/* ************************************************************************ Copyright: OETIKER+PARTNER AG License: Gnu GPL Verrsion 3 Authors: Tobias Oetiker ************************************************************************ */ /* ************************************************************************ #asset(tr/*) ************************************************************************ */ /** * This is the main application class of your custom application "qx08" */ qx.Class.define("tr.Application", { extend : qx.application.Standalone, /* ***************************************************************************** MEMBERS ***************************************************************************** */ members : { /** * This method contains the initial application code and gets called * during startup of the application */ main : function() { var self=this; // Call super class this.base(arguments); // Enable logging in debug variant if (qx.core.Variant.isSet("qx.debug", "on")) { // support native logging capabilities, e.g. Firebug for Firefox qx.log.appender.Native; // support additional cross-browser console. Press F7 to toggle visibility qx.log.appender.Console; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is your actual application code... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // if we run with a file:// url make sure // the app finds the Tr service (Tr.cgi) Tr.Server.getInstance().setLocalUrl( 'http://johan.oetiker.ch/~oetiker/tr/' ); var root=this.getRoot(); // Document is the application root var root = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.VBox()); this.getRoot().add(root, { left : 0, top: 0}); var top = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox()); var title = new qx.ui.basic.Atom('SmokeTrace 2.4.2'); with(title){ setTextColor('#b0b0b0'); setFont(qx.bom.Font.fromString('20px bold sans-serif')); } top.add(title); top.add(new qx.ui.basic.HorizontalSpacer()); top.add(new Tr.ui.ActionButton()); root.add(top); var trace = new Tr.ui.TraceTable(); root.add(trace); root.add(new Tr.ui.Footer(this.tr("SmokeTrace is part of the of the SmokePing suite created by Tobi Oetiker, Copyright 2008."),'http://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping')); } });