a max either less than half or more than twice the median 'max' will be dropped from unison scaling", _sub => sub { return "tolerance must be larger than 1" if $_[0] <= 1; return undef}, }, max_rtt => { _doc => < { _doc => 'How many pixels wide should detail graphs be', _sub => sub { return "width must be be an integer >= 10" unless $_[ 0 ] >= 10 and int( $_[ 0 ] ) == $_[ 0 ]; return undef; }, }, height => { _doc => 'How many pixels high should detail graphs be', _sub => sub { return "height must be an integer >= 10" unless $_[ 0 ] >= 10 and int( $_[ 0 ] ) == $_[ 0 ]; return undef; }, }, loss_colors => { _table => { _columns => 3, _doc => <=3" DOC 0 => { _doc => < '\d+.?\d*', _re_error => "I was expecting a number", }, 1 => { _doc => < '[0-9a-f]+', _re_error => "I was expecting a color of the form rrggbb", }, 2 => { _doc => < { _table => { _columns => 3, _doc => <1w" Uptime is in days! DOC 0 => { _doc => < '\d+.?\d*', _re_error => "I was expecting a number", }, 1 => { _doc => < '[0-9a-f]{6}', _re_error => "I was expecting a color of the form rrggbb", }, 2 => { _doc => < { _vars => [ qw(colors) ], _doc => "Settings for the multihost graphs. At the moment this is only used for the color setting. Check the documentation on the host property of the target section for more.", colors => { _doc => "Space separated list of colors for multihost graphs", _example => "ff0000 00ff00 0000ff", _re => '[0-9a-z]{6}(?: [0-9a-z]{6})*', } }, #multi host }, #present Probes => { _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], _doc => < $PROBES, }, Alerts => { _doc => < new <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,>10,>100,>100,>100 Loss patterns work in a similar way, except that the loss is defined as the percentage the total number of received packets is of the total number of packets sent. old ------------------------------> new ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>20%,>20%,>=20% Apart from normal numbers, patterns can also contain the values B<*> which is true for all values regardless of the operator. And B which is true for B data together with the B<==> and B<=!> operators. Detectors normally act on state changes. This has the disadvantage, that they will fail to find conditions which were already present when launching smokeping. For this it is possible to write detectors that begin with the special value B<==S> it is inserted whenever smokeping is started up. You can write ==S,>20%,>20% to detect lines that have been losing more than 20% of the packets for two periods after startup. Sometimes it may be that conditions occur at irregular intervals. But still you only want to throw an alert if they occur several times within a certain amount of times. The operator B<*X*> will ignore up to I values and still let the pattern match: >10%,*10*,>10% will fire if more than 10% of the packets have been lost at least twice over the last 10 samples. A complete example *** Alerts *** to = admin\@company.xy,peter\@home.xy from = smokealert\@company.xy +lossdetect type = loss # in percent pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>20%,>20%,>20% comment = suddenly there is packet loss +miniloss type = loss # in percent pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0% comment = detected loss 3 times over the last two hours +rttdetect type = rtt # in milliseconds pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100 comment = routing messed up again ? +rttbadstart type = rtt # in milliseconds pattern = ==S,==U comment = offline at startup DOC _sections => [ '/[^\s,]+/' ], _vars => [ qw(to from edgetrigger mailtemplate) ], _mandatory => [ qw(to from)], to => { _doc => < value must be a pipe symbol "|". The program will the be called whenever an alert matches, using the following 5 arguments (except if B is 'yes'; see below): B, B, B, B, B. You can also provide a comma separated list of addresses and programs. DOC _re => '(\|.