path: root/smtp-cli
diff options
authorFlorian Pritz <>2013-05-11 13:27:07 +0200
committerFlorian Pritz <>2013-05-11 13:27:07 +0200
commit60cb01f9a81c311f914aed4a23e8e5b35e965918 (patch)
tree8b9109a8f1bcf37506755e0e77b83b0a026cda57 /smtp-cli
parenta9ba01279e6f3c64b082f4de6e7d95cd1b5f7dab (diff)
soem more cleanup
Signed-off-by: Florian Pritz <>
Diffstat (limited to 'smtp-cli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 814 deletions
diff --git a/smtp-cli b/smtp-cli
deleted file mode 100755
index b732219..0000000
--- a/smtp-cli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-# Command line SMTP client with STARTTLS, SMTP-AUTH and IPv6 support.
-# Michal Ludvig <>, 2003-2009
-# See for details.
-# Thanks to all contributors for ideas and fixes!
-my $version = "2.6";
-# ChangeLog:
-# * Version 2.6 (2009-08-05)
-# - Message building fixed for plaintext+attachment case.
-# - Auto-enable AUTH as soon as --user parameter is used.
-# (previously --enable-auth or --auth-plain had to be used
-# together with --user, that was confusing).
-# - New --print-only parameter for displaying the composed
-# MIME message without sending.
-# - All(?) non-standard modules are now optional.
-# - Displays local and remote address on successfull connect.
-# * Version 2.5 (2009-07-21)
-# - IPv6 support provided the required modules are
-# available.
-# * Version 2.1 (2008-12-08)
-# - Make the MIME modules optional. Simply disable
-# the required functionality if they're not available.
-# * Version 2.0 (2008-11-18)
-# - Support for message building through MIME::Lite,
-# including attachments, multipart, etc.
-# * Version 1.1 (2006-08-26)
-# - STARTTLS and AUTH support
-# * Version 1.0
-# - First public version
-# This program is licensed under GNU Public License v3 (GPLv3)
-## Require Perl 5.8 or higher -> we need open(.., .., \$variable) construct
-require 5.008;
-use strict;
-use IO::Socket::INET;
-use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Socket qw(:DEFAULT :crlf);
-my ($user, $pass, $host, $port, $addr_family,
- $use_login, $use_plain, $use_cram_md5,
- $ehlo_ok, $auth_ok, $starttls_ok, $verbose,
- $hello_host, $from, @to, $datasrc,
- $missing_modules_ok, $missing_modules_count,
- $subject, $body_plain, $body_html, $print_only,
- @attachments, @attachments_inline,
- $sock, $built_message);
-$host = 'localhost';
-$port = 'smtp(25)';
-$addr_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-$hello_host = 'localhost';
-$verbose = 0;
-$use_login = 0;
-$use_plain = 0;
-$use_cram_md5 = 0;
-$starttls_ok = 1;
-$auth_ok = 0;
-$ehlo_ok = 1;
-$missing_modules_ok = 0;
-$missing_modules_count = 0;
-$print_only = 0;
-# Get command line options.
-GetOptions (
- 'host|server=s' => \$host,
- 'port=i' => \$port,
- '4|ipv4' => sub { $addr_family = AF_INET; },
- '6|ipv6' => sub { $addr_family = AF_INET6; },
- 'user=s' => \$user, 'password=s' => \$pass,
- 'auth-login' => \$use_login,
- 'auth-plain' => \$use_plain,
- 'auth-cram-md5' => \$use_cram_md5,
- 'disable-ehlo' => sub { $ehlo_ok = 0; },
- 'force-ehlo' => sub { $ehlo_ok = 2; },
- 'hello-host|ehlo-host|helo-host=s' => \$hello_host,
- 'auth|enable-auth' => \$auth_ok,
- 'disable-starttls|disable-tls|disable-ssl' =>
- sub { $starttls_ok = 0; },
- 'from|mail-from=s' => \$from,
- 'to|rcpt-to=s' => \@to,
- 'data=s' => \$datasrc,
- 'subject=s' => \$subject,
- 'body|body-plain=s' => \$body_plain,
- 'body-html=s' => \$body_html,
- 'attachment|attach=s' => \@attachments,
- 'attachment-inline|attach-inline=s' => \@attachments_inline,
- 'print-only' => \$print_only,
- 'missing-modules-ok' => \$missing_modules_ok,
- 'v|verbose+' => \$verbose,
- 'version' => sub { &version() },
- 'help' => sub { &usage() } );
-#### Try to load optional modules
-## IO::Socket::SSL and Net::SSLeay are optional
