## raffle's keymap The default keymap is just enough to get started. This keymap adds a pok3r-like raise layer, backlight RGB control layer, and firmware reset/debug adjust layer for ANSI layouts. In the default layer, the following modifications are made (using standard ANSI keys for LHS): - `CAPS` = `LCTRL` - `LCTRL` = `RAISE` - `APP` = `RGB` - `LCTRL` + `APP` (`RAISE` + `RGB`) = `ADJUST` - `GRV` = `ESC` Additionally, the pok3r's `SHIFT` + `ESC` for `~` is maintained (with either `SHIFT`). ### Raise Layer Emulates standard pok3r layout (without the onboard macro keys) Highlights: - `IJKL` for arrow keys - `H`/`N` for `HOME`/`END` - `U`/`P` for `PGUP`/`PGDN` - `1` - `=` for `F1` - `F12` - `Y` for calculator Other standard keys from the pok3r layout are carried over. See the keymap or the pok3r documentation for details. ### RGB Layer Uses navigation keys from `RAISE` layer for RGB adjustment - `I`/`K` for Value (brightness) Increase/Decrease - `U`/`P` for Hue (color) Increase/Decrease - `H`/`N` for Saturation Incrase/Decrease - `GRV` to toggle RGB on/off - `1`-`9` to activate QMK's predefined RGB animations ### Adjust Layer - `GRV` activates firmware reset for flashing - `1` enters debug mode