+|.+@\S+|snpp:)', _re_error => 'put an email address or the name of a program here', }, from => { _doc => 'who should alerts appear to be coming from ?', _re => '.+@\S+', _re_error => 'put an email address here', }, edgetrigger => { _doc => < variable documentation above) will get a sixth argument, B, which has the value 1 if the alert was just raised and 0 if it was cleared. DOC _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _default => 'no', }, mailtemplate => { _doc => <##>IB<##E> type strings will get replaced in the template before it is sent out. the following keywords are supported: <##ALERT##> - target name <##WHAT##> - status (is active, was raised, was celared) <##LINE##> - path in the config tree <##URL##> - webpage for graph <##STAMP##> - date and time <##PAT##> - pattern that matched the alert <##LOSS##> - loss history <##RTT##> - rtt history <##COMMENT##> - comment DOC _sub => sub { open (my $tmpl, $_[0]) or return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' not readable"; my $subj; while (<$tmpl>){ $subj =1 if /^Subject: /; next if /^\S+: /; last if /^$/; return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' should start with mail header lines"; } return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' has no Subject: line" unless $subj; return undef; }, }, '/[^\s,]+/' => { _vars => [ qw(type pattern comment to edgetrigger mailtemplate priority) ], _inherited => [ qw(edgetrigger mailtemplate) ], _mandatory => [ qw(type pattern comment) ], to => { _doc => 'Similar to the "to" parameter on the top-level except that it will only be used IN ADDITION to the value of the toplevel parameter. Same rules apply.', _re => '(\|.+|.+@\S+|snpp:)', _re_error => 'put an email address or the name of a program here', }, type => { _doc => < and B and B are known. Matchers are plugin modules that extend the alert conditions. Known matchers are @{[join (", ", map { "L<$_|Smokeping::matchers::$_>" } @matcherlist)]}. See the documentation of the corresponding matcher module (eg. L) for instructions on configuring it. DOC _re => '(rtt|loss|matcher)', _re_error => 'Use loss, rtt or matcher' }, pattern => { _doc => "a comma separated list of comparison operators and numbers. rtt patterns are in milliseconds, loss patterns are in percents", _re => '(?:([^,]+)(,[^,]+)*|\S+\(.+\s)', _re_error => 'Could not parse pattern or matcher', }, edgetrigger => { _re => '(yes|no)', _re_error =>"this must either be 'yes' or 'no'", _default => 'no', }, priority => { _re => '[1-9]\d*', _re_error =>"priority must be between 1 and oo", _doc => < { _sub => sub { open (my $tmpl, $_[0]) or return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' not readable"; my $subj; while (<$tmpl>){ $subj =1 if /^Subject: /; next if /^\S+: /; last if /^$/; return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' should start with mail header lines"; } return "mailtemplate '$_[0]' has no Subject: line" unless $subj; return undef; }, }, }, }, Slaves => {_doc => < [ qw(secrets) ], _mandatory => [ qw(secrets) ], _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], secrets => { %$FILECHECK_SUB, _doc => < { %$INTEGER_SUB, _doc => < { _vars => [ qw(display_name location color) ], _mandatory => [ qw(display_name color) ], _sections => [ qw(override) ], _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => < '[0-9a-f]{6}', _re_error => "I was expecting a color of the form rrggbb", }, override => { _doc => < [ '/\S+/' ], } } }, Targets => {_doc => < [ qw(probe menu title remark alerts slaves) ], _mandatory => [ qw(probe menu title) ], _order => 1, _sections => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], _recursive => [ "/$KEYD_RE/" ], "/$KEYD_RE/" => $TARGETCOMMON, # this is just for documentation, _dyn() below replaces it probe => { _doc => < sub { my $val = shift; return "probe $val missing from the Probes section" unless $knownprobes{$val}; return undef; }, # create the syntax based on the selected probe. # see 2.1 above _dyn => sub { my ($name, $val, $grammar) = @_; my $targetvars = _deepcopy($storedtargetvars{$val}); my @mandatory = @{$targetvars->{_mandatory}}; delete $targetvars->{_mandatory}; my @targetvars = sort keys %$targetvars; for (@targetvars) { # the default values for targetvars are only used in the Probes section delete $targetvars->{$_}{_default}; $grammar->{$_} = $targetvars->{$_}; } push @{$grammar->{_vars}}, @targetvars; my $g = { %{_deepcopy($TARGETCOMMON)}, %{_deepcopy($targetvars)} }; $grammar->{"/$KEYD_RE/"} = $g; $g->{_vars} = [ @{$g->{_vars}}, @targetvars ]; $g->{_inherited} = [ @{$g->{_inherited}}, @targetvars ]; # this makes the reference manual a bit less cluttered for (@targetvars){ $g->{$_}{_doc} = 'see above'; $grammar->{$_}{_doc} = 'see above'; delete $grammar->{$_}{_example}; delete $g->{$_}{_example}; } # make the mandatory variables mandatory only in sections # with 'host' defined # see 2.3 above $g->{host}{_dyn} = sub { my ($name, $val, $grammar) = @_; $grammar->{_mandatory} = [ @mandatory ]; }; }, # _dyn _dyndoc => $probelist, # all available probes }, #probe menu => { _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => < { _doc => <parse( $cfgfile ) or die "ERROR: $parser->{err}\n"; # lets do some checking if (not $cfg->{Presentation}{multihost} or not $cfg->{Presentation}{multihost}{colors}){ $cfg->{Presentation}{multihost}{colors} = "004586 ff420e ffde20 579d1c 7e0021 83caff 314004 aecf00 4b1f6f ff950e c5000b 0084d1"; } return $cfg; } sub kill_smoke ($$) { my $pidfile = shift; my $signal = shift; if (defined $pidfile){ if ( -f $pidfile && open PIDFILE, "<$pidfile" ) { =~ /(\d+)/; my $pid = $1; if ($signal == SIGINT || $signal == SIGTERM) { kill $signal, $pid if kill 0, $pid; sleep 3; # let it die die "ERROR: Can not stop running instance of SmokePing ($pid)\n" if kill 0, $pid; } else { die "ERROR: no instance of SmokePing running (pid $pid)?\n" unless kill 0, $pid; kill $signal, $pid; } close PIDFILE; } else { die "ERROR: Can not read pid from $pidfile: $!\n"; }; } } sub daemonize_me ($) { my $pidfile = shift; if (defined $pidfile){ if (-f $pidfile ) { open PIDFILE, "<$pidfile"; =~ /(\d+)/; close PIDFILE; my $pid = $1; die "ERROR: I Quit! Another copy of $0 ($pid) seems to be running.\n". " Check $pidfile\n" if kill 0, $pid; } } print "Warning: no logging method specified. Messages will be lost.\n" unless $logging; print "Daemonizing $0 ...\n"; defined (my $pid = fork) or die "Can't fork: $!"; if ($pid) { exit; } else { if(open(PIDFILE,">$pidfile")){ print PIDFILE "$$\n"; close PIDFILE; } else { warn "creating $pidfile: $!\n"; }; require POSIX; &POSIX::setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!"; open STDOUT,'>/dev/null' or die "ERROR: Redirecting STDOUT to /dev/null: $!"; open STDIN, '/dev/null' or die "ERROR: Redirecting STDERR to /dev/null: $!"; # send warnings and die messages to log $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { do_log ((shift)."\n") }; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { do_log ((shift)."