path: root/bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc
diff options
authorRasmus Steinke <>2012-08-11 02:40:34 +0200
committerRasmus Steinke <>2012-08-11 02:40:34 +0200
commitf140a1642ebfde198946ad6760c1003c1cb9a8c3 (patch)
tree7538aa90092f99c661ec3abb4a69944767315dc5 /bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc
parente3fd45703267ce67d8b1e1fb53a4a1b4ccda551e (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc')
1 files changed, 1424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc b/bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bb2dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/jdownloader/jd/languages/ro.loc
@@ -0,0 +1,1424 @@
+action.downloadview.movedown.tooltip = Mută în jos
+action.downloadview.movetobottom.tooltip = Mută la sfârșit
+action.downloadview.movetotop.tooltip = Mută la început
+action.downloadview.moveup.tooltip = Mută în sus
+action.opendlfolder.tooltip = Deschide directorul implicit de download
+action.premiumview.addacc.tooltip = Adaugă un nou cont
+action.premiumview.removeacc.accs = %s cont(uri)
+action.premiumview.removeacc.ask = Şterge contul selectat?
+action.premiumview.removeacc.tooltip = Şterge contul(urile) selectat(e)
+addons.jdshutdown.statusmessage.disabled = Calculatorul NU va fi oprit de JDownloader
+addons.jdshutdown.statusmessage.enabled = JDownloader va opri calculatorul dupa ce download-urile s-au terminat = <b>%s<b><hr>Conexiune întreruptă = Eroare = <b>%s<b><hr>a eşuat = <b>%s<b><hr>Eroare fatală a plugin-ului = Descărcarea a fost pornită = Descărcarea a fost oprită = <b>%s<b><hr>Fişierul nu a fost găsit = <b>%s<b><hr>Plugin defect = <b>%s<b><hr>s-a descărcat cu succes = Descarcă = Descarcă
+config.container.defaultname = General
+container.message.comment = Comentariu
+container.message.created = Creat cu
+container.message.password = Parola
+container.message.title = Fișierul cu adrese de descarcat a fost încarcat
+container.message.uploaded = Pus la dispoziția dumneavoastră de
+controller.packages.defaultname = Diverse
+controller.status.agb_tos = Acordul de utilizare nu a fost semnat
+controller.status.connectionproblems = Conexiunea a fost pierdută
+controller.status.containererror = Eroare de container
+controller.status.fileexists.overwritefailed = Suprascrierea a eșuat
+controller.status.fileexists.skip = Fişierul deja există
+controller.status.pluindefekt = Eroare de plugin (invechit)
+controller.status.tempunavailable = Temporar indisponibil
+convert.dialog.chooseformat = Selectaţi un format de dată
+convert.dialog.forcekeep = Păstrare forţată
+convert.dialog.keepformat = Folosiţi acest format pentru sesiunea curentă
+convert.dialog.staykeepingformat = Încearcă obţinerea formatului preferat
+convert.dialog.toppriority = Formatul preferat
+convert.progress.convertingto = Converteşte în
+convert.progress.unknownintype = Format necunoscut
+decrypter.invalidaccount = Nu a fost găsit un cont valid
+decrypter.unknownerror = Eroare necunoscută
+decrypter.wrongcaptcha = Cod incorect
+decrypter.wrongpassword = Parolă incorectă = Sunteţi sigur că vreţi să dezactivaţi toate conturile premium? = Dezactivaţi conturie premium?
+download.chunks.connection = Conexiune
+download.connection.idle = In aşteptare
+download.connection.normal = Descarcă
+download.error.message.connectioncopyerror = Conexiunea nu a putut fi clonată
+download.error.message.incomplete = Descărcare incompletă
+download.error.message.iopermissions = Nu sunt permisiuni pentru a scrie pe disc
+download.error.message.localio = Nu s-a putut scrie fişierul - %s
+download.error.message.outofmemory = Sistemul de descărcare nu mai are memorie
+download.error.message.rangeheaderparseerror = Format de interval neaşteptat:
+download.error.message.rangeheaders = Server-ul nu suportă descărcare pe bucăţi
+download.error.message.unavailable = Serviciul este temporar indisponibil
+download.system.waitforconnection = %s/%s conexiuni... în aşteptare
+downloadlink.status.error.agb_not_signed = Acordul de utilizare nu a fost bifat
+downloadlink.status.error.captcha_wrong = Cod incorect
+downloadlink.status.error.defect = Plugin expirat
+downloadlink.status.error.download_limit = Cota de descărcare a fost atinsă
+downloadlink.status.error.downloadfailed = Descărcarea a eşuat
+downloadlink.status.error.fatal = Eroare fatală
+downloadlink.status.error.file_exists = Fişierul deja există
+downloadlink.status.error.file_not_found = Fişierul nu a fost găsit
+downloadlink.status.error.no_connection = Nu există nici o conexiune
+downloadlink.status.error.post_process = Eroare de procesare
+downloadlink.status.error.premium = Eroare de folosire premium
+downloadlink.status.error.retry = Eroare necunoscută, reîncerc...
+downloadlink.status.error.temp_unavailable = Temporar indisponibil
+downloadlink.status.error_unexpected = Eroare neaşteptată
+downloadlink.status.incomplete = Incomplet
+downloadlink.status.waitinguserio = În aşteptare pentru acţiunea utilizatorului
+easycaptcha.add = Adăugare
+easycaptcha.addbackgroundimagedialog.deletecolor = Şterge culoare
+easycaptcha.addbackgroundimagedialog.generate = Generează filtru de fundal
+easycaptcha.addbackgroundimagedialog.imagepreview = Previzualizare
+easycaptcha.addbackgroundimagedialog.loadimage = Încarcă imagine de fundal
+easycaptcha.addbackgroundimagedialog.title = Adugă imagine de fundal
+easycaptcha.back = Înapoi
+easycaptcha.background = Fundal
+easycaptcha.backgroundimagetrainer.saveandexit = Salvează şi închide programul
+easycaptcha.backgroundimagetrainer.title = Pregătire imagine de fundal
+easycaptcha.color = Culoare
+easycaptcha.colorcrainer.title = Pregătire culoare
+easycaptcha.finished = Finalizare
+easycaptcha.foreground = Prim-plan
+easycaptcha.images = Imagini:
+easycaptcha.labeled = Denumiri:
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas = Încărcare captcha-uri
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.clickoncaptcha = Click pe captcha
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.followlinks = Urmăreşte adrese normale (foarte încet)
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.howmuch = De câte captcha ai nevoie = Adresă
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.loaddirect = Încărcare directă, daca e posibil (mult mai rapid)
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.loadimages = Se încarcă imaginile, aşteptaţi
+easycaptcha.loadcaptchas.title = Încărcare captcha
+easycaptcha.mask = Mască:
+easycaptcha.needcaptchas = E nevoie de captcha înainte!
+easycaptcha.opencaptchafolder = Deschide directorul captcha
+easycaptcha.orginal = Original:
+easycaptcha.remove = Elimină
+easycaptcha.settings = Setări:
+easycaptcha.threshold = Prag:
+easycaptcha.tool.btn.background = Elimină fundal
+easycaptcha.tool.btn.colortrainer = Pregăteşte culori
+easycaptcha.tool.btn.letterdb = Afişează baza de date cu litere
+easycaptcha.tool.btn.loadcaptchas = Încarcă captch
+easycaptcha.tool.btn.train = Pregăteşte
+easycaptcha.tool.continuelastsession = Continuă ultima sesiune
+easycaptcha.tool.createmethode = Creză metodă
+easycaptcha.tool.loadmethode = Încarcă metodă
+easycaptcha.tool.maxletternum = Numărul maxim de litere
+easycaptcha.tool.mothodedialog.selectmethode = Selectează metoda:
+easycaptcha.tool.mothodedialog.title = Metode EasyCaptcha
+easycaptcha.tool.title = EasyCaptcha
+easycaptcha.tool.warning.hostnamemissing = Numele host-ului lipseşte
+exceptions.browserexception.alreadyexists = Fişierul deja există
+exceptions.browserexception.badrequest = Cerere greşită: %s(%s)
+exceptions.browserexception.chunkcopyerror.badrequest = Eroare neaşteptată în timpul copierii pe bucăţi
+exceptions.browserexception.couldnotrenam = Fişierul nu a putut fi redenumit
+exceptions.browserexception.rangeerror = Eroare de încarcare pe bucăţi
+exceptions.browserexception.redirecterror = Eroare neaşteptată în timpul copierii pe bucăţi: redirectare
+gui.accountcontroller.globpremdisabled = Conturile premium sunt dezactivate!<br/>Click <a href=''>here</a> pentru ajutor.
