path: root/Bugzilla/
diff options
authorByron Jones <>2014-01-22 09:23:53 +0100
committerByron Jones <>2014-01-22 09:23:53 +0100
commita7785b988566ece642c62664b51bcc822964625e (patch)
tree23083af3c07b41734376a041357f580e365475f5 /Bugzilla/
parent412d7c4f25611cf60810b5a3d26f0fef6b0c715f (diff)
Bug 951974: backport bug 237498 to bmo (Use memcached to improve performance)
Diffstat (limited to 'Bugzilla/')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Bugzilla/ b/Bugzilla/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1b10311b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bugzilla/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+package Bugzilla::Memcached;
+use 5.10.1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Bugzilla::Error;
+use Bugzilla::Util qw(trick_taint);
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
+sub _new {
+ my $invocant = shift;
+ my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
+ my $self = {};
+ # always return an object to simplify calling code when memcached is
+ # disabled.
+ if (Bugzilla->feature('memcached')
+ && Bugzilla->params->{memcached_servers})
+ {
+ require Cache::Memcached;
+ $self->{memcached} =
+ Cache::Memcached->new({
+ servers => [ split(/[, ]+/, Bugzilla->params->{memcached_servers}) ],
+ namespace => Bugzilla->params->{memcached_namespace} || '',
+ });
+ }
+ return bless($self, $class);
+sub set {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{memcached};
+ # { key => $key, value => $value }
+ if (exists $args->{key}) {
+ $self->_set($args->{key}, $args->{value});
+ }
+ # { table => $table, id => $id, name => $name, data => $data }
+ elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id} && exists $args->{name}) {
+ # For caching of Bugzilla::Object, we have to be able to clear the
+ # cached values when given either the object's id or name.
+ my ($table, $id, $name, $data) = @$args{qw(table id name data)};
+ $self->_set("$$id", $data);
+ if (defined $name) {
+ $self->_set("$table.name_id.$name", $id);
+ $self->_set("$table.id_name.$id", $name);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::set",
+ params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
+ }
+sub get {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{memcached};
+ # { key => $key }
+ if (exists $args->{key}) {
+ return $self->_get($args->{key});
+ }
+ # { table => $table, id => $id }
+ elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id}) {
+ my ($table, $id) = @$args{qw(table id)};
+ return $self->_get("$$id");
+ }
+ # { table => $table, name => $name }
+ elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{name}) {
+ my ($table, $name) = @$args{qw(table name)};
+ return unless my $id = $self->_get("$table.name_id.$name");
+ return $self->_get("$$id");
+ }
+ else {
+ ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::get",
+ params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
+ }
+sub clear {
+ my ($self, $args) = @_;
+ return unless $self->{memcached};
+ # { key => $key }
+ if (exists $args->{key}) {
+ $self->_delete($args->{key});
+ }
+ # { table => $table, id => $id }
+ elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{id}) {
+ my ($table, $id) = @$args{qw(table id)};
+ my $name = $self->_get("$table.id_name.$id");
+ $self->_delete("$$id");
+ $self->_delete("$table.name_id.$name") if defined $name;
+ $self->_delete("$table.id_name.$id");
+ }
+ # { table => $table, name => $name }
+ elsif (exists $args->{table} && exists $args->{name}) {
+ my ($table, $name) = @$args{qw(table name)};
+ return unless my $id = $self->_get("$table.name_id.$name");
+ $self->_delete("$$id");
+ $self->_delete("$table.name_id.$name");
+ $self->_delete("$table.id_name.$id");
+ }
+ else {
+ ThrowCodeError('params_required', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::clear",
+ params => [ 'key', 'table' ] });
+ }
+sub clear_all {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless my $memcached = $self->{memcached};
+ if (!$memcached->incr("prefix", 1)) {
+ $memcached->add("prefix", time());
+ }
+# in order to clear all our keys, we add a prefix to all our keys. when we
+# need to "clear" all current keys, we increment the prefix.
+sub _prefix {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ # we don't want to change prefixes in the middle of a request
+ my $request_cache = Bugzilla->request_cache;
+ if (!$request_cache->{memcached_prefix}) {
+ my $memcached = $self->{memcached};
+ my $prefix = $memcached->get("prefix");
+ if (!$prefix) {
+ $prefix = time();
+ if (!$memcached->add("prefix", $prefix)) {
+ # if this failed, either another process set the prefix, or
+ # memcached is down. assume we lost the race, and get the new
+ # value. if that fails, memcached is down so use a dummy
+ # prefix for this request.
