# Default layout Layout created by: [Jan Christoph Ebersbach](https://github.com/jceb) The `generate_km.py` file automatically generates `keymap.c` with additional comments that visually represent the layout. This layout is maintained as I am using it. You can also use it as a starting point to create your own layouts for the Signum 3.0 with `km_template.txt` and `generate_km.py`. # Customization - Install `python3` and [Sorted Containers Library](http://www.grantjenks.com/docs/sortedcontainers/), `pip install sortedcontainers`. - Customize `layout.py` to your liking. - Attention 1: keycodes are either translated into symbols and function calls via the `translate()` function in `generate_km.py` or via user-defined mappings in the dictionary `qmk_dict` in `layout.py`. Especially the latter might require adjustment for uncommon qmk features - Attention 2: additional C functions need to be put into `km_template.txt` Run `./generate_km.py` to regenerate `keymap.c`.