+gui.addurls.progress = Parsează %s URL(urile)
+gui.addurls.progress.found = Parsează %s URL(uri). Au fost găsite %s adrese
+gui.addurls.progress.get = Parsează %s URL(uri). Obţine %s adrese
+gui.askname = Cum te cheamă?
+gui.autostart = Pornire automată a download-urilor în câteva secunde...
+gui.backup.finished = Lista cu adrese a fost salvată cu succes!
+gui.ballon.accountmanager.title = Gestionarea conturilor
+gui.balloon.backup.title = Backup
+gui.btn_abort = Anulare
+gui.btn_cancel = Renunţă
+gui.btn_close = Închide
+gui.btn_continue = Continuă
+gui.btn_help = Ajutor
+gui.btn_no = Nu
+gui.btn_ok = OK
+gui.btn_save = Salvează
+gui.btn_select = Selectează
+gui.btn_settings = Setări
+gui.btn_start = Start
+gui.btn_yes = Da
+gui.captchawindow.askforinput = Te rog introduce
+gui.cnl.install.error.message = Instalarea CLick'n'Load a eşuat. Încearcă următoarele alternative:\r\n * Porneşte JDownloader cu drepturi administrative.\r\n * Încearcă să execuţi %s manual.\r\n * Deschide Panoul de configurare->General->Click'n'load-> [Instalează].\r\nPentru mai multe detalii, vizitează
+gui.cnl.install.error.title = Instalare Click'n'Load
+gui.cnl.install.text = Click'n'load e un mod de a adăuga adrese la JDownloader. \r\nPentru a instala Click'n'Load, JDownloader trebuie să seteze câteva intrări în regiştrii Windows. \r\nS-ar putea să fie nevoie să confirmaţi câteva mesaje Windows pentru a continua.
+gui.cnl.install.title = Instalare Click'n'Load
+gui.column_agbchecked = Acceptat
+gui.column_coder = Programator
+gui.column_host = Host
+gui.column_needs = Are nevoie de
+gui.column_plugin = Plugin
+gui.column_premium = Premium
+gui.column_settings = Setări
+gui.column_status = Activare
+gui.column_useplugin = Foloseşte plugin
+gui.column_version = Versiune
+gui.component.textarea.context.delete = Şterge
+gui.component.textarea.context.paste = Lipeşte
+gui.config.captcha.jac_disable = Dezactivează captcha automat
+gui.config.captcha.settings = Setări captcha
+gui.config.captcha.train.level = Afişează prag
+gui.config.captcha.train.show_timeout = Timp rămas pentru fereastra captcha = Permite reconectărilor să întrerupă download-urile care pot fi reluate = Dimensiunea maximă a memoriei intermediare [KB] = Verificare SFV/CRC atunci când e posibil = Controlul descărcării = Verificare de IP pentru reconectare = Folosire balansată a verificării IP = Intervalul de verificare a IP-ului extern [în secunde] = IP-urile permise = Filrul de IP-uri = Verificare dacă IP-ul este online = Setări avansate = Setări de reţea şi Internet = Viteza la pauză în kb/s = Do not start new links if reconnect requested = Setări proxy = Calculator/IP = Parolă (opţional) = Port = Nume de utilizator (opţional) = Numărul maxim de download-uri simultane per calculator(0 = fără limită) = Calculator/IP = Port = Start Downloads on Startup = Timeout & Connection loss = Connect Timeout (Request) (ms) = Read Timeout (ms) = Use proxy = Use Socks-Proxy = File writing = Open Changelog after update
+gui.config.general.cnl = Click'n'Load
+gui.config.general.cnl.install = Install
+gui.config.general.cnl.install.long = Install Click'n'load (req. admin)
+gui.config.general.cnl.uninstall = Uninstall
+gui.config.general.cnl.uninstall.long = Uninstall Click'n'load (req. admin)
+gui.config.general.createsubfolders = Create Subfolder with packagename if possible
+gui.config.general.createsubfoldersbefore = Create sub-folders after adding links
+gui.config.general.downloaddirectory = Download directory
+gui.config.general.loggerlevel = Logging level
+gui.config.general.logging = Logging
+gui.config.general.todowithdownloads = Remove finished downloads ...
+gui.config.general.todowithdownloads.atstart = At Startup
+gui.config.general.todowithdownloads.immediate = Immediately
+gui.config.general.todowithdownloads.never = Never
+gui.config.general.todowithdownloads.packageready = When package is ready
+gui.config.general.update = Update = Webupdate: start automatically!
+gui.config.general.webupdate.disable2 = Do not inform me about important updates
+gui.config.gui.barrierfree = Barrier-Free
+gui.config.gui.browser = Browser
+gui.config.gui.container = Container (RSDF,DLC,CCF,..)
+gui.config.gui.custom_browser = Browser path
+gui.config.gui.custom_browser_param = Parameter %url (One parameter per line)
+gui.config.gui.decoration = Enable Windowdecoration
+gui.config.gui.feel = Feel
+gui.config.gui.font size = Font Size [%]
+gui.config.gui.inputtimeout = Timeout for input windows
+gui.config.gui.language = Language
+gui.config.gui.languagefileinfo2 = Current Language File: %s
+gui.config.gui.linggrabber = LinkGrabber
+gui.config.gui.linggrabber.ignorelist = Link filter
+gui.config.gui.linkgrabber = LinkGrabber = Look & Feel
+gui.config.gui.performance = Performance
+gui.config.gui.plaf = Style (Restart required)
+gui.config.gui.resetdialogs.message = Dialog Information has been reseted.
+gui.config.gui.resetdialogs.short = Reset
+gui.config.gui.resetdialogs2 = Reset Dialog Information
+gui.config.gui.show_speed_graph = Display SpeedMeter graph
+gui.config.gui.show_speed_graph_window = SpeedMeter Time period (sec)
+gui.config.gui.showballoon = Show Balloon infos
+gui.config.gui.showsplash = Show splash screen on program startup
+gui.config.gui.speedmeter = SpeedMeter
+gui.config.gui.testcontainer.error = Browser launcher failed: %s
+gui.config.gui.testcontainer.long = Test starting your browser
+gui.config.gui.testcontainer.message = JDownloader now tries to open in your container.
+gui.config.gui.testcontainer.short = Start browser
+gui.config.gui.theme = Theme
+gui.config.gui.use_custom_browser = Use custom browser
+gui.config.gui.view = Look
+gui.config.hjsplit.overwrite = Overwrite existing files
+gui.config.hjsplit.remove_merged = Delete archive after merging
+gui.config.httpliveheader.password = Password
+gui.config.httpliveheader.routerip = Router's IP
+gui.config.httpliveheader.script = Reconnection Script
+gui.config.httpliveheader.user = User = Author
+gui.config.jac.extern = External Method
+gui.config.jdrr.infolable = <span color="#4682B4"> Check the IP address of the router and press the Start <br> Web browser window with the home page of the router opens <br> Reconnection after you hit to stop and save. <br> More information is available </span> <a href=""> here</a>
+gui.config.jdrr.popup.title = JDRRPopup
+gui.config.jdrr.reconnectfaild = Reconnection failed
+gui.config.jdrr.savereconnect = Reconnection was successful. Save now?
+gui.config.jdrr.status.title = Recording Status
+gui.config.jdrr.success = Success!
+gui.config.jdrr.title = Reconnection Recorder
+gui.config.jdshutdown.forceshutdown = Force Shutdown (Not for all OS)
+gui.config.jdshutdown.hibernate = Hibernate (Not for all OS)
+gui.config.jdshutdown.standby = Standby (Not for all OS)
+gui.config.linkgrabber.controlposition = Put Link Grabber buttons above table
+gui.config.linkgrabber.iognorelist = The link filter is used to filter links based on regular expressions.
+gui.config.linkgrabber.onlincheck = Check link info and online status
+gui.config.liveheader.autoconfig = Config router automatically
+gui.config.liveheader.btnfindip = Fetch Router IP
+gui.config.liveheader.dialog.importrouter = Import Router
+gui.config.liveheader.password = Password
+gui.config.liveheader.progress.message = JDownloader will search for your router settings
+gui.config.liveheader.recorder = Create Reconnection Script
+gui.config.liveheader.routerip = Router IP
+gui.config.liveheader.script = HTTP Script
+gui.config.liveheader.selectrouter = Select Router
+gui.config.liveheader.user = Login
+gui.config.liveheader.warning.nocurlconvert = JDownloader can't convert the CURL script. Please ask the JD-Support-Team for support!