-my $have_ssl = eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; require Net::SSLeay; 1; };
-if (not $have_ssl and not $missing_modules_ok) {
- warn("!!! IO::Socket::SSL and/or Net::SSLeay modules are not found\n");
- warn("!!! These modules are required for STARTTLS support\n");
- $missing_modules_count += 2;
-## IO::Socket::INET6 and Socket6 are optional
-my $socket6 = eval { require IO::Socket::INET6; require Socket6; 1; };
-if (not $socket6) {
- if ($addr_family == AF_INET6) {
- die("!!! IO::Socket::INET6 and Socket6 modules are not found\nIPv6 support is not available\n");
- }
- if (not $missing_modules_ok) {
- warn("!!! IO::Socket::INET6 -- optional module not found\n");
- warn("!!! Socket6 -- optional module not found\n");
- warn("!!! These modules are required for IPv6 support\n\n");
- $missing_modules_count += 2;
- }
-## MIME::Lite dependency is optional
-my $mime_lite = eval { require MIME::Lite; 1; };
-if (not $mime_lite and not $missing_modules_ok) {
- warn("!!! MIME::Lite -- optional module not found\n");
- warn("!!! Used for composing messages from --subject, --body, --attachment, etc.\n\n");
- $missing_modules_count++;
-## File::Type dependency is optional
-my $file_type = eval { require File::Type; File::Type->new(); };
-if (not $file_type and not $missing_modules_ok) {
- warn("!!! File::Type -- optional module not found\n");
- warn("!!! Used for guessing MIME types of attachments\n\n");
- $missing_modules_count++;
-## Term::ReadKey dependency is optional
-my $have_term_readkey = eval { require Term::ReadKey; 1; };
-if (not $have_term_readkey and not $missing_modules_ok) {
- warn("!!! Term::ReadKey -- optional module not found\n");
- warn("!!! Used for hidden reading SMTP password from the terminal\n\n");
- $missing_modules_count++;
-my $have_hmac_md5 = eval { require Digest::HMAC_MD5; 1; };
-if (not $have_hmac_md5 and not $missing_modules_ok) {
- if ($use_cram_md5) {
- die("!!! CRAM-MD5 authentication is not available because Digest::HMAC_MD5 module is missing\n");
- }
- warn("!!! Digest::HMAC_MD5 -- optional module missing\n");
- warn("!!! Used for CRAM-MD5 authentication method\n");
- $missing_modules_count++;
-## Advise about --missing-modules-ok parameter
-if ($missing_modules_count) {
- warn("!!! Use --missing-modules-ok if you don't need the above listed modules\n");
- warn("!!! and don't want to see this message again.\n\n");
-## Accept hostname with port number as host:port
-if ($host =~ /^(.*):(.*)$/)
- $host = $1;
- $port = $2;
-# Build the MIME message if required
-if (defined($subject) or defined($body_plain) or defined($body_html) or
- defined(@attachments) or defined(@attachments_inline)) {
- if (not $mime_lite) {
- die("Module MIME::Lite is not available. Unable to build the message, sorry.\n".
- "Use --data and provide a complete email payload including headers instead.\n");
- }
- if (defined($datasrc)) {
- die("Requested building a message and at the same time used --data parameter.\n".
- "That's not possible, sorry.\n");
- }
- if (defined($body_plain) and -f $body_plain) {
- local $/=undef;
- open(FILE, $body_plain);
- $body_plain = <FILE>;
- close(FILE);
- }
- if (defined($body_html) and -f $body_html) {
- local $/=undef;
- open(FILE, $body_html);
- $body_html = <FILE>;
- close(FILE);
- }
- my $message = &build_message();
- open(BUILT_MESSAGE, "+>", \$built_message);
- $datasrc = "///built_message";
- if ($print_only) {
- $message->print();
- exit(0);
- } else {
- $message->print(\*BUILT_MESSAGE);
- }
- seek(BUILT_MESSAGE, 0, 0);
-# Username was given -> enable AUTH
-if ($user)
- { $auth_ok = 1; }
-# If at least one --auth-* option was given, enable AUTH.
-if ($use_login + $use_plain + $use_cram_md5 > 0)
- { $auth_ok = 1; }
-# If --enable-auth was given, enable all AUTH methods.
