path: root/bin/smokeping
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/smokeping')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/smokeping b/bin/smokeping
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fe0575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/smokeping
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# -*-perl-*-
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use FindBin;
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../thirdparty/lib/perl5";
+use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+use Smokeping 2.004002;
+=head1 NAME
+smokeping - Commandline tool for SmokePing
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<smokeping> [ B<--email> | B<--makepod> | B<--version> | B<--restart> ]
+ Options:
+ --man[=x] Show the manpage for the program (or for probe x, if specified)
+ --help Help :-)
+ --email Send SmokePing Agents to all Targets marked DYNAMIC
+ --config=x Use a config file different from the default
+ --check Just check the config file syntax, don't start the daemon
+ --makepod[=x] Create POD documentation on Config file (or for probe x, if specified)
+ --version Show SmokePing Version
+ --debug Run Only once and do not Fork
+ --debug-daemon Start the daemon with debugging enabled
+ --restart Restart SmokePing
+ --reload Reload configuration in the running process without interrupting
+ any probes
+ --nodaemon Do no daemonize the process (no fork)
+ --filter=x Only measure entries which pass the filter x
+ --logfile=x Append warnings to logfile x.
+ --static[=x] Generates a static website in directory x. If x is left out,
+ pagedir from the config is used.
+ --nosleep For debugging you may want to run SmokePing without sleep interval
+ --gen-examples Generate the smokeping_examples document and example config files
+ (to be used while building inside the smokeping distribution)
+ With --check : check the syntax of the generated examples.
+ --master-url=s Run smokeping in slave mode. Attach to master for config.
+ --slave-name=s By default the slave will use whatever it thinks its name
+ is, when talking to its master. In some cases you may
+ probably want to override this.
+ --shared-secret=s File containing the shared secret for talking to the server.
+ --cache-dir=s Directory for temporary data storage when running in slave mode.
+ --pid-dir=s Directory for the PID file when running in slave mode.
+ (optional, defaults to --cache-dir)
+The B<smokeping> tool is the commandline part of the SmokePing system. Its
+main function is to run as a daemon and send Pings to all the Targets you
+have specified in the Config file. When you call B<smokeping> without
+arguments it will start as a daemon and do its work.
+If called with an argument, then further functions can be activated, as seen
+in the Synopsis above. The B<--email> function is explained in the
+documentation on the config file.
+The B<--filter> option allows you to run the daemon on a big config file,
+but have the config file filtered and only measure the entries that pass the
+filter. This is useful for remote measurement. Run Smokeping with two
+exclusive filters in two locations and rsync the rrds back to the webserver
+host where you run the cgi. Filters act on the section names in the config
+file. Multiple section names are concatenated with B</> like path names:
+ *** targets ***
+ + A
+ ....
+ + B
+ ...
+ ++ C
+This gives
+ /A
+ /B, /B/C
+If I want to monitor /A my filter would look like this:
+ --filter=/A
+Filters follow regular expression syntax. The are always anchored at the tip of the string.
+by adding a B<!> to the front of the filter string you negate it. Matching entries will be excluded from monitoring.
+Multiple B<--filter> arguments can be used to assemble complex filters:
+ --filter=/A --filter=/B
+would include all the targets
+ --filter=/A --filter=/B --filter=!/B/C
+would include all but /B/C.
+The B<--makepod> does get used internally to produce the
+L<documentation on the SmokePing configuration file|smokeping_config>.
+Please refer to L<the installation document|smokeping_install> for detailed setup instructions.
+=head1 SETUP
+When installing SmokePing, this file has to be adjusted to fit your
+local system. Three paths have to be entered.
+One pointing to your B<rrdtool> installation
+ use lib qw(/usr/pack/rrdtool-1.0.33-to/lib/perl);
+One pointing to the place where you have installed the SmokePing libraries
+ use lib qw(/home/oetiker/public_html/smokeping/lib);
+The third path is the argument to the Smokeping::main command. It points to
+the SmokePing configuration file.
+ use Smokeping;
+ Smokeping::main("/home/oetiker/.smokeping/config");
+Copyright (c) 2002 by Tobias Oetiker. All right reserved.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
+02139, USA.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tobias Oetiker E<lt>tobi@oetiker.chE<gt>