package CGI::Session::Driver::mysql; # $Id: 351 2006-11-24 14:16:50Z markstos $ use strict; use Carp; use CGI::Session::Driver::DBI; @CGI::Session::Driver::mysql::ISA = qw( CGI::Session::Driver::DBI ); $CGI::Session::Driver::mysql::VERSION = "4.20"; sub _mk_dsnstr { my ($class, $dsn) = @_; unless ( $class && $dsn && ref($dsn) && (ref($dsn) eq 'HASH')) { croak "_mk_dsnstr(): usage error"; } my $dsnstr = $dsn->{DataSource}; if ( $dsn->{Socket} ) { $dsnstr .= sprintf(";mysql_socket=%s", $dsn->{Socket}); } if ( $dsn->{Host} ) { $dsnstr .= sprintf(";host=%s", $dsn->{Host}); } if ( $dsn->{Port} ) { $dsnstr .= sprintf(";port=%s", $dsn->{Port}); } return $dsnstr; } sub init { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{DataSource} && ($self->{DataSource} !~ /^dbi:mysql/i) ) { $self->{DataSource} = "dbi:mysql:database=" . $self->{DataSource}; } if ( $self->{Socket} && $self->{DataSource} ) { $self->{DataSource} .= ';mysql_socket=' . $self->{Socket}; } return $self->SUPER::init(); } sub store { my $self = shift; my ($sid, $datastr) = @_; croak "store(): usage error" unless $sid && $datastr; my $dbh = $self->{Handle}; $dbh->do("REPLACE INTO " . $self->table_name . " (id, a_session) VALUES(?, ?)", undef, $sid, $datastr) or return $self->set_error( "store(): \$dbh->do failed " . $dbh->errstr ); return 1; } # If the table name hasn't been defined yet, check this location for 3.x compatibility sub table_name { my $self = shift; unless (defined $self->{TableName}) { $self->{TableName} = $CGI::Session::MySQL::TABLE_NAME; } return $self->SUPER::table_name(@_); } 1; __END__; =pod =head1 NAME CGI::Session::Driver::mysql - CGI::Session driver for MySQL database =head1 SYNOPSIS $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid); $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:test', User => 'sherzodr', Password => 'hello' }); $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, { Handle => $dbh } ); =head1 DESCRIPTION B stores session records in a MySQL table. For details see L, its parent class. It's especially important for the MySQL driver that the session ID column be defined as a primary key, or at least "unique", like this: CREATE TABLE sessions ( id CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a_session TEXT NOT NULL ); =head2 DRIVER ARGUMENTS B driver supports all the arguments documented in L. In addition, I argument can optionally leave leading "dbi:mysql:" string out: $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, {DataSource=>'shopping_cart'}); # is the same as: $s = new CGI::Session( "driver:mysql", $sid, {DataSource=>'dbi:mysql:shopping_cart'}); =head2 BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY For backwards compatibility, you can also set the table like this before calling C. However, it is not recommended because it can cause conflicts in a persistent environment. $CGI::Session::MySQL::TABLE_NAME = 'my_sessions'; =head1 LICENSING For support and licensing see L. =cut