#!/usr/bin/env perl binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); use v5.10; use warnings; use strict; use utf8; use Config::Simple; use Data::MessagePack; #use DDP; use Encode qw(decode encode); use File::Basename; use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Slurper 'read_binary'; use File::stat; use FindBin '$Bin'; use FindBin '$Script'; use Getopt::Std; use HTTP::Date; use IPC::Run qw( timeout start ); use List::Util qw(any); use Net::MPD; use autodie; my $self="$Bin/$Script"; $ENV{TMUX_TMPDIR}='/tmp/clerk/tmux'; make_path($ENV{TMUX_TMPDIR}) unless(-d $ENV{TMUX_TMPDIR}); my $config_file = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/.config/clerk/clerk.conf"; if ($ENV{CLERK_CONF}) { $config_file = $ENV{CLERK_CONF}; } my $backend="fzf"; # read configuration file my $cfg = new Config::Simple(filename=>"$config_file"); my $general_cfg = $cfg->param(-block=>"General"); my $mpd_host = $general_cfg->{mpd_host}; my $tmux_config = $general_cfg->{tmux_config}; my $db_file = $general_cfg->{database}; my $songs = $general_cfg->{songs}; my $chunksize = $general_cfg->{chunksize}; my $player = $general_cfg->{player}; my $columns_cfg = $cfg->param(-block=>"Columns"); my $albumartist_l = $columns_cfg->{albumartist_l}; my $album_l = $columns_cfg->{album_l}; my $date_l = $columns_cfg->{date_l}; my $title_l = $columns_cfg->{title_l}; my $track_l = $columns_cfg->{track_l}; my $artist_l = $columns_cfg->{artist_l}; # open connection to MPD my $mpd = Net::MPD->connect($ENV{MPD_HOST} // $mpd_host // 'localhost'); sub main { my %options=(); getopts("talpfrhyxz", \%options); unless ($options{f}) { $backend = 'rofi' } else { $backend = 'fzf'; } create_db(); if ($options{t} // $options{a} // $options{p} // $options{l} // $options{r} // $options{x} // $options{y} // $options{h} // $options{z}) { if (defined $options{t}) { list_db_entries_for("Tracks") } elsif (defined $options{a}) { list_db_entries_for("Albums") } elsif (defined $options{p}) { list_playlists() } elsif (defined $options{z}) { help() } elsif (defined $options{h}) { help_output() } elsif (defined $options{x}) { system('tmux', 'split-window', '-d', 'clerk', '-f', '-r'); system('tmux', 'select-pane', '-D'); } elsif (defined $options{y}) { system('tmux', 'split-window', '-d', 'clerk', '-f', '-z'); system('tmux', 'select-pane', '-D'); } elsif (defined $options{r}) { random() } elsif (defined $options{l}) { list_db_entries_for("Latest") } } else { system('tmux', 'has-session', '-t', 'music'); if ($? != -0) { system('tmux', '-f', $tmux_config, 'new-session', '-s', 'music', '-n', 'albums', '-d', $self, '-a', '-f'); system('tmux', 'new-window', '-t', 'music', '-n', 'tracks', $self, '-t', '-f'); system('tmux', 'new-window', '-t', 'music', '-n', 'latest', $self, '-l', '-f'); system('tmux', 'new-window', '-t', 'music', '-n', 'playlists', $self, '-p', '-f'); system('tmux', 'new-window', '-t', 'music', '-n', 'queue', $player); system('tmux', 'attach', '-t', 'music'); } else { system('tmux', 'attach', '-t', 'music'); } } } sub help_output { my @output = ( "Usage: clerk [[-f [options]]", "clerk version 2.0", "", "Options:", " -f Use fzf interface. Without other arguments", " this starts a complete tmux interface with tabs.", " -a Add/Replace album(s) to queue.", " -l Add/Replace album(s) to queue (sorted by mtime)", " -t Add/Replace track(s) to queue.", " -p Add stored playlist to queue", " -r Replace current playlist with random songs/album"); print join("\n", @output), "\n\n"; } sub create_db { # Get database copy and save as messagepack file, if file is either missing # or older than latest mpd database update. # get number of songs to calculate number of searches needed to copy mpd database my $mpd_stats = $mpd->stats(); my $songcount = $mpd_stats->{songs}; my $last_update = $mpd_stats->{db_update}; if (!-f "$db_file" || stat("$db_file")->mtime < $last_update) { my $times = int($songcount / $chunksize + 1); if ($backend eq "rofi") { system('notify-send', '-t', '5', 'clerk', 'Updating Cache File'); } elsif ($backend eq "fzf") { print STDERR "::: No cache found or cache file outdated\n"; print STDERR "::: Chunksize set to $chunksize songs\n"; print STDERR "::: Requesting $times chunks from MPD\n"; } my @db; # since mpd will silently fail, if response is larger than command buffer, let's split the search. my $chunk_size = $chunksize; for (my $i=0;$i<=$songcount;$i+=$chunk_size) { my $endnumber = $i+$chunk_size; my @temp_db = $mpd->search('filename', '', 'window', "$i:$endnumber"); push @db, @temp_db; } # only save relevant tags to keep messagepack file small # note: maybe use a proper database instead? See list_album function. my @filtered = map { $_->{mtime} = str2time($_->{'Last-Modified'}); +{$_->%{qw/Album Artist Date AlbumArtist Title Track uri mtime/}} } @db; pack_msgpack(\@filtered); } } sub help { my $help_txt = system('grep', 'bind-key', $tmux_config); print "$help_txt\n"; ; } sub backend_call { my ($in, $fields, $random) = @_; my $input; my $out; $random //= "ignore"; print "$random\n"; $fields //= "1,2,3"; my %backends = ( fzf => [ qw(fzf --reverse --no-sort -m -e -i -d \t --tabstop=4 +s --ansi), "--bind=esc:$random", "--with-nth=$fields" ], rofi => [ 'rofi', '-width', '1300', '-dmenu', '-kb-row-tab', '', '-kb-move-word-forward', '', '-kb-row-tab', '', '-kb-accept-alt', 'Tab', '-multi-select', '-no-levensthein-sort', '-i', '-p', '> ' ] ); my $handle = start $backends{$backend} // die('backend not found'), \$input, \$out; $input = join "", (@{$in}); finish $handle or die "No selection"; return $out; } sub pack_msgpack { my ($filtered_db) = @_; my $msg = Data::MessagePack->pack($filtered_db); my $filename = "$db_file"; open(my $out, '>:raw', $filename) or die "Could not open file '$filename' $!"; print $out $msg; close $out; } sub unpack_msgpack { my $mp = Data::MessagePack->new->utf8(); my $msgpack = read_binary("$db_file"); my $rdb = $mp->unpack($msgpack); return $rdb; } sub random { my @action_items = ("Album\n", "Tracks\n", "Settings\n"); my $action = backend_call(\@action_items, "1,2,3", "cancel"); if ($action eq "Album\n") { $mpd->clear(); my @album_artists = $mpd->list('albumartist'); my $artist_r = $album_artists[rand @album_artists]; my @album = $mpd->list('album', 'albumartist', $artist_r); my $album_r = $album[rand @album]; $mpd->search_add('albumartist', $artist_r, 'album', $album_r); $mpd->play(); } if ($action eq "Tracks\n") { $mpd->clear(); for (my $i=0; $i <= $songs; $i++) { my @artists = $mpd->list('artist'); my $artist_r = $artists[rand @artists]; my @albums = $mpd->list('album', 'artist', $artist_r); my $album_r = $albums[rand @albums]; my @tracks = $mpd->search('artist', $artist_r, 'album', $album_r); my $track_r = $tracks[rand @tracks]; my $foo = $track_r->{uri}; $mpd->add($foo); $mpd->play(); } $mpd->play(); } if ($action eq "Settings\n") { my @action_items = ("5\n", "10\n", "15\n", "20\n", "25\n", "30\n"); my $action = backend_call(\@action_items); chomp $action; $cfg->param("General.songs", $action); $cfg->save(); } } sub do_action { my ($in, $context) = @_; my @action_items = ("Add\n", "Replace\n"); my $action = backend_call(\@action_items); if ($action eq "Replace\n") { $mpd->clear(); } my $input; if ($context eq "playlist") { chomp $in; $mpd->load("$in"); } elsif ($context eq "tracks") { foreach my $line (split /\n/, $in) { my $uri = (split /[\t\n]/, $line)[-1]; $uri = decode('UTF-8', $uri ); $mpd->add($uri); } } if ($action eq "Replace\n") { $mpd->play(); } my @queue_cmd = ('tmux', 'findw', '-t', 'music', 'queue'); system(@queue_cmd); } sub list_playlists { my @playlists = $mpd->list_playlists(); my $output = formatted_playlists(\@playlists); for (;;) { my $out = backend_call($output); do_action($out, "playlist", "ignore"); } } sub formatted_albums { my ($rdb, $sorted) = @_; my %uniq_albums; for my $i (@$rdb) { my $newkey = join "", $i->@{qw/AlbumArtist Date Album/}; if (!exists $uniq_albums{$newkey}) { my $dir = (dirname($i->{uri}) =~ s/\/CD.*$//r); $uniq_albums{$newkey} = {$i->%{qw/AlbumArtist Album Date mtime/}, Dir => $dir}; } else { if ($uniq_albums{$newkey}->{'mtime'} < $i->{'mtime'}) { $uniq_albums{$newkey}->{'mtime'} = $i->{'mtime'} } } } my @albums; my $fmtstr = join "", map {"%-${_}.${_}s\t"} ($albumartist_l, $date_l, $album_l); my @skeys; if ($sorted) { @skeys = sort { $uniq_albums{$b}->{mtime} <=> $uniq_albums{$a}->{mtime} } keys %uniq_albums; } else { @skeys = sort keys %uniq_albums; } for my $k (@skeys) { my @vals = ((map { $_ // "Unknown" } $uniq_albums{$k}->@{qw/AlbumArtist Date Album/}), $uniq_albums{$k}->{Dir}); my $strval = sprintf $fmtstr."%s\n", @vals; push @albums, $strval; } return \@albums; } sub formatted_tracks { my ($rdb) = @_; my $fmtstr = join "", map {"%-${_}.${_}s\t"} ($track_l, $title_l, $artist_l, $album_l); my @tracks = map { sprintf $fmtstr."%-s\n", (map { $_ // "Unknown" } $_->@{qw/Track Title Artist Album/}), $_->{uri}; # sprintf $fmtstr."%-s\n", $_->@{qw/Track Title Artist Album uri/} } @{$rdb}; return \@tracks; } sub formatted_playlists { my ($rdb) = @_; my @playlists = map { sprintf "%s\n", $_->{playlist} } @{$rdb}; return \@playlists; } sub list_db_entries_for { my ($kind) = @_; die "Wrong kind" unless any {; $_ eq $kind} qw/Albums Latest Tracks/; my $rdb = unpack_msgpack(); my %fields = (Albums=> "1,2,3", Latest => "1,2,3", Tracks => "1,2,3,4"); my %formater = ( Albums => sub {formatted_albums(@_, 0)}, Latest => sub {formatted_albums(@_, 1)}, Tracks => \&formatted_tracks ); my $output = $formater{$kind}->($rdb); if ($backend eq "rofi") { my $out = backend_call($output, $fields{$kind}); do_action($out, "tracks", "ignore"); } elsif ($backend eq "fzf") { for (;;) { my $out = backend_call($output, $fields{$kind}); do_action($out, "tracks", "ignore"); } } } main;