# Paladin64 ALPS PCB by /u/iNachie Firmware for the Paladin64 ALPS64 PCB, with underglow and an optional trackpoint module. Keyboard Maintainer: [/u/iNachie](https://github.com/nachie) Hardware Supported: Paladin64 ALPS PCB by iNachie Hardware Availability: [/u/iNachie](https://www.reddit.com/user/inachie/) Make example for this keyboard (after setting up your build environment): make paladin64:default Or to make and flash: make paladin64:default:dfu See [build environment setup](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_build_tools) then the [make instructions](https://docs.qmk.fm/#/getting_started_make_guide) for more information.