+gui.config.liveheader.warning.notfound = JDownloader can't detect your router settings.
+gui.config.liveheader.warning.upnpinactive = Please activate UPnP support in your router's network configuration. <br><a href=\"http://%s\">Go to Router</a><br><a href=\"\">Wiki article: Upnp in Router</a><br>Click OK when you activate UPnP support in router or Cancel to skip.
+gui.config.liveheader.warning.yourrouter = You have a
+gui.config.reconnect.selectrouter = Search Router Model
+gui.config.reconnect.selectrouter.example = Example: 3Com ADSL
+gui.config.reconnect.shared = General Reconnection Settings
+gui.config.reconnect.showcase.currentip = Your current IP
+gui.config.reconnect.showcase.lastip = IP before Reconnection
+gui.config.reconnect.showcase.message.none = Not tested yet
+gui.config.reconnect.showcase.reconnect = Change IP
+gui.config.reconnect.showcase.time = Reconnection duration
+gui.config.reconnect.test = Showcase
+gui.config.reloadcontainer = Reload Download Container
+gui.config.routeripfinder.featchip = Detecting your router's IP
+gui.config.routeripfinder.notfound = Can't find your router's hostname
+gui.config.routeripfinder.ready = IP found: %s
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.collectingrouterinfo = Collecting router information...
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.downloadlingsimilarmethods = Downloading similar router methods...
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.searchingforupnp = Searching for UPnP...
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.sortingmethods = Sorting router methods...
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.testingrouter = Testing router
+gui.config.routeripfinder.status.testingupnp = Testing UPnP...
+gui.config.showcontaineronloadinfo = Show detailed container information on load
+gui.config.unrar.ask_path = Ask for unknown passwords?
+gui.config.unrar.cmd = UnRAR command
+gui.config.unrar.deep_extract = Deep-Extraction
+gui.config.unrar.overwrite = Overwrite existing file
+gui.config.unrar.path = Extract to
+gui.config.unrar.remove_after_extract = Delete archives after successful extraction
+gui.config.unrar.remove_infofile = Delete information file after extraction
+gui.config.unrar.subpath = Sub-Path
+gui.config.unrar.subpath_minnum = Only use sub-path if archive contains more than x files
+gui.config.unrar.use_extractto = Use customized extraction path
+gui.config.unrar.use_subpath = Use sub-path
+gui.dialog.addurl.message = Add a URL(s). JDownloader will load and parse them for further links.
+gui.dialog.addurl.okoption_parse = Parse URL(s)
+gui.dialog.addurl.title = Add URL(s)
+gui.dialog.countdown.tooltip = This dialog will close itself after a certain time. Click here to stop the countdown
+gui.dialog.deepdecrypt.message = JDownloader has not found anything on %s\r\n-------------------------------\r\nJD will now load this page to look for further links.
+gui.dialog.deepdecrypt.title = Deep Decryption?
+gui.dialogs.agb_tos.agbaccepted = I accept the terms of service
+gui.dialogs.agb_tos.description = The TOSs of %s have not been read and accepted.
+gui.dialogs.agb_tos.readagb = Read %s's TOSs
+gui.dialogs.agb_tos.title = Terms of Service are not accepted
+gui.dialogs.dontshowthisagain = Don't show this again
+gui.dialogs.message.title = Message
+gui.dialogs.progress.title = In progress... please wait = Connecting... = (File size unknown) = [Not available] = Wait %s
+gui.downloadlink.aborted = [Aborted]
+gui.downloadlink.errorpostprocess3 = [convert failed]
+gui.downloadlink.hosterwaittime = [Waiting for new IP]
+gui.downloadlink.plugindisabled = [Plugin disabled]
+gui.downloadlist.delete = Delete selected links ?
+gui.downloadlist.delete.size_packagev2 = %s links
+gui.downloadlist.reset = Reset selected downloads? (Attention: File(s) will be deleted!)
+gui.downloadstop = Stopping current downloads...
+gui.downloadview.statustext.jac = Captcha recognition
+gui.eta = ETA
+gui.fengshuiconfig.routerip = Router-IP
+gui.filechooser.loaddlc = Load DLC file = Download Link
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.chunks = Chunks
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.comment = Comment
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.eta = ETA: %s mm:ss
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.eta2 = ETA: %s = Linkname
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.password = Password
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.saveto = Save to
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.speed = Speed: %s/s
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.status = Status
+gui.fileinfopanel.linktab.url = URL
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab = Package
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab.chb.extractafterdownload = Extract
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab.lbl.comment = Comment = Package Name
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab.lbl.password = Archive Password
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab.lbl.password2 = Archive Password(auto)
+gui.fileinfopanel.packagetab.lbl.saveto = Save to
+gui.installer.kikin.agree = <b><a href=\"\">What is Kikin?</a> <br/>Best Parts? kikin is free and works automatically.<br>I agree to the kikin <a href=\"\">Terms of Service</a> and <a href=\"\">Privacy Policy</a></b>
+gui.installer.kikin.cancel = Cancel
+gui.installer.kikin.message = Free! Personalize your search experience
+gui.installer.kikin.ok = Continue
+gui.installer.kikin.title = Kikin Installer
+gui.installer.kikin.tooltip = Please read and accept the conditions
+gui.javacheck.html = <div style='width:534px;height;200px'><h2>You are using a wrong Java version. Please use an original Sun Java. Start JDownloader anyway?<table width='100%%'><tr><th colspan='2'>Your Java Version:</th></tr><tr><th>Runtime Name</th><td>%s</td></tr><tr><th>Runtime Version</th><td>%s</td></tr></table></div>
+gui.javacheck.newerjavaavailable.msg = Although JDownloader can operate on your current Java version, we advise you to install the latest Java updates. \r\nJDownloader will run more stable, faster, and will look better. \r\n\r\nVisit
+gui.javacheck.newerjavaavailable.title = Outdated Java version was detected: %s!
+gui.javacheck.title = Wrong Java version
+gui.linkgrabber.aborted = Aborted
+gui.linkgrabber.adding = Adding %s link(s) to LinkGrabber
+gui.linkgrabber.alreadyindl = Already on Download List
+gui.linkgrabber.finished = Grabbed %s link(s) in %s Package(s)
+gui.linkgrabber.header.packagesfiles = Packages/Files
+gui.linkgrabber.package.filtered = Filtered
+gui.linkgrabber.package.offline = Offline
+gui.linkgrabber.package.unchecked = Unchecked
+gui.linkgrabber.package.unsorted = Various
+gui.linkgrabber.packageofflinepercent = %s Offline
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.chb.extractafterdownload = Extract
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.chb.usesubdirectory = Use Sub-directory
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.lbl.comment = Comment = Package Name
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.lbl.password = Archive Password
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.lbl.password2 = Archive Password(auto)
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.lbl.saveto = Save to
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.table.column.size = Size
+gui.linkgrabber.packagetab.title = File\Package
+gui.linkgrabber.password = Archive password:
+gui.linkgrabber.pc.linkgrabber = LinkGrabber operations are pending...
+gui.linkgrabber.pc.onlinecheck = Checking online availability...
+gui.linkgrabber.waitinguserio = Waiting for user input
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.addall = Add all packages to downloadlist
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.addselected = Add selected package(s)
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.addselectedlinks = Add selected link(s)
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.clear = Clear List
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.clear.ask = Clear linkgrabber list?
+gui.linkgrabberv2.lg.rmoffline = Remove all Offline
+gui.linkgrabberv2.onlyselectedhoster = Keep only selected Hoster
+gui.linkgrabberv2.splithoster = Split by hoster
+gui.linkinfo.available = Available
+gui.linkinfo.available.notchecked = Not checked
+gui.linkinfo.available.ok = File is OK
+gui.linkinfo.comment = Comment = Download = is activated = is deactivated = is not in process = is in process
+gui.linkinfo.filesize = Filesize
+gui.linkinfo.package = Package
+gui.linkinfo.password = Password
+gui.linkinfo.saveto = Save to
+gui.linkinfo.speed = Speed
+gui.linkinfo.waittime = Wait time
+gui.linklist.editpackagename.message = New Package Name
+gui.linklist.newpackage.message = Name of the new package
+gui.linklist.setpw.message = Set Download Password
+gui.linklist.status.doresume = Wait to resume
+gui.logdialog.loglevelwarning = The selected loglevel (%s) isn't preferred to upload a log! Please change it to ALL and create a new log!
+gui.logdialog.loglevelwarning.title = Wrong Loglevel for Uploading selected!