-elsif ($auth_ok && ($use_login + $use_plain + $use_cram_md5 == 0))
- $use_login = 1;
- $use_plain = 1;
- $use_cram_md5 = 1 if ($have_hmac_md5);
-# Exit if user haven't specified username for AUTH.
-if ($auth_ok && !defined ($user))
- { die ("SMTP AUTH support requested without --user\n"); }
-# Ask for password if it wasn't supplied on the command line.
-if ($auth_ok && defined ($user) && !defined ($pass))
- if ($have_term_readkey) {
- # Set echo off.
- Term::ReadKey::ReadMode (2);
- } else {
- warn ("Module Term::ReadKey not available - password WILL NOT be hidden!!!\n");
- }
- printf ("Enter password for %s@%s : ", $user, $host);
- $pass = <>;
- if ($have_term_readkey) {
- # Restore echo.
- Term::ReadKey::ReadMode (0);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- exit if (! defined ($pass));
- chop ($pass);
-# Connect to the SMTP server.
-my %connect_args = (
- PeerAddr => $host,
- PeerPort => $port,
- Proto => 'tcp',
- Timeout => 5);
-if ($socket6) {
- $connect_args{'Domain'} = $addr_family;
- $sock = IO::Socket::INET6->new(%connect_args) or die ("Connect failed: $@\n");
-} else {
- $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(%connect_args) or die ("Connect failed: $@\n");
-if ($verbose >= 1) {
- my $addr_fmt = "%s";
- $addr_fmt = "[%s]" if ($sock->sockhost() =~ /:/); ## IPv6 connection
- printf ("Connection from $addr_fmt:%s to $addr_fmt:%s\n",
- $sock->sockhost(), $sock->sockport(),
- $sock->peerhost(), $sock->peerport());
-my ($code, $text);
-my (%features);
-# Wait for the welcome message of the server.
-($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
-die ("Unknown welcome string: '$code $text'\n") if ($code != 220);
-$ehlo_ok-- if ($text !~ /ESMTP/);
-# Send EHLO
-&say_hello ($sock, $ehlo_ok, $hello_host, \%features) or exit (1);
-# Run the SMTP session
-&run_smtp ();
-# Good bye...
-&send_line ($sock, "QUIT\n");
-($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
-die ("Unknown QUIT response '$code'.\n") if ($code != 221);
-exit 0;
-# This is the main SMTP "engine".
-sub run_smtp
- # See if we could start encryption
- if ((defined ($features{'STARTTLS'}) || defined ($features{'TLS'})) && $starttls_ok && !$have_ssl)
- {
- warn ("Module IO::Socket::SSL is missing - STARTTLS support disabled.\n");
- warn ("Use --disable-starttls or install the modules to avoid this warning.\n");
- undef ($features{'STARTTLS'});
- undef ($features{'TLS'});
- }
- if ((defined ($features{'STARTTLS'}) || defined ($features{'TLS'})) && $starttls_ok)
- {
- printf ("Starting TLS...\n") if ($verbose >= 1);
- # Do Net::SSLeay initialization
- Net::SSLeay::load_error_strings();
- Net::SSLeay::SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms();
- Net::SSLeay::randomize();
- &send_line ($sock, "STARTTLS\n");
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- die ("Unknown STARTTLS response '$code'.\n") if ($code != 220);
- if (! IO::Socket::SSL::socket_to_SSL($sock,
- SSL_version => 'SSLv3 TLSv1'))
- {
- die ("STARTTLS: ".IO::Socket::SSL::errstr()."\n");
- }
- if ($verbose >= 1)
- {
- printf ("Using cipher: %s\n", $sock->get_cipher ());
- printf ("%s", $sock->dump_peer_certificate());
- }
- # Send EHLO again (required by the SMTP standard).
- &say_hello ($sock, $ehlo_ok, $hello_host, \%features) or return 0;
- }
- # See if we should authenticate ourself
- if (defined ($features{'AUTH'}) && $auth_ok)
- {
- printf ("AUTH method (%s): ", $features{'AUTH'}) if ($verbose >= 1);
- ## Try DIGEST-MD5 first
- # Actually we won't. It never worked reliably here.
- # After all DIGEST-MD5 is on a way to deprecation
- # see this thread:
- # Instead use CRAM-MD5 if supported by the server
- if ($features{'AUTH'} =~ /CRAM-MD5/i && $use_cram_md5)
- {
- printf ("using CRAM-MD5\n") if ($verbose >= 1);
- &send_line ($sock, "AUTH CRAM-MD5\n");
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 334)
- { die ("AUTH CRAM-MD5 failed: $code $text\n"); }
- my $response = &encode_cram_md5 ($text, $user, $pass);
- &send_line ($sock, "%s\n", $response);
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 235)
- { die ("AUTH CRAM-MD5 failed: $code $text\n"); }
- }
- # Eventually try LOGIN method
- elsif ($features{'AUTH'} =~ /LOGIN/i && $use_login)
- {
- printf ("using LOGIN\n") if ($verbose >= 1);
- &send_line ($sock, "AUTH LOGIN\n");
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 334)
- { die ("AUTH LOGIN failed: $code $text\n"); }
- &send_line ($sock, "%s\n", encode_base64 ($user, ""));
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 334)
- { die ("AUTH LOGIN failed: $code $text\n"); }
- &send_line ($sock, "%s\n", encode_base64 ($pass, ""));
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 235)
- { die ("AUTH LOGIN failed: $code $text\n"); }
- }
- # Or finally PLAIN if nothing else was supported.
- elsif ($features{'AUTH'} =~ /PLAIN/i && $use_plain)
- {
- printf ("using PLAIN\n") if ($verbose >= 1);
- &send_line ($sock, "AUTH PLAIN %s\n",
- encode_base64 ("$user\0$user\0$pass", ""));
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 235)
- { die ("AUTH PLAIN failed: $code $text\n"); }
- }
- # Complain otherwise.
- else
- {
- warn ("No supported authentication method\n".
- "advertised by the server.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- printf ("Authentication of $user\@$host succeeded\n") if ($verbose >= 1);
- }
- # We can do a relay-test now if a recipient was set.
- if ($#to >= 0)
- {
- if (!defined ($from))
- {
- warn ("From: address not set. Using empty one.\n");
- $from = "";
- }
- &send_line ($sock, "MAIL FROM: <%s>\n", $from);
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 250)
- {
- warn ("MAIL FROM failed: '$code $text'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- my $i;
- for ($i=0; $i <= $#to; $i++)
- {
- &send_line ($sock, "RCPT TO: <%s>\n", $to[$i]);
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 250)
- {
- warn ("RCPT TO <".$to[$i]."> ".
- "failed: '$code $text'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- # Wow, we should even send something!
- if (defined ($datasrc))
- {
- if ($datasrc eq "///built_message")
- {
- }
- elsif ($datasrc eq "-")
- {
- }
- elsif (!open (MAIL, $datasrc))
- {
- warn ("Can't open file '$datasrc'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- &send_line ($sock, "DATA\n");
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 354)
- {
- warn ("DATA failed: '$code $text'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- while (<MAIL>)
- {
- my $line = $_;
- $line =~ s/^\.$CRLF$/\. $CRLF/;
- $line =~ s/^\.\n$/\. $CRLF/;
- $sock->print ($line);
- }
- close (MAIL);
- $sock->printf ("$CRLF.$CRLF");
- ($code, $text) = &get_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 250)
- {
- warn ("DATA not send: '$code $text'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- # Perfect. Everything succeeded!
- return 1;
-# Get one line of response from the server.
-sub get_one_line ($)
- my $sock = shift;
- my ($code, $sep, $text) = ($sock->getline() =~ /(\d+)(.)([^\r]*)/);
- my $more;
- $more = ($sep eq "-");
- if ($verbose)
- { printf ("[%d] '%s'\n", $code, $text); }
- return ($code, $text, $more);
-# Get concatenated lines of response from the server.
-sub get_line ($)
- my $sock = shift;
- my ($code, $text, $more) = &get_one_line ($sock);
- while ($more) {
- my ($code2, $line);
- ($code2, $line, $more) = &get_one_line ($sock);
- $text .= " $line";
- die ("Error code changed from $code to $code2. That's illegal.\n") if ($code ne $code2);
- }
- return ($code, $text);
-# Send one line back to the server
-sub send_line ($@)
- my $socket = shift;
- my @args = @_;
- if ($verbose)
- { printf ("> "); printf (@args); }
- $args[0] =~ s/\n/$CRLF/g;
- $socket->printf (@args);
-# Helper function to encode CRAM-MD5 challenge
-sub encode_cram_md5 ($$$)
- my ($ticket64, $username, $password) = @_;
- my $ticket = decode_base64($ticket64) or
- die ("Unable to decode Base64 encoded string '$ticket64'\n");
- print "Decoded CRAM-MD5 challenge: $ticket\n" if ($verbose > 1);
- my $password_md5 = Digest::HMAC_MD5::hmac_md5_hex($ticket, $password);
- return encode_base64 ("$username $password_md5", "");
-# Store all server's ESMTP features to a hash.