\n"); }; } } # pseudo log system object { my $use_syslog; my $use_cgilog; my $use_debuglog; my $use_filelog; my $syslog_facility; my $syslog_priority = $DEFAULTPRIORITY; sub initialize_debuglog (){ $use_debuglog = 1; } sub initialize_cgilog (){ $use_cgilog = 1; $logging=1; return if $cfg->{General}{changecgiprogramname} eq 'no'; # set_progname() is available starting with CGI.pm-2.82 / Perl 5.8.1 # so trap this inside 'eval' # even this apparently isn't enough for older versions that try to # find out whether they are inside an eval...oh well. eval 'CGI::Carp::set_progname($0 . " [client " . ($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}||"(unknown)") . "]")'; } sub initialize_filelog ($){ $use_filelog = shift; $logging=1; } sub initialize_syslog ($$) { my $fac = shift; my $pri = shift; $use_syslog = 1; $logging=1; die "missing facility?" unless defined $fac; $syslog_facility = $fac if defined $fac; $syslog_priority = $pri if defined $pri; print "Note: logging to syslog as $syslog_facility/$syslog_priority.\n"; openlog(basename($0), 'pid', $syslog_facility); eval { syslog($syslog_priority, 'Starting syslog logging'); }; if ($@) { print "Warning: can't connect to syslog. Messages will be lost.\n"; print "Error message was: $@"; } } sub do_syslog ($){ my $str = shift; $str =~ s,%,%%,g; eval { syslog("$syslog_facility|$syslog_priority", $str); }; # syslogd is probably dead if that failed # this message is most probably lost too, if we have daemonized # let's try anyway, it shouldn't hurt print STDERR qq(Can't log "$str" to syslog: $@) if $@; } sub do_cgilog ($){ my $str = shift; print "

" , $str, "

\n"; warn $str, "\n"; # for the webserver log } sub do_debuglog ($){ do_log(shift) if $use_debuglog; } sub do_filelog ($){ open X,">>$use_filelog" or return; print X scalar localtime(time)," - ",shift,"\n"; close X; } sub do_log (@){ my $string = join(" ", @_); chomp $string; do_syslog($string) if $use_syslog; do_cgilog($string) if $use_cgilog; do_filelog($string) if $use_filelog; print STDERR $string,"\n" unless $logging; } } ########################################################################### # The Main Program ########################################################################### sub load_cfg ($;$) { my $cfgfile = shift; my $noinit = shift; my $cfmod = (stat $cfgfile)[9] || die "ERROR: calling stat on $cfgfile: $!\n"; # when running under speedy this will prevent reloading on every run # if cfgfile has been modified we will still run. if (not defined $cfg or not defined $probes or $cfg->{__last} < $cfmod ){ $cfg = undef; my $parser = get_parser; $cfg = get_config $parser, $cfgfile; if (defined $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}){ require Storable; die "ERROR: Could not load Storable Support. This is required for the Charts feature - $@\n" if $@; load_sorters $cfg->{Presentation}{charts}; } $cfg->{__parser} = $parser; $cfg->{__last} = $cfmod; $cfg->{__cfgfile} = $cfgfile; $probes = undef; $probes = load_probes $cfg; $cfg->{__probes} = $probes; return if $noinit; init_alerts $cfg if $cfg->{Alerts}; add_targets $cfg, $probes, $cfg->{Targets}, $cfg->{General}{datadir}; init_target_tree $cfg, $probes, $cfg->{Targets}, $cfg->{General}{datadir}; } else { do_log("Config file unmodified, skipping reload") unless $cgimode; } } sub makepod ($){ my $parser = shift; my $e='='; my $a='@'; my $retval = <. The Configuration file has a tree-like structure with section headings at various levels. It also contains variable assignments and tables. Warning: this manual is rather long. See L for simple configuration examples. ${e}head1 REFERENCE ${e}head2 GENERAL SYNTAX The text below describes the general syntax of the SmokePing configuration file. It was copied from the Config::Grammar documentation. '#' denotes a comment up to the end-of-line, empty lines are allowed and space at the beginning and end of lines is trimmed. '\\' at the end of the line marks a continued line on the next line. A single space will be inserted between the concatenated lines. '${a}include filename' is used to include another file. '${a}define a some value' will replace all occurences of 'a' in the following text with 'some value'. Fields in tables that contain white space can be enclosed in either C<'> or C<">. Whitespace can also be escaped with C<\\>. Quotes inside quotes are allowed but must be escaped with a backslash as well. ${e}head2 SPECIFIC SYNTAX The text below describes the specific syntax of the SmokePing configuration file. POD $retval .