#ifndef KEYMAP_CANADIAN_MULTILINGUAG_H #define KEYMAP_CANADIAN_MULTILINGUAG_H #include "keymap_common.h" // Alt gr #ifndef ALTGR #define ALTGR(kc) RALT(kc) #endif #ifndef ALGR #define ALGR(kc) ALTGR(kc) #endif #define CM_ALTGR KC_RALT #define CM_ALGR CM_ALTGR #ifndef GR2A #define GR2A(kc) RCTL(kc) #endif // Normal characters // First row #define CM_SLASH KC_GRV // / #define CM_SLSH CM_SLASH // Second row #define CM_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX KC_LBRACKET // dead ^ #define CM_DCRC CM_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX #define CM_C_CEDILLA KC_RBRACKET // Ç #define CM_CCED CM_C_CEDILLA // Third row #define CM_E_GRAVE KC_QUOT // è #define CM_EGRV CM_E_GRAVE #define CM_A_GRAVE KC_BSLASH // à #define CM_AGRV CM_A_GRAVE // Fourth row #define CM_U_GRAVE KC_NONUS_BSLASH // ù #define CM_UGRV CM_U_GRAVE #define CM_E_ACUTE KC_SLSH // é #define CM_ECUT CM_E_ACUTE // Shifted characters // First row #define CM_BACKSLASH LSFT(CM_SLASH) /* \ */ #define CM_BSLS CM_BACKSLASH #define CM_QUESTION LSFT(KC_6) // ? #define CM_QEST CM_QUESTION // Second row #define CM_DEAD_TREMA LSFT(CM_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX) // dead trema/umlaut/diaresis for ä ë ï ö ü #define CM_DTRM CM_DEAD_TREMA // Third row // all same as US-QWERTY, or capitalised character of the non-shifted key // Fourth row #define CM_APOSTROPHE LSFT(KC_COMMA) // ' #define CM_APOS CM_APOSTROPHE #define CM_DOUBLE_QUOTE LSFT(KC_DOT) // " #define CM_DQOT CM_DOUBLE_QUOTE // Alt Gr-ed characters // First row #define CM_PIPE ALTGR(CM_SLASH) // | #define CM_CURRENCY ALTGR(KC_4) // ¤ #define CM_CURR CM_CURRENCY #define CM_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE ALTGR(KC_7) // { #define CM_LCBR CM_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE #define CM_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE ALTGR(KC_8) // } #define CM_RCBR CM_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE #define CM_LBRACKET ALTGR(KC_9) // [ #define CM_LBRC CM_LBRACKET #define CM_RBRACKET ALTGR(KC_0) // ] #define CM_RBRC CM_RBRACKET #define CM_NEGATION ALTGR(KC_EQUAL) // ¬ #define CM_NEGT CM_NEGATION // Second row // euro symbol not available on Linux? (X.org) #define CM_EURO ALTGR(KC_E) // € #define CM_DEAD_GRAVE ALTGR(CM_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX) #define CM_DGRV CM_DEAD_GRAVE // dead ` #define CM_TILDE ALTGR(CM_C_CEDILLA) // ~ #define CM_TILD CM_TILDE // Third row #define CM_DEGREE ALTGR(KC_SCOLON) // ° #define CM_DEGR CM_DEGREE // Fourth row #define CM_LEFT_GUILLEMET ALTGR(KC_Z) // « #define CM_LGIL CM_LEFT_GUILLEMET #define CM_RIGHT_GUILLEMET ALTGR(KC_X) // » #define CM_RGIL CM_RIGHT_GUILLEMET #define CM_LESS ALTGR(KC_COMMA) // < #define CM_GREATER ALTGR(KC_DOT) // > #define CM_GRTR CM_GREATER // Space bar #define CM_NON_BREAKING_SPACE ALTGR(KC_SPACE) #define CM_NBSP CM_NON_BREAKING_SPACE #endif