+gui.logdialog.warning.uploadfailed = Upload failed
+gui.logger.askquestion = Please describe your Problem/Bug/Question!
+gui.logupload.message = Please send this loglink to your supporter
+gui.mainframe.title.updatemessage2 = %s UPDATES AVAILABLE = ? = CTRL+F1 = H = About JDownloader = CTRL+V = A = Add Links = - = - = Addon Manager = Add Link(s) = CTRL+U = L = Add URL(s) = CTRL+B = B = Backup = Pause downloads. Limits global speed to %s kb/s = CTRL+SHIFT+C = C = Changelog = CTRL+8 = Enable or disable monitoring the Clipboard for new links = l = Clipboard = Premium Settings = F11 = C = Configuration = CTRL+6 = D = Drag&Drop target = CTRL+ALT+R = R = Toggle Reconnection = ALT+DOWN = D = Down = ALT+END = B = Bottom = ALT+HOME = T = Top = ALT+UP = U = Up = ALT+END = B = Move to The Bottom = ALT+DOWN = D = Move Down = DELETE = E = Remove Entries = ALT+HOME = T = Move to the Top = ALT+UP = U = Move Up = CTRL+Q = E = Exit = F1 = S = Support = CTRL+Alt+H = H = Host Configuration = - = C = Continue = - = L = Clear list = Add Container = CTRL+O = A = Add Container = Move Down = Move Up = - = O = Open Downloaddirectory = CTRL+Alt+O = n = Addon Configuration = CTRL+0 = P = Pause = - = B = Buy Premium = Enable Premium usage globally = ADD = A = Add Account = REMOVE = R = Remove Account = CTRL+R = Reconnect = e = Manual Reconnection = Your Reconnection is not configured correct = - = - = - = Auto reconnect. Get a new IP by resetting your internet connection = - = - = Reconnect = Manual reconnection. Get a new IP by resetting your internet connection = - = m = Remove completed Downloads = - = p = Remove completed Packages = - = i = Remove Disabled = - = v = Remove Duplicates = - = f = Remove failed = - = o = Remove offline = - = s = Restart = - = t = Restore = CTRL+S = C = Create Container = CTRL+F = a = Search = CTRL+9 = S = Start = CTRL+7 = A = Auto-update = F5 = h = Show log window = CTRL+W = W = Open Wiki = Add links = Addons = - = M = Addon Manager = U = - = A = Merge Archive(s) = - = - = Enabled = - = - = Merge HJSplit Archive(s) = - = - = Merge HJSplit Archive(s) = - = - = Autoextract enabled = - = - = Extracxt Container = - = - = Extract Archive(s) = - = - = Open Folder = - = - = Autoextract = - = - = Extract Archive(s) = - = - = Set Extract Folder = - = - = Extract Archive(s) = - = - = Enabled = - = - = Configuration = - = - = Buy Premium = - = - = Add Account = - = - = Enable Premium = - = - = Details = Premium = - = - = - = Clean up = Save = - = P = Pause = - = P = Start downloads = - = O = Stop downloads = - = f = Stop After Download = - = R = Refresh IP = - = A = Update = - = - = Clipboard Observation = - = - = Enable automated Reconnect = - = - = - = Name
+gui.plugins.decrypt.askclicknload = The decrypter %s seems to be outdated, but supports Click'n'Load. Open the website now?
+gui.premiumstatus.expired_maybetraffic.tooltip = %s - %s account(s) -- At the moment it may be that no premium traffic is left.
+gui.premiumstatus.expired_traffic.tooltip = %s - %s account(s) -- At the moment no premium traffic is available.
+gui.premiumstatus.traffic.tooltip = %s - %s account(s) -- You can download up to %s today.
+gui.premiumstatus.unlimited_traffic.tooltip = %s -- Unlimited traffic! You can download as much as you want to.
+gui.progressbars.cancel.tooltip.disabled = Not possible to interrupt this module
+gui.progressbars.cancel.tooltip.enabled = Interrupt this module
+gui.progressbars.cancel.tooltip.interrupted = Termination in progress
+gui.progresspane.title = %s module(s) running
+gui.quickhelp.text = Click for help: %s
+gui.reconnect.confirm = Do you want to reconnect your internet connection?
+gui.reconnect.progress.status = Reconnection running: %s m:s
+gui.reconnect.progress.status.failed = Reconnection failed
+gui.reconnect.progress.status.success = Reconnection was successfull
+gui.reconnect.progress.status2 = Reconnect running: %s
+gui.speedmeter.hide = Hide Speedmeter
+gui.speedmeter.pause = pause = Show Speedmeter
+gui.splash.progress.controller = Start controller
+gui.splash.progress.initplugins = Init plugins
+gui.splash.progress.paintgui = Paint user interface
+gui.splash.progress.webupdate = Check updates
+gui.statusbar.maxchunks = Max. Con.
+gui.statusbar.premiumloadlabel = < Add Accounts
+gui.statusbar.sim_ownloads = Max.Dls.
+gui.statusbar.speed = Speed
+gui.table.contextmenu.browselink = Open in browser
+gui.table.contextmenu.check = Check Online Status
+gui.table.contextmenu.copylink = Copy URL
+gui.table.contextmenu.copypassword = Copy Password
+gui.table.contextmenu.delete = Delete
+gui.table.contextmenu.disable = Disable
+gui.table.contextmenu.dlc = Create DLC
+gui.table.contextmenu.downloaddir = Open Directory
+gui.table.contextmenu.editdownloaddir = Edit Directory
+gui.table.contextmenu.editpackagename = Change Package Name
+gui.table.contextmenu.enable = Enable
+gui.table.contextmenu.extrassubmenu = Extras
+gui.table.contextmenu.filetype = Filter
+gui.table.contextmenu.mergepackage2 = Merge to one package
+gui.table.contextmenu.newpackage = Move into new Package
+gui.table.contextmenu.newpackage2 = Move to new package
+gui.table.contextmenu.packagesort = Sort Packages
+gui.table.contextmenu.priority = Priority
+gui.table.contextmenu.prop = Properties
+gui.table.contextmenu.reset = Reset
+gui.table.contextmenu.resume = Resume
+gui.table.contextmenu.setdlpw = Set download password
+gui.table.contextmenu.sort = Sort
+gui.table.contextmenu.stopmark = Stop sign
+gui.table.draganddrop.after = Drop after '%s'
+gui.table.draganddrop.before = Drop before '%s'
+gui.table.draganddrop.insertinpackageend = Insert at the end of Package '%s'
+gui.table.draganddrop.insertinpackagestart = Insert at the beginning of Package '%s'
+gui.table.draganddrop.movepackagebefore = Insert before '%s'
+gui.table.draganddrop.movepackageend = Insert after '%s' = Add at top = Start after adding
+gui.textcomponent.context.copy = Copy
+gui.textcomponent.context.copy.acc = ctrl C
+gui.textcomponent.context.cut = Cut
+gui.textcomponent.context.cut.acc = ctrl X
+gui.textcomponent.context.delete = Delete
+gui.textcomponent.context.delete.acc = DELETE
+gui.textcomponent.context.paste = Paste
+gui.textcomponent.context.paste.acc = ctrl V
+gui.textcomponent.context.selectall = Select all
+gui.textcomponent.context.selectall.acc = ctrl A
+gui.tooltip.progressicon = This module is active
+gui.tooltip.statusbar.max_chunks = Max. Connections per File
+gui.tooltip.statusbar.simultan_downloads = Max. simul. downloads
+gui.tooltip.statusbar.speedlimiter = Speed limit(kb/s) [0:infinite]
+gui.tooltips.linkgrabber.startlinksafteradd = If selected, download starts after adding new links
+gui.tooltips.linkgrabber.toporbottom = if selected, new links will be added at top of your downloadlist
+gui.tooltips.quickhelp = Quickhelp available: %s (ctrl+shift+CLICK)
+gui.treetable.added = Added date
+gui.treetable.error.plugin = Plugin error
+gui.treetable.finished = Finished date
+gui.treetable.header.part = Part
+gui.treetable.header.size = Size
+gui.treetable.hoster = Host
+gui.treetable.loaded = Loaded = Package/Filename
+gui.treetable.packagestatus.links_active = Active
+gui.treetable.part = Part
+gui.treetable.progress = Progress
+gui.treetable.requesttime = Ping
+gui.treetable.size = Filesize
+gui.treetable.status = Status
+gui.treetable.tooltip.priority-1 = Low Priority
+gui.treetable.tooltip.priority0 = No Priority
+gui.treetable.tooltip.priority1 = High Priority
+gui.treetable.tooltip.priority2 = Higher Priority
+gui.treetable.tooltip.priority3 = Highest Priority
+gui.warning.reconnect.hasbeendisabled = Reconnection is disabled!
