path: root/editgroups.cgi
diff options
mode: <>2000-06-24 03:03:46 +0200 <>2000-06-24 03:03:46 +0200
commit8eb2d6ffa3b01ff437f1726fb17b0a326ede653d (patch)
tree46bc742967cfaf1dff12bb799e2d956a874775ea /editgroups.cgi
parent958cad91f950f71b63e3d28267bfd892038ff7cc (diff)
checkin to fix Bug 25010 "Need a way to edit the list of available groups".
Patches and work contributed by (Dave Miller). Some cleanup work needs to be done with regards to permissions and bit-twiddling see other bugs that are dependent on 25010 for details.
Diffstat (limited to 'editgroups.cgi')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/editgroups.cgi b/editgroups.cgi
index 1f329d8ac..4d1b74bd7 100755
--- a/editgroups.cgi
+++ b/editgroups.cgi
@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@ if ($action eq 'new') {
# First the next available bit
my $bit = "";
foreach (@bitvals) {
- if ($bit == "") {
+ if ($bit eq "") {
SendSQL("SELECT bit FROM groups WHERE bit=" . SqlQuote($_));
if (!FetchOneColumn()) { $bit = $_; }
- if ($bit == "") {
+ if ($bit eq "") {
ShowError("Sorry, you already have the maximum number of groups " .
"defined.<BR><BR>You must delete a group first before you " .
"can add any more.</B>");
@@ -349,11 +349,57 @@ if ($action eq 'del') {
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>\n";
- print "<H2>Confirmation</H2>\n";
- print "<P>Do you really want to delete this group?<P>\n";
print "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=editgroups.cgi>\n";
- print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Yes, delete\">\n";
+ my $cantdelete = 0;
+ SendSQL("SELECT login_name FROM profiles WHERE " .
+ "(groupset & $bit) OR (blessgroupset & $bit)");
+ if (!FetchOneColumn()) {} else {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ print "
+<B>One or more users belong to this group. You cannot delete this group while
+there are users in it.</B><BR>
+<A HREF=\"editusers.cgi?action=list&query=" .
+url_quote("(groupset & $bit) OR (blessgroupset & $bit)") . "\">Show me which users.</A> - <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"removeusers\">Remove all users from
+this group for me<P>
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE (groupset & $bit)");
+ if (MoreSQLData()) {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ my $buglist = "0";
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($bug) = FetchSQLData();
+ $buglist .= "," . $bug;
+ }
+ print "
+<B>One or more bug reports are visible only to this group.
+You cannot delete this group while any bugs are using it.</B><BR>
+<A HREF=\"buglist.cgi?bug_id=$buglist\">Show me which bugs.</A> -
+<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"removebugs\">Remove all bugs from this group
+restriction for me<BR>
+<B>NOTE:</B> It's quite possible to make confidential bugs public by checking
+this box. It is <B>strongly</B> suggested that you review the bugs in this
+group before checking the box.<P>
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT product FROM products WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($name));
+ if (MoreSQLData()) {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ print "
+<B>This group is tied to the <U>$name</U> product.
+You cannot delete this group while it is tied to a product.</B><BR>
+<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=\"unbind\">Delete this group anyway, and make the
+<U>$name</U> product publicly visible.<BR>
+ }
+ print "<H2>Confirmation</H2>\n";
+ print "<P>Do you really want to delete this group?\n";
+ if ($cantdelete) {
+ print "<BR><B>You must check all of the above boxes or correct the " .
+ "indicated problems first before you can proceed.</B>";
+ }
+ print "<P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Yes, delete\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"action\" VALUE=\"delete\">\n";
print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"group\" VALUE=\"$bit\">\n";
print "</FORM>";
@@ -367,23 +413,88 @@ if ($action eq 'del') {
if ($action eq 'delete') {
- PutHeader("Deleting user");
- ShowError("This function has not been implemented yet! (Sorry)<br>" .
