path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b047ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use Net::MPD;
+use v5.10;
+use File::stat;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use warnings;
+use IO::Select;
+use File::Basename;
+use strict;
+use IPC::Run qw( timeout start );
+use autodie;
+use utf8;
+use File::Slurper 'read_binary';
+binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
+use Data::MessagePack;
+use Config::Simple;
+my $config_file = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.config/clerk/clerk.conf";
+# read configuration file
+my $cfg = new Config::Simple(filename=>"$config_file");
+my $general_cfg = $cfg->param(-block=>"General");
+my $mpd_host = $general_cfg->{mpd_host};
+my $db_file = $general_cfg->{database};
+my $backend = $general_cfg->{backend};
+my $columns_cfg = $cfg->param(-block=>"Columns");
+my $albumartist_l = $columns_cfg->{albumartist_l};
+my $album_l = $columns_cfg->{album_l};
+my $date_l = $columns_cfg->{date_l};
+my $title_l = $columns_cfg->{title_l};
+my $track_l = $columns_cfg->{track_l};
+my $artist_l = $columns_cfg->{artist_l};
+# open connection to MPD
+my $mpd = Net::MPD->connect($ENV{MPD_HOST} // $mpd_host // 'localhost');
+sub main {
+ create_db();
+ list_albums();
+sub create_db {
+ # Get database copy and save as messagepack file, if file is either missing
+ # or older than latest mpd database update.
+ # get number of songs to calculate number of searches needed to copy mpd database
+ my $mpd_stats = $mpd->stats();
+ my $songcount = $mpd_stats->{songs};
+ my $last_update = $mpd_stats->{db_update};
+ if (!-f "$db_file" || stat("$db_file")->mtime < $last_update) {
+ print STDERR "::: MPD database copy missing or out of date\n";
+ print STDERR "::: Starting database sync\n";
+ print STDERR "::: Songs in database: $songcount\n";
+ my $times = int($songcount / 1000 + 1);
+ print STDERR "==> Requesting $times chunks from MPD\n";
+ my @db;
+ # since mpd will silently fail, if response is larger than command buffer, let's split the search.
+ my $chunk_size = 1000;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$songcount;$i+=$chunk_size) {
+ my $endnumber = $i+$chunk_size;
+ my @temp_db = $mpd->search('filename', '', 'window', "$i:$endnumber");
+ push @db, @temp_db;
+ }
+ # only save relevant tags to keep messagepack file small
+ # note: maybe use a proper database instead? See list_album function.
+ my @filtered = map { {$_->%{'Album', 'Artist', 'Date', 'AlbumArtist', 'Title', 'Track', 'uri', 'Last-Modified'}} } @db;
+ pack_msgpack(\@filtered);
+ }
+ print STDERR "::: MPD database copy up to date\n";
+# sub backend_call {
+# my ($in) = @_;
+# my $input = join "", (@{$in});
+# my $out;
+# my %backends = (
+# fzf => [ qw(fzf --reverse --no-sort -m -e -i --with-nth=1,2,3 -d "\t" --tabstop=4 +s --ansi --expect=alt-v,alt-b) ],
+# rofi => [qw(rofi -dmenu -width 1800)]);
+# my $handle = run (($backends{$backend} // die('backend not found')), \$input, \$out) or die('No selection');
+# return $out;
+# }
+sub backend_call {
+ my ($in) = @_;
+ my $input;
+ my $out;
+ my %backends = ( fzf => [ qw(fzf --reverse --no-sort -m -e -i --with-nth=1,2,3 -d "\t" --tabstop=4 +s --ansi) ], rofi => ['rofi', '-width', '1300', '-dmenu', '-i', '-p', '> ']);
+ my $handle = start $backends{$backend} // die('backend not found'), \$input, \$out;
+ $input = join "", (@{$in});
+ finish $handle or die "No selection";
+ return $out;
+sub pack_msgpack {
+ my ($filtered_db) = @_;
+ my $msg = Data::MessagePack->pack($filtered_db);
+ my $filename = "$db_file";
+ open(my $out, '>:raw', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!";
+ print $out $msg;
+ close $out;
+sub unpack_msgpack {
+ my $mp = Data::MessagePack->new->utf8();
+ my $msgpack = read_binary("$db_file");
+ my $rdb = $mp->unpack($msgpack);
+ return $rdb;
+# read messagepack file and output strings
+sub list_albums {
+ print STDERR "::: Creating list of albums\n";
+ my $rdb = unpack_msgpack();
+ my @album_db = do {my %seen; grep { !defined($_->{AlbumArtist}) or !defined($_->{Album}) or
+ !defined($_->{Date}) or !$seen{$_->{AlbumArtist}}{$_->{Album}}{$_->{Date}}++ } @{$rdb}};
+ my @sorted_db = sort { lc($a->{AlbumArtist}) cmp lc($b->{AlbumArtist}) } @album_db;
+ # push list to rofi and receive selected item
+ my @output;
+ my $in;
+ for my $entry (@sorted_db) {
+ my $album_dir = dirname($entry->{uri});
+ $album_dir =~ s/\/CD.*$//g;
+ $in = sprintf "%-${albumartist_l}.${albumartist_l}s\t%-${date_l}.${date_l}s\t%-${album_l}.${album_l}s\t%s\n", $entry->{AlbumArtist},$entry->{Date}, $entry->{Album}, $album_dir;
+ push @output, $in;
+ }
+ my $out = backend_call(\@output);
+ print $out;
+ # call rofi function to display possible actions
+ my @action_items = ("Add\n", "Insert\n", "Replace\n");
+ my $action = backend_call(\@action_items);
+ # split output into tag variables and remove possible whitespace
+ if ($action eq "Add\n") {
+ my $line;
+ foreach my $line (split /\n/, $out) {
+ my $uri = (split /[\t\n]/, $line)[-1];
+ my ($artist, $date, $album) = map { s/\s+$//r } split /[\t\n]/, $line;
+ print STDERR "::: Selected album \"$album\" from \"$artist\" released in $date\n";
+ print STDERR "==> Adding selected album(s) to current playlist\n";
+ $mpd->add($uri);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq "Replace\n") {
+ my $uri = (split /[\t\n]/, $out)[-1];
+ my ($artist, $date, $album) = map { s/\s+$//r } split /[\t\n]/, $out;
+ print STDERR "==> Replacing current playlist with selected album(s)\n";
+ $mpd->clear();
+ $mpd->search_add('Artist' => $artist, 'Album' => $album, 'Date' => $date);
+ $mpd->play();
+ }
+ list_albums();
+sub list_tracks {
+ print STDERR "::: Creating list of tracks\n";
+ my $rdb = unpack_msgpack();
+ my @output;
+ my $in;
+ for my $entry (@{$rdb}) {
+ $in = sprintf "%-${track_l}.${track_l}s\t%-${title_l}.${title_l}s\t%-${artist_l}.${artist_l}s\t%-${album_l}.${album_l}s\t%-s\n", $entry->{Track},$entry->{Title}, $entry->{Artist}, $entry->{Album}, $entry->{uri};
+ push @output, $in;
+ }
+ my $out = backend_call(\@output);
+ my $uri = (split /[\t\n]/, $out)[-1];
+ my $songinfo = $mpd->search('filename' => $uri);
+ my $artist=$songinfo->{Artist};
+ my $album=$songinfo->{Album};
+ my $title=$songinfo->{Title};
+ my $track=$songinfo->{Track};
+ my $date=$songinfo->{Date};
+ print "::: Selected \"$title\" from artist \"$artist\" of album \"$album\"\n";
+ my @action_items = ("Add\n", "Insert\n", "Replace\n");
+ my $action = backend_call(\@action_items);
+ if ($action eq "Add\n") {
+ print "debug test text";
+ print STDERR "==> Adding selected track to current playlist\n";
+ $mpd->search_add('Artist' => $artist, 'Album' => $album, 'Title' => $title, 'Date' => $date);
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq "Replace\n") {
+ print STDERR "==> Replacing current playlist with selected track\n";
+ $mpd->clear();
+ $mpd->search_add('Artist' => $artist, 'Album' => $album, 'Title' => $title, 'Date' => $date);
+ $mpd->play();
+ }