### personal layout: Nzen Levels * Qwerty, with quotes in place of slash question. * Workman * Numbers and navigation, left and right hands respectively * Punctuation, mostly symmetric * Function and mouse, l/r respectively * Layer hub, to reach workman or upper layers * Gaming, qwert and arrows * Unicode, some numerics and one of the box styles * Numpad and media, l/r respectively Bottom cluster is the same on all levels and mostly symmetric. The 'ring fingers' differ between the two sides. N is a number corresponding to the current layer. Toggle layer will be one down and one up. * back del/enter ctrl toggle-layer * alt N/caps shift space You can preview the layout by cloning [https://gitlab.com/Nzen/impatient-broth-nenem](this webpage). The page imitates qmk's fallthrough. ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T',// 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P' ['A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G',// 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', '; :' ['Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B',// 'N', 'M', ', <', '. >', '\' "' [ 'back', 'del', 'ctrl', 'L_n',// 'L_p', 'ctrl', 'ent', 'back', [ 'alt', '0', 'shif', 'spac',// 'spac', 'shif', 'cap', 'alt', ['Q', 'D', 'R', 'W', 'B',/ ** / 'J', 'F', 'U', 'P', '; :' ['A', 'S', 'H', 'T', 'G',/ ** / 'Y', 'N', 'E', 'O', 'I' ['Z', 'X', 'M', 'C', 'V',/ ** / 'K', 'L', ', <', '. >', '\' "' [ '', '', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', [ '', '4', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['9', '8', '7', '6', '5',/ ** / 'F2', 'pDn', *up* /, '*tab* /, 'pUp' [' 4', ' 3', ' 2', ' 1', ' 0',/ ** / 'home', *lf* /, '*dn* /, *rt* /, 'end' ['undo', 'cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'os',/ ** / 'D', '_', ',', '-', '.' [ '', '', '', 'L_=6',/ ** / 'L_7', '', '', '', [ '', '6', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', [ '#', '@', '&', '.', ';',/ ** / '_', ',', '|', '^', '%' [ '*', '+', '{', '(', ':',/ ** / '"', ')', '}', '-', '=' [ '\\', '?', '<', '[', '$',/ ** / '~', ']', '>', '!', '/' ['', '', '', 'L_8',/ ** / 'L_=7', '', '', '', ['', '7', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10',/ ** / 'app', 'mb1', 'mmU', 'mb2', 'mwU' ['F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5',/ ** / 'mnu', 'mmL', 'mmD', 'mmR', 'mwD' ['F11', 'F12', '`', 'mute', 'ESC',/ ** / 'prtSc', 'scrLk', 'mwL', 'mwR', 'mb3' [ '', '', '', 'L_=8',/ ** / 'L_9', '', '', '', [ '', '8', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['L_ma1', '!', 'L_dv2', '!', 'L_cl3',/ ** / 'L_wk4', '!', 'L_ar5', '!', '!' ['!', '!', '!', '!', '!',/ ** / '!', '!', '!', '!', '!' ['L_gmA', '!', 'L_ucB', '!', 'L_npC',/ ** / '!', '!', '!', '!', '!' [ '', '', '', 'L_=9',/ ** / 'L_=9', '', '', '', [ '', '9', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T',/ ** / 'P', 'Y', '\u2191'*up* /, 'K', '1' ['A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G',/ ** / 'H', '\u2190'*lf* /, '\u2193'*dn* /, '\u2192'*rt* /, '2' ['Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B',/ ** / 'M', '*', '*', '*', '3' [ '', '', '', 'L_=A',/ ** / 'A', '', '', '', [ '', 'A', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['\u00a2'cent* /, '\u00bc'1/4* /, '\u00bd'1/2* /, '\u03a3'sum* /, '\u00d8'Oslash* /,/ ** / '\u250f'box ul* /, '\u2533'box um* /, '\u2513'box ur* /, '\u03bb'lambda* /, '\u2018'sm'dn* / ], ['\u00F1'n~* /, '\u00a9'©* /, '\u00b0'degrees* /, '\u00b1'+-* /, '\u2b0f'arrow up* /,/ ** / '\u2523'box ml* /, '\u254B'box mm* /, '\u252B'box mr* /, '\u0394'delta* /, '\u2019'sm'up* / ], ['\u00a1'down !* /, '\u00bf'down ?* /, '\u00d7'mult x* /, '\u00f7'div/ * /, '\u03c0'pi* /,/ ** / '\u2517'box ll* /, '\u253b'bos lm* /, '\u251b'box lr* /, '\u201c'sm"dn* /, '\u201d'sm"up* / [ '', '', '', 'L_=B',/ ** / 'B', '', '', '', [ '', 'B', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '', ['n-.', 'n-7', 'n-8', 'n-9', 'n--',/ ** / 'n-=', 'volU', 'volD', 'volU', 'volD' ['n-0', 'n-4', 'n-5', 'n-6', 'n-+',/ ** / 'N-lck', 'BACK', 'MUTE', 'RGUI', 'paus' ['n -*', 'n-1', 'n-2', 'n-3', 'n-/',/ ** / 'n-ent', 'PLAY', 'PREV', 'NEXT', 'insr' [ '', '', '', 'L_=C',/ ** / 'C', '', '', '', [ '', 'C', '', '',/ ** / '', '', '', '',