path: root/clerk.tmux
diff options
authorRasmus Steinke <>2017-08-07 01:51:21 +0200
committerRasmus Steinke <>2017-08-07 01:51:21 +0200
commit3efac4130b960ef39775edd5d366eba512f38b63 (patch)
treed9ab28812db382bd19ffea3d46e7764b40e26c6d /clerk.tmux
parentf10a33f9207c6d09d1745554900ac29d374dac24 (diff)
add info to tmux config
Diffstat (limited to 'clerk.tmux')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/clerk.tmux b/clerk.tmux
index 6431bc6..4c18279 100644
--- a/clerk.tmux
+++ b/clerk.tmux
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ setw -g window-status-current-format ' #[fg=yellow,bold]#[bg=colour235]#W '
# !Dont remove this keybinding header! (used to generate help)
## Key Bindings
-bind-key -n F1 findw albums
-bind-key -n F2 findw tracks
-bind-key -n F3 findw latest
-bind-key -n F4 findw playlists
-bind-key -n F5 findw queue
-bind-key -n C-F5 run-shell 'mpc prev --quiet'
-bind-key -n C-F6 run-shell 'mpc toggle --quiet'
-bind-key -n C-F7 run-shell 'mpc stop > /dev/null'
-bind-key -n C-F8 run-shell 'mpc next --quiet'
-bind-key -n F10 run-shell 'clerk -f -x'
-bind-key -n C-F1 run-shell 'clerk -f -y'
-bind-key -n C-q kill-session -t music
+bind-key -n F1 findw albums # show album list
+bind-key -n F2 findw tracks # show tracks
+bind-key -n F3 findw latest # show album list (latest first)
+bind-key -n F4 findw playlists # load playlist
+bind-key -n F5 findw queue # show queue
+bind-key -n C-F5 run-shell 'mpc prev --quiet' # previous song
+bind-key -n C-F6 run-shell 'mpc toggle --quiet' # toggle playback
+bind-key -n C-F7 run-shell 'mpc stop > /dev/null' # stop playback
+bind-key -n C-F8 run-shell 'mpc next --quiet' # next song
+bind-key -n F10 run-shell 'clerk -f -x' # play random album/songs
+bind-key -n C-F1 run-shell 'clerk -f -y' # show help
+bind-key -n C-q kill-session -t music # quit clerk
# tmux options