path: root/spampd/ChangeLog
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diff --git a/spampd/ChangeLog b/spampd/ChangeLog
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index 39a07e3..0000000
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-SpamPD Change Log
-2.30 (31-Oct-05)
-- Another, hopefully final, fix for the Sys::Syslog issue of % signs in the log
- string. Fixes possible DoS vulnerability. Thanks to Sven Mueller and Florian
- Weimer for the solution.
-- Added new options for adding X-Envelope-From and (optionally) X-Envelope-To
- headers to messages before SA processing. The idea is to help SA process any
- blacklist/whitelist to/from directives on the actual sender/recipients instead
- of the possibly bogus envelope headers. Use --seh or --set-envelope-headers
- to enable setting both headers, or use --sef or --set-envelope-from to enable
- only X-Envelope-From. If added, spampd attempts to remove the X-Envelope-To
- header after SA processing to preserve BCC recipient anonymity, but enabling
- this header may still expose recipient information. See man page for more
- details. This patch was originally submitted by Sven Mueller, was slightly
- modified, and the --sef option was added.
-2.21 (23-Oct-05) (unreleased)
-- fixed SA version check on alphanumeric version strings. Stops the annoying
- Perl warning messages in the mail log. Thanks to Sven Mueller for the fix.
-2.20 (05-Oct-04)
-- added support for SpamAssassin version 3. spampd should now support all
- SA versions (tested with 2.6.3 and 3.0.0).
-- removed --add-sc-header feature. It is now redundant with SA v2.6 ability
- to (almost fully) customize headers, which v3 improves on. If anyone
- really needs this feature, please let me know.
-- added --nodetach option to prevent daemon process backgrounding. Patch
- provided by Urban Petry. Can be useful for win32/cygwin.
-- if --debug is specified, Net::Server log level is increased to 4 (debug)
- to provide some more info in the log (can be useful for diagnosing
- user/permission issues). Thanks to Urban Petry for idea.
-- the message sender (From header) is now included in the log along with message
- ID, recipient, and scoring info. Thanks to Roland Koeckel for the patch.
-2.13 (24-Nov-03)
-- SA debug messages redirected from STDERR (warn) to syslog. Thanks to Roland
- Koeckel for the suggestion.
-2.12 (15-Nov-03)
-- fixed bug related to Sys::Syslog where we needed to escape % signs in
- Message IDs. Thanks to Jeffrey W. Collyer and Yann Grossel for the bug reports.
-- minor performance improvement in SpamPD::Client using buffered write to send
- message data. Thanks to Sam Horrocks for the tip.
-- fixed error condition when an error response ([4|5]xx) was returned after a
- DATA command was sent. Thanks to Rodrigo Ventura for bug reports about this.
-2.11 (15-Jul-03):
-- fix for occasional corrupted message headers which caused blank messages
- (seemed to have only affected certain malformed spam mail).
-- added --logsock option for syslog socket. Defaults to 'unix' except for
- HP-UX and SunOS (Solaris) which I'm told prefer 'inet'.
-2.10 (01-Jul-03):
-- added optional 'X-Spam-Checked-By: {hostname}' header, where {hostname} is,
- theoretically, the name of the machine doing the message scanning. New
- options --add-sc-header and --hostname=name control this behavior.
-2.00 (10-Jun-03):
-- major rewrite of how mail is handled internally. spampd now takes no
- responsibility for the mail at any point, instead acting as a transparent
- proxy between the originating and the destination servers. That is, the
- servers speak to each other through spampd so final mail delivery
- occurs only when the destination server acknowledges receipt of the data.
- Idea based on smtpprox by Bennett Todd (
- Unfortunately this breaks the ability to redirect the mail based on spam
- score, since scoring happens after all recipients have been specified and
- accepted. But, it is much cleaner and safer than the previous method.
-- new architecture doesn't store the mail data in memory any more. Message
- is still written to memory before scanning by SpamAssassin, but messages
- larger than the --maxsize to be scanned won't eat up a bunch of memory.
- From smtpprox documentation by Bennet Todd:
- "it [spampd] stores the body of the message in an unlinked file
- under /tmp, which should be a tmpfs; this prevents the allocation
- overhead associated with large strings (often 2-3x) and ensures that
- space will be returned to the OS as soon as it's not needed."
-- as a bonus feature, LMTP is now supported by virtue of spampd's transparency.
-- added a timeout check around the socket operations as suggested in the
- Net::Server docs. Added new parameter to control this: --childtimeout=n
- where n is number of seconds.
-- added a timeout check around the message processing (spam checking) routines
- to guard against a SpamAssassin hang. Added new parameter to control
- this: --satimeout=n where n is number of seconds. If a timeout (or error)
- occurs while processing, the mail is still passed on unless the new --dose
- (die-on-sa-errors) paramater is given.
-- added --children=n parameter to specify how many child
- servers to spawn and maintain. Default is 5 children (plus
- one parent).
-- now uses Net::Server::PreForkSimple instead of PreFork. (Tried utilizing the
- advanced children pool features of PreFork but either couldn't figure it out
- or they're kinda broken. If anyone has experience here, please let me know.)
-- improved logging including the Message-ID, recipients, 100ths precision
- on spam score, processing time, and file size. Logging format now better
- resembles that of spamd (which hopefully means spamd log analysis tools can be
- made to work with spampd easily).
-- removed dependencies on Net::SMTP, Net::SMTP::Server::Client, and Error
- modules.
-- host/port and relay host/port can both be specified as xx.xx.xx.xx:nn in
- the --host and --relayhost parameters, or as individual parameters (--host,
- --port, --relayhost, --relayport).
-# The next 3 items are ideas/patches by
-# Kurt Andersen,
-# Agilent Technologies Postmaster
-# Global Messaging Team, Agilent Technologies
-- added optional support for Time::HiRes for more accurate processing time
- reporting in the log (automatically loaded if Time::HiRes is available).
-- added optional logging of which SA rules matched a message. New option is
- --log-rules-hit or --rh for short.
-- Added auto HPUX OS detection for syslog loggging
- "(for some reason HPUX chokes on using the 'unix' socket type)."
-# Thanks Kurt!
-- added much more verbose spampd logging when using the --debug option.
-- 3 parameters are now deprecated but accepted for backwards compatability:
- --dead-letters, --heloname, and --stop-at-threshold
-- added shorthand choice for some options:
- --aw for --auto-whitelist; --L for --local-only; --a for --tagall
- --u for --user; --g for --group; --p for --pid
- --d for --debug; --h for --help;
-- documentation updates
-- licensing change due to use of Bennet Todd's code (to GNU GPL from Perl
- Artistic).
-1.0.2 (13-Apr-03):
-- added 'local-only' parameter to pass on to SA which turns off all
- network-based tests (DNS, Razor, etc).
-1.0.1 (3-Feb-03):
-- fixed minor but substantial bug preventing child processes
- from exiting properly since the counter wasn't being incremented (d'oh!).
- Thanks to Mark Blackman for pointing this out.
-- fixed typo in pod docs (Thx to James Sizemore for pointing out)
-Changes to assassind (1.0.0 initial release of spampd - May 2002):
-A different message rewriting method (using
- Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit instead of Dave Carrigan's
- custom headers and Mail::Audit);
-Adding more options for message handling, network/protocol options,
- some options to pass on to SpamAssassin (such as whitelist usage);
-More orientation to being used as a content filter for the
- Postfix MTA, mostly by changing some default values;
-Documentation changes;
-## EOF ## \ No newline at end of file