package JSON; use strict; use base qw(Exporter); @JSON::EXPORT = qw(objToJson jsonToObj); use vars qw($AUTOCONVERT $VERSION $UnMapping $BareKey $QuotApos $ExecCoderef $SkipInvalid $Pretty $Indent $Delimiter $KeySort $ConvBlessed $SelfConvert $UTF8 $SingleQuote); $VERSION = '1.14'; $AUTOCONVERT = 1; $SkipInvalid = 0; $ExecCoderef = 0; $Pretty = 0; # pretty-print mode switch $Indent = 2; # (for pretty-print) $Delimiter = 2; # (for pretty-print) 0 => ':', 1 => ': ', 2 => ' : ' $UnMapping = 0; # $BareKey = 0; # $QuotApos = 0; # $KeySort = undef; # Code-ref to provide sort ordering in converter $UTF8 = 0; $SingleQuote = 0; my $USE_UTF8; BEGIN { $USE_UTF8 = $] >= 5.008 ? 1 : 0; sub USE_UTF8 { $USE_UTF8; } } use JSON::Parser; use JSON::Converter; my $parser; # JSON => Perl my $conv; # Perl => JSON ############################################################################## # CONSTRCUTOR - JSON objects delegate all processes # to JSON::Converter and JSON::Parser. ############################################################################## sub new { my $class = shift; my %opt = @_; bless { conv => undef, # JSON::Converter [perl => json] parser => undef, # JSON::Parser [json => perl] # below fields are for JSON::Converter autoconv => $AUTOCONVERT, skipinvalid => $SkipInvalid, execcoderef => $ExecCoderef, pretty => $Pretty , indent => $Indent , delimiter => $Delimiter , keysort => $KeySort , convblessed => $ConvBlessed, selfconvert => $SelfConvert, singlequote => $SingleQuote, # below fields are for JSON::Parser unmapping => $UnMapping, quotapos => $QuotApos , barekey => $BareKey , # common options utf8 => $UTF8 , # overwrite %opt, }, $class; } ############################################################################## # METHODS ############################################################################## *parse_json = \&jsonToObj; *to_json = \&objToJson; sub jsonToObj { my $self = shift; my $js = shift; if(!ref($self)){ # class method my $opt = __PACKAGE__->_getParamsForParser($js); $js = $self; $parser ||= new JSON::Parser; $parser->jsonToObj($js, $opt); } else{ # instance method my $opt = $self->_getParamsForParser($_[0]); $self->{parser} ||= ($parser ||= JSON::Parser->new); $self->{parser}->jsonToObj($js, $opt); } } sub objToJson { my $self = shift || return; my $obj = shift; if(ref($self) !~ /JSON/){ # class method my $opt = __PACKAGE__->_getParamsForConverter($obj); $obj = $self; $conv ||= JSON::Converter->new(); $conv->objToJson($obj, $opt); } else{ # instance method my $opt = $self->_getParamsForConverter($_[0]); $self->{conv} ||= JSON::Converter->new( %$opt ); $self->{conv}->objToJson($obj, $opt); } } ####################### sub _getParamsForParser { my ($self, $opt) = @_; my $params; if(ref($self)){ # instance my @names = qw(unmapping quotapos barekey utf8); my ($unmapping, $quotapos, $barekey, $utf8) = @{$self}{ @names }; $params = { unmapping => $unmapping, quotapos => $quotapos, barekey => $barekey, utf8 => $utf8, }; } else{ # class $params = { unmapping => $UnMapping, barekey => $BareKey, quotapos => $QuotApos, utf8 => $UTF8, }; } if($opt and ref($opt) eq 'HASH'){ for my $key ( keys %$opt ){ $params->{$key} = $opt->{$key}; } } return $params; } sub _getParamsForConverter { my ($self, $opt) = @_; my $params; if(ref($self)){ # instance my @names = qw(pretty indent delimiter autoconv keysort convblessed selfconvert utf8 singlequote); my ($pretty, $indent, $delimiter, $autoconv, $keysort, $convblessed, $selfconvert, $utf8, $singlequote) = @{$self}{ @names }; $params = { pretty => $pretty, indent => $indent, delimiter => $delimiter, autoconv => $autoconv, keysort => $keysort, convblessed => $convblessed, selfconvert => $selfconvert, utf8 => $utf8, singlequote => $singlequote, }; } else{ # class $params = { pretty => $Pretty, indent => $Indent, delimiter => $Delimiter, autoconv => $AUTOCONVERT, keysort => $KeySort, convblessed => $ConvBlessed, selfconvert => $SelfConvert, utf8 => $UTF8, singlequote => $SingleQuote, }; } if($opt and ref($opt) eq 'HASH'){ for my $key ( keys %$opt ){ $params->{$key} = $opt->{$key}; } } return $params; } ############################################################################## # ACCESSOR ############################################################################## BEGIN{ for my $name (qw/autoconv pretty indent delimiter unmapping keysort convblessed selfconvert singlequote/) { eval qq{ sub $name { \$_[0]->{$name} = \$_[1] if(defined \$_[1]); \$_[0]->{$name} } }; } } ############################################################################## # NON STRING DATA ############################################################################## # See JSON::Parser for JSON::NotString. sub Number { my $num = shift; return undef if(!defined $num); if( $num =~ /^-?(?:\d+)(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?$/ or $num =~ /^0[xX](?:[0-9a-zA-Z])+$/ ) { return bless {value => $num}, 'JSON::NotString'; } else{ return undef; } } sub True { bless {value => 'true'}, 'JSON::NotString'; } sub False { bless {value => 'false'}, 'JSON::NotString'; } sub Null { bless {value => undef}, 'JSON::NotString'; } ############################################################################## 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME JSON - parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). =head1 SYNOPSIS use JSON; $obj = { id => ["foo", "bar", { aa => 'bb'}], hoge => 'boge' }; $js = objToJson($obj); # this is {"id":["foo","bar",{"aa":"bb"}],"hoge":"boge"}. $obj = jsonToObj($js); # the data structure was restored. # OOP my $json = new JSON; $obj = {id => 'foo', method => 'echo', params => ['a','b']}; $js = $json->objToJson($obj); $obj = $json->jsonToObj($js); # pretty-printing $js = $json->objToJson($obj, {pretty => 1, indent => 2}); $json = JSON->new(pretty => 1, delimiter => 0); $json->objToJson($obj); =head1 TRANSITION PLAN In the next large update version, JSON and JSONRPC modules are split. JSON::Parser and JSON::Converter are deleted from JSON dist. JSON and JSON::PP in JSON dist. JSON becomes wrapper to JSON::XS and/or JSON::PP. JSONRPC* and Apache::JSONRPC are deleted from JSON dist. JSONRPC::Client, JSONRPC::Server and JSONRPC::Procedure in JSON::RPC dist. Modules in JSON::RPC dist supports JSONRPC protocol v1.1 and 1.0. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module converts between JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and Perl data structure into each other. For JSON, See to =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new() =item new( %options ) returns a JSON object. The object delegates the converting and parsing process to L and L. my $json = new JSON; C can take some options. my $json = new JSON (autoconv => 0, pretty => 1); Following options are supported: =over 4 =item autoconv See L for more info. =item skipinvalid C does C when it encounters any invalid data (for instance, coderefs). If C is set with true, the function convets these invalid data into JSON format's C. =item execcoderef C does C when it encounters any code reference. However, if C is set with true, executes the coderef and uses returned value. =item pretty See L for more info. =item indent See L for more info. =item delimiter See L for more info. =item keysort See L for more info. =item convblessed See L for more info. =item selfconvert See L for more info. =item singlequote See L for more info. =back =item objToJson( $object ) =item objToJson( $object, $hashref ) takes perl data structure (basically, they are scalars, arrayrefs and hashrefs) and returns JSON formated string. my $obj = [1, 2, {foo => bar}]; my $js = $json->objToJson($obj); # [1,2,{"foo":"bar"}] By default, returned string is one-line. However, you can get pretty-printed