+gui.warning.reconnect.hasbeendisabled.tooltip = To allow JDownloader to perform automated reconnections, you should enable this feature!
+gui.warning.reconnect.pleasewait = Please wait... Reconnection is running
+gui.warning.reconnect.running = running...
+gui.warning.reconnectfailed = Reconnection failed!
+gui.warning.reconnectsuccess = Reconnected successfully!
+gui.warning.restartneeded = You need to restart JDownloader! = Automatic update.
+init.webupdate.progress.0_title = Web-Update
+init.webupdate.progress.1_title = Update check
+installer.abortinstallation = Error occurred - Abort installation
+installer.error.nowriterights = Error occurred - You do not have permissions to write to current directory.
+installer.firefox.message = Do you want to integrate JDownloader to Firefox?
+installer.firefox.message.flashgot = This installs the famous FlashGot Extension (
+installer.firefox.title = Install firefox integration?
+installer.gui.message = After Installation, JDownloader will update to the latest version.
+installer.gui.title = JDownloader Installation
+installer.vistadir.warning = Warning! JD is installed in %s. This causes errors.
+interaction.batchreconnect.batch = Batch Script
+interaction.batchreconnect.executein = Start in (application folder)
+interaction.batchreconnect.terminal = Interpreter
+interaction.batchreconnect.tostring = Batch Reconnection parameters
+interaction.batchreconnect.waitfortermination = Time to wait for command termination (sec) = Extern execution
+interaction.externexecute.tostring = Execute external application
+interaction.externreconnect.command = Command (use absolute directory paths)
+interaction.externreconnect.parameter = Parameter (1 parameter every line)
+interaction.externreconnect.tostring = Execute external reconnection application
+interaction.externreconnect.waitfortermination = Timeout for cmd execution (sec)
+interaction.jdchat.deslanguage = to:
+interaction.jdchat.native = to: = Exit JDownloader = HTTP LiveHeader
+interaction.liveheader.progress.3_step = (Step) HTTP LiveHeader :
+interaction.liveheader.progress.4_step = (%s) HTTP LiveHeader = Reset Download Link (Attention: File will be deleted!)
+interaction.shutdown.dialog.msg = <h2><font color="red">Attention! Your operating system is going to shutdown</font></h2>
+interaction.shutdown.dialog.title = Shutdown = Execute Program/Script
+interaction.trigger.after_reconnect = After Reconnection
+interaction.trigger.after_reconnect.desc = Executed after reconnection
+interaction.trigger.all_downloads_finished = All downloads finished
+interaction.trigger.all_downloads_finished.desc = Executed after all downloads finished or aborted
+interaction.trigger.app_start = Application start
+interaction.trigger.app_start.desc = Directly after JDownloader has been started
+interaction.trigger.before_download = Before a download
+interaction.trigger.before_download.desc = Executed before a new download gets started
+interaction.trigger.before_reconnect = Before reconnection
+interaction.trigger.before_reconnect.desc = Executed before reconnection
+interaction.trigger.container_download = Container Download Link
+interaction.trigger.download_download.desc = Description of Container download link (DLC,RSDF,CCF,...)
+interaction.trigger.download_successfull = Download successfully finished
+interaction.trigger.download_successfull.desc = Executed after a succsessfull download
+interaction.trigger.downloads_and_interactions_finished = Downloads
+interaction.trigger.downloads_and_interactions_finished.desc = Executed after all downloads are finished
+interaction.trigger.exit = Shutdown JDownloader
+interaction.trigger.exit.desc = Will be executed before shutting down JDownloader
+interaction.trigger.linklist_structure_changed = Linklist structure changed
+interaction.trigger.linklist_structure_changed.desc = Is called if the linklist structure changes
+interaction.trigger.no_event = No event
+interaction.trigger.no_event.desc = No event
+interaction.trigger.package_finished = Package finished
+interaction.trigger.package_finished.desc = Executed after a package has been finished
+interaction.trigger.single_download_failed = Download failed
+interaction.trigger.single_download_failed.desc = Executed after a download failed
+jd.controlling.reconnect.reconnector.progress.failed = Reconnect failed! Please check your reconnect Settings and try a Manual Reconnect!
+jd.controlling.reconnect.reconnector.progress.failed2 = Reconnect failed too often! Autoreconnect is disabled! Please check your reconnect settings!
+jd.controlling.singledownloadcontroller.askexists = The file \r\n%s\r\n already exists. What do you want to do?
+jd.controlling.singledownloadcontroller.askexists.title = File exists
+jd.gui.skins.simple.simplegui.menubar.filemenu = File
+jd.gui.skins.simple.simplegui.menubar.linksmenu = Links
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.contributers = Contributers = Support board
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.homepage = Homepage
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.license = Show license
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.license.title = JDownloader License = JDownloader
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.title = About JDownloader
+jd.gui.swing.components.aboutdialog.version = Version %s
+jd.gui.swing.components.accountdialog.hoster = Hoster: = Name:
+jd.gui.swing.components.accountdialog.pass = Pass:
+jd.gui.swing.components.accountdialog.title = Add new Account
+jd.gui.swing.components.jdcollapser.closetooltip = Close %s
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.actions.actioncontroller.toolbar.control.start.tooltip = Start downloads in list
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.actions.actioncontroller.toolbar.control.stop.tooltip = Stop all running downloads
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.actions.actioncontroller.toolbar.control.stopmark.tooltip = Stop after current Downloads
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.actions.actioncontroller.toolbar.interaction.reconnect.tooltip = Get a new IP be resetting your internet connection
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.actions.actioncontroller.toolbar.interaction.update.tooltip = Check for new updates
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.configpanel.restartquestion = This option needs a JDownloader restart.
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.configpanel.restartquestion.ok = Restart NOW!
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.configpanel.restartquestion.title = Restart required!
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpaneladdons.addons.title = Extensions
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpaneladdons.askafterinit = Show %s now?\r\nYou may open it later using Mainmenu->Addon
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpaneladdons.breadcrum = Plugins & Addons - Extensions
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpanelcaptcha.breadcrum = Modules - AntiCaptcha
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpanelcaptcha.captcha.title = AntiCaptcha
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpanelgeneral.breadcrum = Basics - General
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpanelgeneral.general.title = General
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.configpanelpluginforhost.breadcrum = Plugins & Addons - Hoster = Hoster
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.downloadandnetwork.advanced.breadcrum = Basics - Download & Connections - Advanced = Advanced
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.downloadandnetwork.general.breadcrum = Basics - Download & Connections - General = Download & Connections
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.downloadandnetwork.internetandnetwork.breadcrum = Basics - Download & Connections - Internet & Network = Download & Connections
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.advanced.breadcrum = Basics - User Interface - Advanced
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.advanced.gui.advanced.title = Advanced
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.browser.breadcrum = Basics - User Interface - Browser
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.browser.gui.browser.title = Browser
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.general.breadcrum = Basics - User Interface - General
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.general.gui.title = User Interface
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.linkgrabber.breadcrum = Basics - User Interface - Linkgrabber
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.linkgrabber.gui.linkgrabber.title = Linkgrabber
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.toolbarcontroller..column.desc = Description
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.toolbarcontroller..column.icon = Icon = Name
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.toolbarcontroller..column.use = Use
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.toolbarcontroller..toolbarcontroller.title = Toolbar Manager
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.gui.toolbarcontroller.breadcrum = Toolbar Controller
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.passwordlist.general.title = Unrar/Extract
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.passwords.passwordlist.breadcrum = Modules - Passwords & Logins - Unrar/Extract
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.passwords.passwordlisthtaccess.breadcrum = Modules - Passwords & Logins - HTAccess
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.passwords.passwordlisthtaccess.general.title = HTAccess
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premium.breadcrum = Plugins & Addons - Hoster - Premium = Which hoster are you interested in? = Buy Premium = Buy a new premium account.