-sub say_hello ($$$$)
- my ($sock, $ehlo_ok, $hello_host, $featref) = @_;
- my ($feat, $param);
- my $hello_cmd = $ehlo_ok > 0 ? "EHLO" : "HELO";
- &send_line ($sock, "$hello_cmd $hello_host\n");
- my ($code, $text, $more) = &get_one_line ($sock);
- if ($code != 250)
- {
- warn ("$hello_cmd failed: '$code $text'\n");
- return 0;
- }
- # Empty the hash
- %{$featref} = ();
- ($feat, $param) = ($text =~ /^(\w+)[= ]*(.*)$/);
- $featref->{$feat} = $param;
- # Load all features presented by the server into the hash
- while ($more == 1)
- {
- ($code, $text, $more) = &get_one_line ($sock);
- ($feat, $param) = ($text =~ /^(\w+)[= ]*(.*)$/);
- $featref->{$feat} = $param;
- }
- return 1;
-sub guess_mime_type($)
- my $filename = shift;
- if (defined($file_type)) {
- ## Use File::Type if possible
- return $file_type->mime_type($filename);
- } else {
- ## Module File::Type is not available
- ## Still recognise some common extensions
- return "image/jpeg" if ($filename =~ /\.jpe?g/i);
- return "image/gif" if ($filename =~ /\.gif/i);
- return "image/png" if ($filename =~ /\.png/i);
- return "text/plain" if ($filename =~ /\.txt/i);
- return "application/zip" if ($filename =~ /\.zip/i);
- return "application/x-gzip" if ($filename =~ /\.t?gz/i);
- return "application/x-bzip" if ($filename =~ /\.t?bz2?/i);
- }
- return "application/octet-stream";
-sub basename($)
- my $path = shift;
- my @parts = split(/\//, $path);
- return $parts[$#parts];
-sub prepare_attachment($)
- my $attachment = shift;
- my ($path, $mime_type);
- if (-f $attachment) {
- $path = $attachment;
- $mime_type = guess_mime_type($attachment);
- } elsif ($attachment =~ /(.*)@([^@]*)$/ and -f $1) {
- $path = $1;
- $mime_type = $2;
- }
- return ($path, $mime_type);
-sub attach_attachments($@)
- my $message = shift;
- my @attachments = @_;
- foreach my $attachment (@attachments) {
- my ($path, $mime_type) = prepare_attachment($attachment);
- if (not defined($path)) {
- warn("$attachment: File not found. Ignoring.\n");
- next;
- }
- $message->attach(
- Type => $mime_type,
- Path => $path,
- Id => basename($path),
- );
- }
-sub safe_attach($$)
- my ($message, $part) = @_;
- ## Remove some headers when $part is becoming a subpart of $message
- $part->delete("Date");
- $part->delete("X-Mailer");
- $part->attr("MIME-Version" => undef);
- $message->attach($part);
- return $message;
-sub mime_message($$)
- my ($type, $data) = @_;
- ## MIME::Lite doesn't allow setting Type and Data once the
- ## object is created. Well, maybe it does but I don't know how.