data with C option. Please see below L. my $js = $json->objToJson($obj, {pretty => 1, indent => 2}); # [ # 1, # 2, # { # "foo" : "bar" # } # ] =item jsonToObj( $js ) takes a JSON formated data and returns a perl data structure. =item autoconv() =item autoconv($bool) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item pretty() =item pretty($bool) This is an accessor to C. It takes true or false. When prrety is true, C returns prrety-printed string. See L for more info. =item indent() =item indent($integer) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item delimiter() This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item unmapping() =item unmapping($bool) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item keysort() =item keysort($coderef) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item convblessed() =item convblessed($bool) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item selfconvert() =item selfconvert($bool) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =item singlequote() =item singlequote($bool) This is an accessor to C. See L for more info. =back =head1 MAPPING (JSON) {"param" : []} ( => Perl) {'param' => []}; (JSON) {"param" : {}} ( => Perl) {'param' => {}}; (JSON) {"param" : "string"} ( => Perl) {'param' => 'string'}; JSON {"param" : null} => Perl {'param' => bless( {'value' => undef}, 'JSON::NotString' )}; or {'param' => undef} (JSON) {"param" : true} ( => Perl) {'param' => bless( {'value' => 'true'}, 'JSON::NotString' )}; or {'param' => 1} (JSON) {"param" : false} ( => Perl) {'param' => bless( {'value' => 'false'}, 'JSON::NotString' )}; or {'param' => 2} (JSON) {"param" : 0xff} ( => Perl) {'param' => 255}; (JSON) {"param" : 010} ( => Perl) {'param' => 8}; These JSON::NotString objects are overloaded so you don't care about. Since 1.00, L is added. When that option is set, {"param" : null} will be converted into {'param' => undef}, insted of {'param' => bless( {'value' => undef}, 'JSON::NotString' )}. Perl's C is converted to 'null'. =head1 PRETTY PRINTING If you'd like your JSON output to be pretty-printed, pass the C parameter to objToJson(). You can affect the indentation (which defaults to 2) by passing the C parameter to objToJson(). my $str = $json->objToJson($obj, {pretty => 1, indent => 4}); In addition, you can set some number to C option. The available numbers are only 0, 1 and 2. In pretty-printing mode, when C is 1, one space is added after ':' in object keys. If C is 2, it is ' : ' and 0 is ':' (default is 2). If you give 3 or more to it, the value is taken as 2. =head1 AUTOCONVERT By default, $JSON::AUTOCONVERT is true. (Perl) {num => 10.02} ( => JSON) {"num" : 10.02} it is not C<{"num" : "10.02"}>. But set false value with $JSON::AUTOCONVERT: (Perl) {num => 10.02} ( => JSON) {"num" : "10.02"} it is not C<{"num" : 10.02}>. You can explicitly sepcify: $obj = { id => JSON::Number(10.02), bool1 => JSON::True, bool2 => JSON::False, noval => JSON::Null, }; $json->objToJson($obj); # {"noval" : null, "bool2" : false, "bool1" : true, "id" : 10.02} C returns C when an argument invalid format. =head1 UNMAPPING OPTION By default, $JSON::UnMapping is false and JSON::Parser converts C, C, C into C objects. You can set true into $JSON::UnMapping to stop the mapping function. In that case, JSON::Parser will convert C, C, C into C, 1, 0. =head1 BARE KEY OPTION You can set a true value into $JSON::BareKey for JSON::Parser to parse bare keys of objects. local $JSON::BareKey = 1; $obj = jsonToObj('{foo:"bar"}'); =head1 SINGLE QUOTATION OPTION You can set a true value into $JSON::QuotApos for JSON::Parser to parse any keys and values quoted by single quotations. local $JSON::QuotApos = 1; $obj = jsonToObj(q|{"foo":'bar'}|); $obj = jsonToObj(q|{'foo':'bar'}|); With $JSON::BareKey: local $JSON::BareKey = 1; local $JSON::QuotApos = 1; $obj = jsonToObj(q|{foo:'bar'}|); =head1 