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premium.continue = Continue
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premium.title = Premium = Cash
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.enabled = Enabled
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.expiredate = Expire date
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.filesnum = Number of Files
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.hoster = Hoster
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.pass = Password
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.premiumpoints = Premium Points
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.status = Status
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.trafficleft = Traffic left
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.trafficshare = TrafficShare
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.usedspace = Used Space
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumjtablemodel.user = User
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.premium.premiumtablerenderer.account = Account
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.reconnect.advanced.breadcrum = Modules - Reconnection - Advanced
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.reconnect.advanced.reconnect.advanced.title = Advanced
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.reconnect.methodselection.breadcrum = Modules - Reconnection - Methods
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.settings.panels.reconnect.methodselection.reconnect.title = Reconnection
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.closableview.closebtn.tooltip = Close %s
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.configtreemodel.basics.title = Basics
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.configtreemodel.configuration.title = Settings
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.configtreemodel.modules.title = Modules
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.configtreemodel.passwordsandlogins = Passwords & Logins
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.configtreemodel.plugins.title = Plugins & Add-ons = Settings = All options and settings for JDownloader = Download = Downloadlist and Progress
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.extract = Extracting
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.failed = Download failed
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.finished = Download finished
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.loadingfrom = Loading from
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.premium = Loading with Premium
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.resume = Resumable download
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.stopmark = Stopmark is set
+jd.gui.swing.jdgui.views.downloadview.tablerenderer.tablerenderer.dateformat = dd.MM.yy HH:mm = Download complete in = Links(s) = Package(s) = Progress = Total size = Downloadspeed = filtered Links(s) = Links(s) = Package(s) = Total size = Fatal error(s) = Error(s) = Warning(s) = HTTP Notify = Log Level %s = Save Log As = Upload Log = Linkgrabber = Collect, add and select links and URLs = Log = See or Upload the Log = Hoster %s
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.alt = alt
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.altgr = alt Gr
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.button1 = button1
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.button2 = button2
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.button3 = button3
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.ctrl = ctrl
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.meta = meta
+jd.gui.swing.shortcuts.key.shift = shift
+jd.gui.userio.defaulttitle.confirm = Please confirm
+jd.gui.userio.defaulttitle.input = Please enter!
+jd.main.removerestart.cancel = Continue
+jd.main.removerestart.message = Could not remove outdated libraries. Restart recommended!
+jd.main.removerestart.ok = Restart now!
+jd.main.removerestart.title = Updater
+jd.plugins.decrypt.bstmvs.captchainputwrong = Wrong Input, please enter time like this: 4:30
+jd.plugins.decrypter.stealth.askpassword = Downloadpassword required for %s
+jd.plugins.hoster.filebaseto.serversideerror = Server Error. Retry later
+jd.plugins.optional.hjsplit.jdhjsplit = HJSplit
+jd.plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter = HTTP Live Header Scripter (HLH)
+jd.plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.actionperformed.wikilink =
+jd.plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.title = HLH Scripter
+jd.plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.tooltip = HTTP-Live-Header Scripter: Create Reconnect scripts easily
+jd.plugins.optional.interfaces.jdexterninterface = FlashGot for Firefox
+jd.plugins.optional.interfaces.jdexterninterface.flashgot = Install
+jd.plugins.optional.interfaces.jdexterninterface.flashgot.configgroup = Install FlashGot Firefox Addon
+jd.plugins.optional.interfaces.jdexterninterface.flashgot.long = Install Firefox integration = Allow it! = Deny access! = An external application tries to add links. See Log for details. = External request from %s to %s interface!
+jd.plugins.optional.jdchat.jdchat = JDChat
+jd.plugins.optional.jdchat.jdchat.topic.default = Loading Message of the day
+jd.plugins.optional.jdchat.jdchat.topic.tooltip = Message of the day
+jd.plugins.optional.jdchat.jdchatview.title = JD Support Chat
+jd.plugins.optional.jdchat.jdchatview.tooltip = JD Support Chat
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification = JDGrowl Notification
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.allfinished = All downloads finished
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.allfinished.title = All downloads finished!
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.finished = Download finished
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.finished.title = Download successfully finished
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.started = jDownloader starting...
+jd.plugins.optional.jdgrowlnotification.started.title = Program start
+jd.plugins.optional.jdinfofilewriter = JDInfo File Writer
+jd.plugins.optional.jdremotecontrol = JD Remote Control
+jd.plugins.optional.jdshutdown = JD Shutdown
+jd.plugins.optional.jdtrayicon.jdlighttray = JD Light Tray
+jd.plugins.optional.jdunrar.jdunrar = JD Unrar
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor = Language File Editor (LFE)
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.badlogins = Logins incorrect.\r\n PLease enter correct logins.
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.btn.readmore = more...
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.initconfigentries.checklogins.failed = Username or password wrong!
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.initconfigentries.checklogins.succeeded = Successfull!
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.initconfigentries.message = To use this addon, you need a JD-SVN Account
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.testlogins = Test Logins
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.langfileeditor.testloginsmessage = Test if the logins are correct
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.lfeview.title = Translation Editor
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.lfeview.tooltip = Edit a translation file
+jd.plugins.optional.langfileeditor.srcparser = Source Parser
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.disabled = disabled
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.edit = Edit
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.add.daily = Daily
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.add.hourly = Hourly
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.add.interval = Interval: %sh %sm
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.add.once = Only once
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.add.weekly = Weekly = Date = Name
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.nextexecution = Next Execution
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.number = # of actions
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.repeats = Repeats
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.maingui.mytablemodel.time = Time
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.schedule = Schedule
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.schedulerview.title = Scheduler
+jd.plugins.optional.schedule.schedulerview.tooltip = Schedule your downloads
+jd.plugins.optional.webinterface.jdwebinterface = JD Webinterface
+jd.plugins.plugin.aborted = Decryption aborted!
+jd.plugins.pluginutils.askpassword = Please enter the password for %s
+jd.plugins.pluginutils.informpasswordwrong.message = The password you entered for %s has been wrong.
+jd.plugins.pluginutils.informpasswordwrong.title = Password wrong: %s
+jd.router.reconnectrecorder.gui.icon.bad = Error during recording the reconnect!
+jd.router.reconnectrecorder.gui.icon.good = Reconnect successfully set!
+jd.router.reconnectrecorder.gui.icon.progress = Saving Reconnect...
+jd.update.main.error.message = Errors occured!\r\nThere were %s error(s) while updating. Do you want to update anyway?
+jd.update.main.error.message.old = There are uninstalled updates. Install them now?
+jd.update.main.error.title = Errors occured
+jd.update.main.error.title.old = Updates found!
+jd.utils.webupdate.ballon.message.updateinprogress = There is already an update in progress.
+jd.utils.webupdate.ballon.title = Update
+jd.utils.webupdate.message = <font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">%s update(s) available. Install now?</font>
+jd.utils.webupdate.message2 = <font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">%s update(s) available. Install now?</font>
+jd.utils.webupdate.progresscontroller.text = Update is running
+linkgrabber.onlinestatus.offline = offline = online
+linkgrabber.onlinestatus.uncheckable = temp. uncheckable
+linkgrabber.onlinestatus.unchecked = not checked
+linkinformation.available.error = Error! = Aborted = Chunks
+modules.reconnect.types.batch = Batch
+modules.reconnect.types.clr = CLR Script
+modules.reconnect.types.extern = External
+modules.reconnect.types.liveheader = LiveHeader/Curl = File abused = File without Account(annonymous) = unchecked (API Flood) = Direct Download = File not found = Server is temporarily not available. Try again later! = This video is still being encoded
+plugin.optional.jdchat.getlog = %s needs a log to solve your problem. Do you agree to send him the Log?
+plugin.optional.jdchat.teamviewer.yourtvdata = Your Teamviewer logins:
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.cancel = Cancel = Name
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.column.executions.parameter = Parameter
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.daily = Daily = Date = Day:
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.hour = Hour:
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.hourly = Hourly
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.minute = Minute:
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.month = Month: = Name
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.noparameter = No Parameter needed
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.once = Only once
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.problem.badparameter = No correct Parameter
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.problem.emptyname = Name is empty
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.problem.nochanges = No changes made
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.repeats = Repeats = Save
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.specific = Choose interval
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.time = Time
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.weekly = Weekly
+plugin.optional.scheduler.add.year = Year:
+plugin.rapidshare.error.accountnotfound = Your Premium Account has not been found.
+plugin.rapidshare.error.filetolarge = This file is larger than 200 MB, you need a Premium Account to download this file.
+plugin.rapidshare.error.fraud = Fraud detected: This account has been illegally used by several users.
+plugin.rapidshare.error.limitexeeded = You have exceeded the download quota.
+plugin.rapidshare.error.serverunavailable = The server %s is currently unavailable.
