diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 294 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fca286..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-VERSION := 2.5.1
-SVNREPO = svn://
-############ A is for features
-############ B is for bugfixes
-############ V.AAABBB
-############ 2.000001
-############ 2.000002
-NUMVERSION = 2.005001
-IGNORE = ~|CVS|var/|smokeping-$(VERSION)/smokeping-$(VERSION)|cvsignore|rej|orig|DEAD|pod2htm[di]\.tmp|\.svn|tar\.gz|DEADJOE|svn-commit\.tmp
-GROFF = groff
-PERL = perl-5.8.8
-.PHONY: man html txt ref examples check-examples patch killdoc doc tar rename-man symlinks remove-symlinks
-.SUFFIXES: .pm .pod .txt .html .man .1 .3 .5 .7
-DOCS = $(filter-out doc/smokeping_config.pod doc/smokeping.pod doc/smokeping.cgi.pod,$(wildcard doc/*.pod)) doc/smokeping_examples.pod # section 7
-DOCSCONFIG := doc/smokeping_config.pod # section 5
-PM := lib/Config/ lib/ lib/Smokeping/ lib/Smokeping/
-PODPROBE := $(wildcard lib/Smokeping/probes/*.pm)
-PODMATCH := $(wildcard lib/Smokeping/matchers/*.pm)
-PODSORT := $(wildcard lib/Smokeping/sorters/*.pm)
-DOCSBASE = $(subst .pod,,$(DOCS))
-MODBASE = $(subst .pm,,$(subst lib/,doc/,$(PM))) \
- $(subst .pm,,$(subst lib/,doc/,$(PODPROBE))) \
- $(subst .pm,,$(subst lib/,doc/,$(PODMATCH))) \
- $(subst .pm,,$(subst lib/,doc/,$(PODSORT)))
-PROGBASE = doc/smokeping doc/smokeping.cgi doc/tSmoke
-DOCSCONFIGBASE = doc/smokeping_config
-MAN = $(addsuffix .3,$(MODBASE)) $(addsuffix .5,$(DOCSCONFIGBASE)) $(addsuffix .7,$(DOCSBASE)) $(addsuffix .1,$(PROGBASE))
-TXT = $(addsuffix .txt,$(BASE))
-HTML= $(addsuffix .html,$(BASE))
-POD2MAN = pod2man --release=$(VERSION) --center=SmokePing $<
-MAN2TXT = $(GROFF) -man -Tascii $< > $@
-# pod2html apparently needs to be in the target directory to get L<> links right
-POD2HTML= cd $(dir $@); top="$(shell echo $(dir $@)|sed -e 's,doc/,,' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' -e 's,/$$,,')"; top=$${top:-.}; pod2html --infile=$(CURDIR)/$< --noindex --htmlroot=. --podroot=. --podpath=$${top} --title=$* | $${top}/../util/ > $(notdir $@)
-# we go to this trouble to ensure that MAKEPOD only uses modules in the installation directory
-MAKEPOD= $(PERL) -I/home/oetiker/lib/fake-perl/ -Ilib -I/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.2svn-to/lib/perl -mSmokeping -e 'Smokeping::main()' -- --makepod
-GENEX= $(PERL) -I/home/oetiker/lib/fake-perl/ -Ilib -I/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.2svn-to/lib/perl -mSmokeping -e 'Smokeping::main()' -- --gen-examples
-doc/%.7: doc/%.pod
- $(POD2MAN) --section 7 > $@
-doc/%.5: doc/%.pod
- $(POD2MAN) --section 5 > $@
-doc/Smokeping.3: lib/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Smokeping/Examples.3: lib/Smokeping/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Smokeping/RRDtools.3: lib/Smokeping/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Smokeping/probes/%.pod: lib/Smokeping/probes/
- $(MAKEPOD) Smokeping::probes::$* > $@
-doc/Smokeping/probes/%.3: doc/Smokeping/probes/%.pod
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Smokeping/matchers/%.3: lib/Smokeping/matchers/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Smokeping/sorters/%.3: lib/Smokeping/sorters/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/Config/%.3: lib/Config/
- $(POD2MAN) --section 3 > $@