= $parser->makepod; $retval .= <tobi\@oetiker.chE ${e}cut POD } sub cgi ($) { $cgimode = 'yes'; umask 022; load_cfg shift; my $q=new CGI; initialize_cgilog(); if ($q->param(-name=>'slave')) { # a slave is calling in Smokeping::Master::answer_slave($cfg,$q); } elsif ($q->param(-name=>'secret') && $q->param(-name=>'target') ) { my $ret = update_dynaddr $cfg,$q; if (defined $ret and $ret ne "") { print $q->header(-status => "404 Not Found"); do_cgilog("Updating DYNAMIC address failed: $ret"); } else { print $q->header; # no HTML output on success } } else { if (not $q->param('displaymode') or $q->param('displaymode') ne 'a'){ #in ayax mode we do not issue a header YET } display_webpage $cfg,$q; } } sub gen_page ($$$); sub gen_page ($$$) { my ($cfg, $tree, $open) = @_; my ($q, $name, $page); $q = bless \$q, 'dummyCGI'; $name = @$open ? join('.', @$open) . ".html" : "index.html"; die "Can not open $cfg-{General}{pagedir}/$name for writing: $!" unless open PAGEFILE, ">$cfg->{General}{pagedir}/$name"; my $step = $probes->{$tree->{probe}}->step(); my $readversion = "?"; $VERSION =~ /(\d+)\.(\d{3})(\d{3})/ and $readversion = sprintf("%d.%d.%d",$1,$2,$3); $page = fill_template ($cfg->{Presentation}{template}, { menu => target_menu($cfg->{Targets}, [@$open], #copy this because it gets changed "", ".html"), title => $tree->{title}, remark => ($tree->{remark} || ''), overview => get_overview( $cfg,$q,$tree,$open ), body => get_detail( $cfg,$q,$tree,$open ), target_ip => ($tree->{host} || ''), owner => $cfg->{General}{owner}, contact => $cfg->{General}{contact}, author => '
Tobi Oetiker and Niko Tyni', smokeping => 'SmokePing-'.$readversion.'', step => $step, rrdlogo => '', smokelogo => '', }); print PAGEFILE $page || "ERROR: Reading page template ".$cfg->{Presentation}{template}.""; close PAGEFILE; foreach my $key (keys %$tree) { my $value = $tree->{$key}; next unless ref($value) eq 'HASH'; gen_page($cfg, $value, [ @$open, $key ]); } } sub makestaticpages ($$) { my $cfg = shift; my $dir = shift; # If directory is given, override current values (pagedir and and # imgurl) so that all generated data is in $dir. If $dir is undef, # use values from config file. if ($dir) { mkdir $dir, 0755 unless -d $dir; $cfg->{General}{pagedir} = $dir; $cfg->{General}{imgurl} = '.'; } die "ERROR: No pagedir defined for static pages\n" unless $cfg->{General}{pagedir}; # Logos. gen_imgs($cfg); # Iterate over all targets. my $tree = $cfg->{Targets}; gen_page($cfg, $tree, []); } sub pages ($) { my ($config) = @_; umask 022; load_cfg($config); makestaticpages($cfg, undef); } sub pod2man { my $string = shift; my $pid = open(P, "-|"); if ($pid) { pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -input => \*P); exit 0; } else { print $string; exit 0; } } sub maybe_require { # like eval "require $class", but tries to # fake missing classes by adding them to %INC. # This rocks when we're building the documentation # so we don't need to have the external modules # installed. my $class = shift; # don't do the kludge unless we're building documentation unless (exists $opt{makepod} or exists $opt{man}) { eval "require $class"; die "require $class failed: $@" if $@; return; } my %faked; my $file = $class; $file =~ s,::,/,g; $file .