path: root/contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit
diff options
authorDavid Lawrence <>2015-07-06 21:21:04 +0200
committerDavid Lawrence <>2015-07-06 21:21:04 +0200
commitb758be1d37cb49ced8cb17fca3d5a4cb2dd2e03e (patch)
tree01d7b7c5a5fcd5dddc0ed4adc55a60917ce70bce /contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit
parentf70d4ce7e0a94379bb901559109650874946c84b (diff)
Bug 1172968: Move the scripts we want to keep from contrib/* and place them in scripts/ directory. Remove contrib from repo
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 301 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit b/contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit
deleted file mode 100755
index d98e7de8d..000000000
--- a/contrib/bugzilla-submit/bugzilla-submit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# bugzilla-submit: a command-line script to post bugs to a Bugzilla instance
-# Authors: Christian Reis <>
-# Eric S. Raymond <>
-# This is version 0.5.
-# For a usage hint run bugzilla-submit --help
-# TODO: use RDF output to pick up valid options, as in
-import sys, string
-def error(m):
- sys.stderr.write("bugzilla-submit: %s\n" % m)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- sys.exit(1)
-version = string.split(string.split(sys.version)[0], ".")[:2]
-if map(int, version) < [2, 3]:
- error("you must upgrade to Python 2.3 or higher to use this script.")
-import urllib, re, os, netrc, email.Parser, optparse
-class ErrorURLopener(urllib.URLopener):
- """URLopener that handles HTTP 404s"""
- def http_error_404(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers, *extra):
- raise ValueError, errmsg # 'File Not Found'
-# Set up some aliases -- partly to hide the less friendly fieldnames
-# behind the names actually used for them in the stock web page presentation,
-# and partly to provide a place for mappings if the Bugzilla fieldnames
-# ever change.
-field_aliases = (('hardware', 'rep_platform'),
- ('os', 'op_sys'),
- ('summary', 'short_desc'),
- ('description', 'comment'),
- ('depends_on', 'dependson'),
- ('status', 'bug_status'),
- ('severity', 'bug_severity'),
- ('url', 'bug_file_loc'),)
-def header_to_field(hdr):
- hdr = hdr.lower().replace("-", "_")
- for (alias, name) in field_aliases:
- if hdr == alias:
- hdr = name
- break
- return hdr
-def field_to_header(hdr):
- hdr = "-".join(map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), hdr.split("_")))
- for (alias, name) in field_aliases:
- if hdr == name:
- hdr = alias
- break
- return hdr
-def setup_parser():
- # Take override values from the command line
- parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] bugzilla-url")
- parser.add_option('-b', '--status', dest='bug_status',
- help='Set the Status field.')
- parser.add_option('-u', '--url', dest='bug_file_loc',
- help='Set the URL field.')
- parser.add_option('-p', '--product', dest='product',
- help='Set the Product field.')
- parser.add_option('-v', '--version', dest='version',
- help='Set the Version field.')
- parser.add_option('-c', '--component', dest='component',
- help='Set the Component field.')
- parser.add_option('-s', '--summary', dest='short_desc',
- help='Set the Summary field.')
- parser.add_option('-H', '--hardware', dest='rep_platform',
- help='Set the Hardware field.')
- parser.add_option('-o', '--os', dest='op_sys',
- help='Set the Operating System field.')
- parser.add_option('-r', '--priority', dest='priority',
- help='Set the Priority field.')
- parser.add_option('-x', '--severity', dest='bug_severity',
- help='Set the Severity field.')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--description', dest='comment',
- help='Set the Description field.')
- parser.add_option('-a', '--assigned-to', dest='assigned_to',
- help='Set the Assigned-To field.')
- parser.add_option('-C', '--cc', dest='cc',
- help='Set the Cc field.')
- parser.add_option('-k', '--keywords', dest='keywords',
- help='Set the Keywords field.')
- parser.add_option('-D', '--depends-on', dest='dependson',
- help='Set the Depends-On field.')
- parser.add_option('-B', '--blocked', dest='blocked',
- help='Set the Blocked field.')
- parser.add_option('-n', '--no-stdin', dest='read',
- default=True, action='store_false',
- help='Suppress reading fields from stdin.')
- return parser
-# Fetch user's credential for access to this Bugzilla instance.
-def get_credentials(bugzilla):
- # Work around a quirk in the Python implementation.
- # The URL has to be quoted, otherwise the parser barfs on the colon.
- # But the parser doesn't strip the quotes.
- authenticate_on = '"' + bugzilla + '"'
- try:
- credentials = netrc.netrc()
- except netrc.NetrcParseError, e:
- error("ill-formed .netrc: %s:%s %s" % (e.filename, e.lineno, e.msg))
- except IOError, e:
- error("missing .netrc file %s" % str(e).split()[-1])
- ret = credentials.authenticators(authenticate_on)
- if not ret:
- # Okay, the literal string passed in failed. Just to make sure,
- # try adding/removing a slash after the address and looking
- # again. We don't know what format was used in .netrc, which is
- # why this rather hackish approach is necessary.
- if bugzilla[-1] == "/":
- authenticate_on = '"' + bugzilla[:-1] + '"'
- else:
- authenticate_on = '"' + bugzilla + '/"'
- ret = credentials.authenticators(authenticate_on)
- if not ret:
- # Apparently, an invalid machine URL will cause credentials == None
- error("no credentials for Bugzilla instance at %s" % bugzilla)
- return ret
-def process_options(options):
- data = {}
- # Initialize bug report fields from message on standard input
- if
- message_parser = email.Parser.Parser()
- message = message_parser.parse(sys.stdin)
- for (key, value) in message.items():
- data.update({header_to_field(key) : value})
- if not 'comment' in data:
- data['comment'] = message.get_payload()
- # Merge in options from the command line; they override what's on stdin.