-doc/smokeping.1: bin/smokeping.dist
- $(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@
-doc/smokeping.cgi.1: htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist
- $(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@
-doc/tSmoke.1: bin/tSmoke.dist
- $(POD2MAN) --section 1 > $@
-doc/%.html: doc/%.pod
-doc/Smokeping.html: lib/
-doc/Smokeping/Examples.html: lib/Smokeping/
-doc/Smokeping/RRDtools.html: lib/Smokeping/
-doc/Smokeping/matchers/%.html: lib/Smokeping/matchers/
-doc/Smokeping/sorters/%.html: lib/Smokeping/sorters/
-doc/Config/%.html: lib/Config/
-doc/smokeping.html: bin/smokeping.dist
-doc/smokeping.cgi.html: htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist
-doc/tSmoke.html: bin/tSmoke.dist
-doc/%.txt: doc/%.1
- $(MAN2TXT)
-doc/%.txt: doc/%.3
- $(MAN2TXT)
-doc/%.txt: doc/%.5
- $(MAN2TXT)
-doc/%.txt: doc/%.7
- $(MAN2TXT)
-man: $(MAN)
-html: symlinks $(HTML) remove-symlinks
-txt: $(TXT)
-rename-man: $(MAN)
- for j in probes matchers sorters; do \
- for i in doc/Smokeping/$$j/*.3; do \
- if echo $$i | grep Smokeping::$$j>/dev/null; then :; else \
- mv $$i `echo $$i | sed s,$$j/,$$j/Smokeping::$$j::,`; \
- fi; \
- done; \
- done
- mv doc/Config/Grammar.3 doc/Config/Config::Grammar.3
- mv doc/Smokeping/Examples.3 doc/Smokeping/Smokeping::Examples.3
- mv doc/Smokeping/RRDtools.3 doc/Smokeping/Smokeping::RRDtools.3
-ref: doc/smokeping_config.pod
- -ln -s bin/smokeping.dist doc/smokeping.pod
- -ln -s htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist doc/smokeping.cgi.pod
- -rm doc/smokeping.pod
- -rm doc/smokeping.cgi.pod
- $(GENEX)
- $(GENEX) --check
-doc/smokeping_config.pod: lib/
- $(MAKEPOD) > $@
-doc/smokeping_examples.pod: lib/Smokeping/ etc/config.dist
- $(GENEX)
- -rm doc/*.[1357] doc/*.txt doc/*.html doc/Smokeping/* doc/Smokeping/probes/* doc/Smokeping/matchers/* doc/Smokeping/sorters/* doc/Config/* doc/examples/* doc/smokeping_examples.pod doc/smokeping_config.pod doc/smokeping.pod doc/smokeping.cgi.pod
-doc: killdoc ref examples man html txt rename-man
- for d in doc/Config doc/examples doc/Smokeping/probes \
- doc/Smokeping/sorters doc/Smokeping/matchers; do \
- [ -d $$d ] || mkdir -p $$d; \
- done
-# patch first so is older than smokeping_config.pod in the tarball
- $(PERL) -i -p -e 's/VERSION="\d.*?"/VERSION="$(NUMVERSION)"/' lib/
- $(PERL) -i -p -e 's/Smokeping \d.*?;/Smokeping $(NUMVERSION);/' bin/smokeping.dist htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist bin/tSmoke.dist
- $(PERL) -i -p -e 'do { my @d = localtime; my $$d = (1900+$$d[5])."/".(1+$$d[4])."/".$$d[3]; print "$$d -- released version $(VERSION)\n\n" } unless $$done++ || /version $(VERSION)/' CHANGES
-# $(PERL) -i -p -e "s/Atom\('SmokeTrace \S+?'/Atom('SmokeTrace "$(VERSION)"'/" qooxdoo/source/class/Tr/Application.js
- svn commit -m "prepare for the release of smokeping-$(VERSION)"
- svn export $(SVNREPO)/trunk/software smokeping-$(VERSION)
-# rm -rf smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo/source/class/Smokeping
-# rm -rf smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo/source/grapher.cgi
-# rm -rf smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo/source/smokeping.cgi
-# rm -rf smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo/source/perl/Qooxdoo/Services/
-# (cd smokeping-$(VERSION) && $(MAKE) doc)
-# - rm -rf rm /tmp/qooxdoo-cache/Tr.*