= ".pm"; eval "require $class"; while ($@ =~ /Can't locate (\S+)\.pm/) { my $missing = $1; die("Can't fake missing class $missing, giving up. This shouldn't happen.") if $faked{$missing}++; $INC{"$missing.pm"} = "foobar"; $missing =~ s,/,::,; delete $INC{"$file"}; # so we can redo the require() eval "require $class"; last unless $@; } die "require $class failed: $@" if $@; my $libpath = find_libdir; $INC{$file} = "$libpath/$file"; } sub probedoc { my $class = shift; my $do_man = shift; maybe_require($class); if ($do_man) { pod2man($class->pod); } else { print $class->pod; } exit 0; } sub verify_cfg { my $cfgfile = shift; get_config(get_parser, $cfgfile); print "Configuration file '$cfgfile' syntax OK.\n"; } sub make_kid { my $sleep_count = 0; my $pid; do { $pid = fork; unless (defined $pid) { do_log("Fatal: cannot fork: $!"); die "bailing out" if $sleep_count++ > 6; sleep 10; } } until defined $pid; srand(); return $pid; } sub start_probes { my $pids = shift; my $pid; my $myprobe; for my $p (keys %$probes) { if ($probes->{$p}->target_count == 0) { do_log("No targets defined for probe $p, skipping."); next; } $pid = make_kid(); $myprobe = $p; $pids->{$pid} = $p; last unless $pid; do_log("Child process $pid started for probe $p."); } return $pid; } sub main (;$) { $cgimode = 0; umask 022; my $defaultcfg = shift; $opt{filter}=[]; GetOptions(\%opt, 'version', 'email', 'man:s','help','logfile=s','static-pages:s', 'debug-daemon', 'nosleep', 'makepod:s','debug','restart', 'filter=s', 'nodaemon|nodemon', 'config=s', 'check', 'gen-examples', 'reload', 'master-url=s','cache-dir=s','shared-secret=s') or pod2usage(2); if($opt{version}) { print "$VERSION\n"; exit(0) }; if(exists $opt{man}) { if ($opt{man}) { if ($opt{man} eq 'smokeping_config') { pod2man(makepod(get_parser)); } else { probedoc($opt{man}, 'do_man'); } } else { pod2usage(-verbose => 2); } exit 0; } if($opt{help}) { pod2usage(-verbose => 1); exit 0 }; if(exists $opt{makepod}) { if ($opt{makepod} and $opt{makepod} ne 'smokeping_config') { probedoc($opt{makepod}); } else { print makepod(get_parser); } exit 0; } if (exists $opt{'gen-examples'}) { Smokeping::Examples::make($opt{check}); exit 0; } initialize_debuglog if $opt{debug} or $opt{'debug-daemon'}; my $slave_cfg; my $cfgfile = $opt{config} || $defaultcfg; if (exists $opt{'master-url'}){ # ok we go slave-mode die "ERROR: no shared-secret defined along with master-url\n" unless $opt{'shared-secret'}; die "ERROR: no cache-dir defined along with master-url\n" unless $opt{'cache-dir'}; die "ERROR: no cache-dir ($opt{'cache-dir'}): $!\n" unless -d $opt{'cache-dir'}; open my $fd, "<$opt{'shared-secret'}" or die "ERROR: opening $opt{'shared-secret'} $!\n"; chomp(my $secret = <$fd>); close $fd; $slave_cfg = { master_url => $opt{'master-url'}, cache_dir => $opt{'cache-dir'}, shared_secret => $secret, slave_name => hostname, }; # this should get us a config set from the server my $new_conf = Smokeping::Slave::submit_results($slave_cfg,$cfg); if ($new_conf){ $cfg=$new_conf; $probes = undef; $probes = load_probes $cfg; $cfg->{__probes} = $probes; add_targets($cfg, $probes, $cfg->{Targets}, $cfg->{General}{datadir}); } else { die "ERROR: we did not get config form the master. Maybe we are not configured as a slave for any of the targets on the master ?\n"; } } else { if(defined $opt{'check'}) { verify_cfg($cfgfile); exit 0; } if($opt{reload}) { load_cfg $cfgfile, 'noinit'; # we need just the piddir kill_smoke $cfg->{General}{piddir}."/smokeping.pid", SIGHUP; print "HUP signal sent to the running SmokePing process, exiting.\n"; exit 0; }; load_cfg $cfgfile; if(defined $opt{'static-pages'}) { makestaticpages $cfg, $opt{'static-pages'}; exit 0 }; if($opt{email}) { enable_dynamic $cfg, $cfg->{Targets},"",""; exit 0 }; } if($opt{restart}) { kill_smoke $cfg->{General}{piddir}."