+ $prefix = $memcached->get("prefix") || 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $request_cache->{memcached_prefix} = $prefix;
+ }
+ return $request_cache->{memcached_prefix};
+sub _set {
+ my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
+ if (blessed($value)) {
+ # we don't support blessed objects
+ ThrowCodeError('param_invalid', { function => "Bugzilla::Memcached::set",
+ param => "value" });
+ }
+ return $self->{memcached}->set($self->_prefix . ':' . $key, $value);
+sub _get {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ my $value = $self->{memcached}->get($self->_prefix . ':' . $key);
+ return unless defined $value;
+ # detaint returned values
+ # hashes and arrays are detainted just one level deep
+ if (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
+ map { defined($_) && trick_taint($_) } values %$value;
+ }
+ elsif (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ trick_taint($_) foreach @$value;
+ }
+ elsif (!ref($value)) {
+ trick_taint($value);
+ }
+ return $value;
+sub _delete {
+ my ($self, $key) = @_;
+ return $self->{memcached}->delete($self->_prefix . ':' . $key);
+=head1 NAME
+Bugzilla::Memcached - Interface between Bugzilla and Memcached.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Bugzilla;
+ my $memcached = Bugzilla->memcached;
+ # grab data from the cache. there is no need to check if memcached is
+ # available or enabled.
+ my $data = $memcached->get({ key => 'data_key' });
+ if (!defined $data) {
+ # not in cache, generate the data and populate the cache for next time
+ $data = some_long_process();
+ $memcached->set({ key => 'data_key', value => $data });
+ }
+ # do something with $data
+ # updating the profiles table directly shouldn't be attempted unless you know
+ # what you're doing. if you do update a table directly, you need to clear that
+ # object from memcached.
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET request_count=10 WHERE login_name=?", undef, $login);
+ $memcached->clear({ table => 'profiles', name => $login });
+If Memcached is installed and configured, Bugzilla can use it to cache data
+across requests and between webheads. Unlike the request and process caches,
+only scalars, hashrefs, and arrayrefs can be stored in Memcached.
+Memcached integration is only required for large installations of Bugzilla --
+if you have multiple webheads then configuring Memcache is recommended.
+L<Bugzilla::Memcached> provides an interface to a Memcached server/servers, with
+the ability to get, set, or clear entries from the cache.
+The stored value must be an unblessed hashref, unblessed array ref, or a
+scalar. Currently nested data structures are supported but require manual
+de-tainting after reading from Memcached (flat data structures are automatically
+All values are stored in the Memcached systems using the prefix configured with
+the C<memcached_namespace> parameter, as well as an additional prefix managed
+by this class to allow all values to be cleared when C<> is
+Do not create an instance of this object directly, instead use
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Setting
+Adds a value to Memcached.
+=item C<set({ key =E<gt> $key, value =E<gt> $value })>
+Adds the C<value> using the specific C<key>.
+=item C<set({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id, name =E<gt> $name, data =E<gt> $data })>
+Adds the C<data> using a keys generated from the C<table>, C<id>, and C<name>.
+All three parameters must be provided, however C<name> can be provided but set
+to C<undef>.
+This is a convenience method which allows cached data to be later retrieved by
+specifying the C<table> and either the C<id> or C<name>.
+=head2 Getting
+Retrieves a value from Memcached. Returns C<undef> if no matching values were
+found in the cache.
+=item C<get({ key =E<gt> $key })>
+Return C<value> with the specified C<key>.
+=item C<get({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id })>
+Return C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<id>.
+=item C<get({ table =E<gt> $table, name =E<gt> $name })>
+Return C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<name>.
+=head2 Clearing
+Removes the matching value from Memcached.
+=item C<clear({ key =E<gt> $key })>
+Removes C<value> with the specified C<key>.
+=item C<clear({ table =E<gt> $table, id =E<gt> $id })>
+Removes C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<id>, as well as the
+corresponding C<table> and C<name> entry.
+=item C<clear({ table =E<gt> $table, name =E<gt> $name })>
+Removes C<value> with the specified C<table> and C<name>, as well as the
+corresponding C<table> and C<id> entry.
+=item C<clear_all>
+Removes all values from the cache.
+=head1 Bugzilla::Object CACHE
+The main driver for Memcached integration is to allow L<Bugzilla::Object> based
+objects to be automatically cached in Memcache. This is enabled on a
+per-package basis by setting the C<USE_MEMCACHED> constant to any true value.
+The current implementation is an opt-in (USE_MEMCACHED is false by default),
+however this will change to opt-out once further testing has been completed
+(USE_MEMCACHED will be true by default).
+If an object is cached and the database is updated directly (instead of via
+C<$object-E<gt>update()>), then it's possible for the data in the cache to be
+out of sync with the database.
+As an example let's consider an extension which adds a timestamp field
+C<last_activitiy_ts> to the profiles table and user object which contains the
+user's last activity. If the extension were to call C<$user-E<gt>update()>,
+then an audit entry would be created for each change to the C<last_activity_ts>
+field, which is undesirable.
+To remedy this, the extension updates the table directly. It's critical with
+Memcached that it then clears the cache:
+ $dbh->do("UPDATE profiles SET last_activity_ts=? WHERE userid=?",
+ undef, $timestamp, $user_id);
+ Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => 'profiles', id => $user_id });