# clerk - the only mpd client UI that needs typing clerk uses dmenu (or rofi) to draw a menu which lets you manage your mpd server. # Functions: * Play random album * Play x random tracks * Browse Library (Artist > Album > Tracks) * Browse local filesystem (needs unix socket in mpd.conf) * Show current Playback Queue * Show Albums/Tracks by currently playing Artist * Enable or disable scrobbling (with support for remote mpdscribble) * Love current song on lastfm (Using lastfm-mpd-cli) * Rate albums (Stored in flat files for portability & mpds sticker database) * Load rated album * Rate tracks (Stored in flat files for portability & mpds sticker database) * Control mpd options (modes, replaygain, crossfade) * Lookup artist/album/lyrics in webbrowser Being written completely functional means, every option is accessible Some example arguments have been added. e.g: `clerk -rs` will play random songs. see `clerk -h` for all default arguments. # Dependencies: * dmenu2 (https://bitbucket.org/melek/dmenu2) OR * rofi (https://github.com/DaveDavenport/rofi) * mpc * mppc (https://github.com/carnager/mppc) (for features, mpc does not provide) # Optional Dependencies * surfraw (for lookup) * lastfm-mpd-cli for loving tracks (https://github.com/morendi/lastfm-mpd-cli)