package Smokeping::probes::WebProxyFilter; =head1 301 Moved Permanently This is a Smokeping probe module. Please use the command C to view the documentation or the command C to generate the POD document. =cut use strict; use base qw(Smokeping::probes::basefork); use LWP::UserAgent; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday sleep); use Carp; my $DEFAULTINTERVAL = 1; sub pod_hash { return { name => < < < <<'DOC', Tobias Oetiker sponsored by Virtela DOC bugs => <SUPER::new(@_); return $self; } sub pingone { my $self = shift; my $target = shift; my $host = $target->{addr}; my $vars = $target->{vars}; my $mininterval = $self->{properties}{min_interval}; my @times; my $elapsed; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent($vars->{useragent}); $ua->timeout($vars->{timeout}); $ua->max_size($vars->{max_size}); my @targets = ($host, split /\s*,\s*/, $vars->{more_hosts}); my $targcount = scalar @targets; my $pingcount = $self->pings($target); my $deny_re = $vars->{deny_re}; if ($targcount > $self->pings($target)) { $self->do_log("ERROR There are more host addresses ($targcount) than ping slots ($pingcount), either increasse the pings or reduce the targets.\n"); return; } for (1..$pingcount) { if (defined $elapsed) { my $timeleft = $mininterval - $elapsed; sleep $timeleft if $timeleft > 0; } my $target = shift @targets; push @targets,$target; my $start = gettimeofday(); my $response = $ua->get("http://$target"); my $end = gettimeofday(); if ($response->is_success){ if ($response->content =~ /$deny_re/ism){ push @times,($end-$start); } else { my $content = substr($response->content,0,80)." ..."; $content =~ s/[\n\r]/ /g; $self->do_log("Warning: Problem with target $host: got unexpected content from $target: $content"); } } else { $self->do_log("Warning: Problem with target $host: got this error from $target: ".$response->status_line); } } return sort { $a <=> $b } @times; } sub probevars { my $class = shift; my $h = $class->SUPER::probevars; return $class->_makevars($h, { _mandatory => ['deny_re'], min_interval => { _default => $DEFAULTINTERVAL, _doc => "The minimum interval between each starting GETs in seconds.", _re => '(\d*\.)?\d+', _example => '0.1' }, useragent => { _default => "SmokePing/2.x (WebProxyFilter Probe)", _doc => "The web browser we claim to be, just in case the FW is interested" }, maxsize => { _default => 2000, _doc => "How much of the webpage should be retreived." }, }); } sub targetvars { my $class = shift; return $class->_makevars($class->SUPER::targetvars, { timeout => { _default => 2, _doc => "Timeout in seconds for the test complete.", _re => '\d+', _example => 2, }, deny_re => { _doc => "Regular expression, matching the 'deny' response from the firewall", _example => 'Access Prohibited', }, more_hosts => { _doc => < variable. The websites will be tested one after the other in one round, this means that while normal probes do run the same test serveral times in a row, this one will alter the webpage with each round. The reason for this is, that eventhough we try to retreive remote webpages, the answer will come from the firewall everytime, so we kill two birds in one go. First we test the firewalls latency and second we make sure its filter works properly. DOC _re => '[^\s.]+(?:\.[^\s.]+)*(\s*,[^\s.]+(?:\.[^\s.]+)*)*', _example => ',', }, }); } 1;