diff options
2 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/ b/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
index e1c6300..287d2a9 100644
--- a/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
+++ b/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ use Log::Any qw($log);
use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN;
+# TODO: Split this class so that the external calls (to expac) are in a
+# dedicated class and this class becomes testable. Also update
+# t/PackagerTools.t accordingly afterwards.
=head1 NAME
App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Pacman - Methods to interact with pacman
diff --git a/t/PackagerTools.t b/t/PackagerTools.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a3459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/PackagerTools.t
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+use strictures 2;
+use Log::Any::Adapter ('TAP');
+use Test::More;
+use Test::MockObject;
+use Test::Differences;
+use Test::Exception;
+use CHI;
+use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools;
+use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache;
+use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN;
+use App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Pacman;
+Integration test that tests PackagerTools->get_filtered_updateable_packages().
+It creates an environment that has 4 faked CPAN distributions:
+* Test::FOO which has version 1.2.0 in the repository and 1.2.3 in CPAN
+* Bar which has version 0.5 in both places and thus NO update
+* foobar-blub which has version 0.9 in the repository and 1.0 in CPAN. It is
+however not maintained by 'test-maintainer' or 'joe' and thus should NOT be
+listed in the output.
+* Diff::Maint which has version 1.1 in the repository and 3.0 in CPAN. It is
+maintained by 'joe'.
+This test verifies as much of the available classes as possible. Currently the
+Pacman class is mocked and NOT verified due to it calling external programs
+(TODO: fix this).
+The 02packages "file" in this test contains some old modules from distributions
+that also contain newer modules. These should be ignored by the CPAN class and
+not influence the result.
+my $details_fetcher = Test::MockObject->new();#
+my $pkgdata = 'File: 02packages.details.txt
+Description: Package names found in directory $CPAN/authors/id/
+Columns: package name, version, path
+Intended-For: Automated fetch routines, namespace documentation.
+Written-By: PAUSE version 1.005
+Line-Count: 219941
+Last-Updated: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 06:54:25 GMT
+A1z::HTML5::Template 0.20 C/CE/CEEJAY/A1z-HTML5-Template-0.20.tar.gz
+a2crd 0.972 J/JV/JV/App-Music-ChordPro-0.972.tar.gz
+A_Third_Package undef C/CL/CLEMBURG/Test-Unit-0.13.tar.gz
+AAA::Demo undef J/JW/JWACH/Apache-FastForward-1.1.tar.gz
+AAA::eBay undef J/JW/JWACH/Apache-FastForward-1.1.tar.gz
+AAAA::Crypt::DH 0.06 B/BI/BINGOS/AAAA-Crypt-DH-0.06.tar.gz
+AAAA::Mail::SpamAssassin 0.002 S/SC/SCHWIGON/AAAA-Mail-SpamAssassin-0.002.tar.gz
+AAC::Pvoice 0.91 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz
+AAC::Pvoice::Bitmap 1.12 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz
+AAC::Pvoice::Dialog 1.01 J/JO/JOUKE/AAC-Pvoice-0.91.tar.gz
+Test::FOO 1.2.3 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-1.2.3.tar.gz
+Test::FOO::Mod 1.2.3 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-1.2.3.tar.gz
+Test::FOO::Old 0.9 T/TE/TEST/Test-FOO-0.9.tar.gz
+Bar 0.5 T/TE/TEST/Bar-0.5.tar.gz
+Foobar::Blub 1.0 T/TE/TEST/foobar-blub-1.0.tar.gz
+Diff::Old 0.5 T/TE/TEST/Diff-Maint-0.5.tar.gz
+Diff::Maint 3.0 T/TE/TEST/Diff-Maint-3.0.tar.gz
+$details_fetcher->set_always('get_packages_data', $pkgdata);
+my $context = {};
+my $config = Test::MockObject->new();
+$config->set_always('get_config', {
+ cpan => {cache_timeout => '1m'},
+ allowed_maintainers => ['test-maintainer', 'joe'],
+my $chi = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory', datastore => {});
+my $cache = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::Cache->new_no_defaults($context, {CHI => $chi});
+my $cpan = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools::CPAN->new_no_defaults($context, {packages_details_fetcher => $details_fetcher, cache => $cache, config => $config});
+# This returns the version in CPAN
+my $pacman = Test::MockObject->new();
+$pacman->set_always('get_perl_distributions', [
+ {dist_name => 'Test::FOO', version => '1.2.3'},
+ {dist_name => 'Bar', version => '0.5'},
+ {dist_name => 'foobar-blub', version => '1.0'},
+ {dist_name => 'Diff::Maint', version => '3.0'},
+ ]);
+# This returns the version in the repository
+$pacman->mock('get_perl_distribution_versions', sub {
+ eq_or_diff($_[1], [qw(Test::FOO Bar foobar-blub Diff::Maint)], 'get_perl_distribution_versions called with expected arguments');
+ return {
+ 'Test::FOO' => '1.2.0',
+ 'Bar' => '0.5',
+ 'foobar-blub' => '0.9',
+ 'Diff::Maint' => '1.0',
+ };
+ });
+$pacman->mock('get_perl_pkgname', sub {
+ return 'perl-test-foo' if $_[1] eq 'Test::FOO';
+ return 'perl-bar' if $_[1] eq 'Bar';
+ return 'perl-foobar-blub' if $_[1] eq 'foobar-blub';
+ return 'perl-diff-maint' if $_[1] eq 'Diff::Maint';
+ fail('Unexpected distribution name');
+ });
+my $archweb = Test::MockObject->new();
+$archweb->mock('get_maintainers', sub {
+ return [{name => 'test-maintainer'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-test-foo';
+ return [{name => 'test-maintainer'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-bar-foo';
+ return [{name => 'somebody'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-foobar-blub';
+ return [{name => 'somebody'}, {name => 'joe'}] if $_[1] eq 'perl-diff-maint';
+ fail('Unexpected distribution name');
+ });
+my $app = App::ArchLinux::PackagerTools->new_no_defaults($context, {cpan => $cpan, pacman => $pacman, archweb => $archweb, config => $config});
+# Actual testing here
+eq_or_diff($app->get_filtered_updateable_packages(), [
+ {
+ cpan_version => '1.2.3',
+ dist_name => 'Test::FOO',
+ maintainers => [
+ {
+ name => 'test-maintainer',
+ },
+ ],
+ pkgname => 'perl-test-foo',
+ repo_version => '1.2.0'
+ },
+ {
+ cpan_version => '3.0',
+ dist_name => 'Diff::Maint',
+ maintainers => [
+ {
+ name => 'somebody',
+ },
+ {
+ name => 'joe',
+ },
+ ],
+ pkgname => 'perl-diff-maint',
+ repo_version => '1.0'
+ },
+], 'Filtered list of updateable packages should include Test::FOO, but NOT foobar-blub');