/smokeping.pid", SIGINT;}; if($opt{logfile}) { initialize_filelog($opt{logfile}) }; if (not keys %$probes) { do_log("No probes defined, exiting."); exit 1; } unless ($opt{debug} or $opt{nodaemon}) { if (defined $cfg->{General}{syslogfacility}) { initialize_syslog($cfg->{General}{syslogfacility}, $cfg->{General}{syslogpriority}); } daemonize_me $cfg->{General}{piddir}."/smokeping.pid"; } do_log "Smokeping version $VERSION successfully launched."; RESTART: my $myprobe; my $multiprocessmode; my $forkprobes = $cfg->{General}{concurrentprobes} || 'yes'; if ($forkprobes eq "yes" and keys %$probes > 1 and not $opt{debug}) { $multiprocessmode = 1; my %probepids; my $pid; do_log("Entering multiprocess mode."); $pid = start_probes(\%probepids); $myprobe = $probepids{$pid}; goto KID unless $pid; # child skips rest of loop # parent do_log("All probe processes started successfully."); my $exiting = 0; my $reloading = 0; for my $sig (qw(INT TERM)) { $SIG{$sig} = sub { do_log("Got $sig signal, terminating child processes."); $exiting = 1; kill $sig, $_ for keys %probepids; my $now = time; while(keys %probepids) { # SIGCHLD handler below removes the keys if (time - $now > 2) { do_log("Fatal: can't terminate all child processes, giving up."); exit 1; } sleep 1; } do_log("All child processes successfully terminated, exiting."); exit 0; } }; $SIG{CHLD} = sub { while ((my $dead = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG)) > 0) { my $p = $probepids{$dead}; $p = 'unknown' unless defined $p; do_log("Child process $dead (probe $p) exited unexpectedly with status $?.") unless $exiting or $reloading; delete $probepids{$dead}; } }; my $gothup = 0; $SIG{HUP} = sub { do_debuglog("Got HUP signal."); $gothup = 1; }; while (1) { # just wait for the signals sleep; next unless $gothup; $reloading = 1; $gothup = 0; my $oldprobes = $probes; $reloading = 0, next unless reload_cfg($cfgfile); do_debuglog("Restarting probe processes " . join(",", keys %probepids) . "."); kill SIGHUP, $_ for (keys %probepids); my $i=0; while (keys %probepids) { sleep 1; if ($i % 10 == 0) { do_log("Waiting for child processes to terminate."); } $i++; my %termsent; for (keys %probepids) { my $step = $oldprobes->{$probepids{$_}}->step; if ($i > $step) { do_log("Child process $_ took over its step value to terminate, killing it with SIGTERM"); if (kill SIGTERM, $_ == 0 and exists $probepids{$_}) { do_log("Fatal: Child process $_ has disappeared? This shouldn't happen. Giving up."); exit 1; } else { $termsent{$_} = time; } } for (keys %termsent) { if (exists $probepids{$_}) { if (time() - $termsent{$_} > 2) { do_log("Fatal: Child process $_ took over 2 seconds to exit on TERM signal. Giving up."); exit 1; } } else { delete $termsent{$_}; } } } } $reloading = 0; do_log("Child processes terminated, restarting with new configuration."); $SIG{CHLD} = 'DEFAULT'; # restore goto RESTART; } do_log("Exiting abnormally - this should not happen."); exit 1; # not reached } else { $multiprocessmode = 0; if ($forkprobes ne "yes") { do_log("Not entering multiprocess mode because the 'concurrentprobes' variable is not set."); for my $p (keys %$probes) { for my $what (qw(offset step)) { do_log("Warning: probe-specific parameter '$what' ignored for probe $p in single-process mode." ) if defined $cfg->{Probes}{$p}{$what}; } } } elsif ($opt{debug}) { do_debuglog("Not entering multiprocess mode with '--debug'. Use '--debug-daemon' for that.") } elsif (keys %$probes == 1) { do_log("Not entering multiprocess mode for just a single probe."); $myprobe = (keys %$probes)[0]; # this way we won't ignore a probe-specific step parameter } } KID: my $offset; my $step; my $gothup = 0; my $changeprocessnames = $cfg->{General}{changeprocessnames} ne "no"; $SIG{HUP} = sub { do_log("Got HUP signal, " . ($multiprocessmode ? "exiting" : "restarting") . " gracefully."); $gothup = 1; }; for my $sig (qw(INT TERM)) { $SIG{$sig} = sub { do_log("got $sig signal, terminating."); exit 1; } } if (defined $myprobe) { $offset = $probes->{$myprobe}->offset || 'random'; $step = $probes->{$myprobe}->step; $0 .