# -*- perl -*- package Smokeping::Info; use warnings; use strict; use RRDs; use Smokeping; use Carp; use Data::Dumper; sub new { my $this = shift; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = { cfg_file => shift }; bless $self, $class; my $parser = Smokeping::get_parser(); $self->{cfg_hash} = $parser->parse( $self->{cfg_file} ) or croak "ERROR reading config file $parser->{err}"; $self->{probe_hash} = Smokeping::load_probes $self->{cfg_hash}; return $self; } # get a list of all rrd files in the config file sub __flatten_targets; sub __flatten_targets { my $probes = shift; my $root = shift; my $prefix = shift; my @paths; for my $target ( sort {$root->{$a}{_order} <=> $root->{$b}{_order}} grep { ref $root->{$_} eq 'HASH' } keys %$root ) { push @paths, __flatten_targets($probes,$root->{$target},$prefix.'/'.$target); }; if (exists $root->{host} and not $root->{host} =~ m|/|){ my $probe = $probes->{$root->{probe}}; my $pings = $probe->_pings($root); if (not $root->{nomasterpoll} or $root->{nomasterpoll} eq 'no') { push @paths, { path => $prefix, pings=>$pings }; }; if ($root->{slaves}) { for my $slave (split /\s+/,$root->{slaves}){ push @paths, { path => $prefix.'~'.$slave, pings=>$pings }; } } }; return @paths; } sub fetch_nodes { my $self = shift; my %args = ( 'mode' => 'plain', @_); # no mode is default my %valid = ( pattern=>1, mode => 1 ); my %valid_modes = ( plain=>1, recursive=>1, regexp=>1); map { croak "Invalid fetch nodes argument '$_'" if not $valid{$_}; } keys %args; croak "Invalid fetch mode $args{mode}" if not $valid_modes{$args{mode}}; my $cfg = $self->{cfg_hash}; my @flat = __flatten_targets($self->{probe_hash},$cfg->{Targets},''); my $rx = qr{.*}; if ( defined $args{pattern} ) { if ( $args{mode} eq 'recursive' ) { $rx = qr{^\Q$args{pattern}\E}; } elsif ( $args{mode} eq 'regexp' ) { $rx = qr{$args{pattern}}; } else { $rx = qr{^\Q$args{pattern}\E[^/]*$}; } } return [ grep { $_->{path} =~ /${rx}/ } @flat ]; } sub stat_node { my $self = shift; my $path = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $cfg = $self->{cfg_hash}; my ($graphret,$xs,$ys) = RRDs::graph ( '/tmp/dummy', '--start'=>$start, '--end'=>$end, 'DEF:loss_avg_r='.$cfg->{General}{datadir}.$path->{path}.'.rrd:loss:AVERAGE', 'CDEF:loss_avg=loss_avg_r,'.$path->{pings}.',/', 'VDEF:loss_avg_tot=loss_avg,AVERAGE', 'PRINT:loss_avg_tot:%.8le', 'DEF:loss_max_r='.$cfg->{General}{datadir}.$path->{path}.'.rrd:loss:MAX', 'CDEF:loss_max=loss_max_r,'.$path->{pings}.',/', 'VDEF:loss_max_tot=loss_max,MAXIMUM', 'PRINT:loss_max_tot:%.8le', 'VDEF:loss_now=loss_avg,LAST', 'PRINT:loss_now:%.8le', 'DEF:median_avg='.$cfg->{General}{datadir}.$path->{path}.'.rrd:median:AVERAGE', 'VDEF:median_avg_tot=median_avg,AVERAGE', 'PRINT:median_avg_tot:%.8le', 'DEF:median_min='.$cfg->{General}{datadir}.$path->{path}.'.rrd:median:MIN', 'VDEF:median_min_tot=median_min,MINIMUM', 'PRINT:median_min_tot:%.8le', 'DEF:median_max='.$cfg->{General}{datadir}.$path->{path}.'.rrd:median:MAX', 'VDEF:median_max_tot=median_max,MAXIMUM', 'PRINT:median_max_tot:%.8le', 'VDEF:median_now=median_avg,LAST', 'PRINT:median_now:%.8le' ); my %data; if (my $ERROR = RRDs::error()){ carp "$path->{path}: $ERROR"; } else { @data{qw(loss_avg loss_max loss_now med_avg med_min med_max med_now)} = @$graphret; } return \%data; }; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Smokeping::Info - Pull numerical info out of the rrd databases =head1 OVERVIEW This module provides methods to further process information contained in smokeping rrd files. The smokeinfo tool is a simple wrapper around the functionality containd in here. my $si = Smokeping::Info->new("config/file/path"); my $array_ref = $si->fetch_nodes(pattern=>'/node/path', mode=>'recursive'); my $hash_ref = $si->stat_node(path,start,end); =head1 IMPLEMENTATION =head2 new(path) Create a new Smokeping::Info instance. Instantiating Smokeping::Info entails reading the configuration file. This is a compte heavy procedure. So you may want to use a single info object to handle multiple requests. =head2 fetch_nodes(pattern=>'/...',mode=>{recursive|regexp}) The fetch_nodes method will find all nodes sitting in the given pattern (absolute path) including the path itself. By setting the recursive mode, all rrd files in paths below will be returned as well. In regexp mode, all rrd paths matching the given expression will be returned. =head2 stat_node(node,start,end) Return a hash pointer to statistics based on the data stored in the given rrd path. med_avg - average median med_min - minimal median med_max - maximal median med_now - current median loss_avg - average loss loss_max - maximum loss loss_now - current loss =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 by OETIKER+PARTNER AG =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =head1 AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker Etobi@oetiker.chE, development sponsored by Swisscom Hospitality =cut # Emacs Configuration # # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # eval: (cperl-set-style "PerlStyle") # mode: flyspell # mode: flyspell-prog # End: # # vi: sw=4