package JSON::Parser; # # Perl implementaion of json.js # # use vars qw($VERSION $USE_UTF8 $USE_UnicodeString); use strict; use JSON (); use Carp (); BEGIN { # suggested by philip.tellis[at] if ($] < 5.008) { eval q{ require Unicode::String }; unless ($@) { $USE_UnicodeString = 1; eval q| sub utf8::encode (\$) { my $f_ref = $_[0]; if (length($$f_ref) == 1 && ord($$f_ref) <= 0xff) { my $us = new Unicode::String; $us->latin1($$f_ref); $$f_ref = $us->utf8; } } |; } } } $VERSION = '1.07'; # TODO: I made 1.03, but that will be used after JSON 1.90 $USE_UTF8 = JSON->USE_UTF8(); my %escapes = ( # by Jeremy Muhlich b => "\x8", t => "\x9", n => "\xA", f => "\xC", r => "\xD", # '/' => '/', '\\' => '\\', ); sub new { my $class = shift; bless { @_ }, $class; } *jsonToObj = \&parse; { # PARSE my $text; my $at; my $ch; my $len; my $unmap; # unmmaping my $bare; # bareKey my $apos; # loosely quoting my $utf8; # set utf8 flag sub parse { my $self = shift; $text = shift; $at = 0; $ch = ''; $len = length $text; $self->_init(@_); value(); } sub next_chr { return $ch = undef if($at >= $len); $ch = substr($text, $at++, 1); } sub value { white(); return if(!defined $ch); return object() if($ch eq '{'); return array() if($ch eq '['); return string() if($ch eq '"' or ($apos and $ch eq "'")); return number() if($ch eq '-'); return $ch =~ /\d/ ? number() : word(); } sub string { my ($i,$s,$t,$u); $s = ''; if($ch eq '"' or ($apos and $ch eq "'")){ my $boundChar = $ch if ($apos); OUTER: while( defined(next_chr()) ){ if((!$apos and $ch eq '"') or ($apos and $ch eq $boundChar)){ next_chr(); $utf8 and utf8::decode($s); return $s; } elsif($ch eq '\\'){ next_chr(); if(exists $escapes{$ch}){ $s .= $escapes{$ch}; } elsif($ch eq 'u'){ my $u = ''; for(1..4){ $ch = next_chr(); last OUTER if($ch !~ /[\da-fA-F]/); $u .= $ch; } my $f = chr(hex($u)); utf8::encode( $f ) if($USE_UTF8 || $USE_UnicodeString); $s .= $f; } else{ $s .= $ch; } } else{ $s .= $ch; } } } error("Bad string"); } sub white { while( defined $ch ){ if($ch le ' '){ next_chr(); } elsif($ch eq '/'){ next_chr(); if($ch eq '/'){ 1 while(defined(next_chr()) and $ch ne "\n" and $ch ne "\r"); } elsif($ch eq '*'){ next_chr(); while(1){ if(defined $ch){ if($ch eq '*'){ if(defined(next_chr()) and $ch eq '/'){ next_chr(); last; } } else{ next_chr(); } } else{ error("Unterminated comment"); } } next; } else{ error("Syntax error (whitespace)"); } } else{ last; } } } sub object { my $o = {}; my $k; if($ch eq '{'){ next_chr(); white(); if($ch eq '}'){ next_chr(); return $o; } while(defined $ch){ $k = ($bare and $ch ne '"' and $ch ne "'") ? bareKey() : string(); white(); if($ch ne ':'){ last; } next_chr(); $o->{$k} = value(); white(); if($ch eq '}'){ next_chr(); return $o; } elsif($ch ne ','){ last; } next_chr(); white(); } error("Bad object"); } } sub bareKey { # doesn't strictly follow Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition my $key; while($ch =~ /[^\x00-\x23\x25-\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/){ $key .= $ch; next_chr(); } return $key; } sub word { my $word = substr($text,$at-1,4); if($word eq 'true'){ $at += 3; next_chr; return $unmap ? 1 : bless {value => 'true'}, 'JSON::NotString' } elsif($word eq 'null'){ $at += 3; next_chr; return $unmap ? undef : bless {value => undef}, 'JSON::NotString'; } elsif($word eq 'fals'){ $at += 3; if(substr($text,$at,1) eq 'e'){ $at++; next_chr; return $unmap ? 0 : bless {value => 'false'}, 'JSON::NotString' } } error("Syntax error (word)"); } sub number { my $n = ''; my $v; if($ch eq '0'){ my $peek = substr($text,$at,1); my $hex = $peek =~ /[xX]/; if($hex){ ($n) = ( substr($text, $at+1) =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/); } else{ ($n) = ( substr($text, $at) =~ /^([0-7]+)/); } if(defined $n and length($n)){ $at += length($n) + $hex; next_chr; return $hex ? hex($n) : oct($n); } } if($ch eq '-'){ $n = '-'; next_chr; } while($ch =~ /\d/){ $n .= $ch; next_chr; } if($ch eq '.'){ $n .= '.'; while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){ $n .= $ch; } } if($ch eq 'e' or $ch eq 'E'){ $n .= $ch; next_chr; if(defined($ch) and ($ch eq '+' or $ch eq '-' or $ch =~ /\d/)){ $n .= $ch; } while(defined(next_chr) and $ch =~ /\d/){ $n .= $ch; } } $v .= $n; return 0+$v; } sub array { my $a = []; if($ch eq '['){ next_chr(); white(); if($ch eq ']'){ next_chr(); return $a; } while(defined($ch)){ push @$a, value(); white(); if($ch eq ']'){ next_chr(); return $a; } elsif($ch ne ','){ last; } next_chr(); white(); } } error("Bad array"); } sub error { my $error = shift; local $Carp::CarpLevel = 1; my $str = substr($text, $at); unless (length $str) { $str = '(end of string)'; } Carp::croak "$error, at character offset $at ($str)"; } sub _init { my $opt = $_[1] || {}; $unmap= $_[0]->{unmapping}; $unmap= $opt->{unmapping} if(exists $opt->{unmapping}); $bare = $_[0]->{barekey}; $bare = $opt->{barekey} if(exists $opt->{barekey}); $apos = $_[0]->{quotapos}; $apos = $opt->{quotapos} if(exists $opt->{quotapos}); $utf8 = $_[0]->{utf8}; $utf8 = $opt->{utf8} if(exists $opt->{utf8}); if($utf8 and !$USE_UTF8){ $utf8 = 0; warn "JSON::Parser couldn't use utf8."; } } } # PARSE package JSON::NotString; use overload ( '""' => sub { $_[0]->{value} }, 'bool' => sub { ! defined $_[0]->{value} ? undef : $_[0]->{value} eq 'false' ? 0 : 1; }, 'eq' => sub { (defined $_[0]->{value} ? $_[0]->{value} : 'null') eq $_[1] }, 'ne' => sub { (defined $_[0]->{value} ? $_[0]->{value} : 'null') ne $_[1] }, '==' => sub { (!defined $_[0]->{value} ? -1 : $_[0]->{value} eq 'false' ? 0 : 1) == $_[1] }, '!=' => sub { (!defined $_[0]->{value} ? -1 : $_[0]->{value} eq 'false' ? 0 : 1) != $_[1] }, ); 1; __END__ 'eq' => sub { if (ref($_[1]) eq 'JSON::NotString') { return $_[0]->{value} eq $_[1]->{value}; } else { return $_[0]->{value} eq $_[1]; } }, =head1 SEE ALSO L This module is an implementation of L. =head1 COPYRIGHT makamaka [at] This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut