#!/usr/bin/env bash dependencies=( "Config::Simple" "inc::Module::Install" "Data::MessagePack" "File::Slurper" "File::Path" "Net::MPD" ) repo_modules=( "perl-config-simple" "perl-http-date" ) printf "%s\n" "This script will install needed cpan modules" printf "%s\n" "and copy configs to $HOME/.config/clerk" read -e -p "Proceed? (Y/n) > " go_on go_on=${go_on:-y} case $go_on in [Nn]) exit; ;; esac read -e -p "Configure cpanp to install modules via pacman? (Y/n) > " cpan_arch cpan_arch=${cpan_arch:-y} case $cpan_arch in [Yy]) if [[ -z $(pacman -Qsq perl-cpanplus-dist-arch) ]] then read -e -p "perl-cpanplus-dist-arch package not found. Install? (Y/n) > " cpanp_dist_install cpanp_dist_install=${cpanp_dist_install:-y} case $cpanp_dist_install in [Yy]) sudo pacman -S perl-cpanplus-dist-arch ;; esac fi setupdistarch; esac read -e -p "Install dependencies for clerk? (Y/n) > " deps_choice deps_choice=${deps_choice:-y} case "${deps_choice}" in [Yy]) for dep in "${dependencies[@]}" do cpanp i "${dep}" done sudo pacman -S "${repo_modules[@]}" ;; esac if [[ -z $(pacman -Qqs fzf) ]] then read -e -p "No fzf found. Install it? (Y/n)" fzf case $fzf in [Yy]) sudo pacman -S fzf ;; esac fi if [[ -z $(pacman -Qqs tmux) ]] then read -e -p "No tmux found. Install it? (Y/n)" fzf case $fzf in [Yy]) sudo pacman -S tmux ;; esac fi read -e -p "Set installation directory. (Default: $HOME/bin) > " foo foo=${foo:-$HOME/bin} case $foo in [Yy]) export path="$HOME/bin"; ;; *) export path="$foo"; ;; esac read -e -p "Install clerk to $path? (Y/n) > " install install=${install:-y} case $install in [Yy]) cp clerk $path; if [[ ! -d "${HOME}/.config/clerk" ]] then mkdir "${HOME}/.config/clerk" fi cp clerk.tmux clerk.conf "${HOME}/.config/clerk" sed -i "s@PLACEHOLDER@"$HOME"@" "${HOME}/.config/clerk/clerk.conf" ;; *) exit; esac