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1 files changed, 13 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/ b/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
index 50306c9..e549408 100644
--- a/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
+++ b/lib/App/ArchLinux/PackagerTools/
@@ -132,12 +132,21 @@ Set up the internal index of CPAN distributions
method _build_dist_index() {
- # TODO download pacakges list ourselves instead of using cpanplus for it? We may need cpanplus for other features later so keeping it is probably also fine.
$log->debug("Fetching CPAN modules index");
my $out;
- run [qw(curl -s ), ""], '|', ['zcat'], \$out or die $log->error("Failed to fetch and uncompress CPAN module index: $?")."\n";
- #my $packages_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpanplus/02packages.details.txt.gz";
- #open my $out, '-|', 'zcat', $packages_file;
+ my $use_cpanplus_index = 1;
+ # TODO put this in a dedicated module for testing
+ if ($use_cpanplus_index) {
+ # This is mostly for development so we don't go over the network on each run.
+ my $packages_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.cpanplus/02packages.details.txt.gz";
+ run ['zcat', $packages_file], \undef, \$out or die $log->error("Failed to fetch and uncompress CPAN module index: $?")."\n";
+ } else {
+ # TODO cache the details file locally
+ # TODO when we have a cache of this, remove the $use_cpanplus_index part since that is worse than having our own cache
+ # TODO make the cpan mirror configurable
+ run [qw(curl -s ), ""], '|', ['zcat'], \$out or die $log->error("Failed to fetch and uncompress CPAN module index: $?")."\n";
+ }
my %seen;
my $line_number = 0;
$log->debug("Building index...");