path: root/
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2012-06-14 15:20:25 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2012-06-14 15:20:25 +0200
commit5afaf12a999b1c0c153c8e3620321a23b5506674 (patch)
tree8fdff20ebc0da6aba1e1124464908962c7624d6d /
parent8d4c36cccdedc9889b071bf5ec46980afb4a6dfd (diff)
add some new files; misc changes
Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f0ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use threads;
+package BRscan::Config;
+our $port = 54925;
+our $printer = "";
+our $myip = "";
+our $debug = 1;
+our $work_dir = "/mnt/levant/nfs/tmp";
+package BRscan::Listener;
+use IO::Socket;
+use feature qw/switch/;
+#use Data::Dumper;
+sub run {
+ my $max_len = 2048;
+ our $debug = $BRscan::Config::debug;
+ my $msg;
+ my @processed;
+ my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalPort => $BRscan::Config::port, Proto => 'udp') or die "socket: $@";
+ while ($sock->recv($msg, $max_len)) {
+ my $cport = $sock->peerport();
+ my $chost = $sock->peerhost();
+ print STDERR "Client $chost:$cport said: $msg\n" if $debug;
+ # discard first 4 bytes, probably not relevant
+ # TODO: what do they mean?
+ $msg = substr($msg, 4);
+ my %fields;
+ for my $field (split(/;/, $msg)) {
+ my ($key, $value) = split(/=/, $field);
+ next unless defined($key) and defined($value);
+ print STDERR "key: \"$key\"; value: \"$value\"\n" if $debug;
+ $fields{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ # BR likely stands for "brother". use this to determine if it's really a request from a brother device
+ next unless $fields{TYPE} eq "BR";
+ # ignore multiple requests
+ # TODO: clean up old ids
+ my $id = $fields{REGID}."-".$fields{SEQ};
+ if ($id ~~ @processed) {
+ print STDERR "already processed $id. skipping...\n" if $debug;
+ next;
+ }
+ # we only handle the scan button
+ next unless $fields{BUTTON} eq "SCAN";
+ print STDERR "got $fields{FUNC} scan request\n" if $debug;
+ # possible values: FILE, IMAGE, OCR, EMAIL
+ given ($fields{FUNC}) {
+ when (/IMAGE/) {
+ system("scan-multi");
+ }
+ when (/FILE/) {
+ system("scan-multi --pdf");
+ }
+ }
+ push @processed, $id;
+ print STDERR "finished processing $id\n";
+ }
+package BRscan::RegWatcher;
+use Net::SNMP;
+sub run {
+ our $debug = $BRscan::Config::debug;
+ my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
+ -community => "internal",
+ -version => 1,
+ -hostname => $BRscan::Config::printer,
+ );
+ if (!defined $session) {
+ printf STDERR "ERROR: %s.\n", $error;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ # unhandled are commented out
+ my @apps = (
+ {appnum => 1, func => "IMAGE"},
+ #{appnum => 2, func => "EMAIL"},
+ #{appnum => 3, func => "OCR"},
+ {appnum => 5, func => "FILE"},
+ );
+ my @varbindlist;
+ for my $app (@apps) {
+ push @varbindlist, "";
+ push @varbindlist, OCTET_STRING;
+ push @varbindlist, "TYPE=BR;BUTTON=SCAN;USER=".$ENV{USER}.";FUNC=".$app->{"func"}.";HOST=".$BRscan::Config::myip.":".$BRscan::Config::port.";APPNUM=".$app->{"appnum"}.";DURATION=360;BRID=;";
+ }
+ @apps = undef;
+ while (1) {
+ print STDERR "sending snmp set_request\n" if $debug;
+ my $result = $session->set_request(-varbindlist => \@varbindlist);
+ if (!defined $result) {
+ printf "ERROR in set_request: %s.\n", $session->error();
+ }
+ sleep 60;
+ }
+package main;
+our $debug = $BRscan::Config::debug;
+# wait for everyone before exiting
+foreach my $thr (threads->list) {
+ if ($thr->tid && !threads::equal($thr, threads->self)) {
+ print "waiting for thread ".$thr->tid()." to finish\n" if $debug;
+ $thr->join;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+ - Deamon for brother scanner key
+This daemon registers itself with a brother scanner and accepts incoming scanning requests.