+plugin.serienjunkies.manager.dllinks = Delete undesired links
+plugin.serienjunkies.manager.title = Serienjunkies Link Manager
+plugin.system.notloaded = idle
+plugins.config.premium.chartapi.caption.error = %s loading or not available
+plugins.container.decrypt = Decrypt link %s
+plugins.container.exit = Finished. Found %s links
+plugins.container.exit.error = Container error: %s
+plugins.container.found = Process %s links = Open Container
+plugins.decrypt.cryptitcom.password = Folder is password protected. Enter password:
+plugins.decrypt.ddlwarez.humanverification = DDL-Warez Human Verification
+plugins.decrypt.errormsg.unavailable = Perhaps wrong URL or the download is not available anymore.
+plugins.decrypt.general.captchacodewrong = Wrong CAPTCHA code
+plugins.decrypt.jamendo = Create a sub-folder for each album
+plugins.decrypt.jamendoalbum = Prefer whole Album as Zip
+plugins.decrypt.raubkopiererws.mirrordialog.title =
+plugins.decrypt.rbkprrws.mirrordialog.additional = Additional files (if available):
+plugins.decrypt.rbkprrws.mirrordialog.extrapackage = Additional package for NFO/Sample
+plugins.decrypt.rbkprrws.mirrordialog.mirror = Available Mirrors:
+plugins.decrypt.rbkprrws.mirrordialog.nfo = NFO File
+plugins.decrypt.rbkprrws.mirrordialog.sample = Sample Video from
+plugins.decrypt.rslayer.captchaexpired = CAPTCHA code is too old.
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.automaticmirrormanagment = Automatic mirror managment
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.ffonly = only
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.netloadonly = only
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.nomirrormanagment = No mirror managment
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.progress.checklinks = check links
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.progress.checkmirror = check mirror
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.progress.decryptlimit = SJ Download limit(decryptlimit) reached. Wait for reconnection(max 2 min)
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.progress.downloadlimit = Error: SerienJunkies Download limit
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.progress.getlinks = get links
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.rscomonly = only
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.rsdeonly = only
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.ulonly = only
+plugins.decrypt.serienjunkies.usepremiumlinks = Use Premium Links if possible
+plugins.decrypt.stealthto.captcha = Please click on the circle with the gap
+plugins.decrypt.stealthto.captcha.title = Captcha
+plugins.decrypter.uploadreu.badpassorcaptcha = You entered bad password or captcha code 5 times. Please review your data.
+plugins.decrypter.urtcutcom.badpassword = You have entered bad password 5 times. Please review your data.
+plugins.error.downloadfailed = Download failed
+plugins.errors.disconnect = Disconnect?
+plugins.errors.error = Error:
+plugins.errors.hosteroffline = Host offline?
+plugins.errors.nointernetconn = No Internet connection?
+plugins.errors.pluginerror = Plugin error. Inform Support
+plugins.errors.wrongpassword = Password wrong = The owner of the file limited the number of free downloads per day, you will have to buy a premium account or wait till you can download the file as free user again! = CAPTCHA mode: = auto = avoid CAPTCHAs(prefer reconnection) = avoid reconnections(prefer CAPTCHA input) = Use this port: = Waiting for start... = Service is not available = Rapidshare reports that %s = Download Session expired. Try again. = File not found. Please check your download link. = File not found. Please check your download link. = TOS violation. File removed by rapidshare. = The server that stores the file is offline. Try again later. = You have reached your daily limit. = This file seems to be illegal and is locked. Downloading this file is prohibited by Rapidshare. = 10 GB limit reached. = Loaded via %s = You have to wait or perform a reconnect to check the available status = Files over 1 Gb are available for Premium users only
+plugins.hoster.2sharedcom.errors.sessionlimit = Session limit reached
+plugins.hoster.2sharedcom.errors.wrongcaptcha = Wrong CAPTCHA
+plugins.hoster.4sharedcom.waiting = Waiting...
+plugins.hoster.adrivecom.errors.toomanyconnections = Too many connections
+plugins.hoster.bluehostto.time = BH free only allowed from 0 PM to 10 AM
+plugins.hoster.czsharecom.nocreditleft = No traffic credit left
+plugins.hoster.czsharecom.nofreeslots = No free slots available
+plugins.hoster.depositfilescom.accountbad = Account expired or not valid.
+plugins.hoster.depositfilescom.accountok = Account is OK.
+plugins.hoster.depositfilescom.errors.allslotsbusy = All download slots for your country are busy
+plugins.hoster.depositfilescom.errors.limitreached = Download limit has been reached
+plugins.hoster.filebaseto.servererror = Server error
+plugins.hoster.filebaseto.unsupportederror = Unsupported error
+plugins.hoster.filefactorycom.errors.nofreeslots = No free slots are available
+plugins.hoster.filernet.errors.nofreeslots = All free user slots are occupied
+plugins.hoster.fsxhu.waiting = %s users in queue,
+plugins.hoster.general.enterpassword = Enter password:
+plugins.hoster.general.passwordprotectedinput = The links are protected by a password. Please enter the password:
+plugins.hoster.general.reenterpassword = Wrong password. Please re-enter:
+plugins.hoster.gigasizecom.errors.alreadyloading = Cannot check, because already loading file
+plugins.hoster.httplinks.errors.basicauthneeded = Authorization needed
+plugins.hoster.ifolderru.errors.ticketwait = Waiting for ticket
+plugins.hoster.jamendo = Prefer High Quality Download
+plugins.hoster.letitbitnet.errors.countryblock = Letitbit forbidden downloading this file in your country
+plugins.hoster.megasharescom.errors.allslotsfilled = Cannot check, because all slots filled
+plugins.hoster.megasharescom.errors.alreadyloading = Cannot check, because aready loading file
+plugins.hoster.megasharescom.errors.passwordprotected = Password protected download
+plugins.hoster.meinupload.errors.serverdefect = Service not available
+plugins.hoster.netload.downloadpassword_question = Password protected. Enter Password for %s
+plugins.hoster.netload.errors.downloadpassword_wrong = Link password is wrong
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.captchanotfound = CAPTCHA not found
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.couldnotfollow = Server: could not follow the link
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.damagedfile = Damaged file
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.dlnotfound = Download link was not found
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.fileondmgserver = File on damaged server
+plugins.hoster.netloadin.errors.mightbeoffline = Might be offline
+plugins.hoster.nopremiumsupport = Plugin has no Premium Method!
+plugins.hoster.odsiebiecom.errors.servererror = Server error
+plugins.hoster.passquestion = Link '%s' is password protected. Enter password:
+plugins.hoster.premium.status_ok = Account is ok
+plugins.hoster.quicksharecz.alreadyloading = This IP is already downloading
+plugins.hoster.quicksharecz.nofreeslots = No free slots available = Increase Ticketwaittime (0%-500%) = Prefered server mirror = Random = Use preselection = Use Telekom server if possible
+plugins.hoster.sendspacecom.errors.servererror = Unknown server error
+plugins.hoster.sendspacecom.errors.serverfull = Free service capacity full
+plugins.hoster.sharebaseto.errors.maintenance = Maintenance works in progress
+plugins.hoster.sharebaseto.errors.servicenotavailable = Service is not available
+plugins.hoster.sharebaseto.errors.toomanyusers = Too many users
+plugins.hoster.sharenownet.errors.servererror = Server Error
+plugins.hoster.shareonlinebiz.errors.servernotavailable = Server is temporarily down
+plugins.hoster.shareonlinebiz.errors.servernotavailable2 = No slots available
+plugins.hoster.speedysharecom.password = Enter Password:
+plugins.hoster.uploadedto.errors.indirectlinkerror = Indirect link error
+plugins.hoster.uploadedto.errors.notpremium = This is free account
+plugins.hoster.uploadedto.errors.serverproblem = Server problem
+plugins.hoster.uploadedto.errorso.premiumtrafficreached = Traffic limit reached
+plugins.hoster.uploaderpl.accountexpired = Account expired
+plugins.hoster.uploaderpl.freememberacc = Free registered user account
+plugins.hoster.uploadingcom.errors.countrylimitreached = You have reached your country daily limit
+plugins.hoster.vipfilecom.errors.nofreedownloadlink = No free download link for this file
+plugins.hoster.xupin.errors.passwrong = Password wrong = Account is OK.
+plugins.http.htaccess = List of all HTAccess passwords. Each line one entry. Do NOT enter premium logins in here. = Accounts
+plugins.optional.hjsplit.filefilter = HJSPLIT-Startvolumes
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.desc = XML-File
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.importff.message = Insert your Firefox Liveaheader Log here
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.importff.title = Import Firefox Live header Log = Edit = Add define tag = Add request tag = Add wait tag = Validate current script = File = Open file = Import Firefox LiveHeader Script = Import JD-LiveHeader Script = Save file = Help = Howto
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.openfile = Open = Manufacturer? (e.g. Siemens) = Model? (e.g. Gigaset 555 (fw 3.01.05)
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.validate.error = Script is not valid
+plugins.optional.httpliveheaderscripter.gui.validate.ok = Script is Valid.