- my $message = MIME::Lite->new(
- Type => $type,
- Data => $data);
- return $message;
-sub build_message
- my ($part_plain, $part_html, $part_body, $message);
- if (defined(@attachments_inline)) {
- if (not defined($body_html)) {
- die("Inline attachments (--attach-inline) must be used with --body-html\n");
- }
- $part_html = MIME::Lite->new(Type => 'multipart/related');
- $part_html->attach(Type => 'text/html', Data => $body_html);
- attach_attachments($part_html, @attachments_inline);
- $message = $part_html;
- # undefine $body_html to prevent confusion in the next if()
- undef($body_html);
- }
- if (defined($body_html)) {
- $part_html = MIME::Lite->new(Type => 'text/html', Data => $body_html);
- $message = $part_html;
- }
- if (defined($body_plain)) {
- $part_plain = MIME::Lite->new(Type => "TEXT", Data => $body_plain);
- $message = $part_plain;
- }
- if (defined($part_plain) and defined($part_html)) {
- $part_body = mime_message("multipart/alternative", undef);
- safe_attach($part_body, $part_plain);
- safe_attach($part_body, $part_html);
- $message = $part_body;
- }
- if (defined(@attachments)) {
- if (defined($message)) {
- # We already have some plaintext and/or html content built
- # => make it the first part of multipart/mixed
- my $message_body = $message;
- $message = mime_message("multipart/mixed", undef);
- safe_attach($message, $message_body);
- attach_attachments($message, @attachments);
- } elsif ($#attachments == 0) {
- # Only one single attachment - let it be the body
- my ($path, $mime_type) = prepare_attachment($attachments[0]);
- if (not defined($path)) {
- die($attachments[0].": File not found. No other message parts defined. Aborting.\n");
- }
- $message = MIME::Lite->new(
- Type => $mime_type,
- Path => $path);
- } else {
- # Message consisting only of attachments
- $message = mime_message("multipart/mixed", undef);
- attach_attachments($message, @attachments);
- }
- }
- # Last resort - empty plaintext message
- if (!defined($message)) {
- $message = mime_message("TEXT", "");
- }
- $message->replace("From" => $from);
- $message->replace("To" => join(", ", @to));
- $message->replace("Subject" => $subject);
- $message->replace("X-Mailer" => "smtp-cli $version, see");
- $message->replace("Message-ID" => time()."-".int(rand(999999))."\@smtp-cli");
- return $message;
-sub version ()
- print "smtp-cli version $version\n";
- exit (0);
-sub usage ()
- printf (
-"Simple SMTP client written in Perl that supports advanced
-features like STARTTLS and SMTP-AUTH and IPv6. It can also
-create messages from components (files, text snippets) and
-attach files.
-Version: smtp-cli v$version
-Author: Michal Ludvig <michal\> (c) 2003-2009
-Usage: smtp-cli [--options]
- --host=<hostname> Host name or address of the SMTP server.
- (default: localhost)
- --port=<number> Port where the SMTP server is listening.
- (default: 25)
- -4 or --ipv4 Use standard IP (IPv4) protocol.
- -6 or --ipv6 Use IPv6 protocol. For hosts that have
- both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses the IPv6
- connection is tried first.
- --hello-host=<string> String to use in the EHLO/HELO command.
- --disable-ehlo Don't use ESMTP EHLO command, only HELO.
- --force-ehlo Use EHLO even if server doesn't say ESMTP.
- Transport encryption (TLS)
- --disable-starttls Don't use encryption even if the remote
- host offers it.
- Authentication options (AUTH)
- --user=<username> Username for SMTP authentication.
- --pass=<password> Corresponding password.
- --auth-login Enable only AUTH LOGIN method.
- --auth-plain Enable only AUTH PLAIN method.
- --auth-cram-md5 Enable only AUTH CRAM-MD5 method.
- --auth Enable all supported methods. This is
- normally not needed, --user enables
- everything as well.
- Sender / recipient
- --from=<address> Address to use in MAIL FROM command.
- --to=<address> Address to use in RCPT TO command. Can be
- used multiple times.
- Send a complete RFC822-compliant email message:
- --data=<filename> Name of file to send after DATA command.
- With \"--data=-\" the script will read
- standard input (useful e.g. for pipes).
- Alternatively build email a message from provided components:
- --subject=<subject> Subject of the message
- --body-plain=<text|filename>
- --body-html=<text|filename>
- Plaintext and/or HTML body of the message
- If both are provided the message is sent
- as multipart.
- --attach=<filename>[\@<MIME/Type>]
- Attach a given filename.
- MIME-Type of the attachment is guessed
- by default guessed but can optionally
- be specified after '\@' delimiter.
- For instance: --attach mail.log\@text/plain
- Parameter can be used multiple times.
- --attach-inline=<filename>[\@<MIME/Type>]
- Attach a given filename (typically a picture)
- as a 'related' part to the above 'body-html'.
- Refer to these pictures as <img src='cid:filename'>
- in the 'body-html' contents.
- See --attach for details about MIME-Type.
- Can be used multiple times.
- --print-only Dump the composed MIME message to standard
- output. This is useful mainly for debugging
- or in the case you need to run the message
- through some filter before sending.
- Other options
- --verbose[=<number>] Be more verbose, print the SMTP session.
- --missing-modules-ok Don't complain about missing optional modules.
- --version Print: smtp-cli version $version
- --help Guess what is this option for ;-)
- exit (0);