-# (cd smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo && $(MAKE) && $(MAKE) build)
-# (cd smokeping-$(VERSION)/qooxdoo; \
-# cp build/tr.cgi ../htdocs/tr.cgi.dist;\
-# cp build/index.html ../htdocs/tr.html;\
-# cp -rp build/script ../htdocs;\
-# cp -rp build/resource ../htdocs;\
-# cp -rp build/perl/* ../lib;\
-# make clean; \
-# rm -rf build)
-# $(PERL) -i -p -e 's/SmokeTrace VERSION/SmokeTrace $(VERSION)/' smokeping-$(VERSION)/htdocs/script/Tr.js
- tar czvf smokeping-$(VERSION).tar.gz --exclude '*.tmp' smokeping-$(VERSION)
- rm -rf smokeping-$(VERSION)
-dist: smokeping-$(VERSION).tar.gz tag
- scp CHANGES smokeping-$(VERSION).tar.gz
- svn ls $(SVNREPO)/tags/$(VERSION) || \
- svn copy -m "tagging version $(VERSION)" $(SVNREPO)/trunk/software $(SVNREPO)/tags/$(VERSION)
diff --git a/doc/smoketrace.pod b/doc/smoketrace.pod
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b3b6f8..0000000
--- a/doc/smoketrace.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-SmokeTrace - Ajax based Traceroute for Smokeping
-SmokeTraceoute is an browser based traceroute application written in the
-Qooxdoo. You can easily activate it in your Smokeping setup, to allow
-users to traceroute smokeping targets directly from the master host.
-=head1 SETUP
-To activate SmokeTrace you have to copy a few files to your webserver.
-=item 1.
-Make sure your webserver can execute cgi files outside the cgi-bin
-directory. Maybe it is enough to create a F<.htaccess> file with the
-following contents into the smokeping web directory ($web).
- AddHandler cgi-script cgi
- Options ExecCGI
-=item 2.
-Copy C<htdocs/script/Tr.js> to your smokeping web directory (NOT the cgi-bin
- mkdir $web/script
- cp $src/htdocs/script/Tr.js $web/script/
-=item 3.
-Copy C<htdocs/tr.html> to your smokeping web directory (NOT cgi-bin). Make
-sure the path, pointing to C<Tr.js> is correct.
- cp $src/htdocs/tr.html $web/
-=item 4.
-Copy C<htdocs/resource> into the directory where you put C<tr.html>
- cp -r $src/htdocs/resource $web/
-=item 5.
-Copy F<htdocs/tr.cgi.dist> to the directory where you put C<tr.html>. Change
-its name to C<tr.cgi>. Edit C<tr.cgi> to adjust the C<use lib> line, to
-point to the smokeping perl library directory, as you did with
-C<smokeping.cgi> and the smokeping daemon.
- cp $src/htdocs/tr.cgi.dist $web/tr.cgi
-=item 6.
-Edit your config file and add the line:
- menuextra = <a target='_blank' href='tr.html{HOST}' class='{CLASS}' \
- onclick=",, \
- 'width=800,height=500,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,scrollbars=no'); \
- return false;">*</a>
-to your C<*** Targets ***> section. It will make a C<*> appear next to each
-host name, and when you click on it, the SmokeTrace window will open.
-Note that the C<href> atribut must point to the directory where you put the
-C<tr.html> file.
-Not you should be all set. Try calling C<tr.cgi> from your webbrowser. You
-should get some error message about not having sent a JSON request.
-Copyright (c) 2008 by Tobias Oetiker. All rights reserverd.
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
-useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
-Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
-02139, USA.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Tobi Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>