= " [$myprobe]" if $changeprocessnames; } else { $offset = $cfg->{General}{offset} || 'random'; $step = $cfg->{Database}{step}; } if ($offset eq 'random'){ $offset = int(rand($step)); } else { $offset =~ s/%$//; $offset = $offset / 100 * $step; } for (keys %$probes) { next if defined $myprobe and $_ ne $myprobe; # fill this in for report_probes() below $probes->{$_}->offset_in_seconds($offset); # this is just for humans if ($opt{debug} or $opt{'debug-daemon'}) { $probes->{$_}->debug(1) if $probes->{$_}->can('debug'); } } report_probes($probes, $myprobe); while (1) { unless ($opt{nosleep} or $opt{debug}) { my $sleeptime = $step - (time-$offset) % $step; if (defined $myprobe) { $probes->{$myprobe}->do_debug("Sleeping $sleeptime seconds."); } else { do_debuglog("Sleeping $sleeptime seconds."); } sleep $sleeptime; last if checkhup($multiprocessmode, $gothup) && reload_cfg($cfgfile); } my $now = time; run_probes $probes, $myprobe; # $myprobe is undef if running without 'concurrentprobes' my %sortercache; if ($opt{'master-url'}){ my $new_conf = Smokeping::Slave::submit_results $slave_cfg,$cfg,$myprobe,$probes; if ($new_conf){ $cfg=$new_conf; $probes = undef; $probes = load_probes $cfg; $cfg->{__probes} = $probes; add_targets($cfg, $probes, $cfg->{Targets}, $cfg->{General}{datadir}); goto RESTART; } } else { update_rrds $cfg, $probes, $cfg->{Targets}, $cfg->{General}{datadir}, $myprobe, \%sortercache; save_sortercache($cfg,\%sortercache,$myprobe); } exit 0 if $opt{debug}; my $runtime = time - $now; if ($runtime > $step) { my $warn = "WARNING: smokeping took $runtime seconds to complete 1 round of polling. ". "It should complete polling in $step seconds. ". "You may have unresponsive devices in your setup.\n"; if (defined $myprobe) { $probes->{$myprobe}->do_log($warn); } else { do_log($warn); } } last if checkhup($multiprocessmode, $gothup) && reload_cfg($cfgfile); } $0 =~ s/ \[$myprobe\]$// if $changeprocessnames; goto RESTART; } sub checkhup ($$) { my $multiprocessmode = shift; my $gothup = shift; if ($gothup) { if ($multiprocessmode) { do_log("Exiting due to HUP signal."); exit 0; } else { do_log("Restarting due to HUP signal."); return 1; } } return 0; } sub reload_cfg ($) { my $cfgfile = shift; my ($oldcfg, $oldprobes) = ($cfg, $probes); do_log("Reloading configuration."); eval { load_cfg($cfgfile) }; if ($@) { do_log("Reloading configuration from $cfgfile failed: $@"); ($cfg, $probes) = ($oldcfg, $oldprobes); return 0; } return 1; } sub gen_imgs ($){ my $cfg = shift; my $modulemodtime; for (@INC) { ( -f "$_/Smokeping.pm" ) or next; $modulemodtime = (stat _)[9]; last; } if (not -r $cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/rrdtool.png" or (defined $modulemodtime and $modulemodtime > (stat _)[9])){ open W, ">".$cfg->{General}{imgcache}."/rrdtool.png" or do { warn "WARNING: creating $cfg->{General}{imgcache}/rrdtool.png: $!\n"; return 0 }; binmode W; print W unpack ('u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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =head1 AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker Etobi@oetiker.chE Niko Tyni Entyni@iki.fiE =cut # Emacs Configuration # # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # eval: (cperl-set-style "PerlStyle") # mode: flyspell # mode: flyspell-prog # End: # # vi: sw=4