/* ************************************************************************ #module(Smokeping) ************************************************************************ */ /** * The widget showing a detail graph */ qx.Class.define('Smokeping.ui.Navigator', { extend: qx.ui.window.Window, /* ***************************************************************************** CONSTRUCTOR ***************************************************************************** */ /** * @param graph_url {String} Url to the explorable graph * */ construct: function (graph) { this._graph = graph; with(this){ base(arguments,tr("Smokeping Graph Navigator")); set({ showMaximize: false, showMinimize: false, width: graph.getWidth(), height: graph.getHeight(), minWidth: 120, minHeight: 80, backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0' }); } this._lastrun = 0; this._loader = new Smokeping.ui.LoadingAnimation(); this._update_image(); }, members: { // resizable objects have a changeWidth method // which we can override to take part in the fun // why I have to access this._graph_width without the this. // in this case _changeWidth: function(newWidth) { var diff = newWidth - this.getBoxWidth(); this.base(arguments, newWidth); this.add(this._loader); this._graph_width = this._graph_width + diff; qx.client.Timer.once(this._update_image,this,250); }, _changeHeight: function(newHeight) { var diff = newHeight - this.getBoxHeight(); this.base(arguments, newHeight); this.add(this._loader); this._graph_height = this._graph_height + diff; qx.client.Timer.once(this._update_image,this,250); }, _update_image: function(){ var now = (new Date()).getTime(); if (this._lastrun + 1000 < now) { this._preloader = qx.io.image.PreloaderManager.getInstance().create(this._graph.getSrc()); if (this._preloader.isLoaded()){ qx.client.Timer.once(this._show_image,this,0); } else { this._preloader.addEventListener('load', this._show_image, this); } this._lastrun = now; } else { this.debug('Skipping update since previous update less tahn 1 second') } }, _show_image: function(e){ with(this){ set({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto' }); var image = new qx.ui.basic.Image(); image.setPreloader(this._preloader); qx.io.image.PreloaderManager.getInstance().remove(this._preloader); removeAll(); add(image); var zoomer = new Smokeping.ui.Zoomer(image,this._graph,33,30); add(zoomer); var mover = new Smokeping.ui.Mover(image,this._graph,33,30); add(mover); } } } });