path: root/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create
diff options
authorDave Lawrence <>2014-03-07 16:52:29 +0100
committerDave Lawrence <>2014-03-07 16:52:29 +0100
commitbf6de09347dac9282ac9ddf54dd96f8a06f2ef74 (patch)
tree6d308bb0ab3e81901c49603b5cda36e234eac5f3 /extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create
parentb4746a1060dba7a5eb634e6c4e2b288a44b977d2 (diff)
Bug 956730 - Firefox OS Feature Request Submission Form
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create')
2 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-fxos-feature.txt.tmpl b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-fxos-feature.txt.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65224bfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/comment-fxos-feature.txt.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ # file, You can obtain one at
+ #
+ # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ #%]
+[% USE Bugzilla %]
+[% cgi = Bugzilla.cgi +%]
+>> Feature Request Title:
+[%+ cgi.param('short_desc') %]
+>> Description of feature, or problem to be solved
+[%+ cgi.param("description") %]
+>> Impact of implementing the feature/solution
+[%+ cgi.param("implement_impact") %]
+>> Impact of NOT implementing the feature/solution
+[%+ cgi.param("not_implement_impact") %]
+>> Date required
+[%+ cgi.param("date_required") %]
diff --git a/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-fxos-feature.html.tmpl b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-fxos-feature.html.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..faa0495a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/BMO/template/en/default/bug/create/create-fxos-feature.html.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ # file, You can obtain one at
+ #
+ # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
+ # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
+ #%]
+[% PROCESS global/variables.none.tmpl %]
+[% inline_style = BLOCK %]
+#feature_form {
+ padding: 10px;
+#feature_form .required:after {
+ content: " *";
+ color: red;
+#feature_form .field_label {
+ font-weight: bold;
+#feature_form .field_desc {
+ padding-bottom: 3px;
+#feature_form .field_desc,
+#feature_form .head_desc {
+ width: 600px;
+ word-wrap: normal;
+#feature_form .head_desc {
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 12px;
+#feature_form .form_section {
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+#feature_form textarea {
+ font-family: inherit;
+ font-size: inherit;
+#feature_form #comp_description {
+ test-align: left;
+ color: green;
+ padding-left: 1em;
+[% END %]
+[% inline_javascript = BLOCK %]
+var compdesc = new Array();
+compdesc[""] = 'Please select a component from the list above.';
+[% FOREACH comp = product.components %]
+ compdesc['[% FILTER js %]'] = '[% comp.description FILTER js %]';
+[% END %]
+function showCompDesc() {
+ var comp_select = document.getElementById('component');
+ document.getElementById('comp_description').innerHTML = compdesc[comp_select.value];
+function validateAndSubmit() {
+ var alert_text = '';
+ if (!isFilledOut('component')) alert_text += 'Please select a value for product component.\n';
+ if (!isFilledOut('short_desc')) alert_text += 'Please enter a value for feature request title.\n';
+ if (alert_text != '') {
+ alert(alert_text);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+[% END %]
+[% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl
+ title = "Firefox OS Feature Request Form"
+ style = inline_style
+ javascript = inline_javascript
+ javascript_urls = [ 'extensions/BMO/web/js/form_validate.js' ]
+[% USE Bugzilla %]
+[% cgi = Bugzilla.cgi %]
+<form id="feature_form" method="post" action="post_bug.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data"
+ onSubmit="return validateAndSubmit();">
+ <input type="hidden" name="format" value="fxos-feature">
+ <input type="hidden" name="product" value="Firefox OS">
+ <input type="hidden" name="keywords" value="feature">
+ <input type="hidden" name="rep_platform" value="All">
+ <input type="hidden" name="op_sys" value="Other">
+ <input type="hidden" name="version" value="unspecified">
+ <input type="hidden" name="bug_severity" id="bug_severity" value="normal">
+ <input type="hidden" name="token" value="[% token FILTER html %]">
+<img title="Firefox OS Feature Form" src="extensions/BMO/web/producticons/firefox.png">
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="component" class="field_label required">Product Component</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ Which product component is your feature request applicable to?
+ If you are not sure, choose "General".
+ </div>
+ <select name="component" id="component" onchange="showCompDesc(this);">
+ <option value="">Select One</option>
+ [%- FOREACH c = product.components %]
+ [% NEXT IF NOT c.is_active %]
+ <option value="[% FILTER html %]"
+ id="v[% FILTER html %]_component"
+ [% IF == default.component_ %]
+ selected="selected"
+ [% END %]>
+ [% FILTER html -%]
+ </option>
+ [%- END %]
+ </select>
+ <div id="comp_description"></div>
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="short_desc" class="field_label required">Feature Request Title</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ Please enter a title for your feature request that is brief and self explanatory.
+ (Example: "Memory dialing using keypad numbers")
+ </div>
+ <input type="text" name="short_desc" id="short_desc" size="80">
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="description" class="field_label">Description of feature or problem to be solved</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ Please describe the feature that you are requesting or the problem that you would like solved in detail
+ (Example, "Today, there is no way for the user to quickly dial user-defined numbers from the dial pad.
+ Instead the user must search for an find the contact in their contact list.").
+ If the described feature only applies to certain device types (eg. tablet vs. smartphone), please make note of it.
+ </div>
+ <textarea id="description" name="description" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="implement_impact" class="field_label">Impact of implementing the feature/solution</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ If this solution were to be implemented, what would the impact be?
+ (Example, "If this solution were to be implemented, it would save the users
+ significant time when dialing commonly used phone numbers.")
+ </div>
+ <textarea id="implement_impact" name="implement_impact" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="not_implement_impact" class="field_label">Impact of NOT implementing the feature/solution</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ If this solution were NOT to be implemented, what would the impact be?
+ (Example, "By not implementing this solution, we are unable to sell phones in
+ Iceland which has a certification requirement to have support for memory dialing.")
+ </div>
+ <textarea id="not_implement_impact" name="not_implement_impact" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
+<div class="form_section">
+ <label for="date_required" class="field_label">Date required</label>
+ <div class="field_desc">
+ Is this solution required by a certain date? Why?
+ (Example: "March 2014. We plan to sell phones in Iceland in June 2014 using Firefox OS 1.4.
+ Completing the feature in March would allow the device to pass operator certification in time
+ for a June retail launch.")<br>
+ <strong>Note:</strong> completing this field does not imply that the feature will indeed be delivered in this timeframe.
+ </div>
+ <textarea id="date_required" name="date_required" cols="80" rows="5"></textarea>
+<div class="head_desc">
+ Once your form has been submitted, a tracking [% terms.bug %] will be created. We will
+ then reach out for additional info and next steps. Thanks!
+<input type="submit" id="commit" value="Submit">
+ [ <span class="required_star">*</span> <span class="required_explanation">Required Field</span> ]
+[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]