- for (key, value) in options.__dict__.items():
- if key != 'read' and value != None:
- data[key] = value
- return data
-def ensure_defaults(data):
- # Provide some defaults if the user did not supply them.
- if 'op_sys' not in data:
- if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
- data['op_sys'] = 'Linux'
- if 'rep_platform' not in data:
- data['rep_platform'] = 'PC'
- if 'bug_status' not in data:
- data['bug_status'] = 'CONFIRMED'
- if 'bug_severity' not in data:
- data['bug_severity'] = 'normal'
- if 'bug_file_loc' not in data:
- data['bug_file_loc'] = 'http://' # Yes, Bugzilla needs this
- if 'priority' not in data:
- data['priority'] = 'Normal'
-def validate_fields(data):
- # Fields for validation
- required_fields = (
- "bug_status", "bug_file_loc", "product", "version", "component",
- "short_desc", "rep_platform", "op_sys", "priority", "bug_severity",
- "comment",
- )
- legal_fields = required_fields + (
- "assigned_to", "cc", "keywords", "dependson", "blocked",
- )
- my_fields = data.keys()
- for field in my_fields:
- if field not in legal_fields:
- error("invalid field: %s" % field_to_header(field))
- for field in required_fields:
- if field not in my_fields:
- error("required field missing: %s" % field_to_header(field))
- if not data['short_desc']:
- error("summary for bug submission must not be empty")
- if not data['comment']:
- error("comment for bug submission must not be empty")
-# POST-specific functions
-def submit_bug_POST(bugzilla, data):
- # Move the request over the wire
- postdata = urllib.urlencode(data)
- try:
- url = ErrorURLopener().open("%s/post_bug.cgi" % bugzilla, postdata)
- except ValueError:
- error("Bugzilla site at %s not found (HTTP returned 404)" % bugzilla)
- ret =
- check_result_POST(ret, data)
-def check_result_POST(ret, data):
- # XXX We can move pre-validation out of here as soon as we pick up
- # the valid options from config.cgi -- it will become a simple
- # assertion and ID-grabbing step.
- #
- # XXX: We use get() here which may return None, but since the user
- # might not have provided these options, we don't want to die on
- # them.
- version = data.get('version')
- product = data.get('product')
- component = data.get('component')
- priority = data.get('priority')
- severity = data.get('bug_severity')
- status = data.get('bug_status')
- assignee = data.get('assigned_to')
- platform = data.get('rep_platform')
- opsys = data.get('op_sys')
- keywords = data.get('keywords')
- deps = data.get('dependson', '') + " " + data.get('blocked', '')
- deps = deps.replace(" ", ", ")
- # XXX: we should really not be using plain find() here, as it can
- # match the bug content inadvertedly
- if ret.find("A legal Version was not") != -1:
- error("version %r does not exist for component %s:%s" %
- (version, product, component))
- if ret.find("A legal Priority was not") != -1:
- error("priority %r does not exist in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % priority)
- if ret.find("A legal Severity was not") != -1:
- error("severity %r does not exist in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % severity)
- if ret.find("A legal Status was not") != -1:
- error("status %r is not a valid creation status in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % status)
- if ret.find("A legal Platform was not") != -1:
- error("platform %r is not a valid platform in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % platform)
- if ret.find("A legal OS/Version was not") != -1:
- error("%r is not a valid OS in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % opsys)
- if ret.find("Invalid Username") != -1:
- error("invalid credentials submitted")
- if ret.find("Component Needed") != -1:
- error("the component %r does not exist in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % component)
- if ret.find("Unknown Keyword") != -1:
- error("keyword(s) %r not registered in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % keywords)
- if ret.find("The product name") != -1:
- error("product %r does not exist in this "
- "Bugzilla instance" % product)
- # XXX: this should be smarter
- if ret.find("does not exist") != -1:
- error("could not mark dependencies for bugs %s: one or "
- "more bugs didn't exist in this Bugzilla instance" % deps)
- if ret.find("Match Failed") != -1:
- # XXX: invalid CC hits on this error too
- error("the bug assignee %r isn't registered in "
- "this Bugzilla instance" % assignee)
- # If all is well, return bug number posted
- if ret.find("process_bug.cgi") == -1:
- error("could not post bug to %s: are you sure this "
- "is Bugzilla instance's top-level directory?" % bugzilla)
- m ="Bug ([0-9]+) Submitted", ret)
- if not m:
- print ret
- error("Internal error: bug id not found; please report a bug")
- id =
- print "Bug %s posted." % id
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = setup_parser()
- # Parser will print help and exit here if we specified --help
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("missing Bugzilla host URL")
- bugzilla = args[0]
- data = process_options(options)
- login, account, password = get_credentials(bugzilla)
- if "@" not in login: # no use even trying to submit
- error("login %r is invalid (it should be an email address)" % login)
- ensure_defaults(data)
- validate_fields(data)
- # Attach authentication information
- data.update({'Bugzilla_login' : login,
- 'Bugzilla_password' : password,
- 'GoAheadAndLogIn' : 1,
- 'form_name' : 'enter_bug'})
- submit_bug_POST(bugzilla, data)