path: root/keyboards/proton_c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-01-27Adds a default value for IS_COMMAND for COMMAND feature (#4301)Drashna Jaelre1-6/+0
* Add default value for IS_COMMAND for COMMAND feature * Cleanup and consistency * Update Templates to reflect change * Fix IS_COMMAND in template * Fix IS_COMMAND define * Use consistent IS_COMMAND block in templates * Remove unnecessary `#undef IS_COMMAND` directives * Fix compile issue on orthodox * Reomve IS_COMMAND option for newer boards * Remove all existing definitions of IS_COMMAND if they use default LSHIFT and RSHIFT setting * Remove a couple of additional IS_COMMAND defines * Remove remaining redundant IS_COMMAND definitions * Remove #undef IS_COMMAND from orthodox:drashna and whitefox:konstantin * Remove multiple empty lines in modified config.h files * Update additional boards * Reomve IS_COMMAND from newer boards * Update Alice keyboard * Remove IS_COMMAND from additional boards Jan 24th edition
2019-01-10Adds Proton C Conversion (#4661)Jack Humbert9-2526/+1
* adds proton c base * fixes custom matrix include * adds * initial proton coversion, no pin mapping * start of mcu selection * add pin mapping and sweet16 test * add at90 to list * disable backlight, fix d7 * update flag names * doc updates * proton c update for mcu selection
2018-11-02Adds the Proton C base project (#4224)Jack Humbert13-0/+2742
* adds proton c base * fixes custom matrix include * adds * usable pins, readme update