path: root/
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2014-09-13 00:07:55 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2014-09-13 00:07:55 +0200
commit8450e9ac59dfb678ae3fc2adca5bb837804710f3 (patch)
tree655b5c145aeb9f30e7e8ea8b019b38474176c994 /
parente59d9c40e64cb5e6fb4fcfd6401583c03bbd99be (diff)
add some new scripts
Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 174 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976c407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+my $USAGE = "#
+# Usage: $0 [ -v verbosity ] [ -f ] \
+ [ -R rranum:rows[;rranum:rows]* | -P pdp:rows[;pdp:rows]* ] RRDs(s)
+# Where:
+# -v verbosity Specify the verbosity level (default = 10)
+# -f Fake (dry) run (assumed if -R not specified)
+# -R X:Y[;X:Y]* Resize rra X to have Y rows
+# -M X:Y[;X:Y]* Remap every RRA with X pdps to Y rows
+# File(s)
+# These are RRD files that need to be 're-shaped'
+# If neither -M nor -P is specified, then info about the RRD
+# will be printed
+# If both -M and -R are specified, then -R takes precedence
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RRDs;
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
+my $rrdtool = $ENV{'RRDTOOL'} || 'rrdtool';
+my %opt;
+getopts('fP:R:v:', \%opt) || die $USAGE;
+my $verbosity = $opt{'v'} || 10;
+my $rrastr = $opt{'R'};
+my $pdpstr = $opt{'P'};
+my $dryrun = (defined $opt{'f'}) ||
+ ((!defined $rrastr) && (!defined $pdpstr)) ? 1 : 0;
+my $dumpinfo = ($verbosity >= 20) ||
+ (!defined $pdpstr && !defined $rrastr) ? 1 : 0;
+my %rramap;
+if (defined $rrastr) {
+ my @rows = split(/\s*;\s*/, $rrastr);
+ foreach my $redo (@rows) {
+ my @info = split(/\s*:\s*/, $redo);
+ if ($#info != 1) {
+ die "Bad rra resize specification ($redo) in -R $rrastr! Died";
+ }
+ elsif ($info[1] < 1) {
+ die "Invalid rra row count ($info[1]) in -R $rrastr! Died";
+ }
+ elsif ($info[0] !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ die "Invalid rra number ($info[0]) in -R $rrastr! Died";
+ }
+ else {
+ $rramap{$info[0]} = int($info[1]);
+ }
+ }
+my %pdpmap;
+if (defined $pdpstr) {
+ my @rows = split(/\s*;\s*/, $pdpstr);
+ foreach my $redo (@rows) {
+ my @info = split(/\s*:\s*/, $redo);
+ if ($#info != 1) {
+ die "Bad rra resize specification ($redo) in -P $pdpstr! Died";
+ }
+ elsif ($info[1] < 1) {
+ die "Invalid rra pdp count ($info[1]) in -P $pdpstr! Died";
+ }
+ elsif ($info[0] !~ /^\d+$/) {
+ die "Invalid rra number ($info[0]) in -P $pdpstr! Died";
+ }
+ else {
+ $pdpmap{$info[0]} = int($info[1]);
+ }
+ }
+my @rrds = @ARGV;
+my $start = time;
+my $numfiles = 0;
+for my $rrd (sort @rrds) {
+ print "\nProcessing $rrd\n";
+ my $info = RRDs::info $rrd;
+ # Check to ensure we actually have a valid rrd file
+ if ($info->{filename}) {
+ printf "DEBUG: RRD %s info: %s\n",
+ $rrd, join("\n", sort split(/\n/, Dumper($info)))
+ if ($dumpinfo);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "$rrd isn't a valid rrd log, skipping\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $numfiles++;
+ my @rras = sort map { substr($_, 4, index($_, ']', 4)-4) }
+ grep { /rra\[\d+\].pdp_per_row/ } keys %{$info};
+ ## Debug:
+ # printf "Found:\n %s\n", join("\n ",
+ # grep { /rra\[\d+\].pdp_per_row/ } keys %{$info});
+ # printf "RRAs: %s\n", join(" ", @rras);
+ foreach my $rra (sort { $a <=> $b } @rras) {
+ my $cmd = qq|$rrdtool resize $rrd |;
+ my $rows = $info->{"rra[$rra].rows"};
+ my $cf = $info->{"rra[$rra].cf"};
+ my $pdp = $info->{"rra[$rra].pdp_per_row"};
+ printf "\tDS %s => PDP per row:%.f Rows:%.f CF:%s\n",
+ $rra, $pdp, $rows, $cf;
+ my $wanted = (defined $rramap{$rra}) ? $rramap{$rra} :
+ (defined $pdpmap{$pdp}) ? $pdpmap{$pdp} : -1;
+ if ($wanted <= 0)
+ {
+ printf "DEBUG: Skipping RRA %s (no map found)\n", $rra
+ if ($verbosity >= 15);
+ next;
+ }
+ my $diff = $rows - $wanted;
+ if ($diff < 0) {
+ $diff = abs($diff);
+ $cmd .= qq|$rra GROW $diff|;
+ }
+ elsif ($diff > 0) {
+ $cmd .= qq|$rra SHRINK $diff|;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "\tNo change to DS $rra\n\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ print "\tResizing to $wanted rows, executing $cmd\n";
+ if (!$dryrun) {
+ system($cmd) == 0 or die "\tCould not execute $cmd: $!";
+ print "\tRenaming resized file\n";
+ # We jump through a number of hoops because the RRD may not
+ # be in the current directory (but the created "resize.rrd"
+ # IS in the current directory!)
+ unlink $rrd.'.bk';
+ # Do this in case one of the steps below fails
+ rename $rrd, $rrd.'.bk' ||
+ die "\tUnable to move the old $rrd way! Stopping";
+ if (!link('resize.rrd', $rrd)) {
+ print "\tNOTICE: link(resize.rrd, $rrd) failed.".
+ " Trying 'mv' instead!\n";
+ if (system("mv resize.rrd $rrd")) {
+ # Try to put the original RRD back
+ rename $rrd.'.bk', $rrd;
+ die "\tFailed to link/move resize.rrd to $rrd! Died";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink 'resize.rrd';
+ unlink $rrd.'.bk';
+ }
+ print "\tDone.\n";
+ }
+ }
+my $end = time;
+my $dur = sprintf('%.2f', $end - $start);
+print "Finished, processed $numfiles files in $dur seconds\n\n";