package Smokeping::probes::CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP; =head1 301 Moved Permanently This is a Smokeping probe module. Please use the command C to view the documentation or the command C to generate the POD document. =cut use strict; use base qw(Smokeping::probes::basefork); use Symbol; use Carp; use BER; use SNMP_Session; use SNMP_util "0.97"; use Smokeping::ciscoRttMonMIB "0.2"; sub pod_hash { my $e = "="; return { name => < < < < < L The best source for background info on SAA is Cisco's documentation on L and the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB documentation, which is available at: L DOC authors => <SUPER::new(@_); # no need for this if we run as a cgi unless ( $ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE} ) { $self->{pingfactor} = 1000; }; return $self; } sub ProbeDesc($){ my $self = shift; return "CiscoRTTMonEchoICMP"; } sub pingone ($$) { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; my $pings = $self->pings($target) || 20; my $tos = $target->{vars}{tos}; my $bytes = $target->{vars}{packetsize}; # use the proces ID as as row number to make this poll distinct on the router; my $row=$$; if (defined StartRttMibEcho($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $target->{addr}, $bytes, $pings, $target->{vars}{iosint}, $tos, $row, $target->{vars}{vrf})) { # wait for the series to finish sleep ($pings*$pingtimeout+5); if (my @times=FillTimesFromHistoryTable($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $pings, $row)){ DestroyData ($target->{vars}{ioshost}.":::::2", $row); return @times; } else { return(); } } else { return (); } } sub StartRttMibEcho ($$$$$$){ my ($host, $target, $size, $pings, $sourceip, $tos, $row,$vrf) = @_; # resolve the target name and encode its IP address $_=$target; if (!/^([0-9]|\.)+/) { (my $name, my $aliases, my $addrtype, my $length, my @addrs) = gethostbyname ($target); $target=join('.',(unpack("C4",$addrs[0]))); } my @octets=split(/\./,$target); my $encoded_target= pack ("CCCC", @octets); # resolve the source name and encode its IP address my $encoded_source = undef; if (defined $sourceip) { $_=$sourceip; if (!/^([0-9]|\.)+/) { (my $name, my $aliases, my $addrtype, my $length, my @addrs) = gethostbyname ($sourceip); $sourceip=join('.',(unpack("C4",$addrs[0]))); } my @octets=split(/\./,$sourceip); $encoded_source= pack ("CCCC", @octets); } ############################################################# # rttMonCtrlAdminStatus - 1:active 2:notInService 3:notReady 4:createAndGo 5:createAndWait 6:destroy #delete data from former measurements #return undef unless defined # &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row",'integer', 6); ############################################################# # Check RTTMon version and supported protocols $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 10; # be silent (my $version)=&snmpget ($host, "rttMonApplVersion"); if (! defined $version ) { Smokeping::do_log ("$host doesn't support or allow RTTMon !\n"); return undef; } Smokeping::do_log ("$host supports $version\n"); $SNMP_Session::suppress_warnings = 0; # report errors # echo(1), pathEcho(2), fileIO(3), script(4), udpEcho(5), tcpConnect(6), http(7), # dns(8), jitter(9), dlsw(10), dhcp(11), ftp(12) my $udpEchoSupported=0==1; snmpmaptable ($host, sub () { my ($proto, $supported) = @_; # 1 is true , 2 is false $udpEchoSupported=0==0 if ($proto==5 && $supported==1); }, "rttMonApplSupportedRttTypesValid"); ############################################################# #setup the new data row my @params=(); push @params, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 5, "rttMonCtrlAdminRttType.$row", 'integer', 1, "rttMonEchoAdminProtocol.$row", 'integer', 2, "rttMonEchoAdminTargetAddress.$row", 'octetstring', $encoded_target, "rttMonCtrlAdminTimeout.$row", 'integer', $pingtimeout*1000, "rttMonCtrlAdminFrequency.$row", 'integer', $pingtimeout, "rttMonHistoryAdminNumBuckets.$row", 'integer', $pings, "rttMonHistoryAdminNumLives.$row", 'integer', 1, "rttMonHistoryAdminFilter.$row", 'integer', 2, "rttMonEchoAdminPktDataRequestSize.$row",'integer', $size-8, "rttMonScheduleAdminRttStartTime.$row", 'timeticks', 1, "rttMonScheduleAdminRttLife.$row", 'integer', $pings*$pingtimeout+3, "rttMonScheduleAdminConceptRowAgeout.$row",'integer', 60; if(defined($vrf)){ push @params,"rttMonEchoAdminVrfName.$row",'octetstring',$vrf; } # with udpEcho support (>= 12.0(3)T ) the ICMP ping support was enhanced in the RTTMon SW - we are # NOT using udpEcho, but echo (ICMP echo, ping) if ($udpEchoSupported) { push @params, "rttMonEchoAdminTOS.$row", 'integer', $tos; push @params, "rttMonCtrlAdminNvgen.$row", 'integer', 2; # the router (or this script) doesn't check whether the IP address is one of # the router's IP address, i.e. the router might send packets, but never # gets ping replies.. if (defined $sourceip) { push @params, "rttMonEchoAdminSourceAddress.$row", 'octetstring', $encoded_source; } } else { Smokeping::do_log ("Warning this host does not support ToS or iosint\n"); } return undef unless defined &snmpset($host, @params); ############################################################# # and go ! return undef unless defined &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row",'integer',1); return 1; } # RttResponseSense values # 1:ok 2:disconnected 3:overThreshold 4:timeout 5:busy 6:notConnected 7:dropped 8:sequenceError # 9:verifyError 10:applicationSpecific 11:dnsServerTimeout 12:tcpConnectTimeout 13:httpTransactionTimeout #14:dnsQueryError 15:httpError 16:error sub FillTimesFromHistoryTable($$$$) { my ($host, $pings, $row) = @_; my @times; # snmpmaptable walks two tables (of equal size) # - "rttMonHistoryCollectionCompletionTime.$row", # - "rttMonHistoryCollectionSense.$row" # The code in the sub() argument is executed for each index value snmptable walks snmpmaptable ($host, sub () { my ($index, $rtt, $status) = @_; push @times, (sprintf ("%.10e", $rtt/1000)) if ($status==1); }, "rttMonHistoryCollectionCompletionTime.$row", "rttMonHistoryCollectionSense.$row"); return sort { $a <=> $b } @times; } sub DestroyData ($$) { my ($host, $row) = @_; &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlOperState.$row", 'integer', 3); &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 2); #delete any old config &snmpset($host, "rttMonCtrlAdminStatus.$row", 'integer', 6); } sub targetvars { my $class = shift; return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::targetvars, { _mandatory => [ 'ioshost' ], ioshost => { _example => '', _doc => < { _re => '\d+', _example => 15, _default => $pingtimeout+10, _doc => "How long a single RTTMonEcho ICMP 'ping' take at maximum plus 10 seconds to spare. Since we control our own timeout the only purpose of this is to not have us killed by the ping method from basefork.", }, iosint => { _example => '', _doc => < { _example => 160, _default => 0, _doc => < { _example => "INTERNET", _doc => < { _doc => < 56, _re => '\d+', _sub => sub { my $val = shift; return "ERROR: packetsize must be between 8 and 16392" unless $val >= 8 and $val <= 16392; return undef; } } }); } 1;