- "Try again later");
- print "
-Deleting a group is not as easy as it sounds:<p>
-<LI>All users have to be checked to ensure anyone who is a member of this group is first removed from membership.
-<LI>All bugs have to be checked to ensure no bugs are set to use this group.
-If the above is not done, conflicts may occur if a new group is created that uses a bit number that has already been used in the past.<p>
-Deleting a group will be implemented very shortly, stay tuned!
-I just figured most people would be more interested in adding and editing
-groups for the time being, so I would get that done first, so I could get this out here for people to use. :)<p>
-Watch <a href=\"\">Bug 25010</a> on Mozilla's bugzilla for details.
+ PutHeader("Deleting group");
+ my $bit = trim($::FORM{group} || '');
+ unless ($bit) {
+ ShowError("No group specified.<BR>" .
+ "Click the <b>Back</b> button and try again.");
+ PutFooter();
+ exit;
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT name " .
+ "FROM groups " .
+ "WHERE bit = " . SqlQuote($bit));
+ my ($name) = FetchSQLData();
+ my $cantdelete = 0;
+ my $opblessgroupset = '9223372036854775807'; # This is all 64 bits.
+ SendSQL("SELECT userid FROM profiles " .
+ "WHERE (groupset & $opblessgroupset)=$opblessgroupset");
+ my @opusers = ();
+ while (MoreSQLData()) {
+ my ($userid) = FetchSQLData();
+ push @opusers, $userid; # cache a list of the users with admin powers
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT login_name FROM profiles WHERE " .
+ "(groupset & $bit)=$bit OR (blessgroupset & $bit)=$bit");
+ if (FetchOneColumn()) {
+ if (!defined $::FORM{'removeusers'}) {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE (groupset & $bit)=$bit");
+ if (FetchOneColumn()) {
+ if (!defined $::FORM{'removebugs'}) {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT product FROM products WHERE product=" . SqlQuote($name));
+ if (FetchOneColumn()) {
+ if (!defined $::FORM{'unbind'}) {
+ $cantdelete = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($cantdelete == 1) {
+ ShowError("This group cannot be deleted because there are child " .
+ "records in the database which refer to it. All child records " .
+ "must be removed or altered to remove the reference to this " .
+ "group before the group can be deleted.");
+ print "<A HREF=\"editgroups.cgi?action=del&group=$bit\">" .
+ "View the list of which records are affected</A><BR>";
+ PutTrailer("<a href=editgroups.cgi>Back to group list</a>");
+ exit;
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT login_name,groupset,blessgroupset FROM profiles WHERE " .
+ "(groupset & $bit) OR (blessgroupset & $bit)");
+ if (FetchOneColumn()) {
+ SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET groupset=(groupset-$bit) " .
+ "WHERE (groupset & $bit)");
+ print "All users have been removed from group $bit.<BR>";
+ SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET blessgroupset=(blessgroupset-$bit) " .
+ "WHERE (blessgroupset & $bit)");
+ print "All users with authority to add users to group $bit have " .
+ "had that authority removed.<BR>";
+ }
+ SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE (groupset & $bit)");
+ if (FetchOneColumn()) {
+ SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET groupset=(groupset-$bit) " .
+ "WHERE (groupset & $bit)");
+ print "All bugs have had group bit $bit cleared. Any of these " .
+ "bugs that were not also in another group are now " .
+ "publicly visible.<BR>";
+ }
+ SendSQL("DELETE FROM groups WHERE bit=$bit");
+ print "<B>Group $bit has been deleted.</B><BR>";
+ foreach my $userid (@opusers) {
+ SendSQL("UPDATE profiles SET groupset=$opblessgroupset " .
+ "WHERE userid=$userid");
+ print "Group bits restored for " . DBID_to_name($userid) .
+ " (maintainer)<BR>\n";
+ }
PutTrailer("<a href=editgroups.cgi>Back to group list</a>");