package Smokeping::RRDtools; =head1 NAME Smokeping::RRDtools - Tools for RRD file handling =head1 SYNOPSIS use Smokeping::RRDtools; use RRDs; my $file = '/path/to/file.rrd'; # get the create arguments that $file was created with my $create = Smokeping::RRDtools::info2create($file); # use them to create a new file RRDs::create('/path/to/file2.rrd', @$create); # or compare them against another create list my @create = ('--step', 60, 'DS:ds0:GAUGE:120:0:U', 'RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1008'); my $comparison = Smokeping::RRDtools::compare($file, \@create); print "Create arguments didn't match: $comparison\n" if $comparison; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module offers two functions, C and C. The first can be used to recreate the arguments that an RRD file was created with. The second checks if an RRD file was created with the given arguments. The function C must be called with one argument: the path to the interesting RRD file. It will return an array reference of the argument list that can be fed to C. Note that this list will never contain the C parameter, but it B contain the C parameter. The function C must be called with two arguments: the path to the interesting RRD file, and a reference to an argument list that could be fed to C. The function will then simply compare the result of C with this argument list. It will return C if the arguments matched, and a string indicating the difference if a discrepancy was found. Note that if there is a C parameter in the argument list, C disregards it. If C isn't specified, C will use the C default of 300 seconds. =head1 NOTES This module is not particularly specific to Smokeping, it is just distributed with it. =head1 BUGS Probably. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005 by Niko Tyni. =head1 AUTHOR Niko Tyni =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. =head1 SEE ALSO RRDs(3) =cut use strict; use RRDs; # take an RRD file and make a create list out of it sub info2create { my $file = shift; my @create; my $buggy_perl_version = 1 if $^V and $^V eq v5.8.0; my $info = RRDs::info($file); my $error = RRDs::error; die("RRDs::info $file: ERROR: $error") if $error; die("$file: unknown RRD version: $info->{rrd_version}") unless $info->{rrd_version} eq '0001' or $info->{rrd_version} eq '0003'; my $cf = $info->{"rra[0].cf"}; die("$file: no RRAs found?") unless defined $cf; my @fetch = RRDs::fetch($file, $cf); $error = RRDs::error; die("RRDs::fetch $file $cf: ERROR: $error") if $error; my @ds = @{$fetch[2]}; push @create, '--step', $info->{step}; for my $ds (@ds) { my @s = ("DS", $ds); for (qw(type minimal_heartbeat min max)) { die("$file: missing $_ for DS $ds?") unless exists $info->{"ds[$ds].$_"} or $buggy_perl_version; my $val = $info->{"ds[$ds].$_"}; push @s, defined $val ? $val : "U"; } push @create, join(":", @s); } for (my $i=0; exists $info->{"rra[$i].cf"}; $i++) { my @s = ("RRA", $info->{"rra[$i].cf"}); for (qw(xff pdp_per_row rows)) { die("$file: missing $_ for RRA $i") unless exists $info->{"rra[$i].$_"} or $buggy_perl_version; push @s, $info->{"rra[$i].$_"}; } push @create, join(":", @s); } return \@create; } sub compare { my $file = shift; my $create = shift; my @create2 = @{info2create($file)}; my @create = @$create; # copy because we change it # we don't compare the '--start' param if ($create[0] eq '--start') { shift @create; shift @create; } # special check for the optional 'step' parameter die("Internal error: didn't get the step parameter from info2create?") unless ("--step" eq shift @create2); my $step = shift @create2; my $step2; if ($create[0] eq '--step') { shift @create; $step2 = shift @create; } else { $step2 = 300; # default value } return "Wrong value of step: $file has $step, create string has $step2" unless $step == $step2; my $dscount = grep /^DS/, @create; my $dscount2 = grep /^DS/, @create2; return "Different number of data sources: $file has $dscount2, create string has $dscount" unless $dscount == $dscount2; my $rracount = grep /^RRA/, @create; my $rracount2 = grep /^RRA/, @create2; return "Different number of RRAs: $file has $rracount2, create string has $rracount" unless $rracount == $rracount2; while (my $arg = shift @create) { my $arg2 = shift @create2; return "Different arguments: $file has $arg2, create string has $arg" unless $arg eq $arg2; } return undef; } 1;