+plugins.optional.infofilewriter.content = Content:
+plugins.optional.infofilewriter.filename = Filename:
+plugins.optional.infofilewriter.insertkey = Insert selected Key into the Content
+plugins.optional.infofilewriter.insertkey.short = Insert
+plugins.optional.infofilewriter.variables = Available variables
+plugins.optional.jdchat.doautotranslate = Translate Chat
+plugins.optional.jdchat.doautotranslateself = Translate everything I say
+plugins.optional.jdchat.enternick = Your desired Nickname
+plugins.optional.jdchat.locale = Language Settings
+plugins.optional.jdchat.performonstart = Perform commands after connection estabilished
+plugins.optional.jdchat.user = Nickname
+plugins.optional.jdlighttray.minimizetotray = Minimize to tray
+plugins.optional.jdlighttray.singleclick = Toggle window status with single click
+plugins.optional.jdlighttray.startminimized = Start minimized
+plugins.optional.jdlighttray.tooltip = Show Tooltip
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.askforpassword = Password for %s?
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.config.advanced = Advanced Settings
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.config.passwordlist2 = List of all passwords. One password on each line. Available passwords: %s
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.crcerrorin = Extract: failed (CRC in %s)
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.error.extrfailedcrc = Extract: failed (CRC in unknown file)
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.filefilter = Rar-Startvolumes
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.filefilter.extractto = Extract Directory
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.messages = The path %s does not exist. = JD-Unrar
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.progress.extractfile = Extract %s
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.crackingpass = Cracking password
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.extractfailed = Extract failed
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.extractfailedcrc = Extract failed (CRC error)
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.extractfailedpass = Extract failed (password)
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.extracting = Extracting
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.extractok = Extract OK
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.openingarchive = Opening archive
+plugins.optional.jdunrar.status.passfound = Password found
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.account.warning = SVN Account missing. Click here to read more.
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.addkey = Add Key
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.addkey.error.message = The key '%s' is already in use!
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.addkey.message1 = Type in the name of the key:
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.addkey.message2 = Type in the translated message of the key:
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.addkey.title = Add new key
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.adoptdefaults = Adopt Default(s)
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.adoptdefaults.missing = Adopt Defaults of Missing Entries
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.analyzingsource.ready = Analyzing Source Folder: Complete
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.analyzingsource1 = Analyzing Source Folder
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.clearvalues = Clear Value(s)
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.deletekeys = Delete Key(s)
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.duplicatedentries = Duplicated Entries
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.english = English entries
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.entries = Entries
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.error.title = Error occured
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.error.updatelanguages.message = Error while updating languages:\r\n %s
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.error.updatesource.message = Error while updating source:\r\n %s
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.file = File = ID
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.key = Key
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.keychart.done = Done
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.keychart.missing = Missing
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.keychart.old = Old
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.keys = Keys
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.languagefilevalue = Language File Value
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.load = Load Language
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.opensearchdialog = Open Search Dialog
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.reload = Revert/Reload = An error occurred while writing the Language File:\n%s = Language File saved successfully!
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.saveandupload = Save & Upload to SVN...
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.savelocale = Save Offline
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.showdupes = Show Dupes
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.sourcevalue = Source Value
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.startcurrent = Test JD with current translation
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.startkey = Test JD in Key mode
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.string = String
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.svn.updating = Updating SVN: Please wait
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.svn.updating.error = Updating SVN: Error!
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.svn.updating.ready = Updating SVN: Complete
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.test = Test
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.title = Language Editor
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.translate = Translate with Google
+plugins.optional.langfileeditor.translate.missing = Translate Missing Entries with Google
+plugins.optional.remotecontrol.port = Port:
+plugins.optional.remotecontrol.startedonport2 = %s started on port %s\nhttp://\n/help for Developer Information.
+plugins.optional.remotecontrol.stopped2 = %s stopped.
+plugins.optional.trayicon.dl.finished = Finished:
+plugins.optional.trayicon.dl.running = Running: = Total:
+plugins.optional.trayicon.downloads = Downloads:
+plugins.optional.trayicon.eta = ETA:
+plugins.optional.trayicon.progress = Progress:
+plugins.optional.trayicon.speed = Speed:
+plugins.optional.webinterface.https = Use Secure Socket (HTTPS)
+plugins.optional.webinterface.loginname = Login Name
+plugins.optional.webinterface.loginpass = Login Password
+plugins.optional.webinterface.needlogin = Need User Authentication
+plugins.optional.webinterface.port = Port
+plugins.optional.webinterface.refresh = AutoRefresh
+plugins.optional.webinterface.refresh_interval = Refresh Interval
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.action = Choose an action
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.mirror = Choose a Mirror Managment
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.scatgrabb = Add all series in this category
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.scatnewestdownload = Add the newest download of this category
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.scatnothing = Do not add category
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.scatsave = Settings for this session?
+plugins.serienjunkies.catdialog.title = SerienJunkies ::CAT::
+plugins.trayicon.popup.bottom.simchunks = Concurrent Connections
+plugins.trayicon.popup.bottom.simdls = Simultaneous downloads
+plugins.trayicon.popup.bottom.speed = Speed limit(kb/s)
+quickhelp.premiumstatusbar = Premium statusbar
+reconnect.ipfiltered.warning.short = The IP %s is not allowed!
+reconnect.ipfiltered.warning.title = Wrong IP!
+reconnect.progress.1_retries = Reconnection #
+reconnect.progress.2_oldip = Old IP:
+reconnect.progress.3_ipcheck = Reconnection New IP: %s / %s
+reconnect.retries = Max repeats (-1 = no limit)
+reconnect.waitforip = Timeout for ip change [sec]
+reconnect.waittimetofirstipcheck = First IP check wait time (sec)
+replacer.available = Last finished File: is Available (Yes,No)
+replacer.comment = Last finished package: Comment = Current Date
+replacer.downloaddirectory = Last finished package: Download Directory
+replacer.filelist = Last finished package: Filelist
+replacer.filename = Last finished File: Filename
+replacer.filepath = Last finished File: Filepath
+replacer.filesize = Last finished File: Filesize
+replacer.hoster = Last finished File: Hoster
+replacer.informationstring = Last finished File: Plugin given informationstring
+replacer.ipaddress = Current IP Address
+replacer.javaversion = Used Java Version
+replacer.jdhomedirectory = JDownloader: Homedirectory/Installdirectory
+replacer.jdversion = JDownloader: Revision/Version
+replacer.packagename = Last finished package: Packagename
+replacer.password = Last finished package: Password
+replacer.time = Current Time
+showcaptcha.choose.file = Select an Imagefile
+showcaptcha.choose.tester3 = Select an imagefile
+showcaptcha.chooser.title = JDownloader :: Show CAPTCHA
+sys.ask.rlyclose = Are you sure that you want to exit JDownloader?
+sys.ask.rlyrestart = Are you sure that you want to restart JDownloader?
+sys.ask.rlyrestore = This will restart JDownloader and do a FULL-Update. Continue?
+sys.dlc.success = DLC encryption successfully. Extract for testing now?
+system.dialogs.update = Updates available = CRC-Check running (%s) = CRC-Check FAILED (%s) = CRC-Check OK (%s) = Could not overwrite existing file = Could not rename Part File = Invalid Output File = Mirror %s is loading = There is not enough free space to download the file %s, please relocate the file = There is not enough free space on %s = If the file already exists: = Ask for each file = Ask for each package = Overwrite = Auto rename = Skip Link
+system.update.message = Update successfull
+system.update.message.title = Update to version %s
+system.update.showchangelogv2 = What's new?
+train.choose.folder = Select a folder
+train.chooser.title = JDownloader :: TrainAll
+train.method = Select a CAPTCHA method
+updater.beta.rlyupdate.message = Do you want to update to JD-%s
+updater.beta.rlyupdate.title = Update to beta now?
+updater.newbeta.message = Do you want to try the new BETA?\r\nClick OK to get more Information.
+updater.newbeta.title = New BETA available
+userio.errorregex = .*(error|failed).*
+userio.input.title = Please enter!
+wrapper.webupdate.updatefile = Update plugin %s
+wrapper.webupdate.updatenewupdater = Downloading new jdupdate.jar
+wrapper.webupdate.updateupdater.error_rename = Could not rename jdupdate.jar.tmp to jdupdate.jar
+wrapper.webupdate.updateupdater.error_reqeust2 = Could not download new jdupdate.jar