HASH KEY SORT ORDER By default objToJSON will serialize hashes with their keys in random order. To control the ordering of hash keys, you can provide a standard 'sort' function that will be used to control how hashes are converted. You can provide either a fully qualified function name or a CODEREF to $JSON::KeySort or $obj->keysort. If you give any integers (excluded 0), the sort function will work as: sub { $a cmp $b } Note that since the sort function is external to the JSON module the magical $a and $b arguments will not be in the same package. In order to gain access to the sorting arguments, you must either: o use the ($$) prototype (slow) o Fully qualify $a and $b from the JSON::Converter namespace See the documentation on sort for more information. local $JSON::KeySort = 'My::Package::sort_function'; or local $JSON::KeySort = \&_some_function; sub sort_function { $JSON::Converter::a cmp $JSON::Converter::b; } or sub sort_function ($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; $a cmp $b } =head1 BLESSED OBJECT By default, JSON::Converter doesn't deal with any blessed object (returns C or C in the JSON format). If you use $JSON::ConvBlessed or C option, the module can convert most blessed object (hashref or arrayref). local $JSON::ConvBlessed = 1; print objToJson($blessed); This option slows down the converting speed. If you use $JSON::SelfConvert or C option, the module will test for a C method on the object, and will rely on this method to obtain the converted value of the object. =head1 UTF8 You can set a true value into $JSON::UTF8 for JSON::Parser and JSON::Converter to set UTF8 flag into strings contain utf8. =head1 CONVERT WITH SINGLE QUOTES You can set a true value into $JSON::SingleQuote for JSON::Converter to quote any keys and values with single quotations. You want to parse single quoted JSON data, See L. =head1 EXPORT C, C. =head1 TODO Which name is more desirable? JSONRPC or JSON::RPC. SingleQuote and QuotApos... =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L If you want the speed and the saving of memory usage, check L. =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe most JSONRPC idea to L and L. SHIMADA pointed out many problems to me. Mike Castle Edalgoda[at]ix.netcom.comE suggested better packaging way. Jeremy Muhlich Ejmuhlich[at]bitflood.orgE help me escaped character handling in JSON::Parser. Adam Sussman Eadam.sussman[at]ticketmaster.comE suggested the octal and hexadecimal formats as number. Sussman also sent the 'key sort' and 'hex number autoconv' patch and 'HASH KEY SORT ORDER' section. Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Emiyagawa[at]bulknews.netE taught a terrible typo and gave some suggestions. David Wheeler Edavid[at]kineticode.comE suggested me supporting pretty-printing and gave a part of L. Rusty Phillips Erphillips[at]edats.comE suggested me supporting the query object other than for JSONRPC::Transport::HTTP::CGI. Felipe Gasper Egasperfm[at]uc.eduE pointed to a problem of JSON::NotString with undef. And show me patches for 'bare key option' & 'single quotation option'. Yaman Saqqa Eabulyomon[at]gmail.comE helped my decision to support the bare key option. Alden DoRosario Eadorosario[at]chitika.comE tought JSON::Conveter::_stringfy (<= 0.992) is very slow. Brad Baxter sent to 'key sort' patch and thought a bug in JSON. Jacob and Jay Buffington sent 'blessed object conversion' patch. Thanks to Peter Edwards, IVAN, and all testers for bug reports. Yann Kerherve sent 'selfconverter' patch(code, document and test). Annocpan users comment on JSON pod. See And Thanks very much to JSON by (Douglas Crockford) and JSON-RPC by =head1 AUTHOR Makamaka Hannyaharamitu, Emakamaka[at]cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005-2007 by Makamaka Hannyaharamitu This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut