#ifdef ISSI_ENABLE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "issi.h" #include "print.h" #include "TWIlib.h" #define ISSI_ADDR_DEFAULT 0xE8 #define ISSI_REG_CONFIG 0x00 #define ISSI_REG_CONFIG_PICTUREMODE 0x00 #define ISSI_REG_CONFIG_AUTOPLAYMODE 0x08 #define ISSI_CONF_PICTUREMODE 0x00 #define ISSI_CONF_AUTOFRAMEMODE 0x04 #define ISSI_CONF_AUDIOMODE 0x08 #define ISSI_REG_PICTUREFRAME 0x01 #define ISSI_REG_SHUTDOWN 0x0A #define ISSI_REG_AUDIOSYNC 0x06 #define ISSI_COMMANDREGISTER 0xFD #define ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG 0x0B // helpfully called 'page nine' uint8_t control[8][9] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, }; ISSIDeviceStruct *issi_devices[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) #endif #define I2C_WRITE 0 #define F_SCL 400000UL // SCL frequency #define Prescaler 1 #define TWBR_val ((((F_CPU / F_SCL) / Prescaler) - 16 ) / 2) uint8_t i2c_start(uint8_t address) { // reset TWI control register TWCR = 0; // transmit START condition TWCR = (1<> 1; ISSIDeviceStruct *device = issi_devices[device_addr]; if(device == 0){ return; } // xprintf("activeLED: %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", matrix, cy, cx, pwm); uint8_t x = cx - 1; // funciton takes 1 based counts, but we need 0... uint8_t y = cy - 1; // creating them once for less confusion uint8_t control_reg = (y << 1) | (matrix & 0x01); if(pwm == 0){ cbi(device->led_ctrl[control_reg], x); cbi(device->led_blink_ctrl[control_reg], x); }else{ sbi(device->led_ctrl[control_reg], x); sbi(device->led_blink_ctrl[control_reg], x); } uint8_t pwm_reg = 0; switch(matrix & 0x01){ case 0: pwm_reg = 0x00; break; case 1: pwm_reg = 0x08; break; } pwm_reg += (y << 4) + x; device->led_pwm[pwm_reg] = pwm; device->led_dirty = 1; } void update_issi(uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t blocking) { // This seems to take about 6ms ISSIDeviceStruct *device = issi_devices[device_addr]; if(device != 0){ if(device->fn_dirty){ device->fn_dirty = 0; setFrame(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG); TWITransmitData(&device->fn_device_addr, sizeof(device->fn_registers) + 2, 0, 1); } if(device->led_dirty){ device->led_dirty = 0; setFrame(device_addr, 0); TWITransmitData(&device->led_device_addr, 0xB6, 0, blocking); } } } void issi_init(void) { TWIInit(); for(uint8_t device_addr = 0; device_addr < 4; device_addr++){ // If this device has been previously allocated, free it if(issi_devices[device_addr] != 0){ free(issi_devices[device_addr]); } // Try to shutdown the device, if this fails skip this device writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, ISSI_REG_SHUTDOWN, 0x00); while (!isTWIReady()){_delay_us(1);} if(TWIInfo.errorCode != 0xFF){ xprintf("ISSI init failed %d %02X %02X\n", device_addr, TWIInfo.mode, TWIInfo.errorCode); continue; } // Allocate the device structure - calloc zeros it for us ISSIDeviceStruct *device = (ISSIDeviceStruct *)calloc(sizeof(ISSIDeviceStruct) * 2, 1); issi_devices[device_addr] = device; device->fn_device_addr = ISSI_ADDR_DEFAULT | device_addr << 1; device->fn_register_addr = 0; device->led_device_addr = ISSI_ADDR_DEFAULT | device_addr << 1; device->led_register_addr = 0; // set dirty bits so that all of the buffered data is written out device->fn_dirty = 1; device->led_dirty = 1; update_issi(device_addr, 1); // Set the function register to picture mode // device->fn_reg[ISSI_REG_CONFIG] = ISSI_REG_CONFIG_PICTUREMODE; writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, ISSI_REG_SHUTDOWN, 0x01); } // Shutdown and set all registers to 0 // writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, ISSI_REG_SHUTDOWN, 0x00); // for(uint8_t bank = 0; bank <= 7; bank++){ // for (uint8_t reg = 0x00; reg <= 0xB3; reg++) { // writeRegister8(device_addr, bank, reg, 0x00); // } // } // for (uint8_t reg = 0; reg <= 0x0C; reg++) { // writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, reg, 0x00); // } // writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, ISSI_REG_CONFIG, ISSI_REG_CONFIG_PICTUREMODE); // writeRegister8(device_addr, ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, ISSI_REG_SHUTDOWN, 0x01); // picture mode // writeRegister8(ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, 0x01, 0x01); //Enable blink // writeRegister8(ISSI_BANK_FUNCTIONREG, 0x05, 0x48B); //Enable Breath } #endif