path: root/docs/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-12-21Fix up process_leader to be a bit more optimized (#4662)Drashna Jaelre1-0/+6
2018-12-20Docs: Add additional clarification to Leader Key documention (#4660)Drashna Jaelre1-7/+75
2018-12-15Per Key Leader Timing Option (#4026)Alexander Kagno1-0/+23
2018-09-17Fix LEADER_KEY docs.dsissitka1-1/+1
2018-09-17Make `PREVENT_STUCK_MODIFIERS` the default (#3107)Joe Wasson1-0/+8
2018-05-26Refresh & improve leader documentation page (#2990)Leo Wzukw1-7/+11
2017-12-09Convert all headings to Title Casefauxpark1-2/+2
2017-08-16Doc updates from going through every fileskullY1-0/+37